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Chapter 434: Mottled Steel Forest

Just like this, the cautious and slightly ethereal footsteps accompanied the exploration team.

Surrounded by the red night and the knights.

Lei Xiao, Orr, Gale, Old Calvin and others moved forward in the hidden space behind the statue of the God of War in the ancient ruins of the Titan clan.

After walking for about ten minutes, a giant, strange black shadow suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

I saw this sudden sight.

Everyone's footsteps invariably stagnated, causing the entire exploring team to stop immediately.

At this time, using the night vision effect of Star Eyes, Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and could vaguely observe.

The object in front is about seven or eight meters high, which is obviously much smaller than the Titan War statue just now.

Judging from the vague outline, it seems to be an oversized battle ax with the blade pointing downwards and inserted into the floor tiles.

"Your Excellency, City Lord, don't be too nervous."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao nodded to Al and then took his own steps.

Just like that, under Lei Xiao's signal, the exploration team of nearly 200 people began to move forward again.

When the black axe-shaped outline entered the range of search magic, Lei Xiao noticed it.

Just like what I saw just now, this is indeed a giant battle ax with the blade pointing downwards and piercing into the ground.

Under the strong magic light, the dusty all-metal battle ax reflected mottled light everywhere, and it looked like it had been left here for a long time.

Next, after careful observation, Lei Xiao made further discoveries.

This is a double-edged axe, except for the blade that pierces into the ground.

The giant ax blade on the other side, which had already been mostly rusted, was covered with a large number of chipping marks and was full of large and small gaps.

Even the upper part of the metal ax handle, which is comparable to a telephone pole, has obviously been cut off a large part, obviously after a fierce battle.

And, needless to say, this giant battle ax, which is seven to eight meters long, is obviously a weapon only used by the Titans, who are giants.

Just when Lei Xiao saw this.

As the expedition team advanced further, Lei Xiao was surprised to find out again.

It turns out that this tomahawk stuck in the ground is not just a lonely one.

At a glance, I saw that not far behind this giant double-edged ax, there were a large number of densely packed battle axes of various types.

Not only are there common battle axes such as long-handled axes, short-handled axes, throwing axes, and double-edged axes, but you can even see giant hammers the size of trucks.

All in all, it can be said that there is everything you need, at least hundreds of them.

It is like a forest of battle axes composed of many giant axes, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

And, it was just like the first giant double-edged ax I saw at the beginning.

The surface of almost all battle axes is covered with large and small chipping marks, and most of them have been rusted and turned black.

Therefore, perhaps it is more appropriate to use the mottled steel forest to describe everything in front of us.

"What a spectacular picture..."

Looking at the shocking scene in front of her, Tiya, who was following closely behind Lei Xiao, had a delicate face hidden under the knight's helmet, her red lips were slightly open, and she couldn't help but look full of surprise.

At the same time, he looked up at the strange steel forest composed of giant axes, each nearly ten meters high.

The other elite soldiers also made continuous sounds of surprise, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Among the ancient ruins, the scene of such giant axes is undoubtedly unforgettable.

Just as everyone was surprised, the entire exploration team had already arrived in front of the steel forest.

At this time, looking up at the rusty long-handled ax more than ten meters in front of him, with most of the giant ax blade cut off, Lei Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This mottled picture seems to be silently telling an unknown history.

It can be imagined that this Titan clan must have experienced a tragic war back then.

And all of this has long been lost in the long river of time.

"Speaking of which, why are there so many Titan weapons here?"

On the other side, City Lord Orr, who was also shocked, couldn't help but wonder after calming down slightly.

"Unfortunately, there are no relevant records in ancient books, but let's analyze it based on the current situation.

These giant axes have obviously been tempered by war. None of them are intact, so they are obviously not an equipment warehouse..."

Stroking his gray beard, Calvin said thoughtfully: "Moreover, this hidden space is located behind the statue of the God of War in the temple.

If my prediction is correct, it should be some kind of place similar to a sacrificial ceremony."

"A sacrificial place?" Hearing this, City Lord Orr's face became increasingly doubtful, and he murmured to himself: "Sacrificial weapons? It's really a strange custom."

"This is the Hall of Heroes of the Titans, or the ancestral temple of the Titans."

