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Chapter 86 Survive, is a famous general

 As the sun sets in the west, the sky is covered with a layer of sunset glow. Together with the green mountains, green waters, wilderness and dense forests, it actually forms a beautiful scene.

Less than ten miles east of Luan City, the vast plain is dotted with some low hills. Unknown to the Liao army, Liu Chengyou personally led the Longqi Army to reach this place.

Behind several hills, Longqi's troops hid in the shades of trees, seizing the time to rest, eat, regain their strength, and prepare for battle. Under Liu Chengyou's instruction, the troops had already carried out a top-down ideological mobilization activity. Morale is pretty high.

On one of the mountain ridges, Liu Chengyou cheered up, suppressed his fatigue, and discussed the next action with Guo Rong.

"Sneaking here, all the hard work is worth it!" Liu Chengyou leaned against an earth wall, holding a grass stick in his mouth, facing the west, and said calmly: "This time, it will be such a big thing, we will definitely name it. Raise the world!"

Liu Chengyou led his army to the north. In order to cover up his tracks and avoid the counties and cities along the way, he actually made a large circle and took a lot of mistakes. He just approached Luan City from the east and suffered a lot.

Guo Rong sat next to Liu Chengyou, with a tired look on his face, but a bit of excitement in his expression. There was also expectation in his eyes, but more importantly, he was worried. Of course he knew what the "big event" Liu Chengyou was referring to. Already.

After hearing Liu Chengyou's words, Guo Rong still seemed very cautious when he spoke, with a rigid look: "Your Highness, our army marched lightly with only three days of food. Although the march was secretive and fast, there was news on the plains. Sooner or later it will be leaked. Now that we are here, we must make a decisive decision. We don’t have much time. If the Khitan people react, it may be difficult to accomplish!"

"There is no hint of cowardice in my words!" After hearing what Guo Rong said, Liu Chengyou turned his head and looked at him, and actually made a rare joke: "However, those are hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, Yelv De The most elite troops in the Khitan Kingdom are probably located here where the Guangda Encyclopedia is located. With just a few people like us, we actually want to attack their formation. It is unbelievable and crazy to think about it!"

"If the Emperor of Liao had not died, I would not dare to suggest that you come here with light troops!" Guo Rong looked like he was under great pressure and replied: "Your Highness, to be honest, I am worried about this in my heart. If His Highness has doubts, it is still too late to withdraw the troops at this time."

In fact, it was Guo Rong who proposed the idea of ​​leading troops to the north for a surprise attack after learning of Yelu Deguang's sudden death. Although Liu Chengyou had been making plans in his heart, it was not for a day or two. However, in the eyes of others, Liu Chengyou This was again encouraged by Guo Rong.

There is a strong element of risk-taking in Guo Rong's character, but he is by no means blindly taking risks. He also assesses the situation and takes comprehensive considerations before acting according to the circumstances. Just like when he was in Shangdang that day, he persuaded Liu Chengyou to go south to attack Geng Chongmei.

However, this time, he himself felt a little guilty. He could see the huge benefits of a successful raid, and naturally he could see the extremely high risks behind it. However, Liu Chengyou supported his choice without hesitation.

"We have already gotten under the noses of the Liao army. How can we waste all our efforts! This hesitation and hesitation is rare to see in you, Guo Rong!" Liu Chengyou showed a firm expression and raised his hand. He clenched his fist and said solemnly: "The Liao emperor died suddenly, the three armies are without a master, and the morale of the army is weakened. This is a God-given opportunity. If you don't seize this small opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Hearing Liu Chengyou's firm tone again, Guo Rong couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

After all, when he was dealing with Geng Chongmei's thousands of Yan troops in Luze, Liu Chengyou was so cautious and even "cowardly". But why this time, facing hundreds of thousands of Khitan troops, Liu Chengyou was determined to take the initiative. Offense. The contrast before and after is really too strong.

He turned his head and looked at the young man's face, which had been washed away by the flames of war. It was so calm. The straw in his mouth was shaking irregularly under the movement of his teeth. His whole person exuded tranquility and confidence.

"Your Highness, you marched behind the enemy army before. It seems that you had the intention to attack the Khitan army from the beginning?" Guo Rong suddenly asked.

"Has it been seen?" Liu Chengyou raised his eyebrows and glanced at Guo Rong, thinking to himself. However, he still said naturally: "If the Liao Emperor hadn't died violently, no matter how bold I was, I would not have dared to do such a crazy thing. Originally, I intended to seize Zhenzhou, control Chengde, and stabilize Hebei. But now, compared to the gains and losses of one state or one place, I am more willing to cause an unforgettable loss to the Khitan people's effective forces, especially their elites. !”

Liu Chengyou's words seemed to make sense, and Guo Rong quickly suppressed his doubts.

"Your Highness, Xiang Junjun is back!" At this moment, the guard leader Li Chongju ran up the mountain ridge along the narrow road and reported.

After hearing the news, Liu Chengyou sat up and subconsciously bit off the straw. The bitter taste lingered in his mouth, but Liu Chengyou couldn't care less and directly ordered someone to lead Xun to see him.

Although the troops have arrived here and want to take risks, they are not reckless. Liu Chengyou will not use the Longqi Army he finally managed to plow into a certain death ground. It is still necessary to investigate and evaluate the situation of the enemy camp. , Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, there will be no chance to regret it. Taking it seriously, Liu Chengyou even ordered Xiang Xun to personally investigate the enemy's situation.

"How about it?"

"I personally visited the camp in my humble position. I found that the Liao army stretched for more than ten miles from north to south. The leader could not take care of both. The camp was loose, the flags and flags were chaotic, the forts were crude, and the morale of the army was turbulent. It is obvious! There may be internal discord. Before returning, I saw three Khitan places in the distance. The cavalry surrounded the Yan soldiers and controlled them." Xiang Xun carefully reported to Liu Chengyou the situation he had spent half a day observing and exploring. He looked at Liu Chengyou firmly and his voice was trembling: "Your Highness, we can fight. !”

"Send the order, summon the generals!" Upon hearing this, Liu Chengyou turned directly to Li Chongju and ordered.

Soon, all the officers at the Longqi military camp level and above were summoned together by Liu Chengyou to report the situation, analyze the military situation, study combat matters, and do the final round of ideological work.

After spending half an hour, all the discussions were finalized and could not be changed. The officers were either nervous, excited, or hesitant, but they were all mentally prepared and returned to their camps to issue orders.

It was getting late, and after eating, the entire Longqi army, except for the necessary warning sentries, including Liu Chengyou, all slept on the spot. If they couldn't sleep, they had to close their eyes and recharge their batteries.

Until after midnight, Liu Chengyou personally climbed over the hills and visited each battalion to give the final encouragement to Sergeant Long Qi one by one. Liu Chengyou had made too many impassioned speeches since the launch of the army. This time , not so much chicken soup for the soul, just let the soldiers look at their commander again, promise them, and then charge with them.

"Yang Ye!" Before setting off, when patrolling the cavalry army, Liu Chengyou exchanged two sentences with Yang Ye alone.

"Your Highness!" The young Yang Linggong looked excited and showed no fear at all.

Liu Chengyou looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Tonight, many brothers will die. I still remember that when we first met in Jinyang, Gu Tong said to you that you can be a general in the future! Now, I will tell you one more thing. If you survive, you will be a famous general!"

This chapter has been completed!
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