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Chapter 299 Broken Blade and Blue Rose5000

 Next, under Kelly’s guidance, our group walked directly to the Phytolacca Trade Fair.

Furthermore, through Lei Xiao’s arrangement, in order to deceive others and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Bai Wei, who is obviously a werewolf with white prick ears and a big tail, and Lin, who is the president of the Kongqing Town branch, as well as the tiger stick as a trump card, are all hidden in the newly obtained invisibility cloak, and are all equipped with invisibility rings.


 As for the remaining subordinates, Lei Xiao was also divided into two groups, himself and Chaoyan, and Fang Hai and Aling Abing, pretending not to know each other.

 In this way, even if one's own side captures a large number of items, the split between the two teams will naturally not be so noticeable.

Of course, in this process, you can also wait for your own auction items to appear, compete with each other, and raise the price to maximize your own profits.

 Having said that, before this, Lei Xiao had already learned about it through Kelly's introduction.

 The three auctions in the afternoon, evening and evening were all held inside the huge Phytolacca Trade Fair.

 It’s just that the first two auctions were in the normal auction hall of the trade fair.

 And the last scene is naturally in the special auction hall that has been carefully arranged by the owner of Fanyin City to attract members of the mysterious organization.

Facing the two blazing suns above our heads, one large and one small, Lei Xiao noticed as he walked up the smooth and shiny stone steps of the trade fair.

 At this time, in addition to the original guards of the trade fair, those on duty at the entrance of the trade fair were on duty.

There are also elite soldiers wearing silver-white armor, and elite soldiers wearing dark brown leather armor standing neatly.

 I saw the guards' bright eyes, constantly scanning back and forth at the surrounding crowd.

 The weapon in his hand also reflected a cold gleam under the bright sunshine, making it look quite majestic.

 The roof of the previously unoccupied Phytoland Fair and the tops of some surrounding high-rise buildings.

From time to time, you can also see groups of archers carrying quivers on their backs, closely watching everything on the street.

“The defense is quite tight, and among them there is still the aura of a third-level powerhouse.

It seems that this is obviously the defense force of Fanyin City Trade Fair, Fanyin City Lord, and Fanyin City Mercenary Union."

 Noticing something, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

“I have to say, it really makes people look forward to the arrival of the evening.

 The Lord of Fanyin City, the mysterious organization, plus many powerful people from various forces who participated in the meeting but were unaware of it, as well as a group of our own...

By then, something very interesting will definitely happen.”

While Lei Xiao was thinking to himself, everyone on his side, under the guidance of Kelly, had already entered the gate of the Trade Fair and arrived at the luxuriously decorated hall.

At this time, the hall was very lively and crowded with people.

 The business counters in the previous two office areas have been removed, and a lot of luxurious sofa seats and long wooden dining tables have been added.

At a glance, on the dining table covered with fine white tablecloth, there are some exquisite desserts and ice-cold champagne for the guests to eat freely.

In the huge hall, there were only three or three nobles and wealthy businessmen with big bellies in gorgeous clothes, either elegantly swaying their wine glasses, stopping to chat in a low voice, or laughing boldly.

During the period, there were a large number of young and beautiful maids walking back and forth carrying dishes to serve. It looked like a large social banquet.

 Having said that, except for the three people hidden in the invisibility cloak.

 Others on our side were not wearing illusion cloaks, but were simply disguised and dressed in ordinary noble clothes.

 So, it did not attract the attention of other people present.

“Lord, among the crowd present, there are a large number of second-level and third-level strong men, as well as scattered fourth-level strong men.

 It seems that most of the powerful people in the city are basically concentrated here."

Soon, the rough voice of the knotweed came through the words.

“As expected, everyone can just follow the steps.” At this point, Lei Xiao first nodded to another group of Fang Hai and others on the side, indicating that the three of them could move freely nearby.

 Then, he took Chaoyan and Kelly and walked leisurely towards the crowd.

