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Chapter 1144 Deployment and Heading to the Fortress of Never Falling

"Supreme Lord, the other party has fully entered the cage we have deployed."

Deep in the dark hall with swaying candlelight, the man in black robe No. 1 caressed a crystal ball, and an image of our soldiers setting out from Flowing Light Fortress emerged and was projected in the mid-air of the hall.

"Is it finally here? I can't wait."

Ganelon IX sat lazily on the golden throne, the shadow still covering most of his burly body, like a twisted and weird statue in the dark.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the scene in mid-air, with a strange smile on his lips: "It seems that a good show of destruction and death is about to take place."

"What the Supreme Lord said is absolutely true. I have known that guy's information for a long time. In the cage we have carefully arranged, those heroic spirits and powerful people in the country will be as vulnerable as a small boat in the stormy sea."

The man in black robe No. 1 laughed deeply and snorted coldly: "The scum from the other world will soon feel the ultimate powerlessness and despair."

"By the way, Your Majesty, the army led by those vampires has also been dispatched."

The voice of the man in black robe No. 1 was full of contempt, and he continued to report: "It seems that under the call of the scum from the other world, the Iron Hand Islands are determined and still intend to attack us from the east and west with the Cold Flame Kingdom.


After saying that, the man in black robe No. 1 stroked the crystal ball, and Catherine's marching army was reflected.

"For hundreds of years, those ignorant vampires have trapped themselves in a corner and thought they were perfectly hidden. They are really stupid. I have no time to deal with them, which does not mean I have forgotten them."

King Ganelon IX snorted disdainfully and said solemnly: "Originally, I planned to deal with them last, but I didn't expect them to come to my door by themselves."

"The Supreme Lord is right, they are just a bunch of ants who don't know how to live or die."

The man in black robe No. 1 also smiled grimly, and then asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, since both the big and small fish have entered the cage, should we close the net now?"

"Don't worry, let them jump around for a while. If I guess correctly, their first target must be King Grim's Capital."

King Ganelon IX waved his hand and said disdainfully: "Then let's grant their wishes and let them fall deeper into it, so that they can feel their arrogance and stupidity before they die."

"Furthermore, the deeper they go into King Grim's capital, the hatred of those believers will deepen, and they will become better tools in my hands."

After saying that, Ganelon IX's sinister laughter resounded through the hall: "When they arrive at the capital of King Grim, they will definitely like that scene. By then, it will be the time for us and others to revel.

Today, I will use the flesh and blood of the scum of the other world and the ants under my command to complete the last link of the "holy plan"!"

"Hey, I know what to do."

The man in black robe No. 1 laughed sinisterly and echoed: "The villain's toys have been hungry and thirsty for a long time. I really look forward to that moment coming as soon as possible."

Accompanied by creepy laughter, the man in black robe No. 1 bowed and resigned, gradually disappearing into the darkness of the hall.

On the wall of Liuguang Fortress, Lei Xiao looked at our army that was gradually retreating, but his brows furrowed slightly.

Although everything was going according to plan, Lei Xiao's uneasiness became more and more obvious.

"Your Highness, you seem to have something on your mind."

Qiduo, who was standing next to Lei Xiao, touched her chest and saluted, and said respectfully: "Is it because everything went too smoothly?"

"Yes, it was a little too smooth."

Lei Xiao nodded calmly and waved his hand to signal the powerful men to follow him to the command hall of Flowing Light Fortress.

After the door of the command hall closed, Lei Xiao's solemn voice sounded again: "The other party must have some terrible plan. When the other party's plan is revealed, that's when this war will really begin."

"Your Highness, what else can we do?"

Chiduo frowned and stood up first to ask.

"I've got some new cards, and some more cards are being prepared."

Lei Xiao stood with his hands behind his back and responded: "But we all know that Naganilong IX is using the power of the Temple of Light to play a bottomless big game, and he must have been secretly planning it for a long time, but we

I know very little about these things.”

"Is the Lord referring to the other party's so-called "sacred plan" and "anti-time ritual"?"

