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Chapter 2087 Ling Liang Report (3)

2088, Ling Liang Report (3)

[Then there is the Triangular Industrial Zone on the planet Salest. This is also the largest industrial zone in the Sethwenna star region under my rule.]

[Actually, the Sethwenna sector, with the 18th Army of the Galactic Republic as its core, is not a place known for its industry. However, the location of the Eriadu system is too critical, which is directly related to the threat of the Dawn Principality. The strategy of the middle and inner rings of the galaxy, so the Sethwenna sector must have its own industrial zone.】

[Fortunately, we have the Salustians and Solosub Company. The Salustians are very good pilots and engineers. Among the fighter pilots here, the proportion of Salustians has reached 30 % or more. At the same time, they are excellent engineers and have established a very complete industrial system on the planet Salest.】

[The Solosub Company was once one of the super industrial enterprises in the Galactic Republic. The fighter jets, light battleships and various types of firearms they manufactured were very popular products. Therefore, they also became the largest company in the Sethwenna sector. Industrial suppliers.]

[In order to support their development, I allocated Darkknell and Sluis van, which also have good industrial foundations, as new industrial development sites and built an industrial triangle. Area. The three planets are collectively called the Salest Planet Triangle Industrial Area.]

[For the development in this area, I am definitely not able to leave all the development to Solosub Company. Citadel Standard Light Industry and Halo Weapon Systems Company were introduced to jointly develop this industrial triangle area, which is also a check and balance to Solosub Company. The development of the company. Compared to this industrial enterprise that was once part of the Galactic Republic, I certainly trust the Citadel’s standard light industry and Halo weapon systems more.]

[Actually, this has also set the tone for the Sallust Triangle Industrial Zone - mainly weapons manufacturing, with little involvement in the manufacture of warships above destroyers. Now the Salest Triangle Industrial Zone has replaced the temporary surrender of the Galactic Empire. The Mills people have become the largest supplier of infantry weapons in the Principality of Dawn, and more than 60% of the firearms in the Principality are produced here.】

[At the same time, the Salest Triangle Industrial Zone is currently the most important manufacturer of armed space stations and interstellar bases in the Principality of Dawn. It also adapts to local conditions and provides help for the defense of the Eriadu galaxy. Including the Agonev-class interstellar base, Facilities such as Gauss defense platforms, space hangars, and missile defense platforms are all processed in the Salest Triangle Industrial Zone.]

[In terms of the construction of warships, the Salest Triangle Industrial Zone mainly manufactures Executioner-class heavy frigates, Javelin-class guided missile frigates, Guard-class air defense frigates, Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigates, Enforcer-class heavy destroyers and Brown Bear-class heavy destroyers. Recently The construction of the latest Tyrant-class heavy-armored destroyer should also begin, which will replace the Brown Bear-class heavy destroyer.]

In addition, this place will not be responsible for the construction of capital ships. As for the reason, I can only regret to say that in many military deductions, the Eriadu system is always the first to fall. The traffic here is too If the Galactic Empire attacks at all costs, it would be a very wrong decision to resist here. Yes, the Eriadu system is essentially a so-called fortress system with strong external forces and strong internal control. The strength of the defense force here depends entirely on the fleet. Strength of.

Although I continued the Galactic Republic period and built a dual-star defense system between the Eriadu satellite and the Eriadu planet, coupled with the Agonev-class interstellar base, it did have a strong defense capability. But we were able to

By opening the gap from the Eriadu satellite, the Galactic Empire can naturally do the same.

Therefore, as the crystallization of the most cutting-edge technology, the construction of large-scale battleships cannot be placed in the dangerous Sethwenna sector. This is the consensus of all levels of the Dawn Principality. This includes the Behemoth-class battlecruiser production line.

The fall of the planet Onderon actually sounded a dangerous enough warning to us during the Clone Wars.

[The Core Industrial Zone of Planet Mequito... For this place, I can only say that it is too complicated. This industrial zone was directly established by the Fourth Group. After the Interstellar Banking Association split, the Muun people joined here and brought

A large amount of funds were spent to further expand the place. Not only that, the Muun people also incorporated their own huge robot production line into it.】

[After that, with the continuous development of Geth, in order to speed up the construction, we also asked Geth to help expand this industrial zone. Geth also made a request, hoping to build their individuals there, and Tang Xiao also agreed. So this is also the place where Geth

One of Sri Lanka’s factories.]

[In recent years, the Galactic Empire has increasingly oppressed the Trade Federation and Neimoidians. After all, their home planet is also in the core circle of the Milky Way. However, whether it is the planet Cato-Neimoidia or Balmo

The planet La-Neimoidia is far inferior to the strength of the planet Rendili, which is also in the core circle.】

This is the difference between the Trade Alliance, which is essentially a super enterprise engaged in logistics and transportation, and Rendili Interstellar Power Company, an industrial entity.

The Galactic Empire does not even need to directly attack the border with troops. They only need to maintain a blockade on the planets belonging to the Trade Federation and at the same time continue to divide and infiltrate. The Neimoidians are already unable to bear it.

In recent years, Neimoidians have been immigrating on a large scale towards the Principality of Dawn, and most of their immigration is towards the north. This is because the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M)

We already have such a deep connection, so it is natural for us to join together at this time.

Therefore, the Trade Alliance has also entered here - the Mequito Core Industrial Zone.

The branches of the Mejito core industrial area are very interesting. They are lined up along the Braxant Run, including the planet Yaga Minor, the planet Mullinster, and the planet Jaemus.

), the planet Bescane, the planet Bastion, and then the planet Mequito as the core.

The style of this industrial area is not uniform, and there are all kinds of factories, but the money is really rich, and the countless geth and robots also make them have no shortage of labor, so the products here are also varied. I have always thought that the core industry of Maijito

The area has the potential to become the largest industrial base in the Principality of Dawn, but I think I still overestimated the businessmen of the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M).

It is not easy to let businessmen develop industry. It is not easy to do this. I should lower the standards... This is the reason I gave myself. Otherwise, I would rather capture Thornhill and Newt Gunray and shoot them.

First of all, here is the Principality of Dawn, no... it should be the largest robot production base in the entire galaxy. An unimaginable number of B-1 combat robots are constantly being built here, and there are also many various robots, including combat robots.

, there are also engineering robots, agricultural robots, and even childcare robots.

After the Clone Wars, Thorn Hill and Newt Gunray became more and more obedient, so in order to reward them, Grand Duke Tang Xiao also wanted to bind them as much as possible to the chariot of our Kingdom of Dawn,

It gave them a lot of core technologies.

The core technology of the Trade Federation is the database of the Gallente Federation. The core technology of the Interstellar Banking Association (M) is the database of the Caldari Republic.

Thanks to Xiangtao A for the reward of 2000 starting coins!! Thanks to Mingwu Huaxia for the reward of 100 starting coins!!

(End of chapter)

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