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Chapter 204 Verification! Miracle reappears

Chapter 1224 Verification! Miracle reappears

"Is that so?"

Luo Sheng, who had heard about the contract world for the first time, felt as if he had opened the door to a new world:

"So, from the very beginning, from the time you joined the Inspectorate, you were no longer a human being?"

"No, no, no, you are already a contractor? In other words, your fierce-looking captain at that time was not an ordinary Ironborn, and your colleague also had that cat!"

"Are you all contractors?"

Unpredictable smiled and nodded, enjoying the peaceful time with his sister: "You are right."

Luo Sheng's shock did not diminish because of her unpredictable smile, but instead aroused her more curiosity:

"And just now, I didn't, it should be us, all of us saw the scene, um, the miracles we saw were just fake? Did you create them?"

"Yes." Mo Zhi nodded with a smile: "Yes, that is exactly my contract ability."

Well, I cursed in my heart because of the unpredictable ability of counterfeiting.

The scene just now was just a misleading of consciousness, allowing everyone to see the illusion of Master Mo's manifestation as if they were watching a movie. In the real situation, anything happened.

Unpredictable just used the teleportation skill to take Luo Sheng away from there and came here.

Luo Sheng's beautiful eyes were wide and round, but they were still red from crying before:

"So you are a god now?"

Mo Zhi shook his head repeatedly and signaled Luo Sheng to stop: "Bye bye, I haven't reached the point of becoming a god yet."

"That moon demon, well, I just told you that the moon demon is a big trouble. I managed to escape from him. Alas, I have to find a way to kill the moon demon later. It was a tough battle. This

A battle that all contractors on the continent will participate in."

"Hope" Mozhi paused slightly: "Hope we can win!"

Luo Sheng also seemed to feel tremendous pressure: "I will definitely win, and you must never leave me."

"Definitely not."

Unpredictable smiled bitterly: "Yes, I promise you."

"You didn't lie?"

"It's not that my ability has anything to do with lying."

"Then how can I believe you didn't lie?"

"Didn't I just prove it to you with facts! I said I would give you a surprise, no, I'm back and I'll give you this surprise myself."

"Okay! Promise me that you must live. We must have a good life and be together all the time."

"Yeah, I will."

"How long will it take? If we are together, I don't want to be separated from you for a second."

"How long? Probably hundreds or thousands of years, we probably won't be separated."

"Hundreds of years? Thousands of years? How could it be so long?"

"Because I am about to become a god. Although you are just an ordinary person, with my supernatural power, there should be no problem in letting you live for hundreds or thousands of years. Well, I will think of a solution later."

"Oh, so that's what you meant. But after living for so long, I turned into an old woman. Now I am very old. When I take the bus, some people call me aunt."

"It's okay, people will call you grandma in the future."


"Hehe, no, I'm just kidding. When you get older, I will grow older too, right?"


"Really, even gods can't stay young forever. Anyway, don't worry."

"All right!"

Returning first to report to her sister, to calm Luo Sheng's grief over losing her loved ones, was naturally the first thing that Mu Zhi had to do.

Of course, he also gained more "verification" from this process.

After being promoted to the purple level, he had initially discovered that the power drawn by the Moon Demon was derived from negative emotions. At that time, Luo Sheng's body was almost filled with negative emotions stemming from grief.

The formless grief lingered around Luo Sheng, and finally gathered into an imperceptible thread, extending towards the north.

That direction is the direction of the Black Tree Domain, where the Moon Demon is reborn.

Perhaps because Luo Sheng's sadness was so intense that the negative emotions he released were so powerful, Mu Zhi could feel those emotions in her body more clearly.

After appearing, Luo Sheng's negative emotions quickly disappeared, replaced by joy and joy, accompanied by a deep and inexhaustible happiness.

At this time, Luo Sheng's body showed unpredictable colors of emotions such as bright red and bright yellow. He checked again and again and found that the negative emotions in his sister were almost non-existent, so he finally felt relieved.

