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Chapter 202 Battle of Baicaokou

Although he looked impatient and eager to attack, after the formation was actually set up, Yelu Dilie did not launch an attack directly. Instead, he ordered the entire army to remain on alert and rest in place, separated from the Han army's back-mountain formation.

The confrontation was about two miles away.

At the same time, rangers were widely deployed to search and plunder within ten miles from east to west to detect any other movements of the Han army in preparation for any eventuality. After all, the Han army's move of leaving the border with two thousand infantry was too bold and unacceptable.

Don't think about whether there is any conspiracy in it.

Judging from Yelu Dilie's performance, although he was young and arrogant, he was also cunning. In about half an hour, he was rewarded, and there was no difference in the surrounding areas.

In this way, Yelu Dilie was also a little relieved. The summer sky was hanging high, releasing a blazing light, shining on the Han and Liao military formations in the north of Gouzhu Mountain. There was silence in the fields. Under the tense atmosphere of the battlefield, there was only constant suppression.

The sound of animal sounds sounded.

When Yelu Dilie was about to order an attack, Yerusa persuaded him again and asked him to wait patiently, which made Yelu Dilie furious: "I have checked all around, and there is nothing strange! The Han army broke away from the fortress.

If you form a formation in front of a pass, you will take advantage of your own shortcomings. I will attack them with several times the number of troops and horses, so why should you be timid?"

Yelu Saji said: "The sun is scorching in the sky and the weather is hot, which is not conducive to fighting. Please put the attack on hold for the time being and let the soldiers continue to replenish water and rest! Wait until the sun moves westward before attacking again!"

This reason reluctantly persuaded Yelu Dilie. After preliminary preparations, it was already past noon, and the blazing sunshine shone on the armors and weapons of the soldiers on both sides. The reflected light was so hot and dazzling that Yelu Dilie could only temporarily

Stop being aggressive.

In the Chinese army formation, standing on a chariot, Yang Ye had been observing the movements of the Liao army, with a calm look on his resolute face. During these days, Yang Ye also had a clear picture of the situation of the Liao army.

In the Shuo area, it was true that only more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry were recruited. Although he could not figure out the intention of the Liao army, after confirming that he only needed to deal with this 10,000 Liao army, Yang Ye formally implemented his decision to boldly attack the enemy and test his own military training.


The camp general of the Chinese army said to Yang Ye: "General, this Liao army is too timid, and they dare not attack like this!"

The blazing sunshine made it difficult for Yang Ye to fully open his eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. Yang Ye said: "The Liao army wants to compete with us for patience, so let's see who has more patience! If you pass on the order, without my order, each camp can't do anything."

Move gently and let the soldiers take turns to rest and rehydrate!"


In this way, the two sides faced off until the sun moved westward, the light became less bright, and the heat of the armor also weakened. The Liao army finally could no longer hold back.

In terms of strict military discipline, solemn flags and armor, and orderly advance and retreat, among the Liao army, only the Pishi army can be considered as the best. Although the other tribal armies have many warriors and combat experience, they are ultimately weaker in terms of discipline. In addition, in addition to this

Fan Nai was recruited and gathered on a temporary basis and lacked training, so in this long-term confrontation, restlessness was unavoidable.

In comparison, the Dingxiang army, which had been trained by Yang Ye for many years, remained motionless even under the bright sun. The military discipline was strict, and they even cooperated in drinking water and eating.

"Let the Han soldiers charge into my center and attack the center of the army directly. The soldiers on the left and right are divided into one team each, and attack the two flanks with cavalry and fire!"

Following Yelu Dilie's order, the Han soldiers in front of the Liao army's formation began to attack the Dingxiang army. At the same time, a tribe of about 700 riders separated from the two wings and headed straight towards the Han formation.

This is also the Khitan's consistent method of fighting. They use servants and vassals to attack, supplemented by elite cavalry to pressure and fight. At the same time, they leave the most elite troops at the end to find loopholes and kill them with one blow. At this time, the levy came.

The three thousand Han soldiers were used as cannon fodder.

