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Chapter 301 The vassal officials leave the capital

On an early autumn day, the weather was very clear, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the air was filled with a floral fragrance. It was not strong, but it was the smell of autumn, which intuitively told the people of Tokyo the change of seasons.

The Concierge House is no longer bustling with people and distinguished guests. Heads and envoys who came to Beijing are leaving one after another. Of course, there are still many people who linger in the glitz and glamor of Kaifeng. They are a little reluctant to give up and do more.

Stay. There are also Uighurs, Tubo and other tribes. After the transaction, they continue to purchase goods and sell them back.

In recent years, all envoys who have come to Beijing, especially tribes and forces from the northwest, have come with a caravan. Paying tribute is one thing, and trading is another. There are many nobles in Tokyo, and rare horses are more expensive here.

,At the same time, Tokyo’s abundant products can fully meet their needs.

Driven by the exchanges of these envoys, coupled with the deliberate promotion of the imperial court, the exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the northwest region have become much closer in recent years. Under the strong military deterrence and force protection, the imperial court's influence on the northwest has also deepened year by year. Only

This can be seen by looking at the frequency with which Uighurs, Guiyi troops, and Tibetan forces sent envoys to Tokyo.

From the distant Western Region, various forces emerged, such as the Xizhou Uighurs, Jiuxing Wuhu, and Khotan, etc. They all sent envoys to Tokyo one after another to communicate with each other. Of course, the actions of these forces had more symbolic significance. However, as the Han Dynasty

After reaching a consensus with the Ganzhou Uighurs to ensure the security of the Hexi Corridor and maintain the basic smoothness of the Silk Road, many business travelers from the Western Regions indeed embarked on the road eastward.

There were even people from the Samanid dynasty from the Transoxiana region of Central Asia who traveled thousands of miles eastward to come to Beijing. In this era, the eastward spread of msl has already begun. Of course, the scale is still small, but it has already begun in Kaifeng City.

There is an active figure now.

Turning back to the distant topic, not all the foreign envoys and vassals who stayed in Tokyo were voluntary and willing. For example, Li Yiyin, the governor of the Dingnan Army, was voluntarily asked to stay in Beijing and wanted to serve the emperor nearby.

, and further enjoy the scenery of Tokyo and travel around Kaifeng.

The emperor graciously agreed to Li Yiyin's "request" and showed his meticulous care. In order to facilitate his life in Tokyo, he specially gave him a mansion, taking into account all the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, and also sent officials to act as guides for him.

There are many guards to ensure its safety.

At the same time, during the period before the beginning of autumn, many high-ranking officials, nobles, and honorable ministers from Tokyo came to visit him, inviting him to play, eating and drinking with him, and taking turns in battle, so that he could feel the deep friendship of the great man towards him.

This day was the day when King Qian Hongchu of Wuyue and Ping Haijunliu Congxiao left the capital. The former had already entered the palace to say goodbye and received the emperor's permission. King Yong Liu Chengxun, as the envoy of the emperor, personally saw them off.

However, under the arrangement of Liu Chengxun, the route out of the city was intentionally detoured, specifically passing by Li Yiyin's Xiping Gongfu. As they passed by, both Qian Hongchu and Liu Congxiao glanced at it subconsciously. Compared to Liu Congxiao,

While Xiao was calm, Qian Hongchu was obviously more serious.

Regarding the offer of land in Zhangquan and Yanzhou, from the emperor to the imperial court, on the surface, there was no clear statement. Without an imperial edict, they neither accepted nor refused, as if the matter had not happened.

Of course, such a move is an attitude in itself.

To stay and obey is to sincerely offer one's land to lose loyalty. No matter what the emperor decides, he will accept it with enthusiasm. As the saying goes, be strong without desire. He is in an invincible position, so he is always calm.

This was not the case for Qian Hongchu, but fortunately, after understanding his thoughts through King Yong, Liu Chengyou treated him with gentleness and specially visited him to reassure him. As for Wu Yue, Liu Chengyou really had no thoughts about him at this time. , firstly, he is sure to be able to control Qian Hongchu, and secondly, if he sends troops southward in the future, he will also need Wuyue's army to help reduce the resistance to the attack on the Southern Tang Dynasty. If Qian Hongchu is left in Tokyo, Wuyue will have troubles. , but it’s not what Liu Chengyou wants to see.

Several large ships were docked at the pier in the southeast of Kaifeng, and the entourage was carrying things aboard, and it was not far from setting sail. Liu Chengxun and Qian Hongchu stayed in a nearby wine shop, drinking and chatting. A farewell trip.

