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Chapter 255 The situation of the Liao army is not optimistic

In early spring, Yunzhong City was dotted with a little greenery inside and outside, but the surroundings were still desolate and cold. Most of the 200,000 Liao troops were concentrated inside and outside Yunzhong City, and a total of twenty camps were set up outside the city.

After a winter, the morale of the Liao army in the clouds is inevitably low. If the Han army is resting and recuperating, then the Liao army is suffering. Although the military system of the Liao State is far superior to that of the previous grassland peoples, it is difficult to get rid of its limitations after all.


The Liao army in Yunzhou, in addition to the imperial troops like the Pishi Army, was still composed of the Khitan tribes, the Xi tribe, and many servants and state soldiers. After half a year of fierce fighting between the Han and Liao Dynasties, their strength was greatly reduced.

It has plummeted.

My family knows their own affairs. Although there are still 200,000 people, the only ones who can fight are the imperial army and some of the troops, plus some soldiers who have recovered from their injuries and returned to the camp. Even so, these tribesmen

, it is difficult to guarantee the combat capability that can be exerted by spring.

The biggest problem lies in the morale of the army. Now the soldiers of Daliao have no intention to fight, and the soldiers want to return home. After a winter of confrontation, the traditional time for the nomads to mobilize troops has been completely missed. In addition, the Han army is aggressively suppressing the border.

They did not get any benefits in the previous and later wars, and they retreated step by step. Under such circumstances, a thought had arisen among the Liao army: Yanyun was originally Han territory, and the Han army wanted to take it. Let them take it, why bother to pay so much?

The price is to fight to the death...

This winter, the Liao army's logistical problems are not as big as imagined. There are a large number of cattle, sheep, horses and camels, and there is no shortage of meat. It has also caused major damage to the Liao country's domestic economy, which will also affect its domestic economy after the spring.

Production resumes.

The impact of the Han-Liao War on the Liao Kingdom was far from breaking out. It had just begun this year. As for the entire Liao Kingdom, for this war, the Khitan tribe and the Xi tribes

These core tribes are all sending out troops.

It would be fine if they won the victory, but the fierce fighting has made no progress so far, the troops have been lost, the ground has been lost, and there is no hope of victory. There is already turmoil and unrest brewing in the Liao Kingdom.

In order to support the war against the Han, the tribesmen who were summoned all went to the front line. Adult men and horses were their most important means of production. If they were consumed on the battlefield and could not be replenished, it would be very difficult for the tribes on the grassland.

It is said that it is a serious injury that affects survival.

Originally, after withdrawing Wende and resting for a month, Yelujing planned to launch a counterattack. Fighting in winter would benefit the Liao but not the Han. After all, their living environment was more difficult and they were more tolerant of the severe cold in the north. If they could fight in winter

In combat, one also takes advantage of the weather and timing.

However, the steady defense of the Han army made Yelujing depressed and helpless. Whether it was Huailai or Yingzhou, the Han army stayed on the spot and spent the winter quietly. All the Liao army's actions to lure the enemy were in vain.

Even with his facial expressions, the Han army was not moved at all. Therefore, the winter confrontation between Han and Liao was also a helpless move by the Liao army. After all, the Han army was too shameless...

Now, as spring comes and the ice and snow melt, it should be a season full of vitality and hope, but the Liao army is in a dull and depressing atmosphere. The morale of the Liao army has not always been like this, at least after the Battle of Nankou.

After the rest and the victory at Jiming Mountain, I got a certain boost, but in the end it was no match for the passing of time.

Ten miles northeast of Yunzhong City, there is a town called Fengyi, where about 10,000 Liao troops are stationed. The spring breeze brings a chill, and the entire camp is busy with anxiety. There is only one reason, Han Dynasty

The army moved in large numbers to attack, and the emperor issued an edict to assemble the army to prepare for battle.

King Yelu Dilie of Anping was among the Liao army serving in Yiyi. A few rays of sunlight shone on his body, but it did not bring much warmth. In front of the camp, Yelu Dilie was dressed in Hu clothes, with his sleeves rolled up high, revealing his strong arms.

, personally brushing his beloved horse.

Yelu Dilie's horses are of excellent breed and have been fed with the best grass and beans, so they are naturally in good condition. However, there are hundreds of thousands of Liao cavalry and hundreds of thousands of horses, so how can such horses be obtained anywhere?

"Treatment". The reality is that after the winter, most of the Liao army's horses were very weak, lost a lot of fat, were thin and had long hair, that's all.

Therefore, after walking around in the camp, Yelu Dilie couldn't help but said in front of a member of the Fifth Academy: "How can we fight when the horses are so thin?"