It can be seen that the Moon Demon is really absorbing negative emotions, and it is absorbing the negative emotions of all living creatures in the entire continent, and has the ability to transform these emotions into symbol source energy.

He is worthy of being the creator of the contract!

The moon demon has this characteristic. The moon demon is equivalent to having an endless source of talismans. It is almost impossible to defeat it by consuming it.

In the beginning, Mu Zhi actually had some illusions about Hengxing and the others gathering the power of contractors from all over the continent to fight against the Moon Demon. After all, the Moon Demon is a person. As long as everyone keeps fighting to consume the Moon Demon's talisman source, they will eventually be able to defeat the Moon Demon.

To consume the Moon Demon to death, of course, the premise is that the source of symbols cannot be used and the white monster must be killed by physical means. Otherwise, the source of symbols absorbed by the white monster will provide nourishment for the Moon Demon.

However, the Moon Demon can absorb negative emotions and transform them into its own source of symbols. This completely eliminates the unpredictable assumption that there are hundreds of millions of iron people in the mainland, and people will inevitably have various emotions while they are alive.

No one can avoid the occurrence of negative emotions, and there is no guarantee that everyone is positive, sunny, and optimistic. It is impossible not to be absorbed by the Moon Demon and pay negative emotions. In other words, the source of the Moon Demon's symbols is endless.


Mozhi exhaled a long breath. No matter what, it was finally verified and proved that his previous assumption was correct.

Then, the only thing left is to find a way to solve this problem.

While thinking about it, Mo Cai chatted with Luo Sheng, feeling and "reading" the various prayers for him from the mainland ironmen.

Saigon Province, a certain city.

A building was surrounded by workers wearing blue overalls.

Their bodies were covered with stains from dried cement and dust, and they were obviously a group of construction workers.

At this time, the workers gathered in front of the company and shouted loudly into the building:

"Manager Yang! We must pay our wages today!"

"We have not received wages for four months in a row! If this continues, my family will starve to death and our family will have no food."

"The company can't continue to delay our salary arrears. It's all our hard-earned money! It must pay us even if it's only part of it today."

"Yes! Give us first aid. We can't survive. Even if you provide us with free meals, we have families and they all have to eat."

"Manager Yang, should you give me a living allowance?" A young worker with crutches and a bamboo board on his leg said with red eyes:

"What about the compensation you promised me? I am disabled due to a work-related injury. This leg is crippled. It is really crippled. What will I do in the future?"

"Not only did you not give me appropriate subsidies, you even owed me more than six months of salary. I"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Company! Pay back the money! Company! Pay back the money!"

The sound suddenly resounded throughout the street, surrounded by onlookers, pointing in the direction of the building.


At this moment, several rapid whistles sounded.

A security guard from a squadron rushed over and set up a cordon in front of the company to prevent workers from approaching.

Seeing this scene, the workers suddenly became excited.

Because the last time they came to ask for wages, the company called the police, and the Public Security Department sent teams to disperse them on the grounds of suppressing the demonstration.

There was a conflict between the two sides last time, and several workers were injured by security guards who were maintaining order.

"Do you want to default on your debt again?"

The workers roared excitedly:

"Paying back debts is a matter of course! What do you mean?"

"You guys surnamed Yang are preparing to default on your debt!"

"Either beat us to death today or pay us back. We will never leave. Even if the security guards come, it will be useless. Don't think we don't know. The security department is on the same side as you!"

"You are all working together in such a wolf-like manner! If you have the guts, you will arrest us all and take us to the Public Security Bureau! If you have the guts, you will kill us all so that you don't have to pay!"

"Bulls! You are bullies! How can there be a construction company like yours? You owe workers wages and want to use force to intimidate us! You are a bunch of scum."

"Everyone, rush! Rush in! We can't survive without wages anyway!"

The workers rushed forward like a tide towards the security guards' blockade, trying to break through their barriers and rush into the building.

