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Chapter 321 Yao Nu

Qin Zaixiong was left to enjoy himself, while Zhao Yanjin quietly left this happy home. However, before leaving, he summoned an entourage and told him: "Say hello to me, and serve General Qin well. All expenses will be paid by the house!"

"Yes!" The entourage responded respectfully, and then asked for instructions: "Master, are you going back home? I'll prepare a car!"

Zhao Yanjin smelled himself, and found that the smell of powder was a bit strong, and then said: "Take a bath first, and then enter the palace!"

Obviously, Zhao Yanjin still had a political mission to entertain Qin Zaixiong this time. Judging from the exchanges with Qin Zaixiong, this person's attitude towards the court was still respectful and submissive. As an example, he led the Chu barbarians to actively integrate into the rule of the court.

For these heroes of the minority, Liu Chengyou basically viewed them with an inclusive attitude. Although there is a saying that "those who are not from my race must have different hearts", but since the Tang Dynasty, there have been too many people from all ethnic groups who are from the Central Plains. There is no need to generalize about the loyal ministers and famous generals who served the imperial court.

However, Liu Chengyou's character is always difficult to completely reassure him, and the only thing that worries him is that Qin Zaixiong is somewhat smart and capable. It is true to seek refuge in the imperial court, but if he takes the opportunity to use it to expand his strength , conduct a series of behaviors that are not conducive to the rule of the imperial court, which need to be curbed.

Judging from the situation in recent years, there is a trend, but it is not serious and is still above the bottom line. Checks and balances are applicable in most cases. Therefore, regarding Fu Yantong's entry into Beijing, the emperor still expressed Welcoming attitude.

In fact, the problem of Hunan, Guizhou and Chu barbarians is not a big problem for today's Han Dynasty, nor is it a key goal. However, Liu Chengyou attaches great importance to it. After all, these barbarians are the most suitable minority people to integrate into the Han Dynasty. With that The cultural foundation is.

If the return of the barbarians in western Hunan can go well and smoothly, we will have more favorable conditions for further expansion into the southwest in the future, which will also be of great benefit to the imperial court's rule over the southwest.

In recent years, in Jiannan Road, the Han Dynasty has actually struggled to rule the tribes living in central Guizhou in the southern region, and the rebellions have been unstable. There have been fifteen rebellions in Tokyo alone, and other minor rebellions have been even more numerous. There are too many to count. Although they were all suppressed forcefully by Wang Quanbin, it also reflected that the rule of the Han Dynasty over the southwest was not stable.

In terms of the level of sinicization and assimilation, compared with the barbarians in western Hunan, the gap in the southwestern region is still very large. Because of Fu Yantong's entry into Beijing, Liu Chengyou has instructed the Zhengshitang to come up with a suitable set of restraint policies for the southwestern region. system to strengthen the imperial court’s influence and control over the southwest region.

The war in Pingnan is not far away, and the south is a whole chess game. Considering all things, there should be a set of effective measures to govern the southwest region in the future, and the structure of the ruling order is particularly important.

After cleaning himself up, riding on his horse, and heading towards the imperial city, Zhao Yanjin looked deep in thought. He was thinking about how to report to the emperor. On the other hand, he was thinking further. After the south was calmed down, he would It is very likely that he was transferred to the southwest to take charge of military and political affairs. This has been revealed from the emperor's words.

Regarding this, Zhao Yanjin's mood was a little complicated. The southwest is a wild land after all...

While thinking about it, there was a movement in the avenue ahead, and people around him rushed towards it. Zhao Yanjin was also a little curious, and ordered his followers: "Go and ask, what caused such a movement?"

After not waiting for too long, the entourage returned and reported: "It's the envoy from the Liao Kingdom who came to Beijing, and the people rushed to see it!"

"Envoy of Liao!" Zhao Yanjin murmured, "Let's go and have a look!"

This is not the first time Xiao Husi has come to Kaifeng City, but there has never been a time before that he felt as depressed as this time. There were dozens of people in the Liao delegation. This time they came south, and they were watched all the way.

They were as rigid as prisoners, with little room for movement, which clearly shows the vigilance and vigilance of the Han people.

At this time, the people in the capital were crowded with spectators, and the streets were not welcoming. There were a lot of voices, talking, and pointing. They just felt that they were like animals being watched.

