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Chapter 621 Bastard!

Western Conference.

A fire burned down the grain warehouse, and at the same time it burned down the Qian family.

The Zhou family and Liu family in the distance did not come out to check and turned a deaf ear.

When they saw the fate of the Qian family, they were all very happy.

Wayne was not blamed by Gan Xiong.

Their losses have been recovered from the Liu family and Zhou family, and a lot of interest has also been recovered.

It would be great if the Qian family could grab the food, but Gan Xiong also understood that it would be difficult.

He will definitely not let go of the Qian family, and the Qian family also understands this, so they have not come over to surrender. Surrendering is meaningless.

Unless the food is handed over, once the food is handed over, they have nothing to rely on and will eventually be liquidated.

There are no good results left or right.

The demise of the Qian family is inevitable.

From the moment the Qian family took advantage of the most tense moment when the Western Alliance was besieged by the zombie wave, they stole the Gan family's granary and attempted to escape after the city was breached, they were already in a dead end with the Gan family.

It burned all night, and the next day, Lao Zhuang went to sweep out the ashes of the burned rice.

Although these ashes are contaminated with gasoline, they are still burned with food and can be eaten. As long as you don't die after eating them, people in the apocalypse can eat them even if they are hungry.

What's more, these rice ash can also be used to make rice crackers.

Gao Ru never found a chance to talk to his father-in-law.

In the past two days, no one paid attention to him, and he didn't know what to do all day long.

Fortunately, at least someone brought food to him, otherwise they would have nothing to eat in the Western Conference.

This morning, Gao Ru received news that his father-in-law wanted to see him.

Gao Ru looked at Zhuang Shaohua excitedly and asked: "Really or not, what is my father-in-law's expression like and what is his mood like? I heard gunshots last night and Uncle Zhuang said there was a problem with the Qian family."

Zhuang Shaohua glanced at him and said lightly: "The Qian family no longer exists."

Gao Ru looked at Zhuang Shaohua in shock.

Zhuang Shaohua said: "Mr. Gao, let's go, don't keep the boss waiting. I may be in a good mood now, but I don't know if I go late."

Hearing this, Gao Ru straightened his clothes and said, "Then let's go."

Zhuang Shaohua nodded and led Gao Ru towards the central building, with Gao Ru following behind.

five minutes later.

Zhuang Shaohua glanced at Gao Ru behind him, and then knocked on the door.

Hearing Gan Xiong's voice inside, Zhuang Shaohua was also a little nervous. He didn't know why, but he was very nervous every time he saw Gan Xiong.

He was not the only one who was worried, Gao Ru behind him was even more nervous.

Gao Ru followed Xiaozhuang in.

Gan Xiong is running on the treadmill.

Seeing the two people coming in, he slowly slowed down and wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck.

The treadmill stops.

He stepped off the treadmill, saw the two of them, and took a glass of water from the table next to him and took a sip.

He said to Gao Ru: "Sit down. I have been busy these two days and I don't have time to entertain you. Please tell me about the situation at the small business."

"The headquarters also suffered heavy losses during the last natural disaster. In addition, the Qian family was involved in trouble during this period, and we lost a lot of food."

Gan Xiong first explained the damage to the headquarters and made the tone of the conversation clear.

Gao Ru coughed and sat down without listening to Gan Xiong's words.

My father-in-law didn't even sit down. He felt a little strange when he sat down.

He said with a sad face: "The Chengzi Island side has also suffered heavy losses. Just our direct members have lost four-fifths of their manpower. Now we only have more than 60 people. Brother Shang is fine."

After Gan Xiong heard this, although this loss exceeded his expectations, he could understand it.

There are so many people here at the headquarters, the wall must be higher, and the losses are so tragic, let alone at Chengzizhoutou by the river.

But he soon noticed something was wrong from Gao Ru's words, so he asked: "Where is Xiaojie?"

Here it comes. Gao Ru thought to himself.

He had already guessed that his father-in-law would ask this question.

He hesitated a little, his eyes turned red appropriately, and said to Gan Xiong: "Xiaojie went out once before the high temperature disaster and never came back. It must be Xiao Jun and the others!"

When Gan Xiong heard this, he was furious.

He shouted angrily to Gao Ru: "Why didn't you tell me clearly when you came here last time, and now you say, where is Xiao Jun? As far as I know, Xiao Jun is Ju Tianrui's subordinate."

