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Chapter 136: Going deep into the mine

 After entering the mine, the silver moonlight was no longer shrouded, and everything around him suddenly became dim.

At the same time, a strong damp smell, mixed with the pungent smell of earthy smell and animal excrement, rushed towards me.

Wrinkled his nose slightly, and the next second, a faint starlight flashed through Lei Xiao's dark pupils, and the scenery in the mine gradually began to become clearer.

 There is no doubt that this is the fifth-level pendant he is wearing, the "Eye of the Star" night vision effect of "The Blessing of the Southern Cross".

Stepping on the soil intertwined with rocks and broken tracks, squinting his eyes and looking intently, Lei Xiao observed.

 The area here is about one hundred square meters, and it is the hall part of the mine.

Within the hall, there were some damaged mine carts and broken tools scattered everywhere. Among them, there were also a few corpses of monsters with strange skeletons scattered here and there, looking messy.

Following the broken track and looking to the other end of the hall, a new hole appeared, leading directly to the depths of the mine.

“Brother Chensha, if you keep walking along the passage, you will reach the monster’s lair, and those treasures should be at the deepest part of the monster’s lair.”

On the other side, Su Ru, who had just entered the cave entrance, came up and spoke cautiously in a low voice.

At this time, there was already a blazing torch in his hand, and in the other hand, he was tightly holding the mottled dagger.

After a slight pause, Su Ru swallowed involuntarily, and a stern look appeared on his face: "Boss Chensha, those monsters are like armored spiders. They are almost invulnerable, extremely ferocious, and have a tail on their tail."

Emit blue light.

 Last time, the five subordinates Su Mo and I joined together to cover our retreat were never able to come out of the mine tunnel again, which can be said to have been a heavy loss."

When Su Ru said this, both Su Mo next to him and the first-order subordinates behind him all had frightened expressions on their faces, and they were obviously still frightened.

“An armored spider?”

Hearing this, Lei Xiao rubbed his chin, showed a thoughtful look, and murmured to himself: "Is it a black steel spider?"

 At the beginning, when he met the businessman Kunbu and the female mercenary Shanna for the first time in the forest, what Nanxing easily shot down from the tree was a giant black steel spider over one meter long.

“Lord Qi, judging from the smell and description, the monster in the mine should be the blue-tailed ore spider, which belongs to the same family as the black steel spider.”

At this moment, Ye Cang's elegant voice rang in Lei Xiao's ears: "The strength of this kind of spider is not much different from that of the black steel spider. It generally ranges from eight stars in the first order to nine stars in the first order.

Activities in the mine.

 In addition, the blue-tailed ore spider has two major habits. The first is to attack innocent miners, and the second is to collect beautiful ores.”

"I see."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao pondered for a moment, and said softly to the five subordinates who were around him, either openly or secretly: "Don't take action for a while. These spiders can be used as my training objects."

 There is no doubt that his current strength is level two and five stars.

Coupled with high-level weapons, panic flash, mirage and other trump cards, it is natural to be able to deal with these monsters that have not even reached the peak of the first level.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao pulled out Rolandel from his waist.

Attach the energy in his body to the sword body, and under his conscious control, the brilliance of this fifth-level long sword, which is comparable to the divine weapon of the Lengyan royal family, has been reduced to a minimum.

Even so, the two brothers and sisters Su Ru and Su Mo, as well as their subordinates, opened their mouths slightly and looked straight.

Although they don’t know what level this long sword is in, no matter how you look at it, it is definitely a rare magic weapon!

 “Okay, let’s move on.”

 Smiling slightly, under the eyes of everyone in amazement, Lei Xiao held his sword across his chest and walked in the front again.

In this way, we marched along the dilapidated track and in the narrow and damp mine tunnel for more than twenty minutes.

At this time, scattered giant spider webs and more corpses of small monsters began to appear on the four walls of the mine tunnel, making the already dark and damp closed environment even more depressing.

 With his perception that is already different from ordinary people, Lei Xiao can clearly detect it.

As the team went deeper into the mine tunnel, the heartbeats of Su Ru, Su Mo and others behind them also became faster and faster, and they were obviously in a very nervous state.

 Shaking his head slightly, Lei Xiao continued to move forward.

Just now, through Ye Cang's perception, it has been confirmed that there are a total of ten blue tail spiders in the nest. As long as they do not appear at the same time, they will hardly pose any threat.

 Next, after walking a short distance and sniffing the increasingly thick stench, Lei Xiao discovered.

 The pale cobwebs around it have almost covered the entire mine tunnel.

Even the ground is covered with a thick layer, giving people the feeling of stepping on a low-quality carpet.

At this moment, with the night vision effect of Star Eyes, Lei Xiao could clearly see the entrance to the lair not far away.

“Lord, the spiders in the nest have noticed our presence, and two of them are coming here quickly.” Immediately, Ye Cang’s voice came over again.

 “Very good, are you finally here?”

Hinting to the people behind him to stop, Lei Xiao took a deep breath and tightened his grip on Rolandre.


In an instant, a drum-like sound of footsteps suddenly reached everyone's ears.

 In the empty cave, strange sounds echoed, making people feel a sudden sense of fear.

"Brother Chensha, be careful, those...those terrifying monsters are coming!" Hearing the sound, Su Ru's face immediately showed a look of panic, and he said in a trembling voice.

Su Mo, who was holding a wood-cutting ax in both hands, had a nervous expression on his pretty face, and his delicate body was trembling slightly.

As for the farmers around the two of them, their faces were all pale and they could hardly hold the crude weapons in their hands.

"give it to me."

On the other side, Lei Xiao's calm voice came from the front of the team, which made everyone's panic ease a little, and everyone watched nervously.

 The next second, two dots of light blue light, one up and one down, like flying fireflies, first caught Lei Xiao's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the two giant spiders gradually became clearer. Just as Su Ru described, the deep blue light emanated from each other's tails.

Looking carefully, this blue tailings spider is the same as the black steel spider, with a metallic texture all over its body.

 What is even more eye-catching are the eight single eyes arranged in an orderly manner on the opponent's head, as well as the fangs dripping with unknown liquid. They look extremely sharp and terrifying, and can't help but send chills down the spine.

Of course, for Lei Xiao, who was once in the center of the battlefield, this was not a shocking scene.

Looking at the opponents, one on the ground and one at the top of the passage, both attacking at extremely fast speeds, Lei Xiao, who still had an indifferent expression, held a long sword in his hand and went straight to meet them.

This chapter has been completed!
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