Thinking of this, Xiao Husi couldn't help but sigh, but he quickly calmed down and regained his unfazed expression. During the Northern Expedition, the Liao Kingdom never admitted its failure. Today, he is still here as an envoy from a great power.

, the country’s dignity cannot be thrown away.

There were also several vehicles in the envoy team, which were loaded with gifts dedicated to the Emperor of Han Dynasty. This was also a sign of the sincerity of the envoy. What was particularly eye-catching was the throne made of gold and inlaid with gems, which shone golden in the sun.

, the beauty is also one of the factors that attracts people to watch. From this posture, it can be seen that the Liao envoy came here with good intentions.

Zhao Yanjin was riding on a horse, and he stood out among the crowd of onlookers. However, unlike the surrounding people who were watching the excitement, he was thoughtful. The barbarian king entered the capital, the Liao envoy came again, and Pingnan was about to come. In this world,

It seems that another storm is about to change.


Early morning, in the Long Live Palace.

Sitting cross-legged, Liu Chengyou admired the girl who was shyly huddled between the brocade quilts with her naked body. The beauty presented by Qin Zaixiong was naturally stunning, with a beautiful face, white skin, fresh and refined, because she was a Yao girl, she also had a kind of

A strange style that Han women don't have. Maybe it's just a psychological effect, but as far as Emperor Liu was concerned, it felt good.

The Chu girl had a slim waist, and this girl was the same, with a slender figure. He reached out and lifted the girl's chin, looking into her charming eyes, Liu Chengyou chuckled and said, "What's your name?"

"Your Majesty, my name is Li!" She replied in a low voice with her face still a little intoxicatingly rosy.

Hearing his accent, Liu Chengyou was surprised and said: "You speak Chinese well!"

Qin Li said: "The general asked my husband to teach me. The general said that if I am lucky enough to serve His Majesty the Emperor, I must not be able to speak Chinese!"

"This Qin Zaixiong is really thoughtful!" Liu Chengyou smiled faintly and looked at this beauty: "You are a member of Qin Zaixiong's clan. Where is your home? Who else is there in your family?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I live in Luxi!"

"Lu Xi?" Liu Chengyou frowned slightly. He couldn't remember where this place was for a moment, so he asked, "Is it in Chenzhou?"

"Yes!" Qin Li dealt with it very carefully and said softly: "Luxi is on the bank of Wuxi. My family originally lived in Wushan. Later, the patriarch took us out of the mountain and gave us land, and we have been living in Luxi ever since. .I have parents, two brothers, a sister, and a brother at home."

Liu Chengyou still didn't have a specific idea about Yao girls, but one thing was certain: her family belonged to the Yao people, and they were very early.

With an increasingly kind face, Liu Chengyou spoke in a gentler tone to the sixteen-year-old girl, "Do you think life is better after moving to Luxi or before?"

"Of course it's better to go to Luxi!" In response, Qin Li nodded twice and said, "I don't know much, but I still know some things. In the past few years since we arrived in Luxi, we have our own land. The government has sent people to teach the family how to farm the house. In the past two years, they have rarely gone hungry, and they can occasionally eat meat. My father and brother don't have to fight with others often, which is worrying. My sister married a court officer, so But what about a team officer who can manage fifty people..."

Listening to Yao Nu telling her about the situation at home, and noticing her orchid-like smile, Liu Chengyou couldn't help but feel a little better and stroked her head.

After washing and dressing, he noticed Qin Li, who was skilled in serving, and noticed her inconvenient movements, so he called Sun Yanyun. Liu Chengyou didn't say much, but his meaning was very clear: "Feng Meiren, take her to Kunming Palace to meet the queen, and what will happen next Let the Queen arrange things!"

"Yes!" Sun Yanyun responded quickly.

Obviously, the emperor was very satisfied with the Yao girl presented by Qin Zaixiong. Of course, he became more wary of Qin Zaixiong. Perhaps they were so gracious to please the emperor and had no other conspiracy intentions.

However, after all, he was Emperor Liu, and it was inevitable that he would overthink things. There is a certain truth in judging one's deeds but not one's heart. However, as a suspicious emperor, he was still used to talking about one's heart most of the time.

This chapter has been completed!
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