Shirley gently rubbed her white chin and muttered: "Although we have come into contact with a lot of the 'Rebels' created by the 'Reverse Time Ceremony', we know very little about the 'Sacred Plan'."

Through Lei Xiao's series of descriptions, the chief priest of the Phantom Tribe who has just appeared in the world has fully understood our current situation.

"To be more precise, apart from knowing that the [God's Stone] that the other party searched for at all costs is related to the so-called "Holy Plan", we know nothing about the "Holy Plan"."

Lei Xiao's eyes were deep and his voice became more solemn.

"Lord, you mean "before" at all costs?"

Jiang Lei keenly discovered the meaning in Lei Xiao's words and couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Yes, the other party made a lot of noise in the human countries in order to collect "Old Contract Relics" and open the "Gate of Truth" some time ago. But since the Battle of Kelburg, the other party has only appeared to attack us.

Outside of that, there has never been any further commotion.”

Lei Xiao crossed his arms, half leaning against the wall of the command hall, and responded: "The answer is naturally self-evident."

"Lord, are you saying that the other party has probably completed the collection of [God's Stone]?"

Shirley reacted immediately and blurted out: "Since the other party's purpose of collecting the [God Stone] is to prepare the so-called "sacred plan", doesn't that mean..."

"It means that the other party's so-called "holy plan" must be coming to an end."

Lei Xiao took over the words, nodded slightly and said: "In other words, the ultimate plan that the other party wants to complete at all costs is about to be completed, and no one knows what will happen by then."

As soon as Lei Xiao said these words, the entire command hall fell into silence. Everyone frowned and looked solemn.

Just as the Lord once said, judging from the desperate methods of the mastermind behind the scenes, Ganelon IX, I am afraid that this will be a huge catastrophe that has never been seen before.

After a while, Ariel frowned and said, "So, the reason why the other party has not made any move is because they are making final preparations for this terrible plan?"

"For us, this is the best situation right now."

Lei Xiao nodded to Ariel and said: "Besides this, I'm afraid there is a worst-case scenario."

"Worst case scenario?"

Ariel lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Could it be that the other party wants to make us part of that terrible plan?"

"That's what worries me the most."

Lei Xiao confirmed Ariel's point of view and frowned: "But even if we know that the other party has deployed a dragnet, we still have no room for retreat."

"Since the other party can use us as part of their plan, they can definitely use other people to fill it in."

Lei Xiao's solemn voice resounded through the hall, and he continued: "If we sit back and wait until the opponent's plan is completed, we will be even less likely to be the opponent's opponent, and it is very likely that we will be passively involved and directly involved in the opponent's plan.

Completely destroyed.”

"My lord, I understand what you mean."

Prince Yaoguang Lawrence's old face was also full of solemnity, and he said: "Is this what the lord once said, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but prefer the tiger mountains?"

"Yes, perhaps the fate of the entire human world will be in our hands."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and affirmed: "So we must be prepared at all costs, otherwise we will have no chance of winning."

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, all the powerful men nodded thoughtfully, and the atmosphere in the hall became more solemn.

"Besides, there is another thing that I am also very concerned about."

Lei Xiao's words reached everyone's ears again, and he continued: "That is the other party's "Reverse Time Ceremony"."

"Nowadays, 'rebels' are appearing more and more frequently, which undoubtedly means that this so-called ritual may have grown in scale and more opponents have appeared."

After Lei Xiao finished speaking, Shirley's doubts rang out.

"Lord, I have something unclear. No matter what method the other party uses, summoning a strong man who does not belong to this era must come at a price, just like the Lion King's Palace. So what is the price the other party pays?"

Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao shook his head helplessly and said: "This is exactly what I am concerned about, but the other party is extremely secretive. I am afraid that only by successfully attacking the Holy Capital can we get the real answer."

Lei Xiao's eyes moved, passing over the bodies of our strong men one by one, and concluded: "With the opponent hiding deeply, we are currently in an extremely disadvantageous situation. There is no doubt about this."

"We must make careful arrangements and find more trump cards as soon as possible to deal with the upcoming decisive battle."

