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Chapter 2088 Ling Liang Report (4)

2089, Ling Liang Report (4)

[In fact, given the core technology, not only did it not let them grow strong wings and fly away, but it was able to control them, which I did not expect at first.]

[But it wasn’t until I actually started cooperating that I discovered that my previous understanding of the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M) was ridiculously wrong. Because they really don’t recognize anything except money, and they don’t care about anything.

No. Seeing Thornhill and Newt Gunray, it’s really hard for me to imagine that they are the leaders of these two super corporate giants.】

[Sometimes I also think about how high-spirited the Neimoidians and Muuns were who founded the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association with such a huge foundation and heritage more than 20,000 years ago. If they look at

I don’t know how I will feel when my descendants are so stupid.】

[Of course, this is a good thing for our fourth civilization. When Grand Duke Tang Xiao decided to hand over these core technologies to them, they were naturally grateful and said that obtaining these technologies would allow them to successfully leap forward.

Become one of the few companies in the galaxy that has the ability to design and build thousand-meter-class battleships on its own.】

[Then we proposed that we send a team to assist them in their research, our construction team will carry out the construction of the dock, and our engineers will supervise the manufacturing of warships, and they need to pay all salaries and material costs, and these people

Will also be registered in their company. Thorn Hill and Newt Gunlay actually agreed? Don’t they know that by doing this, these technologies are actually still in our hands?]

[It seems that they didn’t think so. They were just cheering because once again, they solved all the problems with just spending money. Thanks to the Grand Duke for providing them with this opportunity... I understand somewhat what Tang Xiao once said to me.

, he said that without him, people like the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Trade Federation would not have survived the war for three years. Look at the Enterprise Alliance lying on the planet Christophsis like poor bastards, and the Technology Alliance that knelt and surrendered to the Empire.

I think Tang Xiao is right.]

[As for handing over the shipbuilding technology of the Gallente Federation and the Caldari Republic to the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association respectively, there are actually deeper considerations. First of all, the technology of the Gallente Federation includes a large number of automated machinery.

, intelligent machinery and drone technology, and in this regard, a large number of robots have been built, and a trade alliance with a mature robot R&D and manufacturing system is very suitable.】

[As for the Interstellar Banking Association, the warships of the Caldari Republic are generally guided missile warships. Our army has only used three types of guided missile warships so far, the Martha-class guided missile heavy cruiser, the Valkyrie-class guided missile frigate, and the Javelin-class guided missile frigate.

.This is because on an active offensive battlefield, using a large number of missiles for a saturation attack will bring great logistical pressure. But if it is left to the Interstellar Banking Association (M), it seems that this will not be too big a problem

, they are very rich. Therefore, they can fully afford the consumption of the series of missile warships of the Caldari Republic.】

[And the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M) are actually not formal members of the Dawn Principality in a strict sense. They are only loyal to Tang Xiao personally. Therefore, the most important issue is that their finances are independent.

The operating system, and this time by 'helping' them develop the core technology of warship manufacturing, it can also be regarded as a way for them to take out their own money.】

[At least from their perspective, this is a very good deal. The Trade Federation's home planet is constantly threatened by the Galactic Empire. I predict that they will lose the planet Cato-Neimoidia and the rest of the world within the next two to three years.

Control of the planet Balmorra-Neimoidia. Once the mother planet falls and the trade alliance loses its foundation, it will be difficult to maintain their existing industrial system. At this time, a complete industrial chain of warship design and construction will

It will be the key to the Trade Alliance's comeback.】

[Although the Interstellar Banking Association (M) does not threaten to lose its hometown, it is obvious that they hope to transform themselves from a simple financial giant into a complex oligarch with industrial capabilities. Because the outbreak of the war has made it clear until now

One question—manufacturing is the truth of this galaxy.]

Because of the independence of the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M), I was unable to include them in the planning of Operation Plan Zero. However, I still gave them hints as much as possible and told them that they must do their best now.

To prepare for possible wars in the future, the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association (M) must have a main fleet with offensive capabilities in the next few years.

I'm not sure how they understand "offensive fleet", but I think their understanding is obviously very different from mine.

Because Newt Gunray built a large number of Undertaker-class light cruisers (Exequror-class)... According to my understanding, this is a 310-meter-long battleship converted from a cargo ship. Yes, this kind of battleship can both

It can be used for combat and delivery. The huge warehouse can hold a lot of precious goods, allowing the trade alliance's caravans to increase their cargo volume as much as possible while ensuring their own safety.

I must admit that when I saw this report, I really wanted to drag Newt Gunray out and shoot him. But in the end, reason prevailed, because I also understood that Newt Gunray could not die.

.The current trade alliance is too fragile. Once he dies, civil strife will immediately cause this super enterprise to fall apart, which is not good for us.

So, do I have to put up with a lot of Undertaker-class light cruisers in task force formations in the future? Right now my job is occupied with Operation Zero, but I still have to put together a team to educate the Trade Federation.

How to build a fleet.

As for the Interstellar Banking Association (M), they chose the Osprey-class light cruiser.

When reviewing the statistics of this 348-meter-long light cruiser, I found that its maneuverability was slightly low and its firepower was not that great, until I found a mining laser at the end of the function list.

So this is an armed mining ship?

If the Trade Federation chose the Undertaker-class light cruiser because their main business is logistics and freight, which has a certain mindset, then I really can’t help the Interstellar Banking Association (M) choose an armed mining ship.

Understand their brain circuits.