Yang Ye was familiar with this. Facing the Han soldiers who rushed towards him under the supervision of Liao Cavalry, although he felt a little emotional in his heart, he was not merciful at all. Under the military order, the soldiers in the formation all mentioned

Energetic and ready for battle.

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The first thing the Han soldiers of the Liao army faced was the attack of the Han army's bows and crossbows. In order to deal with the Liao army, the Han army in the north was the best in the configuration of bows and crossbows.

According to the orders of the Han army officers in the formation, the crossbowmen cooperated in an orderly manner, round after round, like a machine, continuously winding up and firing, and continuously striking at the oncoming "Han soldiers", with a full sense of rhythm.


And just to get close to the Han army's formation, the thousand "Han soldiers" who attacked frontally suffered hundreds of casualties. After the crossbows, there were spears, and after the spears there were knives and axes.

When they collided directly, the "Han soldiers" were like waves hitting a rock, and they were shattered. Years of training in fighting skills allowed the Han soldiers in front of the formation to simply harvest the lives of the cannon fodder, cooperate in an orderly manner, and calmly

In just two quarters of an hour of killing, the thousand "Han soldiers" who were ordered to charge into the battle broke up and fled, suffering nearly 300 casualties. The Liao cavalry supervising the battle team behind them could not stop themselves.

"Why are these Han soldiers so unreliable? They were defeated and returned in just a short time!" Behind them, in the cavalry formation of the Liao army, Yelu Dilie was furious.

"Your Majesty, the Han army across from us is an elite force with tight formations and orderly coordination. It is definitely a strong army. Otherwise, we would not have the confidence to leave the border with just two thousand people and confront us head-on!" A subordinate will confront him!

Said: "If you want to rely on these Han people with low fighting spirit to break through their defenses, it is almost impossible!"

"Send people to take in those defeated soldiers!" Yelv Dilie immediately ordered: "Let the two teams of cavalry withdraw first!"

Looking at the distance, the Han army's formation had not wavered at all despite being attacked and was being refilled and adjusted. Yelu Dilie once again confirmed that this was indeed a strong force.

While the "Han soldiers" were charging into the formation, the two teams of rangers were also harassing with mounted fire, trying to disrupt the Han army's morale and formation, but obviously with little success. Under the command of Yang Ye, the Liao cavalry remained unmoved.

The Liao cavalry approached and fired with crossbows. As for the cavalry charging into the formation, facing the forest of cars, shields and spears, without a death order, no Liao cavalry would want to test their edge.

After repelling the first wave of attacks by the Liao army, the Han army adjusted their positions intensively, treated the wounded, and quickly recovered as before.

On the Liao army's side, Yelu Dilie looked at the "Han soldiers" who were contained or captured in front of the formation with a tyrannical face. In his opinion, although the Han army's military formation was tight and the soldiers were refined, but

The failure of the first battle was due to the fact that these Han people were useless, ignored his military orders, and were unwilling to fight to the death for Daliao.

"Pick out the wounded soldiers who have returned, and pick them out for me!" Yelu Di Lie pointed his hand and gave an order.

After hearing the order, the surrounding Liao cavalry stepped forward and quickly picked out about a hundred "Han soldiers" who had returned alive and injured, and concentrated them on Yelu Dilie. Yelu Dilie said: "They are all good people.

Take it down first!”

Then he ordered the remaining five or six hundred people to be gathered together. With a grin on his face, Yelv Dilie ordered: "Prepare bows and arrows, and shoot all those who are afraid of fighting and timid to fight!"

After his words, everyone was horrified, but under his cold orders, the Liao cavalry drew their bows and arrows, and fired thousands of arrows straight at the defeated "Han soldiers". They did not speak Chinese, only two rounds, and there was no psychology.

Most of the "Han soldiers" who were preparing fell down. In fear, they ran around, but no matter how fast their legs were, they could not escape the bows and arrows, let alone the strangulation of the cavalry. Soon, a group of Han soldiers fell in front of the Liao army's formation.

The corpses on the ground were more bloody than those in front of the Han army that had just fought.

After such an incident, the expressions of the remaining two thousand "Han troops" on the other side changed drastically. Another group of one thousand "Han troops" were led to the front, facing the murderous Liao cavalry.

