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Chapter 210 Blank Era

"Lord Qi, if my predictions are correct, this ancient elf city should have been destroyed in the blank era three thousand years ago."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Li's little face was full of seriousness and she said respectfully to Lei Xiao.

"Blank era?" After hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but have a trace of doubt on his face, and motioned Jiang Lei to continue.

At the same time, the other subordinates around him and Shen Banxia and three other people also showed curious expressions.

"Lord, as my subordinates just said, three thousand years ago, there was a strange blank era in this world."

Nodding slightly, Jiang Li continued: "As far as I know, there is no record of the history of that period, no matter which race it is.

However, one thing is certain.

During that blank era, all major races, including humans, elves, and dwarves, and many glorious cities were completely reduced to ruins.

Some races even disappeared and have never appeared again to this day."

"Oh? There is such a period of history in this world?" Upon hearing this, the surprise on Lei Xiao's face was palpable.

"Back to Lord, that's exactly what it is."

Nodding respectfully to Lei Xiao, Jiang Li straightened her messy hair and said: "Later generations also have different opinions about this period, but what is certain now is.

At that time, there had been large-scale wars and natural disasters, and these two factors were the reasons why many cities were reduced to ruins."

"I didn't expect that there is still such a strange historical gap period."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look thoughtful.

There is no doubt that this different world is obviously much more complex and vast than the previous Blue Star.

Moreover, why did billions of lords travel collectively?

Or what kind of secrets are hidden behind this disappeared history.

There are still too many mysteries and unknowns waiting to be discovered and explored by yourself.

"It seems that the journey in this world has just begun.

That’s all, don’t think so much, let’s start getting stronger now.”

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao calmed down and then said: "Okay, let's move on.

Although this place has been almost completely destroyed, perhaps, some clues can still be found.

All in all, don’t overlook every detail.”

"Yes! Lord!" On the other side, all the subordinates clasped their fists together and began to move forward again, while Shen Banxia and three others followed closely at the back of the team.

In this way, in the first echelon of the team, there are three powerful magicians, Jiang Lei, Ye Cang and Chao Yan.

And under the protection of the second echelon of the team, Huzhang, Nanxing and Nanyue, three strong players in the physics department.

A group of more than ten people soon arrived at the center of the elven ruins.

Wherever he looked, there was nothing to notice except the mottled ruins and overgrown weeds.

However, it can be vaguely seen from the outline of the ruins that this was once an extremely large building.

All in all, whether it is giant rocks or fine rubble half buried in the soil.

The broken columns and decaying walls, whose edges have been smoothed by years of weathering and rain erosion, all tell the story of the former glory and prosperity of this place.

"Lord, this should be the castle where the royal family of this elven city is located."

Looking at the ancient tones composed of the gray of the ruins and the green of the vegetation, Jiang Li on the side introduced: "The scale of this palace is much larger than that of the elves where my subordinates have stayed before.

It seems that there must have been a period of glorious civilization and achievements here at that time."

"I see."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao couldn't help but smile, and said in his heart: "Just the elven clan where Jiang Li once stayed has a lot of fifth-level powerhouses and many fourth-level powerhouses.

In such a comparison, it is really hard to imagine what kind of huge power can turn this thousand-year-old elven city into ruins."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

On the other side, after confirming that the surroundings were safe, Chaoyan, who was chasing a butterfly out of boredom, suddenly stopped.

I saw her blinking her big eyes, and said with some surprise: "Lord, please come and take a look!"

"Come here." Lei Xiao nodded to Jiang Li, and walked side by side towards Chao Yan's position.

When he got closer, Lei Xiao paid attention.

Between the weeds and gravel, there is an area covered by a collapsed stone wall. In one corner, there is a faintly shining colorful stream of magic.

However, what is surprising is that this magical streamer is only visible to the naked eye, and there are no energy fluctuations rippling on the surface, which can be described as quite strange.

"Lord, this is a hidden magic restriction unique to the elves!"

Seeing this, Jiang Li's young face suddenly showed a look of surprise and said: "It seems that there must be something hidden underneath!"

"Japanese knotweed, move this stone wall." Nodding to the burly man beside him, Lei Xiao immediately ordered.

"I obey! Lord!" On the other side, Huzhang bowed and clasped his fists, and immediately started to take action.

A moment later, with a burst of dust scattering, the covered magic restriction was completely revealed in front of everyone.

Looking carefully, I saw a rusty metal door under a layer of translucent colored light.

"Lord, judging from the location, the area we are currently in was once the core area of ​​this elven palace.

It seems that this must be a secret door leading somewhere in the palace."

After observing the surroundings for a while, Jiang Li turned around and reported to Lei Xiao.

"It's interesting." Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but reveal a hint of curiosity on his face, and asked the half-elf ancestor: "Jiang Li, can you break this magic restriction?"

"Please rest assured, Lord, I will leave it to my subordinates." After bowing respectfully to Lei Xiao, Jiang Lei came to the shimmering secret door and began to sing softly.

A moment later, along with the crisp and shattering sound of glass falling to the ground, the light on the magic restriction began to dim, until it finally disappeared completely.

"Polygonum cuspidatum, open it." Lei Xiao nodded slightly, motioning for everyone to step back slightly, and said to the burly man beside him.

Hearing this, he had already prepared the tiger stick and swung his sword directly towards the secret door.

In an instant, there was a harsh buzzing sound.

The secret door was like tofu, chopped into two pieces and opened crookedly.

This chapter has been completed!
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