Chapter 665 Unable to die

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People around him panicked. Some said they were calling for an ambulance. Others wanted to come over and strangle Renzhong, but Wu Bei stopped him.

He carried Hu Jianguo to a quiet room and began to treat him. He first punctured the hematoma and drained the blood, and then asked the little god sleeping on Tao Ruxue for help.

The little god quickly repaired Hu Jianguo's injuries. Wu Bei took out some powder made from spirit beads and fed him with water. At the same time, he used acupuncture to activate his life potential.

Under the influence of several parties, Hu Jianguo woke up slowly. He sighed, opened his eyes and said, "Boy, did you save me?"

His tone and demeanor seemed different from before.

Wu Bei wiped his sweat and said, "Old principal, you are fine now."

Hu Jianguo's eyes went straight, and after a while he said, "Let's go have a drink."

Wu Beidao: "Don't drink it yet. I'll get a room in the hotel. You can go and rest for a while."

Hu Jianguo nodded and said yes, Wu Bei asked the manager to open a luxury suite and sent Hu Jianguo into it.

On the top of the snowy mountain, the Taoist priest threw the wine glass and cursed: "What a boy! He actually saved the dead!"

The monk smiled and said: "You and he are destined to be involved in this kind of cause and effect, so why should you do this?"

The Taoist priest sneered: "This kid is full of karma, whoever touches him will be unlucky."

He said goodbye again.

Wu Bei sent Hu Jianguo to the hotel and went back to continue chatting with his classmates. But as soon as he sat down, the manager ran up and shouted: "Oh no, that old gentleman jumped off the building!"

What? Jump off a building?

Wu Bei was the first to rush to the street, and sure enough he saw Hu Jianguo lying in a pool of blood. According to witnesses, he jumped from the sixth floor.

Wu Bei was dumbfounded. Mad, this old man is crazy! He had just brought him back from hell, but he wanted to commit suicide?

He looked ugly and said: "Old man, I am a ghost! You can't die in front of me!"

He activated Dao Ye, and a ray of immortal power flew out and was injected into Hu Jianguo's body. The next second, the seriously injured Hu Jianguo suddenly opened his eyes, and Wu Bei immediately used his methods to set his bones and treat his injuries. In the meantime, he caught up with him again

I bought two bunches of locust beans.

After Hu Jianguo woke up, he looked at Wu Bei with a complicated expression, looking somewhat resentful.

Wu Beidao: "Old principal, what is it that makes you so troubled?"

Hu Jianguo turned away, not wanting to talk to Wu Bei.

Wu Bei shook his head and carried him back to the hotel room. He was seriously injured this time and needed to recover slowly for a few days.

On the snowy mountain, the monk suddenly burst out laughing, laughing so hard that he clapped his hands vigorously.

The Taoist priest looked ugly and said: "This kid has definitely defeated me!"

The monk said: "You are a true immortal, but you are played by a mortal in the lower world like this. It's interesting, interesting!"

The Taoist priest snorted and said: "In that case, let's leave this incarnation aside for now!"

This time, Wu Bei did not dare to take a step away from Hu Jianguo, for fear that he would jump off the building again. The alumni meeting was going on, and Tao Ruxue also came to accompany him.

Hu Jianguo lay with his eyes closed, not talking to anyone.

Wu Bei asked: "Ruxue, what activities will the alumni association have tomorrow?"

Tao Ruxue: "Go to the mosque early in the morning and eat local food at noon. Go to the beach in the afternoon and have free time in the evening."

Wu Bei: "I'll stay and take care of the principal. You can go play."

Tao Ruxue: "I don't have time to go there, I have to go back tomorrow."

Wu Bei asked: "Don't you want to play for a few more days?"

Tao Ruxue sighed softly: "I'm very busy. I don't have time to play."

Wu Bei asked: "The funding problem of Miao Yao Group has been solved, what else is there to do?"

Tao Ruxue: "We are a listed company. Because we pledged our equity to the bank, we are under great pressure to perform. In the first quarter of this year, I must improve our performance, otherwise we may be forced to go public and auctioned by the bank."

Wu Bei asked: "What are your plans?"

Tao Ruxue smiled and said: "I want to develop a new drug, so I will come to you."

Wu Bei thought for a while and said: "Let's do this. I will help Miao Yao Group develop a drug to treat and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Do you think it's okay?"

Tao Ruxue's eyes shone: "Several major pharmaceutical companies around the world are developing this drug, but the results are not ideal. Can you really develop it?"

Wu Bei nodded: "It should be effective for 80% of patients."

Tao Ruxue nodded vigorously: "What type of Alzheimer's disease are you talking about?"

Wu Bei: “Mainly two types of neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.”

Wu Bei's doctorate in medicine was not obtained in vain. He has read all the books on modern medicine and has a deep understanding of all diseases.

Tao Ruxue said: "I remember that the number of patients with these two types of diseases in the world is 40 to 50 million. If our medicine is effective, it will be amazing!"

Wu Bei: "I suggest that after the new drug is successfully developed, the pharmaceutical factory can be built in Mingyang County, which has great discounts for the pharmaceutical industry."

Tao Ruxue said: "Okay, I will go there to investigate in the near future. Give me the new medicine as soon as possible, and I will try to get the news out this month."

Wu Bei thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll work overtime for you these days. However, you have to stay with me for two days."

Tao Ruxue felt Wu Bei's malicious eyes, her pretty face turned red, and she said angrily: "Okay, I'll stay a few more days."

Hu Jianguo coughed at this time, as if to remind the two of them not to ignore the fact that he was a living person next to them.

Wu Beidao: "Old principal, have a good rest and don't let your thoughts wander again."

Hu Jianguo said: "Don't worry, I don't want to die now."

Wu Bei smiled and pulled Tao Ruxue away.

The alumni meeting lasted until seven o'clock in the evening before dispersing. In the end, Lin Rou and Jiang Yuexin did not leave, saying that they would have a few drinks with Wu Bei in the evening. Yan Liyu and Ma Qianli were also about to leave, but they saw that the three beauties had stayed.

, the two of them shamelessly said they would continue drinking.

Wu Bei felt that the hotel's environment was average, so he asked someone to drive a car over, and then returned to Guo's Manor with Hu Jianguo. Of course, the manor has now been renamed Li's Manor.

When several people arrived at the manor, they were stunned by the scale and luxury here. Yan Liyu murmured: "Brother Bei, I, Yan Liyu, originally thought I was doing well enough, but compared with Brother Bei, I am nothing.


Ma Qianli said: "This should be the Guo Manor, right? I heard a friend mention that it is the most luxurious manor in Southeast Asia, and the annual maintenance cost alone is as high as 100 million US dollars!"

Wu Bei: "Yes, this is the Guo family manor, but it now belongs to the Li family."

Ma Qianli: "Which Li family?"

Tao Ruxue: "Yundong Li family, you should know."

Ma Qianli nodded: "It turns out to be the Yundong Li family, so no wonder."

He asked: "Mr. Wu, did something happen between the Li family and the Guo family?"

Wu Bei: "Oh, that's right, the Li family acquired all the assets of the Guo family."

Several people looked at each other, and Yan Liyu said: "Senior Ma, I remember that the assets of the Guo family in Nanyang are at least hundreds of billions of dollars, right?"

Ma Qianli looked solemn and said: "Yes. With so many assets, how can it be possible to just acquire them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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