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Chapter 1096 The rumors get more and more outrageous!

Northern Commonwealth.

After Yuan Zhi received the news, he sat on the sofa with a gloomy face and said nothing.

I have an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness.

He has encountered many enemies before, both before and after the apocalypse.

However, the enemies he had encountered before had never given him such a similar feeling.

That's because when he faced other enemies before, he could guess how those enemies would attack.

However, he couldn't understand the oil city he faced this time.

not kidding?

Could it be said that people in Oil City can really control zombies?

Before it happened, he couldn't imagine how the people in Oil City would control zombies, and he couldn't control many zombies.

Nothing is clear.

It was precisely because of this uncertainty that he lost his former calmness and calmness.

He felt a little regretful as to why he chose this method.

But he can't blame others, because this choice was made by himself.

He took a long breath and said to Ma Song standing next to him:

"Let Han Li and the others come back. From now on, we will increase the number of patrols outside and double the intensity of martial law on the wall!"

Ma Song hesitated and said: "Governor, actually we also have a card in our hand. They want He Feng and that Su Qian. We might as well threaten them with this..."

Yuan Zhi was a little moved, but shook his head and said:

"No, put yourself in someone else's shoes. If I were the leader of Oil City, I would never affect the big strategy because of these people. This Li Yu, after these two contacts, I don't think he is so easily threatened.


When Ma Song heard what Yuan Zhi said, he thought it made some sense, so he didn't interrupt anymore, but continued to arrange things according to Yuan Zhi's opinions.


After receiving the news from Ma Song, Han Li immediately flew the helicopter back to the Northern Federation.

This trip, if you come, it means you didn't come, it's a waste of time.

Mobilizing troops and generals, the actions of thousands of troops wasted a lot of fuel.

I followed him around to several places, not to mention seeing anyone in Oil City, not even a hair on his head.

There is no doubt that they were played.

However, this is still based on their desire to ambush others.

You can only suffer this dumb loss by yourself.

To this day, the word "reason" is still in the hands of the people in Oil City.

After all, from the beginning, it was because Sima Xi of the Northern Federation was so stubborn that he wanted to find a soft persimmon to squeeze, but he never expected to kick such an extremely hard iron plate.

There is no other way, just go back to the Northern Federation and talk about it later.

On the way back, Liu Wei felt very frustrated. For this trip, he prepared many mortars and towed artillery, but he did not fire a single shot.

"Viagra, are we going back like this? The fight hasn't started yet?" asked a subordinate next to Liu Wei.

"What can we do if we don't go back? Do you know where those people in Oil City are now? Ah?" Liu Wei said angrily.

The subordinate groaned and muttered: "You know how to take your anger out on me..."

"What did you say? Say it again!" Although Liu Wei didn't hear clearly, he still heard a few words.

It was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on and exploded.

Seeing how angry he was, his subordinates quickly waved their hands and said: "It's okay, Viagra, calm down your anger. When we find the people in Oil City, we will definitely kill them!"

"Shut up!" Liu Wei glared at him.

Then he tugged the collar around his neck irritably, "Open the window, it's suffocating me!"

The air outside was very cold, but his men did not dare to disobey him, so they opened the window.

The wind outside the window blew in, making the people inside the car shiver with cold.

But no one dared to raise objections because they knew that Viagra was very angry and might be scolded if he hit the muzzle of the gun.

In this somewhat depressing atmosphere, the mighty convoy slowly drove towards the Northern Federation.


The other side.

Lao Luo and others, who had evacuated from Gaoshi, marched quickly through the road back to the dilapidated factory building in Haolin Industrial Park, Lai County, and successfully met up with Li Yu and others.

"Now just wait for Lao Bi and the others to come back, and we will start taking action tomorrow!" Li Yu said after seeing Lao Luo.

Lao Luo nodded vigorously and said with a smile:

"I'm already looking forward to the moment tomorrow when millions of zombies will surround the Northern Federation!"

Li Yu shook his head and said: "Millions of zombies? You underestimated the power of the potion. What I will use tomorrow is not a Type II potion, but a Type III potion. There are not just millions, but maybe tens of millions of zombies."

"However, we may not be able to arrive in one day tomorrow. It may take several days, or even a week or two to completely attract the nearby zombies."

Lao Luo's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "Ten million!!!"

What kind of picture does that look like with tens of millions of zombies?

He couldn't imagine it.

The reason why Li Yu said this naturally has his reason.

Type III zombie attractant has not really exerted its power so far, nor has it been tested.

Theoretically, the power of type III agent will be several times greater than that of type II agent, so the range it can attract will reach two hundred kilometers.

What is the concept of a radius of two hundred kilometers?

That almost covered the most densely populated area in the north before the end of the world.

The population base is a terrifying figure.

When the end of the world comes, the number of zombies will definitely not decrease.

Just thinking about this scene makes people tremble with fear.