Hearing what Yelu Dilie said, the name Xiangwen immediately responded, with his mouth full of complaints: "In wars, you should wait until you have gained fat and good horse power. The tribesmen came in response to the call, and they have been through the whole winter and have achieved nothing.

, everyone wants to return to the tribe. I don’t know why your majesty must fight the Han people. King Anping, you are your majesty’s younger brother. Can you advise your majesty to withdraw your troops temporarily. Even if you want to fight the Han people, wait until the autumn is over.

It’s not too late to get fat!”

Listening to his words, Yelu Dilie couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart. He was extremely ignorant and short-sighted. However, his eyes rolled around a few times, filled with strange colors. He spread his hands and said, "I also want to speak for you, but Your Majesty

If you don’t listen, I have no choice! The current situation of the various ministries and armies is indeed not conducive to fighting the Han army!"

Saying that, Yelu Dilie accompanied these tribal generals and sighed. Yelu Dilie was resentful towards his brother. He had been depressed since the battle of Baicaokou last year. During the Han-Liao War,

Although he was able to join the army, he was never reused. Therefore, since the Battle of Nankou, the young Anping King has appeared to be somewhat active...

In Yunzhong City, Emperor Liao was walking. In a heavy and solemn atmosphere, Yelujing held another meeting. However, this time there were only a few participants and their status was very high. The only people present were Yelu Wuzhi, Yelu Talie,

Xiao Husi added Han Kuangmei. Because of his performance in Tanzhou, Han Kuangmei, like his brother Han Kuangsi, officially entered the center of power in the Liao Kingdom.

Yelujing looked tired, his beard was growing like a weed, and he looked particularly depressed. He looked up at several important ministers and said, "How is the progress of the Han army?"

As the Northern Privy Councilor, Xiao Husi stood up and reported to Yelujing: "Your Majesty, the three armies of the Han army are advancing. News has come from Weizhou that tens of thousands of Han troops, led by Han general Zhao Kuangyin, have left Feihu.

Road, broke through the defense line, and was attacking Lingxian County. Our army's strength in Yuzhou is weak, and we are afraid that it will be difficult to resist the Han army's front, and its loss may be inevitable. If the Han army breaks Yuzhou, it will definitely turn west and rush towards Yunzhou.


Regarding the situation in Weizhou, Yelujing did not show much emotion. This is understandable, and he was fully mentally prepared. After learning about it, he asked: "Where is the Han army in the east?"

Xiao Husi said: "Yelusha sent troops day and night to harass Murong Yanzhao's army, causing its advance to be slow. According to the latest battle report, his army had just passed Jiming Mountain and was still fifty miles away from Wende. However, the strategy of attacking and harassing

, although it had a delaying effect, it was impossible to retreat the enemy. Yelusha reported that the Han army was very strict and marched in an orderly manner. During several days of harassment, they never found a chance to break through. According to the advancing speed of the Han army, at most two

By the end of the day, we can arrive in Wende."

After hearing what he said, Yelujing calmly ordered: "Send an order to Yelusha and tell him to delay the Han army on the east route and tell him that there is no need to fight hard with him!"


"How is the progress of the Han army in Yingzhou? Are they still staying in Huairen?" Yelujing's spirit was obviously lifted when he mentioned Fu Yanqing's army.

If Murong Yanzhao was delayed, then Yelvjing was eager for the Han army in Yingzhou to advance hastily, and it was best to reach the gates of Yunzhong City.

Regarding Yelujing's plan, all the important ministers present knew that after learning that the Han army had launched a spring offensive, their response to the Han army's offensive strategy was to look for opportunities to annihilate them along the way, and the goal was naturally to be on their own.

Fu Yanqing's army came from the state.

But with the lessons learned from the Battle of Nankou, the Liao army did not dare to attack easily anymore, and hoped that they could approach the clouds and then build a fortified city and defeat it with superior force. In order to make the trick more realistic, they even allowed them to attack southward.

The Liao cavalry did not work hard.

However, Yelujing's plan was destined to fail. Xiao Husi's reply made him feel aggrieved. Fu Yanqing led the army out of Yingzhou. Regardless of whether there was an attack by Liao cavalry, they could only travel ten miles a day. So far,

We just arrived in Huairen County, which is still more than seventy miles away from Yunzhong.

What's even more outrageous is that after Fu Yanqing captured Huairen County, he didn't leave and rested for two days! Hearing this, Yelujing couldn't help but slapped his thigh angrily: "The Han army is so cowardly! How can it be unreasonable!"

This chapter has been completed!
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