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Chapter 316 Contradiction

"It feels so comfortable..." Mr. Wang groaned comfortably.

Through the iron plate under his buttocks, it was transmitted to his body. This strong and ferocious temperature made him so warm that he shivered twice.

Then, not daring to waste time, he took advantage of the heat to soak the bread in the small pot with water and swallowed it in one go.

It was very hot, and his mouth was a little red, but as the hot food and water passed through his throat and entered his stomach.

He felt warm in his stomach, and then his whole body began to feel warm.

Bang! Mr. Wang quickly put the empty pot on the bedside, then lay down on the bed and covered himself tightly with the quilt.

He wanted to take advantage of this warmth and have a good sleep.

The glass in the room was covered with fog.

At this time, the indoor temperature has almost reached a level of more than ten degrees below zero.

This is the temperature that can be reached after twenty minutes of burning flames, coupled with Mr. Wang's own body temperature, and then sealing the small room.

This is already a relatively high temperature these days.

Under normal circumstances, when there is a heavy snowstorm outside, the outdoor temperature will reach more than 40 degrees below zero, and if the doors and windows are closed indoors, it can reach more than 20 degrees below zero.

There is a temperature difference of almost ten degrees.

But even the temperature difference of more than ten degrees made it difficult for some people to survive. In the case of minus ten or twenty degrees, they could only bury themselves in bed to resist the cold.

At this time, Mr. Wang was lying on the burned iron plate, and he had eaten some hot food just now. Some of the heat radiated from his whole body made the bed warm.

This quilt with several layers is warmed by the heat emitted by Mr. Wang's body and then fed back to Mr. Wang's body.

"It's so warm." These were the last words Mr. Wang said before falling asleep.

at the same time.

Downstairs from Mr. Wang's house, the room layout is the same. It's just that this room looks a little empty.

In this room, some wooden furniture and even plastic and other things that can be burned are gone.

A skinny man wearing thick clothes was walking around the empty room.

It seems that he wants to increase his body temperature by walking.

Perhaps because he felt hot after walking for a long time, or perhaps because he felt a little tired after walking for a long time, this thin man with a scar on his face quickly got under the covers.

The quilt was also dirty, and the man was hiding under the quilt and shivering.

This first-floor house looks as if it has not been renovated yet and is clean.

The huddled man seemed to have forgotten that his wife was still outside, looking for fuel.

This cold weather prevents people from going out and makes people spend every minute in suffering.

It's just that they don't know how long temperatures like this will last before it ends.

But no matter what state they are in, most people want to continue living.


Inside the safe city.

Villa area.

The four parties are holding talks.

The main reason for this meeting was the huge conflict between underworld power Hua Chuanlong and Ke Hanyu, a former business owner.

The cause of the conflict was that Hua Chuanlong's subordinates secretly took some of the materials that Ke Hanyu's forces should distribute.

The first-party force is the military personnel led by Wu Jianguo, who control the actual power of the base.

The second force is the former black force group, headed by Hua Chuanlong.

The third party force is a business owner and some people who follow him.

The fourth force is civilian representatives.

They are in a safe city, and everyone who comes in needs to pay a protection fee, except for the three parties in front.

If the three parties in front of you find the supplies yourself, you don't need to hand them over when you return to the base. You can keep them all for yourself.

But every time there is a zombie wave, they are obliged to resist the zombies and cannot retreat.

The fourth force is composed of civilians, the largest in number but the weakest in strength. The protection fees they pay are basically provided to the first three parties.

They wanted to resist, but were unable to do so.

So every time when the security protection fee was paid at the gate, the most powerful force headed by Wu Jianguo would take half of the supplies, then Hua Chuanlong would take away 30%, and finally Ke Hanyu would take away

The last two layers.

Strangely enough, every time he went out, Ke Hanyu could always find a relatively large amount of supplies.

Therefore, this also made Ke Hanyu's power, which could only take away 20% of the supplies, the richest.

This makes the underworld forces very unhappy, especially now that the weather is cold and it is impossible to go out in search of food and supplies.

The underworld forces relied on their own strength to become slightly stronger, so they openly and secretly began to bully Ke Hanyu and the others.

How could Ke Hanyu, who used to do business a lot, not know this and kept shrinking back, but he didn't expect that Hua Chuanlong would get worse.

Just yesterday, Hua Chuanlong's people openly took away the supplies that had been collected together and those belonging to Ke Hanyu.

In the past, when materials were distributed, they were always selected before them, and less than 20% of them remained.

Forget it.

This time it was even more extreme. After Wu Jianguo and the others took away half of the money, they took the rest away.

This did not take Ke Hanyu and the others seriously at all, and this was a huge violation of their previous rules.

meeting room.

Because there are charcoal fires burning in the four corners of the room.

The whole room is not cold at all.

But the atmosphere inside the venue was extremely depressing.

The few people from the fourth party who just came to join in the fun and share their heads were thin, but the expressions on their faces seemed to be watching a good show.

Anyway, they don't have any protection money, so the benefits have been divided among the three parties. Now they are eager to fight.

The fourth force, at this moment, wished they could move a stool, get some melon seeds, and come over to watch the show.

In the front right, there is a man with a scorpion tattooed on his head. He is wearing fur and exudes a rogue aura. He lazily says: "You yourself didn't come to receive the things earlier. How can you blame me?"

In the front left, sat a middle-aged man of about 35 years old. His fair skin exuded an intellectual aura. He raised his gold-rimmed glasses and his eyes were as unwavering as an ancient well:

"Boss Hua, we have been working together for more than a year. Including Mr. Wu, we have said before that everyone must abide by the rules. Now what do you mean, everyone can not act according to the rules?"

"I've already told you that you won't be waiting after the deadline. You won't come to receive the supplies yourself. Why are we still waiting for you over there in such a cold weather?"

"We came, but you beat us."

"Nonsense, don't mess around."


Ke Hanyu had a headache. When a scholar met a soldier, he couldn't explain why.

Distorting facts and making up nonsense is what Hua Chuanlong is good at.

Ke Hanyu doesn't want to have a large-scale conflict with Hua Chuanlong and the others just yet.

Once the gun goes off, it will be difficult for both sides.

So, Ke Hanyu looked at Mr. Wu who was sitting in the center.

This chapter has been completed!
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