Everyone is worried.

Yelu Dilie was also very courageous. He led a small group of Pishi troops forward and shouted condescendingly: "Those people just now were timid and fearful of the enemy, which led to the failure of the offensive. Daliao does not need such incompetent soldiers. They have been replaced by us."

Behead and kill to correct military law.

Although you are Han people, you are our soldiers of Daliao. Your parents, wives and children have been preserved under the rule of Daliao. For Daliao, you need to muster up the courage to charge into battle.

I emphasize once again that killing the enemy is a meritorious service, and those who are timid will die, and those who dare to retreat due to fear of the enemy will be killed!"

After Yelu Dilie's operation, not to mention the "Han Army", even the soldiers of the Khitan headquarters couldn't help but look sideways. The leather room was secure. Yelu Sa was behind and looked at Yelu Dilie with a little surprise. This Anping

Wang, at such a young age, can be so ruthless. Before, I had underestimated him.

The movement in front of the Liao army's formation caught the eyes of the Han army on the opposite side. For some reason, they started fighting each other. Yang Ye saw it really, and his resolute expression became more serious. He saw the problem. He immediately raised his eyebrows.

Li Da shouted: "The Liao people are cruel and treat us Han people like nothing. Their second attack is imminent. All officers and soldiers in the army, listen to my orders and prepare to defend against the enemy. Follow my general to defeat them and kill them!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The soldiers in the formation shouted in unison, knocking their shields, raising their guns, or raising their swords, and their morale suddenly reached its highest level.

But Yang Ye knows in his heart that the defensive pressure he will receive will increase a lot. Under Yelu Dilie's cruel military laws and the pressure of death, the fighting will of the "Han soldiers" will not be destroyed so easily. If you want to be like just now

It won't be so easy to kill them off like that.

On the Liao army's side, after adjustments, the second batch of thousands of Han troops prepared for attack and attacked again. The battle developed just as Yang Ye expected. As expected, this group of "Han soldiers"

He became more brave and risked his life to attack the Han army's formation. Although it was still difficult to break through, the pressure and casualties it brought to the Han army were also different.

This time, the "Han soldiers" attack lasted for half an hour, but still ended in failure. There were more than 400 casualties, and among those who retreated, nearly 200 were uninjured. Yelv Dilie still followed the previous method, and on the spot


As a result, the third batch of "Han soldiers" no longer had any chance of retreat or luck. Under the supervision of the Liao cavalry, they attacked Yang Ye's battle formation desperately. This attack persisted to the end. After more than half of the casualties,

With everyone injured, they were repulsed.

After an hour and a half of fierce fighting, every "Han soldier" on the Liao army's side had been attacked for one round. Thousands of people were directly killed or injured by the Han army, and the rest were no longer able to fight. Dingxiang army

Here, the casualties were over two hundred.

"Your Majesty, the Han soldiers have no fighting power. The enemy's formation is still difficult to shake. If we don't expose any flaws and don't invest our own cavalry, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat them!" A general said to Yelu dilie.

"Send a team of cavalry and charge into the formation!" Yelu Dilie said immediately as his blood surged and his face turned red.

However, Yerusa came to dissuade him again: "Your Majesty, charge the battle with cavalry, and the damage will be great!"

"The attack and killing of Han soldiers has weakened the vigor of the Han army and consumed a large number of their arrows. Under such circumstances, when we are breaking the formation, can we still give up halfway and withdraw our troops halfway?" Yelu dilie said angrily.

Yelu Sagui said equally seriously: "The Han army's formation is still rigorous, and a strong attack may not be effective, but will injure the soldiers!"

In addition to the imperial troops and tribal armies, the Liao army only had a small number of Xi, Bohai and other elite troops recognized by it. The rest were vassal troops recruited for battle, and were generally used as cannon fodder and to do dirty work.

Tired work.

This move of troops was really hasty, so except for the three thousand "Han soldiers", the rest were the cavalry of the headquarters. Yelu dilie was reluctant to let them charge into the Han formation, but the tribal generals were hesitant.