As far as I know, although there is no material decompressor deployed in the North, they should have no shortage of raw materials. Although the Geth is a very dangerous race of mechanical life, at least for now, the Geth is very important to us.

It can be said that it is still a very 'cute' existence.

The geth have helped us carry out a large number of industrial construction and high-risk industry construction, including mineral mining. They will build an individual with very thick adaptive armor, go deep into the most extreme environments to mine rare minerals, and

They are also generous in sharing these resources with us.

So why did Thorn Hill choose to build the Osprey class? I have thought about countless scenarios and think two of them are more likely. The first is that he may want to get rid of his dependence on the geth. After all, for them,

The geth are indeed a very terrifying race. Secondly, they should want to establish an entire industrial system from raw material mining to warship manufacturing.

Well, Thornhill can't die either.

The internal situation of the Interstellar Banking Association (M) is probably more complicated than that of the Trade Federation. They are under the control of the core five people, and as co-chairman, Thornhill is the most critical role in checking and balancing the core five people. If he dies

, we are also likely to lose control of them.

In view of the current progress of their technological analysis and the construction of the interstellar dock, which can only support them in building light cruiser-level battleships, I formulated a battleship construction plan for them and asked them to cooperate with the geth in future wars.

The fleet conducts mobile operations. As for how much they will obey, I cannot guarantee.

In addition, there is at least one advantage. The Gallente Federation and the Caldari Republic, in our original universe, are from the same star sector as the Amarr Empire that we currently use widely. So their ships

Although the styles of technology are completely different, the basic ideas are the same, so the Salarian expert team can quickly help the Trade Alliance build light cruisers.

Therefore, it is still very important to establish some harassment fleets composed of high-speed light cruisers to attack the Galactic Empire's logistics supplies. After all, it is difficult for us to make a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield here.

This is also because of the severe situation of the northern border war - the northern border defense line built under the leadership of General Gilad Pellaeon of the Galactic Empire is very strong. After many deductions, it is difficult for us to break through his defense. However, according to his intelligence

It seems that he does not have such ability. I suspect that he still has masters. I will submit a separate report on this point.

As for the Maijituo core industrial zone, it is now a situation where each has its own development and lacks unified planning. The scale is very large, the resources are very rich, and especially the money is really abundant. But what I think about this industrial zone

Expectation basically means staying at the harassment stage.

However, there is still good news coming from this industrial zone, that is, the Fourth Group and Tyron Heavy Industries have finally made breakthrough progress in the research on the follow-up ship type of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser.

That is the Minotaur-class cruiser.

That's right, the length of the cruiser - the Minotaur-class (Minotaur-class) is only 550 meters long, between the light cruiser and the heavy cruiser. I have to admit, when I first saw the Minotaur-class plan,

I was completely mesmerized.

This is simply a very, very mature plan that fully considers practicality, versatility, mass production and other aspects. While everyone is thinking about how to build bigger and stronger warships, what they are thinking about

It turned out to be a downgrade!

The benefits of this downgrade are obvious. Originally, the Behemoth-class battlecruiser was 1,300 meters long, and the production time was 10 months. After downgrading to 550 meters, the production time will be reduced to 6 months, and the use of raw materials will be reduced.

More than four times. What’s even more incredible is that such a downgrade did not bring about a reduction in performance!

Take the most standard Yamato cannon as an example. The power of the Yamato cannon fired by the Minotaur-class cruiser is not weakened at all compared to the Behemoth class. Even due to improved energy supply and focusing, the rate of fire of the Yamato cannon has been increased.


It’s hard to imagine what kind of war environment the designers of the Minotaur-class cruiser designed and manufactured in our original universe. This is truly genius.

In the core industrial area of ​​Maijituo, the main task of this part built by the Fourth Group is to produce the Minotaur-class cruiser. I hope that when the Zero Operation Plan is officially launched and we launch the offensive, we can get

At least 1,000 Tauren class cruisers.

This is an excellent battleship that can compete head-on with battlecruisers, and battleships of the same class are no match for it. I am very much looking forward to their performance in war.

[Finally, there is the Karl Planet Industrial Zone. This is an industrial zone built by the Vasari people, and it is also the most mysterious one among all the industrial zones in the Principality of Dawn. 】

The Haven Sector was once the territory of the 19th Army of the Galactic Republic, and this sector is not actually a place known for its industrial development. The largest industrial planet in this sector - Bomis-Core

The planet (Bomis-Koori) has always been under the control of the Corporate Alliance.

Therefore, in the early days of the Clone Wars, when the Fourth Civilization left the Model Sector for the first time to launch an attack, it was indeed a blessing to encounter the 19th Army, which had weak industrial strength.

The industry in the Harvin sector was mainly composed of the Yago-Dur planet, the home planet of the Given people, and the Bomis-Core planet, the largest industrial planet in the Corporate Alliance. However, Yago-Dur planet has just experienced a planetary crisis.

The derailment has caused great damage to the factories and docks we built on it, so the Jiwen people are currently being relocated, and this industrial zone is also facing closure.

Bomis-Core Planet was once the largest industrial planet of the Enterprise Alliance. However, the Enterprise Alliance suffered heavy losses in the Clone Wars, almost to the point of being damaged, so now it can only rely on our Principality of Dawn to survive.

This industrial planet was mortgaged to us and became the industrial center of Haven Planet.

However, the factories and shipyards on the planet Bomis-Core are also facing the problem of aging and outdated equipment. Therefore, in order to revive the industry of the Harvin sector, the new sector governor Harry Seldon handed over this industrial area to

Vasari came to run it. (End of chapter)

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