 At present, apart from the strength of the second-level nine-star magic powerhouse, Lei Xiao’s own physical strength has reached the third-level five-star level.

Also masters [Phantom], a very deceptive general illusion skill.

Furthermore, the space bracelet carries 24 third-level earth guardians with powerful defenses, more than 200 third-level offensive magic scrolls, advanced pyroblast bombs and dark light bursts.

Coupled with the strong players on your side such as Knotweed, as well as the [Blessing of the Southern Cross] which can withstand a fatal damage, as a trump card.

The most important thing is that his apparent identity is that he is just one of the many nobles who came to participate in the auction. He is still an extremely remote kind, an extremely ordinary, even inconspicuous existence.

 Hence, even if there are any unexpected emergencies at the auction, we can naturally handle them with ease.

“Lord, most of the people who came to participate in the auction this time are well-known nobles, wealthy businessmen, and other large-scale forces in the surrounding areas.”

 At this time, Kelly, who was closely following Lei Xiao, opened her red lips slightly and whispered.

Immediately, I saw her pointing at an elderly nobleman not far away who had white beard and hair but a straight body.

He then introduced softly: "For example, that person is the eldest elder of the Xuansen family, a Marquis family.

Recently, I just broke through the 迈, and entered the level of the fourth -order strong. Not only was the Lengyan royal family awarded the throne of the count, but also got a small territory.

It can be said that the scenery is endless and the second spring of life is ushering in.”

"That's it." Looking at the red-faced old man who was clinking glasses and chatting with several other nobles, Lei Xiao nodded slightly and said.

“And that one is the famous leader Tina of the Blue Rose Knights nearby.”

 Following that, Kelly pointed to the other side, where the female knight was chatting with several noble women.

Looking in the direction of Kelly's finger, looking across the surrounding crowd, Lei Xiao noticed.

I saw the female knight named Tina, wearing a light blue knight's casual clothes, with a mature and slender figure perfectly outlined.

Compared with Lin, who is also a female knight, her pretty face is less heroic and more charming. Coupled with the indifferent temperament exuding from her body, she has a sense of cold beauty.

“Her strength is on par with Lin’s, and she seems to be at the peak of the third level.”

Seeing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look thoughtful: "However, this is the first time we have seen a force like the Knights."

 With a better understanding of the world, Lei Xiao clearly understood.

 In this world, knights are roughly divided into two types.

 The first type is the directly affiliated knighthood established by the royal family itself or the relatively powerful wealthy nobles.

 Compared to ordinary cavalry units.

 The Knights not only have a stronger combat power, but also have a complete internal staff structure. They have garrison and recruitment authority independent of the ordinary army, and often only take orders from the founder himself.

 Basically, it is equivalent to a sole proprietorship in the previous life.

The second type is an independent knighthood established by a less powerful noble, or a number of nobles, who jointly contribute capital and provide a residence.

The relationship between this kind of independent knights and the nobles who contributed funds is not so much a superior and subordinate relationship, but a win-win cooperation. During war, these nobles will assist these nobles in defending their territories.

 Basically, it is equivalent to a joint venture in the previous life.

However, due to the amount of funds, it is far less than that of the directly affiliated knights.

 Therefore, most independent knights often need to do extra work on their own to maintain the normal operation of the knights.

 For example, like a mercenary group, you can accept commissions to earn commissions, or even directly cooperate with large mercenary groups, etc.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but look thoughtful: "Having said that, with our current financial resources, we can easily support the establishment of several brigades, or even a legion-sized knights.

 However, even if the funds are sufficient.

  However, if it is established from scratch, the recruitment of various talents, the training and running-in of soldiers, and tactical exercises are too lengthy, complicated and time-consuming, and it is difficult to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Therefore, the fastest way is naturally to directly acquire these ready-made direct or independent knights."

Aware of this, Lei Xiao looked at the exquisite back of the indifferent female knight not far away.