Having said that, Lei Xiao began to make further arrangements.

Now that the army has set out and attacked the city according to the planned attack route, it is time for the strong men under his command to take action.

Except for the generals such as White Knight and Nolan who have already led the army, Hongye, Huzhang, and Lao Xiaoer, along with most of their subordinates, are still exploring the Winged Human Clan's enchantment area.

This is the top priority at the moment. After all, the winged human race lived before the blank era, and there must still be some deeply hidden things.

Qi Duo, Nan Xing, Nan Yue, Bai Wei and other speed experts joined the operation of the huge scout network to further increase our detection capabilities.

Needless to say, Lawrence was responsible for stabilizing and consolidating the results of the war. Ariel and Wu led some officials and subordinates to sit in this flowing light fortress, temporarily turning it into a supply and logistics center to ensure the movement of the army.

As for Lei Xiao himself, he led Shirley and Jiang Bei to continue looking for possible trump cards.

"Before the decisive battle officially begins, everyone must go all out to increase the chance of winning the decisive battle, even if it is just a little bit, we must not slack off."

After everything was deployed, Lei Xiao was teleported by Jiang Lei to the Buluo Fortress.

The land of the gods standing here is undoubtedly Lei Xiao's last hope for finding a new trump card.

"Your Highness, please come this way."

In front of the VIP room of Buluo Fortress, Caroline opened the door, nodded to Lei Xiao and said, "Wait a moment, I have sent someone to notify Mr. Bing."

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness the Third Princess."

Lei Xiao walked into the elegant VIP room and said with a smile: "I have to say, with the third princess in charge, Buluo Fortress is really a reassuring place,"

"Your Highness, you are so polite. If Your Highness hadn't deployed the two sacred places here, how would the fortress be so impregnable?"

Caroline smiled and then said seriously: "I have heard the latest news about the expedition. This will definitely be an arduous battle."

"That's right, although the Temple of Light is unfathomable, the Kingdom of Cold Flame is no longer what it used to be. Since no one has ever dared to challenge this behemoth, I might as well be the first one."

Lei Xiao sat down on the soft sofa, still smiling and said: "How can I be afraid of the Temple of Light when I have elite soldiers and generals like Her Highness the Third Princess to assist me?"

"The words of His Highness the Prince always speak to my heart."

Caroline raised her eyebrows, showed a smile again and said, "I feel relieved to see His Highness the Prince is so calm."

After saying that, Caroline shook her head helplessly and said: "It's a pity that I still have to garrison the Fortress, and I can't fight side by side with His Highness the Prince this time."

"It is precisely because Her Highness the Third Princess is here that I can fight outside with peace of mind, isn't it?"

Lei Xiao gently patted Caroline on the shoulder and responded: "In the future, the trouble of the Pars Empire will also have to be solved. At that time, there will be an opportunity for the Third Princess to show off her skills."

"I hope that day comes soon!"

Caroline's delicate face was full of expectation, she nodded to Lei Xiao and said: "At that time, I will let His Highness the Prince see my true strength! I will never let His Highness the Prince down!"

After saying that, Caroline smiled, turned around and left.

"Lord, you are indeed extraordinary."

Seeing this, Shirley on the side smiled meaningfully and raised her eyebrows at Lei Xiao.

Before Lei Xiao could reply, as a gust of wind passed by, an old figure with extraordinary momentum appeared in the VIP room.

His hair and beard are as old as ice.

"Oh? He's actually the chosen son of the Phantom Clan?"

Binglao first glanced at Shirley, then turned to Lei Xiao and said with a smile: "As expected of you, it seems that you have gained another strong general."

"The old man got the award, it was just an accident."

Lei Xiao also smiled and immediately introduced Shirley to Bing Lao.

After the two of them greeted each other, Lei Xiao's expression became serious again, and he described the current situation to Bing Lao.

"I have heard about the Temple of Light recently. Even though all races are declining today, since it is the largest force in the human world, it means that it does have some skills."

When he said this, Bing Lao's wrinkled old face showed a hint of helplessness again.

This chapter has been completed!
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