Therefore, Jerusa was correct and received some support.

The dispute on the Liao army's side affected Yang Ye's judgment of the battle situation. While he was contemplating, his generals couldn't help but said: "General, the Liao army has lost three battles in a row and seems to dare not attack!"

Yang Yedao: "The people attacking the formation were all Han people who were enslaved by them. Their cavalry did not really engage in the fight, and the damage caused to the Liao cavalry was not great. Our formation is strong and the arrows are sharp. We are using it as a weapon to avoid rashness. We dare not use it rashly."

The cavalry is just attacking!"

"General, we have killed many enemies in this battle. It can be considered a victory. Why don't we retreat slowly to the fort?" a battalion general suggested.

Hearing this, Yang Ye's brows furrowed. He was here to compete with the Liao cavalry. It was no problem to give up when things got better, but he was still unwilling to do so.

The sun was setting in the west, hanging down on the left side of the army. The sunlight had become much softer, and there was not much time left. After pondering for a while, staring at the still dense Liao army in the north, Yang Ye suddenly said loudly: "Soldiers,

, the Liao army is afraid! How dare you follow me, ride with the enemy, and fight again!"

Yang Ye was full of pride. As soon as he stood up, Sergeant Dingxiang, who had been trained by him for a long time, screamed and accepted the battle. Seeing that his military morale was ready, Yang Ye no longer hesitated and immediately ordered: "Listen to the order and become Liuhua Fang."

Formation, the whole army marches one mile north and approaches the Liao Formation!"

Yang Ye was planning to take a risk. After leaving the cover of Guanling, there was a risk of being surrounded by the Liao army. However, under Yang Ye's military order, his soldiers did not hesitate at all, and followed him through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Soon, the Han army's formation changed, flags were waving, people moved and vehicles moved, and with extremely high tacit understanding and speed, they transformed into a six-flower formation. They maintained a rigorous formation and steadily advanced one mile.

The movements of the Han army certainly attracted the attention of the Liao army. When they advanced, Yelu Dilie gave up the argument, but looked at Yelu Sagui and others, pointed at the Han army, and said: "The Han army is so arrogant and takes the initiative to leave the mountains.

We are still several times stronger, so you still dare not attack? Are you really too timid to fight here? Have the courage of the Liao soldiers been completely lost?"

Partly provoking the generals and partly because the Han army's actions were too ironic, a group of Khitan generals finally decided to surround them and annihilate them.

Soon, Yelu Sagui led the Pishi army to suppress the formation, and Yelu Dilie personally led five thousand tribal cavalry to surround them. A group of cavalry was separated to monitor the Han army in the mouth, while the remaining people adjusted their formation and besieged them on all sides.

The Han army, under the leadership of Yang Ye, was also calm and serious. With the foreshadowing in front, there was no need to warm up, and the battle reached a climax immediately.

There is a saying that the combat effectiveness of the Liao army's tribal army is indeed more than one level higher than that of the "Han army" in those prefectures and counties. The Han army really felt the pressure when they resisted.

Forming a formation to resist was a serious blow to the cavalry. The large shields were like iron walls and the carriages were covered with thorns, which effectively blocked the impact of the cavalry. The bows and spears also dealt a serious blow to the Liao army.

Similarly, the fearless cavalry had a huge impact on the Han army. The line of confrontation between the two armies was the line of death, which was constantly devouring the lives of soldiers on both sides. The Liao cavalry went forward and succeeded, and the Han army also replenished it in an orderly manner.

After two-quarters of an hour of fierce fighting, the Han army's formation had been broken. Under normal circumstances, when the formation was broken, it would be a good opportunity for the Liao cavalry to expand and break up the enemy's formation.

However, under the command of Yang Ye, the Han army quickly filled the vacancy from the inside out, re-established the defense line, and blocked the external enemy cavalry. The dispersed Han army, under the leadership of the commander, regrouped for another battle.

The Liao cavalry who rushed into the Han formation were quickly killed by the Chinese army and the soldiers in the formation. As the battle progressed, it didn't take long for them to fall into such a repeated cycle.

