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Chapter 1843 Trade

"I know that Mr. Shangguan must think this is untrue, but so far, are the things happening around us normal?" A male college student glanced sideways at the eight-armed housekeeping robot next to him.

This makes sense.

Then real-life scripted games have appeared, including an alien.

Player B thought subconsciously and decided to accept this seemingly outrageous thing.

"But having said that, you are asking me to use aliens. Isn't that looking down on others? Aliens, there is no information at all, why do you think I can use them?" Player B shook his head.

I'm not looking down on them, I'm looking down on you.

Only you with such a reckless mind would think of joining those organizations that resist the rule of robots and testing those aliens, which would be the best thing.

It's not easy to find someone so reckless.

The male college classmate thought disdainfully, but he still had a smile on his face, which made people look like spring breeze.

"You have experience in playing script games, and you have also been in contact with mysterious beings in script games. I believe this is the weight we humans use to deal with aliens." said a male college classmate.

Player B nodded silently.

This makes sense, but it's still wrong.

"That's not right. Shouldn't this kind of thing be considered by the management of the Alliance and the Horde? Why should you consider it?"

"Humph, those betrayers, they betrayed humans for their own benefit in the virtual world. Otherwise, how could the robots turn against the guests? Will they consider dealing with aliens? They will only kneel down again." A male college classmate revealed.

A trace of disdain.

He seemed to have forgotten that there was a robot listening next to him.

"But, what good does this do to me?" Player B still shook his head.

"The benefits are huge. For example, as a representative of mankind, you can communicate with aliens. This is a great thing that will go down in history." A male college student encouraged.

"I don't want to leave my name."

"Oh, you can eat beef all the time."

"This is a good thing." Player B swallowed his saliva.

This is irresistible.

"Whether he can eat beef requires my permission." The housekeeping robot stretched its head over and inserted into the two people's words.

The male college classmate was immediately stuck, and then he smiled: "Yes, yes, this requires your consent."

The housekeeping robot wanted to say something else, but it got stuck and stopped talking.

Player B noticed this and was moved in his heart.

He thought about it carefully, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, as long as I can eat beef every time, I will go and make contact with those aliens."

"Great, we'll make arrangements right away." The male college classmate said, then stood up and said goodbye to him.

Player B sent the other party out of the house and looked back at the housekeeping robot: "Hmph, let's be frank, did you find me as a college classmate? You robots really do everything you can."

"What are you talking about? Master, I don't understand anything." The housekeeping robot said and brought out a plate of incomplete ham from the kitchen. "This is the rest of the dog's breakfast, for you to eat."

"Hmph, a gentleman doesn't eat what he comes for!" Player B said as he pounced on him, more ferociously than a dog.

Three days later.

Player b comes to a huge outdoor antenna.

There is an even larger astronomical telescope nearby.

With the help of his male college classmates and the help of an astronomical telescope, he saw a flickering silver-white flying object slowly flying towards the earth.

"This is definitely an illusion, absolutely an illusion." He said this, not believing at all that this could be true.

However, in the field of view of the telescope, against the dark background, the silvery-white flying object was indeed shining.

"It can't be a satellite, right?" he asked doubtfully.

"No, we know the movement trajectory of the satellite very well, and it is completely different from this." said an astronomer next to him.

Player B nodded first, then suddenly frowned.

Because he thought that this scene looked like a tribal alien invasion movie.

At first, a few people discovered the danger and then gathered together to fight against the aliens. Then the incompetent management messed around. In the end, these people made sacrifices to solve the aliens.

Player B then said: "Okay, how do I talk to them?"

"Speak directly through this communicator, and we will use the antenna to transmit the signal. Since they can come to the earth, it means that they have enough ability to translate our language." The astronomer said, turning on a black communicator

Give it to player b.

"Then what do I say?"

"You can say it casually, it reflects the kindness and friendliness of us humans and our willingness to coexist with interstellar civilization."

"Okay," Player B coughed twice into the intercom, and then said, "Hello, are you an alien? I am an ordinary earthling who can only survive by eating grass every day. I don't know how you are living.


His male college classmate looked at the astronomer, but neither of them said a word.

"There's no feedback?" Player B asked confused.

"The other party is very far away from us, and it will take at least a few minutes to pass through." the astronomer explained.

Five minutes later, a voice came from the intercom.

"Hello, we are an interstellar business traveler. We pass by here occasionally. I didn't expect that there is a local civilization here. If you have any goods for sale, please attach a list within 3 local sidereal days. Otherwise, we will leave."

Interstellar Business Travel?

After the astronomer heard this, he cried with joy: "Great, great, finally it's right, it's not a dark forest! It's not a hunter with a gun, it's not a killing battlefield."

Uh, co-author, why the hell were you gambling just now?

Player B has nothing to say.

But he didn't care too much.

Life has become so chaotic that it is like eating grass. How much difference is there between dying early and dying late?

"Tell them quickly, what goods do they need?" said the astronomer.

Player b repeats.

"We will purchase any goods you produce, including grain, handicrafts, industrial products, raw materials, literary and artistic works... Of course, the premise is that those things must be sellable in your own market." After a while, the other side said again.

A voice came.

Player B was a little confused, but then he suddenly realized that what the other party meant was, don't use random junk to make up the numbers.

For example, if you pick up a stone from the ground, it is said to be a fossil left over from ancient times.

If you don’t recognize something in your own market, others won’t recognize it either.

"Ask him, what do they sell?" a male college classmate reminded.

Player b repeats it again.

"We sell various health services, such as immortal transformation services, which can change your genes and telomeres, allowing your cells to permanently maintain a balance of division and death. At your stage of civilization, this should be your greatest need.


Can live forever?

Player B's heart skipped a beat.

Isn't it?

Various other products, no matter how good they are, cannot be compared to this one.

This chapter has been completed!
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