"Contact Lao Bi and Zhu Xiao and ask where they are." Li Yu said to Li Tie behind him.

"Okay." Li Tie picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted Lao Bi and others.

Lao Bi is in a town below Lai County, so the speed will be faster.

Zhu Xiao was further away from them.

Time flows slowly.

In a blink of an eye, evening came.

Li Yu walked out of the temporary command post and saw that Zhu Xiao and others were not there yet, so he asked: "Isn't Zhu Xiao back yet?"

Guo Peng said quickly: "He just contacted me and has arrived in Lai County. He will be there soon."

"Okay." Li Yu nodded slightly.

A few hours ago, Lao Bi had returned here, and now Zhu Xiao and the others were the only ones left.

It was already evening. If Zhu Xiao hadn't arrived yet, he would have risked being discovered and sent someone to fly a helicopter out to pick them up.

The world after dark is a dangerous place.

Besides, there are still things to do tomorrow, and we must not delay important things for this reason.

ten minutes later.

Just when it was getting dark, Zhu Xiao and the others returned to Lai County.

In the command post, Li Yu watched everyone arrive.

Start arranging tomorrow’s combat tasks:

"Uncle Third, I will ask Lao Luo to fly the helicopter with you during the day tomorrow. Fly at a low altitude as much as possible. I will give you medicine and heavy artillery."

"Lao Bi, Hua Chen, and Zhu Xiao, the three of you are tasked with approaching the Northern Federation, attracting their attention, and covering the actions of Third Uncle and the others."

"Don't fight with them. Once the helicopter on the opposite side takes off, run away immediately."

"Is there anything unclear?"

Everyone nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, then it's decided. When the time comes, we will move our position and retreat to Jinggui Mountain, fifty kilometers away, to wait for you to come back."


At night.

Li Yu left from the military radio station. He had just communicated with Da Zhangshu Base and Oil City to exchange information.

There is nothing going on in Oil City, but Southern Paradise will come over to trade with them in a few days.

There are Xiao Jun, Ju Tianrui and others in Oil City, and a helicopter is also left, so there shouldn't be any problems.

The construction of the fourth outer city in the Dazhangshu Base will be completed in two weeks.

It's been building for so long and it's finally over.


Northern Commonwealth.

The clouds of sorrow are gathering.

There are many people in the Northern Federation, and some people in the inner city were promoted from the outer city.

Paper cannot contain the fire. The fact that people from Oil City came to cause trouble has been spread among the people from other cities.

In addition, a large number of combat personnel from the Northern Federation were out today, which caused many people to talk about it.

Some people saw Hefeng and others being taken away today.

Previously, Sima Xi vowed to lead his army to Oil City, and then fled back to the Northern Federation alone in despair.

Everything was seen by those who were interested, and various versions of speculations were generated.

"Did you hear that? Didn't our Northern Federation bring many people out? I heard that we were defeated!"

"Lost? Who is the enemy?"

"Who else could it be? People from the Oil City. You don't know, right? Let me tell you, didn't that Sima Xi take people south a while ago? He was just looking for that Oil City. He was going to take the oil

The city was captured, but they were beaten down. Today the governor sent people out to have a fight with the people in Oil City, but they lost."

"Who said that? How did you know we lost?"

"Don't you see their expressions look as ugly as if they've eaten shit?"

"It makes sense..."

There are many people with mixed opinions, and sometimes the rumors become more and more outrageous.

Later it became several other versions...

"I heard from one of my cousin's aunts. She said that people in Oil City can control zombies, and they will soon control zombies to surround us in the Northern Federation."

"What? Who do you think my cousin's aunt is? You know, patrol brigade captain, Anshan, he told my cousin's aunt. My cousin's aunt is his mother. The information is absolutely reliable!"

"Then what should we do? Is it doomed? I don't want to be eaten by zombies!"

"Just run away with a bucket, what else can you do!"


In a short time, the news spread all over the sky.

And evolved into various versions....

"I heard that the people in Oil City are very powerful and can control zombies! If the people sent out by the Governor today lose, then our situation in the Northern Federation may change."

"The people in Oil City are all humanoid zombies. I heard that they eat zombies, and then they mutate and fly into the sky and into the ground. They can't be killed!"

"Zombie technology has been developed in Oil City, which can control zombies as vehicles. I heard that there are people there who combine with zombies and give birth to zombie men. I asked a buddy of mine in the helicopter brigade, and he said that zombie man has five people.

Six meters high!"

"I'm telling you, the world is going to change..."

"The world outside is changing so fast. I heard that people from Oil City rode zombies and could breathe fire. They defeated Han Li and the others who went out today..."


The Northern Federation is like a toilet leaking everywhere.

Every little thing will be spread to the outside world. This is the disadvantage of having too many people.

Governor's Palace.


A tea cup was dropped heavily to the ground.

Yuan Zhi's face was as gloomy as water, and he looked at the people in front of him.