The Liao army continued to attack, disperse, and rush into the Han formation. Then it was divided internally and externally by the Han army that reacted. It was blocked from the outside and annihilated from the inside. The Han army was still a little chaotic at the beginning, and it needed officers from Yang Ye on down to continue underground.

After ordering the commander, the effect of daily training was fully reflected, and ordinary soldiers developed the instinct to fill their positions and adjust themselves.

Under the full charge of the Liao army, the Han formation was repeatedly broken and restored, and gradually shrank. The word resilience was vividly reflected in the Dingxiang army led by Yang Yesuo. Although it was constantly shrinking, it was always firm and unbreakable.

The casualties of the Han army were increasing, and the casualties of the Liao army were doubled. Outside the military formation, Yelu Dilie was no longer as confident as before. He was no longer ecstatic about making a breakthrough in the Han formation. At this point, he finally understood the Han army.

Why are you so confident?

After more than half an hour of fierce fighting, the sky was already getting dark. The strong backbone of the Dingxiang Army had shattered the teeth of the Liao Army. The soldiers of both sides were entangled, and the fiery killing sounds resounded across the wilderness, almost shaking away the clouds on the horizon.

Among the defenders, Yelu Dilie stared at the Han formation that was still unbreakable under siege, and at the Han general in the Han formation who was hit by an arrow but still resolutely commanded the resistance.

He was once again faced with a choice, either to withdraw his troops or to use the Pishi Army to completely defeat and annihilate this proud Han army before dark. However, if the Pishi Army entered the battle, could they really defeat Yang Ye? What if?

Retreating has already paid such a heavy price, how can he be willing to do so?

Yelu Dilie did not let Yelu Dilie hesitate for too long. Someone helped him make a choice. When the fighting outside the mouth was in full swing, Kang Yanze, who was hiding in Baicaokou, finally led the Dingxiang Han Cavalry to rush out.

The sound of killing shook the field, and the hooves trampled on the grassland. Under the cover of the dim light, it was almost difficult to tell their number. The surveillance cavalry arranged by Yelu Dilie faithfully performed their duties and stepped forward to intercept them to prevent them from affecting the battlefield. However, the Han Dynasty

The cavalry did not fight with them at all. Regardless of the casualties, they had a clear goal and went straight towards the Liao army general Yelu Dilie.

In his mouth, Kang Yanze had been observing the changes in the battlefield situation, and had a clear view of the Liao army's layout, so he chose the right time.

Therefore, facing such a determined attack by the Han cavalry, Yelv Dilie did not react for a moment and was directly dispersed. It was only under the protection of his own bodyguards that he did not die directly.

The chaos on Yelu Dilie's side meant that the besieging Liao army was in chaos. The Han army, inside and outside, cooperated to defeat the enemy, and soon they were shaken. As the dusk deepened, the panic was further heightened.

Behind, Yelu Sa, who was holding the battle, saw that the situation was not good, so he did not need to give orders. He directly led the Pishi army to rush forward, blocking the Han army and rescuing Yelu Dilie. It was with the help of Yelu Sa that Yelu Di Lie was rescued.

Lie just escaped from Kang Yanze's pursuit in embarrassment.

After that, they finally stopped arguing with Yelusha and gathered together the Liao army, which was gradually defeated under the attack of the Han army, and retreated northward in embarrassment. The Han army, under the leadership of Kang Yanze, gave up after chasing for a while. First, there were few soldiers.

Secondly, it was already dark; thirdly, the Pishi Army was indeed the most elite army of the Liao Kingdom and had its cover. If they pursued them rashly, they would probably go wrong.

Even so, the Battle of Baicaokou still ended with the victory of the Han army. Yang Ye used 3,000 infantry and cavalry to face the Liao army's 10,000 troops and won the battle, including the elite Pishi army of the Liao Emperor's Suwei.

Regardless of the process, the actual situation, or the specific gains, at least on the surface, the Dingxiang Army can "take one Han as three Liao".

And Yang Ye, a young general who had been in the garrison for ten years, became truly famous throughout the world through this battle, and his reputation in the army rose rapidly.

This chapter has been completed!
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