 While smiling helplessly, he thought to himself: "Good guy, at first I was just poaching talents, but now I am planning to directly acquire the entire company.

 However, if the two are carried out at the same time, one's own combat power can naturally be increased faster."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao cheered up and said to the woman in red next to him: "Kelly, how strong is the Blue Rose Knights?"

“Back to my lord, as far as my subordinates know, the Knights of the Blue Rose are an independent knightly group, based in the Iron Castle between Fanyin City and Kongqing Town.

There are probably two cavalry brigades and one infantry brigades, totaling more than 3,000 people, but the specific strength composition is unknown."

“That’s it.” Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao casually took the goblet handed to him by a pretty maid respectfully, while gently swaying the rose-colored liquid in it.

 While thinking thoughtfully: "Are there any other independent knights nearby?"

“Returning to the lord, there is an independent knighthood of similar size called the Knights of the Broken Blade.”

Kelly first took a piece of the delicate triangular cheesecake from Chao Yan who was enjoying the meal.

Then, he pointed to a young man not far away who was also wearing knight's casual clothes and had long hair parted in the middle and said: "That is the leader of the Broken Blade Knights, named Ryan.

It is said that the Knights of the Blue Rose and the Knights of the Broken Blade often have small-scale conflicts due to overlapping mission areas, and they are in a state of incompatibility."

“I understand, is your strength also at the peak of the third level?”

Looking at the elegant male aristocrat whose behavior was quite similar to Ye Cang's, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

He thought in his mind: "It seems that these two are our target persons.

However, don’t be too hasty about this matter.

 There are too many forces involved behind the scenes.

 Secondly, the details of the other party are still unclear.

 In addition, our main purpose this time is to obtain the mysterious ancient box.

 Therefore, as long as we get to know these two people first and establish a preliminary relationship, it will be a worthwhile trip.”

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, the flow of people around him began to flow towards the corridor ahead.

 There is no doubt that the auction is about to begin.

Without hesitation, Lei Xiao and Kelly took steps forward and followed the flow of people.

“So soon? I haven’t had time to taste the red velvet cake and pineapple buns yet…”

 On the other side, he was like a little hamster throughout the whole process, his lips never idle and his dark eyebrows lowered.

Before leaving, I looked at the long dining table in front of me with regret and sighed.

“When you came out of the trade fair in the morning, you seemed to have been talking non-stop, and you didn’t even forget your lunch, and I don’t know where it went.”

After giving the other party a chestnut, Lei Xiao helplessly shook his head.

 That’s it, under Kelly’s guidance.

 Lei Xiao, Chao Yan, and the three subordinates under the invisibility cloaks entered the VIP passage with less traffic and walked straight towards the auction hall.

 In the process, I also met Klee and several other strange nobles walking into the VIP passage.

However, because my clothes and appearance have already been completely renewed, the number of people is also different.

 So, it was naturally impossible for the other party to recognize her. He just looked gloomy, glared at Kelly fiercely, and left directly.

Of course, Nanyue, who had been monitoring the other party, also followed closely.

As for Klee’s father, the vice-president, he just reported to Nanxing and is on his way here.

 Next, walk along the exquisite and soft red carpet.

Not long after, a luxuriously decorated rotunda came into Lei Xiao’s sight.

 Look carefully, whether it is the large crystal chandelier inlaid with crystal stones, the exquisite landscape sculptures on the marble walls, or the white stone pillars and figure sculptures used for decoration on both sides.

 There is an aura of grandeur everywhere.

"Lord, the entrance to the auction house is ahead." Then, Kelly's clear voice rang in Lei Xiao's ears.

At the end of the hall, a huge door has been opened, with beautiful trade fair etiquette personnel standing on both sides, and everyone's face is filled with bright smiles.

“As expected, it is a place that only nobles and wealthy businessmen can set foot in.”