"Tell me, who spread the news?" Yuan Zhi looked at the people in front of him sinisterly.

Standing in front of him were Fan Haiyang, Ma Song, Han Li, Wang An, An Shan, Chaoyuan, Liu Wei, Tian Yunxiao and others.

These are the only people who have read the letter, it is impossible for anyone else to know about it.

In just two days, the news has spread throughout the inner and outer cities that Oil City is knocking on doors and can control zombies.

Especially today, we sent out a large army and then returned without success. When we came back, our morale was low, which only added fuel to the rumors.

If there are hot searches in the Northern Federation.

So regarding this news, it is definitely at the top of the hot search list.

Yin Xi hurriedly walked in, walked up to Yuan Zhi and said:

"The suppression has been suppressed in the outer city, but the news has spread too widely, and many people in the outer city want to leave."

Yuan Zhi scolded: "Want to leave? Then let them go, it will just happen if they leave!"

Yin Xi hesitated and said, "Governor, think twice. If they leave here, they may never come back again."

Yuan Zhi calmed down and said, "I'm not saying this because I'm angry. Letting them out will also be good for us. If the oil city can really control zombies, the rebellious people in the outer city will only become a destabilizing factor if they stay."


"If people from Oil City retreat, these people will naturally come back!"

When Yin Xi heard what Yuan Zhi said, his eyes lit up and he felt that what the governor said made sense.

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Wait a minute." Yuan Zhi suddenly stopped Yin Xi.

"What's Sima Dong's reaction?" Yuan Zhi asked.

Yin Xi thought for a while and then said: "They are a little strange. There are rumors flying everywhere, but they haven't made any movement."

Yuan Zhi frowned, feeling that something was not right, but after thinking for a long time, he could not figure out what was wrong.

So he said to Yin Xi: "Make an appointment with Sima Dong for me later. I want to talk to him."

Now that things have happened, everyone in the inner and outer cities knows about it. We can't hide it anymore, so we might as well have a frank and honest conversation.

If that oil city is really that capable of controlling zombies, Sima Dong will still need to help when the time comes to surround the wall.

"Okay, then I'll make an appointment with Sima Dong later. Governor, when will you have time?" Yin Xi asked.

Yuan Zhi looked at his watch and said, "In half an hour."

"Okay." Yin Xi nodded and left the office.

When he left, he also broke out in a cold sweat.

Because he also heard about the control of zombies in Oil City, and then he told the news to his biological sister.

Although he didn't know if it was his biological sister who said it, he had to remind his old sister later.


Yuan Zhi had a gloomy look on his face and glared at the people in front of him.

As of now, he still has not found out who spread the news.

If you follow the clues, you will only find a man guarding the gate of the inner city.

"Tell me, who is it?!" Yuan Zhi shouted angrily and looked at everyone.

Han Li, Tian Yunxiao, Liu Wei, An Shan and others in front of him were uneasy because they had indeed told people close to them about this matter.

Any news can be spread to ten people, or to hundreds of people.

Even if you specifically tell the person being listened to not to tell anyone.

But the fact is that the moment you tell others, any information you get from telling others means that everyone will probably know it.

After all, you can only control your own mouth, but not other people's.

No one answered Yuan Zhi's question.

As silent as a cicada.

Yuan Zhi sighed, waved his hand and said, "Forget it!"

"I won't hold you accountable anymore. The most important thing right now is what to do!"

"Right now, the enemy is facing us, and people inside are panicking. What do you think we should do?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one planned to be the first to speak.

"Ma Song, tell me!" No one spoke, so Yuan Zhi called his name.

Ma Song secretly thought: Why is it me again...

He thought for a few seconds and then said: "Governor, I don't think this is a bad thing! The point is how we can use this kind of public opinion."

When Yuan Zhi heard that it was not a bad thing, he raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Tell me carefully."

Ma Song continued: "First of all, whether people in Oil City can control zombies is another matter. Maybe we will know in two days."

"However, with this kind of external pressure, internal unity will be promoted and all forces must be gathered to stop external enemies."

"It is even possible to incorporate Sima Dong's power under this pressure. You will have the final say in the future of the northern border."

"What we have to do now is to use this public opinion to demonize the people of Oil City and beautify your image. And emphasize that those who ran out now have been killed by the people of Oil City. In this case, they

In order to survive, you will definitely have to fight."

"We have so many people in the Northern Federation and we have taken advantage of it. Even if Oil City can control zombies, so what?"

This is very encouraging!

What he said made everyone present feel excited.

"Okay!" Yuan Zhi clapped his palms heavily and looked at Ma Song with deep appreciation.

Ma Song indeed lived up to his expectations, and the method he proposed was extremely feasible.

And it can also solve the problems he has always wanted to solve.

The haze in front of me was lifted at this moment.


(Please give me a monthly pass. I have recently adjusted my schedule, so I can go earlier~)

This chapter has been completed!
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