Chapter 435 Eastern medicine, nothing more than that

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The official residence of Goryeo President Roh Hyun-moo.

"Mr. President, we invited many people, but they all declined for various reasons..."

The secretary whispered.

"Haha, this is normal!"

Lu Xuanwu was somewhat mentally prepared.

He is currently under suspension for investigation, but he cannot sit still and wait for death, so he invited some people over to seek some help.

Roh Xuanwu was a grassroots president, and he did not have much support from the plutocrats behind him. He ascended to the position of president solely relying on the support of public opinion.

Lu Xuanwu, who first took office as president, was also ambitious and wanted to do something big and live up to the high expectations of the people.

The main problem in Korea now is the oligarchic economy.

The five major chaebols control more than 70% of the country's economy, and a large amount of social wealth flows into their pockets. Small and medium-sized enterprises are very difficult to operate, and the middle class has no hope of rising. The entire social economy is like a pool of stagnant water.

If we want to break this deadlock, we must restrict the chaebols and force them to open up some areas of the economy to allow small and medium-sized enterprises to fill in.

Only in this way can a shot in the arm be given to Korea's economy.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

When Lu Xuanwu actually started to govern, he realized that it simply wouldn't work.

Although the chaebols had constant internal intrigues and disputes, they were unusually united when the government put pressure on them. They united to oppose Lu Xuanwu's policies.

This impeachment was brought about by the plutocrats.

At this point, we cannot talk about the prosecutor system of Goryeo.

The prosecutor of Goryeo State originated from a special political institution established under the guidance of the Americans during the Korean War.

The prosecutor system is independent from the government, is not under the jurisdiction of the government, and has independent judicial power.

The government only has the right to guide and has no right to interfere.

The prosecutors are also dissatisfied with the government because their backing is the United States.

Lu Xuanwu himself was a prosecutor, so he naturally knew the truth behind this.

The chaebols have colluded with Lu Xuanwu's opponents and have already begun to take action.

Their breaking points are also very clever.


No country, no government, no one has zero tolerance for corruption.

Lu Xuanwu himself was not corrupt, but he could not guarantee that his subordinates would not be corrupt.

It was precisely because of this that his opponent caught him in a sore spot, and he had to be suspended for investigation.

The most brilliant political method in the world is to use public opinion to openly retaliate against you, but you just can't say anything.

"Mr. President, there are people from Dongzhu Pharmaceutical. They are eager to see you."

The secretary said cautiously.


Lu Xuanwu became energetic.

He is now invisible to everyone, everyone avoids him, and yet some people actually come to him.

"Dongzhu Pharmaceutical, if I remember correctly, it should be one of the five major oriental medicine industries, right?"

Lu Xuanwu was still somewhat impressed.

"Yes, Mr. President. Their people are outside. Do you want to meet them?"

"Then let them in."

Lu Xuanwu nodded.

He was also a little curious, why did Dongzhu Pharmaceutical come to see him at this time?

Shaoqing and Yin Dongzhu appeared in the room dressed up.

"Hello, Mr. President, my name is Yin Dongzhu, and I am the person in charge of Dongzhu Pharmaceutical."

"Hello, Ms. Yin, I have been suspended from my post. It is still unknown whether the president can continue."

Lu Xuanwu said politely.

He himself had lost hope in this matter.

The scandal of a relative's bribery has broken out, and even if it can be calmed down, it will be difficult to restore public sentiment.

And to calm public opinion, a lot of money is needed.

The most important thing now is that Lu Xuanwu has nothing to lose and has no money to settle this matter.

"No, no, no, since Mr. President is elected by the people, he is the representative of the people. A small setback is nothing. Mr. President, I heard that you are of Chinese descent, and I am also of Chinese descent. The Chinese ancestors have a saying, no

I am afraid of the floating clouds covering my eyes, just because I am in this mountain..."

Yin Dongzhu took out a box and placed it in front of Lu Xuanwu.

"This is the latest oriental medicine developed by our Dongzhu Pharmaceutical. It can help improve the body. I hope Mr. President will accept it."

Thank you Ms. Yin!

Lu Xuanwu put away the box and felt very happy.

The two talked about some more topics.

Lu Xuanwu seemed to be very interested in the Oriental medicine industry and kept asking about this and that.

When he learned that Eastern medicine was making a splash in the European and American markets, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

It is difficult to reform the old market, but we can explore new markets.