Seeing that something was wrong, the security captain's face changed drastically, he took out his pistol and fired a warning shot into the sky.


Three gunshots were fired, but the desired effect was not achieved.

The workers' eyes were already red. Why did they care about this little threat? No one could live without wages anyway, and being shot to death would have the same result.

The two sides collided immediately. There were so many workers that they immediately dispersed the security guards.

The security captain's face was full of panic and panic. He raised his pistol and pointed it at the leading men, but in the end he did not dare to pull the trigger with his trembling hands.

Can't shoot!

If a gun is fired, the nature will change. If a few people are really killed, Saigon Province may not be able to suppress the matter.

The situation this time is different from last time! Last time they didn't suffer too much in terms of the number of security guards. They just used their fists or at most a few sticks. It was completely like a street fight. In the end, it was well-trained.

The security guards gained the upper hand and beat the workers until they fled.

Although several security guards were injured, the problem was not serious and the company's public funds could cover the treatment. Manager Yang of the construction company also gave them a lot of money in private, which can be said to be very sufficient.

This time, these damn workers were not afraid of being frightened and charged in groups without losing any momentum.

Just when the security captain didn't know what to do, the door of the building suddenly opened.

A man wearing a white suit, glasses, and shiny hair walked out, escorted by several bodyguards.

That man is exactly what the workers call Manager Yang.

When everyone saw that the real owner of the unpaid wages had arrived, they stopped what they were doing for a moment, separated from the security guards, and all looked towards the door of the building, focusing their attention on Manager Yang.

There was no expression of anger. On the contrary, the face of the luxuriously dressed Manager Yang was as bright as spring breeze and there was no trace of panic, even when facing so many debt collectors.

Looking around at the workers, Manager Yang calmly stretched out his hands, slowly made a downward movement, and said with a smile:

"Everyone! Fellow workers!"

"Why is this so? Why is this so!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the workers below started to commotion again, and some people were already shouting: "Pay back the money!"

Manager Yang was not angry at all. He showed a helpless expression as if he had been misunderstood, and his voice was even higher:

"Repay! Of course I have to return it!"

"Who said you won't pay back the money? Did anyone say that?"

"We will definitely give you every penny of your salary!"

As soon as these words came out, the workers present immediately fell silent.

The other party promised to pay back the money?!

Manager Yang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief slowly, and then continued calmly: "Everyone is too impatient! Don't you still know what I am like as a person? I, Yang Wannian, have always been the one with the most important contract.

I've never signed anyone else's money for a copper dollar. If you don't believe me, go and ask around!"

It was quiet below, and the workers seemed to want to hear what Yang Wannian had to say. At this time, a worker responded:

"I've already asked outside, you are a scumbag!"

"Not to mention the salary arrears to us, everyone who plays cards with you has said that you like to default on your gambling debts and often default on your debts."

Yang Wannian's face suddenly jumped: "Fart! Who? Who the hell said that about me! This is slander, such shameless slander."

Once again gaining the right to speak, Yang Wannian coughed and quickly seized the opportunity:

"Everyone, don't worry. Your wages will be paid to you in full. This is true. I, Yang Wannian, am here to face the God of Iron, the God of Immortality, and by the way, I will also face Master Mo.

I swear by the gods that I will definitely pay you all your wages!"

"Don't make any noise yet!" Yang Wannian saw that the workers below were about to start a commotion again, so he quickly continued:

"I owed you wages before. Well, I really feel sorry for you. Well, everyone, I can understand you, and you should also understand our company. After all, the company is what we have to live and feed, and the company provides you with the jobs.

This is our job!"

"What I mean is that it wasn't the company that deliberately delayed your wages before. It was indeed that the company had some financial problems and there were insufficient funds in the account."

Seeing that everyone present had finally calmed down, Yang Wannian knew that it was time for him to express himself freely. He put a smile on his face again and continued:

“It’s our federal government’s fault for this!”

This chapter has been completed!
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