 Looking at the rows of young women with exquisite makeup, cool clothes, and graceful figures among the crowd, Lei Xiao nodded slightly and did not take another glance.

 There is no doubt that if it was in the previous life, Lei Xiao would probably have his eyes popping out right now.

 But now, for him who can easily take out millions of gold dragons and spend money like water, naturally it can no longer be considered a big occasion.

 After that, he walked straight into the auction house and Lei Xiao noticed.

At this time, the surrounding light immediately dimmed, as if entering the screening room of a movie theater.

At first glance, this underground auction house is extremely large, with an overall circular layout.

 There are a large number of seats densely packed throughout, and they are divided into two areas.

 The seats in the back row are horizontal rows of seats like a theater.

 The seats in the front row are sofa booths with tables.

 The middle position is an auction stage with a suitable height.

As for the hall, the most eye-catching place is the dark blue dome above the head.

 I saw that it was inlaid with sparkling crystal stones at random intervals.

 However, due to the area of ​​the hall, it is too huge.

Therefore, the brilliance emitted by the light crystal stones becomes extremely limited.

 It looks like the night sky with bright stars, which makes people feel quite relaxed and happy.

"Lord, be careful where you step, please follow this way." Immediately, Kelly's soft voice rang in Lei Xiao's ears again.

In this way, walking down the spacious stairs, the three of us finally stopped in the second row of booths away from the front of the auction table.

 This position was specially discussed between Lei Xiao and Kelly before.

 In this way, you can clearly see the auction items on the stage, and it is located in the second row without being too conspicuous, which is very good.

Looking at the luxurious velvet sofa in front of him, Lei Xiao sat down directly.

Chaoyan on the side was also sitting not far from Lei Xiao, looking around curiously.

 Feeling the soft touch of the luxurious sofa, the spacious and comfortable space, and looking at the exquisite champagne, mouth-watering fruits and pastries placed on the round table in front of you.

Lei Xiao's eyes fell on the ordinary nobles and businessmen behind him who were sitting in the common area in the back row, which seemed a bit crowded, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional for a moment.

I have to say that in this different world of swords and magic, such high-level noble privileges are indeed intoxicating.

 “Lord, that subordinate has left temporarily.”

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, Kelly came closer again and whispered respectfully.

 There is no doubt that in front of Lei Xiao, this eldest lady, who is unreasonable and has a hot temper like a flat-headed brother, has already become as docile as a rabbit.

“Let’s go.” Lei Xiao waved his hand casually, and his eyes fell on the people who were sitting around him.

The first person to sit down was Tina, the leader of the Blue Rose Knights whom I had seen in the hall before, and several strong men and women who were also dressed in knight casual clothes.

 She is located in the third row of the booth area, just behind and to the left of Lei Xiao.

At this distance, Lei Xiao could even clearly see the crystal necklace worn on the other person's fair neck.

 The next person to sit down was Ryan from the Short Blade Knights.

 The team configuration of this elegant male noble is almost the same as Tina.

 Furthermore, there was a booth separated between the two, while Ryan was sitting down.

Lei Xiao clearly heard two extremely disdainful snorts coming from behind him at the same time.

This move made the fat noble of the second level sitting in the middle tremble, and he quickly took a sip of the champagne on the table to calm down his shock.

“It seems that the relationship between the two knights cannot be described as good.”

 Noticing this scene, Lei Xiao curled his lips slightly.

As for Fang Hai, A Ling and A Bing, they were placed in the last row of the deck area, which is the fifth row, just diagonally opposite to their own.

Just like that, about twenty minutes passed until all the seats around Lei Xiao were filled.

Jingle Bell.

A clear and sweet wind chime sounded.

Immediately, a tall figure, surrounded by several ceremonial staff, slowly walked out of the underground passage of the auction stage.

 There is no doubt that the auction is about to begin.

 Seeing this, Lei Xiao cheered up, and a look of expectation appeared on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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