If new economic growth points can be created, the people will see hope, and the bribery scandal can be covered up.

Dongzhu Group has done a good job on this point and can provide focused support.

Lu Xuanwu was greatly inspired.

After chatting for a while, Yin Dongzhu stood up and left.

When you meet for the first time, you can't say too much, just get the point across.

Lu Xuanwu also sent her out personally.

When he returned to the room again, he looked at the box of oriental medicine and couldn't help but open the box.

There was a stack of bearer checks on the mezzanine of the box.

A smile flashed across Lu Xuanwu's lips.

This Yin Dongzhu is very interesting.

After carefully looking at the bearer checks, I found that there was an amount of one billion Korean won.

It's really a timely help.

With this money, Lu Xuanwu can solve his urgent needs.


Why should people give him money?

Especially at this time.

Is it another trap?

Lu Xuanwu pondered.

Speaking of which, many of his relatives' bribe-takers were tricked by the plutocrats.

Lu Xuanwu himself is not good at routines.

So they set their sights on the relatives around Lu Xuanwu.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, it can all be blamed on Lu Xuanwu.

Is this Yin Dongzhu a bait?

Lu Xuanwu was not sure.

He must be careful himself.

Lu Xuanwu quickly collected the money.

"Secretary, bring the information from Dongzhu Pharmaceutical."

He must check carefully.

The secretary quickly sent a piece of information.

As the president of Goryeo, Roh Hyun-moo conducted detailed investigations on various companies across the country.

When Lu Xuanwu read the information about Dongzhu Pharmaceutical, he immediately made a decision in his mind.

It turns out that Dongzhu Pharmaceutical has recently been targeted by Daewoo Group.

Daewoo Group?


What a coincidence.

Isn't it Daewoo Group who bribed the prosecutor to impeach him this time?

Dongzhu Pharmaceutical took the initiative to extend an olive branch and also counterattacked Daewoo Group.

Yoon Dong-joo is very smart and knows that he cannot fight against the Daewoo Group, so he seeks support from the Blue House.

very good!

Lu Xuanwu nodded.

The money was collected with peace of mind.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This is not true at all.

And he was inspired by Dongzhu Pharmaceutical.

Maybe we can do something about this pharmaceutical company.

Yin Dongzhu was ready to actively seek help, and Chen Yang was not idle either.

After initially controlling the third-party forces of Zhonggen Pharmaceutical, Chen Yang and others also officially settled in Zhonggen Pharmaceutical.

All third-party shareholders support Chen Yang and are willing to stand by Chen Yang.

These people are also the main body of the enterprise. With their full support, Neptune has truly gained a firm foothold.

After the last conflict, the elders did not provoke Chen Yang, an outsider, because they had realized that this young man was not easy to mess with.

What's more, their main opponent at this stage is Yin Dongzhu, and it doesn't make much sense to fight Chen Yang to the death.

Chen Yang still remained vigilant and asked his men to take turns guarding to avoid being attacked by his opponents.

However, his worries seemed to be overblown, as the elders did not act rashly for a period of time.

This also made Chen Yang's anxious heart relax a little.

Then seizing Zhonggen's opportunity, Chen Yang immediately notified Professor Lu and asked him to take pictures of some students.

Zhonggen Pharmaceutical has been established for decades and has deep technologies in both R&D and production.

If you don’t steal learning now, when can you steal learning?

Well, it’s not called stealing, it’s called borrowing.

After Lu Yiming heard about it, he sent Yu Yang over without hesitation.

As his most proud disciple, Senior Sister Yu is quite talented in this industry.

After Yu Yang arrived, he immediately took his junior brothers and sisters into the laboratory and research and development institutions.

Yin Dongzhu and the elders had no time to interfere, and the third-party shareholders did not dare to stop it, so this became their learning place.

On this day, Chen Yang had nothing to do, so he came to the laboratory for a walk.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw Yu Yang doing research with his junior brothers and sisters.

All the technical staff of Zhonggen Pharmaceutical stood nearby obediently.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of wind has brought you here?"

Yu Yang smiled and said hello to Chen Yang.

After getting married, Yu Yang had long lost his previous Wenqing and gained some weight, but he was far from as outstanding as before.

"Hello, Senior Sister Yu!"

Chen Yang also smiled.

There was some kind of fate between the two, but it also faded over time.