It wasn't until a minor official came to report that preparations for the departure were completed that the three of them left the table. Looking at the two of them, Liu Chengxun stood up, smiled at them, raised his hands and said solemnly: "Brother, I will stay with you and send you thousands of miles away." , we have to say goodbye eventually, so I’ll say goodbye now!”

"Your Majesty, you're welcome!" Liu Congxiao smiled heartily: "It's an honor for both of us to delay Your Majesty from putting down his official duties and coming to see him off!"

Qian Hongchu also expressed: "This is a farewell. I don't know when we will see you again. Please take care of me!"

Liu Chengxun said meaningfully: "The whole world is the land of the king. As long as we are on the territory of the Han Dynasty, why worry about not being able to meet? With our fate, the day when we want to see each other again is not far away!"

They are not stupid people. The meaning of Liu Chengxun's words cannot be understood. Both Qian Liu and Qian Liu agreed.

"I am sending you off on your Majesty's order. Your Majesty has another gift to give you before you leave!" Liu Chengxun said again, waving his hand: "Here comes someone!"

There were two waiting guards, each holding a box and presenting it. At Liu Chengxun's signal, they handed it to them respectively. The two did not dare to neglect, bowed in the direction of the palace, and then took it solemnly.

As the two people boarded the ship, sails were raised and the anchors were raised, and the boatmen made preparations, several ships followed the Bianshui River, breaking the waves and slowly heading eastward. Liu Chengxun stood on the water bank, stared for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said hello He returned to the city with his escort, preparing to return to Liu Chengyou.

When Liu Congxiao went to Beijing, he borrowed a road from the Southern Tang Dynasty. When he returned this time, he planned to go to the Wuyue border with Liu Qian Hongchu. Although it would take a lot of circles, it was better to be safe.

In the uniquely decorated cabin, Liu Congxiao unlocked the lock and opened the gift box. Inside, it was made of yellow silk, and there lay a solitary document. When he opened it, Liu Congxiao showed a smile on his face. This was a reward. The imperial edict granted the Liu family the title of Duke of Fujian, and his younger brother Congyuan also had the title of nobility, plus some money, food, and land and house rewards. This was Liu Chengyou's most direct promise to him after he entered the capital. The only thing that is a little strange is the date, which is written in the 16th year of Qianyou...

On another ship, Qian Hongchu finally breathed a sigh of relief as he embarked on his return journey. No matter what, he still didn't want to stay in Tokyo at this time, even though he had already prepared for the "worst case" in his heart. , but it was still a bit lucky to be able to get through it safely. For Qian Hongchu, even if he was sentenced to death, it would be good if the execution date could be later.

Similarly, when he opened the gift box, there was a stack of memorials stacked inside. With some curiosity, Qian Hongchu picked up the book on the top and flipped through it. At a glance, he was horrified, his face was panic-stricken, his heartbeat was racing, and he was breaking out in cold sweats. A stack of memorials were written by some court officials, asking Liu Chengyou to leave Qian Hongchu in Tokyo.

Liu Chengyou's purpose in handing these memorials to Qian Hongchu is self-evident. After a moment of heart palpitations, Qian Hongchu's tired face showed a wry smile.

At the same time, Wu Yue also strengthened his determination. Wu Yue would not be the opponent of the Han Dynasty, and he did not dare to go against the emperor. What would happen in the future and where Wu Yue would go would only wait for the emperor's will to decide. He could only stay in Hangzhou and wait for the imperial edict. , bow your head and obey orders.

Before Qian Hongchu and Liu Congxiao left Beijing, Gao Shaoji of Yanzhou was released by the emperor earlier. However, he returned with several officials and officers selected by the central government. They went to Yanzhou to monitor the military and political affairs. To do "guidance" construction.

Of course, Liu Chengyou's real purpose was to let Gao Shaoji go back and continue to look after the troops in distress for the imperial court. They also had a more in-depth conversation with him. Gao Shaoji seemed very excited, and he felt even more gloating about Li Yiyin being detained in Tokyo.

Liu Chengyou has decided to adopt Lu Duoxun's strategy for the Dangxiang army and the Dangxiang tribe, but he does not plan to take any big action in the short term. The reason for taking it seriously is that detaining Li Yiyin is not a good signal and may cause changes in him. .

Liu Chengyou only held a basic attitude. As long as he did not rebel, no matter what changes occurred within him, he could let it go.

This chapter has been completed!
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