Facing his father-in-law's anger, Gao Ru trembled a little.

He opened his mouth and explained: "Xiao Jun and Xiaojie left together.

We also pressed Ju Tianrui to ask, but Ju Tianrui never opened his mouth.

Ju Tianrui and the others are very strong, so we can't go head-to-head with them.

We could only cut off their food, but we didn't expect that after cutting off their food, they simply left. We sent people to track them, hoping to track him, Xiao Jun, and the others."

Gan Xiong suppressed his anger and asked: "Have you tracked it? Don't talk half-heartedly. Can you tell me the result directly?"

After saying that, he shook the cup in his hand.


The glass was shattered instantly.

Gao Ru hesitated for two seconds and decided to die.

If you tell a lie, you will have to find a way to reconcile it when the time comes, so it is better to tell the truth.

So he said: "We didn't track them. They kept going north without replenishing gasoline on the way. Later, we had no choice but to return the people we sent out. In addition, the natural disaster came and we couldn't go out to search. After so long, Xiao

Jay may have…”

Gan Xiong listened to what he said.


The atmosphere seemed to be frozen.

Gan Gaojie is his youngest grandson and his favorite grandson.

His expression was a bit scary, and his legal pattern was ferocious.

"If you don't succeed enough, you will fail more than you can!" Gan Xiong scolded.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked up to Gao Ru and asked: "You really can't hold up the wall with mud! How can I have descendants like you!"

"I asked you to plant it yourself before, but you didn't do it? Didn't I say last time that I would give you food for the last time? What are you doing here this time?"

Facing Gan Xiong’s soul-like questioning.

Gao Ru gritted his teeth and said: "Those refugees are all dead. They died in the natural disaster. The planting was affected by the natural disaster and there was no harvest. Now we have run out of ammunition and food."

"Ha! I originally sent you to Chengzizhoutou in the hope that you would grow stronger and extend the power of our Gan family. But what about you? You all rely on blood transfusions from the headquarters, so what was the use of sending you out in the first place? You said,

What are you for?"

Gao Ru touched his face, which was covered with the spittle that Gan Xiong had sprayed on his face.

But he didn't dare to complain.

Naturally, he knew the situation in Chengzizhou. He had also given suggestions to Gan Shang, but he couldn't move.

Gao Ru could only lower his head quietly and bear Gan Xiong's anger.

After Gan Xiong scolded him.

She looked at him with great disgust, waved her hand and said, "Xiao Zhuang, give them half of the ashes from the rice burned by the Qian family."

Hearing this, Gao Ru raised his head and asked: "Rice ashes? Can this thing be eaten?"

When Gan Xiong heard what he said, his emotions that had just dissipated became irritated again, and he said: "There is no food, and if you don't want the rice ash, I won't give it to you."

Gao Ru said quickly: "No, no, no, I'm just asking, I want it, I want it."

It's better than nothing. Let's see if we can eat it.

Gan Xiong asked again: "Where did Xiaojie and Xiao Jun go at that time? Do you know?"

Gao Ru shook his head awkwardly and said: "It should be in the east, but the specific location is unknown. But Ju Tianrui and the others went to the north again, so..."

When Gan Xiong heard this, the thought he wanted to search for was immediately poured over by a basin of cold water.

This is in the last days, in the east and north of Nuoda. How can we find it?


There was a sadness in his heart. Thinking of his little grandson's face, he was in a very bad mood.

"Take the rice ashes and get out. After you go back, you should also clean up and don't end up at Chengzizhou." Gan Xiong said.

Gao Ru was stunned and asked: "Ah? Then where are we going?"

Gan Xiong said helplessly: "It doesn't mean much for you to be there anymore. Come back."

Even though they are so stupid, they are all their own sons and sons-in-law.

In addition, the last natural disaster caused severe damage, so having them come back can also make up for the manpower.

When Gao Ru heard the words, he was filled with joy.

He no longer wants to stay in Chengzizhou. He can return to the Western Alliance headquarters. Not only is his safety guaranteed, he doesn't have to worry about food.

So he nodded vigorously and said, "You don't need to bring much rice ash, right? We all have to come back anyway."

Gan Xiong waved his hand and said, "You can figure it out yourself. Anyway, I won't give you any other food this time. I'm very dissatisfied with what you did."

Gao Ru was about to speak but stopped, so he had no choice but to accept.


This chapter has been completed!
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