Yu Yang has now found the love of his heart and has a child, so everyone is happy.

"Sister Yu, what are you..."

Chen Yang was a little curious.

You are here to learn secretly, why do you act like you are teaching?

Low-key, low-key, my sister!


Yu Yang smiled and then motioned for Chen Yang to come out and speak. There were some things that were difficult to say in front of the Zhonggen technicians.

Chen Yang also came out.

"When we first came here, we were really shocked. The R&D equipment here has surpassed the domestic R&D capabilities. However, as we learned more about it, I discovered that their R&D was superficial, and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine was worse than ours.

It’s far away.”

Yu Yang curled his lips a little.

These people's theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine is too limited, and they simply cannot understand the principles of medicinal properties.

Also, the "Dongyibojian" they believe in is a complete copy of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Compendium of Materia Medica".

From the perspective of Chinese traditional medicine, this book is basically an introduction to traditional Chinese medicine.


Chen Yang suddenly felt sad in his heart.

People relied on this entry-level theory to enter the European and American markets.

China wants theory and medicine, but it cannot leave the country.

This has to be said to be an irony.

"Sister Yu, you have to be careful. Don't reveal our medical secrets."

Chen Yang warned.

Since Dongyao is so weak, let them be weak, but don't pass on our experience to them.

"Don't worry, what I said are just simple theories. I don't know the real secrets, so naturally they won't be leaked."

Yu Yang said with a smile.

The theory of Chinese medicine is vast and profound, but she only knows a little bit about it.

That's good!

Chen Yang nodded.

They came here to steal the experience of Eastern medicine, but now it seems that there is no need to steal this thing.


Yu Yang pondered for a while and said: "They still have some knowledge about the details of pharmaceuticals. I plan to learn all of them, and then go back and study them in detail to see if they can be integrated into our system."

Very good, very good!

Chen Yang nodded repeatedly.

He does not reject foreign knowledge.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been stuck in its ways for so many years, and has lagged behind Xiaori and Korea in many details.

There is no shame in learning backwards.

Isn’t new technology an example?

Without Professor Lu's painstaking reverse research, could Neptune become the second institution with new technologies besides Xiaolili?

"One more thing..."

Yu Yang hesitated for a moment, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Tell me what you have to say. When did Senior Sister Yu become so polite?"

Chen Yang asked curiously.

"It's like this. I found that some of them focus on medicine rather than medicine. Almost all the prescriptions are copied from ancient prescriptions. In China, even the entry-level Chinese medicine doctors can prescribe them. There are hundreds of people with different personalities. How can one prescription be suitable for so many people?

There are many people? But why can their medicine work?"

Yu Yang was a little confused.


Chen Yang smiled, very bitterly.

He is somewhat clearer about this matter.

But Yu Yang definitely doesn't know.

"Senior Sister Yu, do you know what grade the medicinal materials purchased by Zhonggen Pharmaceutical are? They are all above grade. Whether it is oriental medicine or Kampo, they never use ordinary medicinal materials."

Chen Yang said sincerely.

As a supplier of Zhonggen and Dongzhu Pharmaceutical, Neptune naturally knows it very well.

A good doctor must also have good medicine.

To put it bluntly, 80% of the medicinal materials used by domestic pharmaceutical companies are substandard.

It’s not that it’s unqualified, it’s that the medicine is not effective enough.

To be conservative, the medicinal materials used by pharmaceutical companies should be halved to avoid trouble.

Originally, the medicinal properties of these medicinal materials are not enough, and pharmaceutical companies have to reduce the dosage by half when using them. Therefore, domestically produced Chinese patent medicines are generally somewhat effective, but they need to be taken for a long time to take effect.

"Then why can't we use good medicinal materials?"

Yu Yang was a little confused.

Chen Yang was speechless for a while.

This issue is somewhat complex. It is not purely a cost issue, but also mixed with some other elements.

In short, it is impossible for domestic pharmaceutical companies to use all medicinal materials well.

"Sister Yu, you don't have to worry about this issue. You come here to learn from other people's advanced experience. As for the rest, leave it to me."

Chen Yang said seriously.

All right!

Yu Yang nodded understandingly.

Now that Chen Yang said so, she was embarrassed to ask again and returned to her post with doubts.

What a great medicine!

Chen Yang sighed.

Good medicine is not a good product!

If a patient is cured by a medicine, whose money will they make?

This chapter has been completed!
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