On the other side, after getting Lei Xiao's permission, Hong Ye crossed his arms, stepped forward and said lightly: "However, what is being sacrificed is naturally not a weapon.

But the powerful Titans who once owned these weapons."

"Hall of Heroes?" Upon hearing this, everyone's awe and curiosity eyes couldn't help but focus on Hong Ye, who was wearing a red outfit.

"Sir, do you know the origin of this place? Can you explain it in detail?"

I saw a look of expectation and curiosity suddenly appeared on the old face of the old magician Calvin, and he blurted out.

"The so-called Hall of Heroes is the place where the Titan clan, the patriarchs and powerful men of the past generations worship.

After all, the Titan clan is a race that respects the strong. Only the strongest in each generation will become the leader of the clan.

It is not like most other races that value blood."

After receiving Lei Xiao's signal again, Hong Ye continued to say lightly: "According to the tradition of the Titan clan.

After experiencing many battles, the weapons in their hands have already become an inseparable part of their bodies.

In other words, these battle axes inserted into the ground are equivalent to the tablets of these powerful Titans."

At this time, Hong Ye gently stroked the face of the giant mottled battle ax in front of her and said: "In short.

Those who are qualified to store weapons here were all well-known top powerhouses of the Titan clan."

Having said this, looking at the steel forest lined with giant battle axes in front of him, Hongye's slender eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly, and then said: "Back then.

I have seen another Titan Clan Hall of Valor, and the scale there was much larger than this one.

But the stored weapons, even after a long period of time, are still as clean as new, shining with a dazzling cold light.

The many weapons here are obviously from a different scene.

It can be seen that this place obviously suffered a catastrophe that year, so that there was no time to maintain the weapons.

This can also be supported by the fact that these weapons were severely damaged.

The weapons of the powerful Titans could suffer such a devastating blow. It seems that their enemies back then were obviously very powerful."

"That's it. I didn't expect the Titan clan to have such customs."

Hearing this, the old magician Calvin couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his old face. He took out a parchment from his arms and began to record it.

And while everyone was talking.

Lei Xiao had already arrived next to a giant battle ax and tentatively opened the weapon's attribute bar.

Immediately afterwards, a translucent interface that only he could see appeared in front of him.

"Can you really open the property bar?"

Seeing this, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and started to check.

[Name: Damaged Titan poleaxe] [Original: Roar of the Brave]

[Level: Damaged] [Original: Level 4? Epic (Purple)]

[Attack Strength: Damaged] [Original: ★★★★★]

[Additional Effect 1: Damaged] [Original: Magical Quenching "Physical Penetration Increased by 50%]"

[Additional Effect 2: Damaged] [Original: Power of the Wind Elf "Smallly increases movement speed"]

[Note: The weapon of a certain fourth-level Titan clan strongman was chopped into two pieces together with the long-handled ax in his hand when faced with the attack of a powerful opponent.]

After reading this one, Lei Xiao did not hesitate and opened the other one next to him.

[Name: Damaged Titan Double-edged Ax] [Original: Dawn of the Brave]

[Level: Damaged] [Original: Level 5? Extraordinary (Silver)]

[Attack Strength: Damaged] [Original: ★★★★★★]

[Additional Effect 1: Damaged] [Original: Searing Flame "When hitting the target, additional burning effect"]

[Additional Effect 2: Damaged] [Original: Titan Alloy "Physical Penetration Increased by 90%"]

[Remarks: The weapon of a certain fifth-level Titan clan strongman. Faced with the siege of opponents dozens of times stronger than himself, this Titan clan warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles finally died of exhaustion. 】

"Are even the fifth-level experts doomed?"

After closing the attribute bar again, Lei Xiao couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face despite being surprised.

It seems that it is just as Hong Ye said.

This Titan clan seems to have really encountered an extremely powerful enemy back then.

"Why do you feel that what happened to the Titans is somewhat similar to the ruins of the Elf City next to Shen Banxia's territory and the Winged Human Clan enchantment area in Shuiyue City?"

Realizing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but curled his lips slightly and said thoughtfully in his heart: "But, then again.

At that time, after Jiang Li and Ye Cang's confirmation, it was basically certain.

The two places mentioned above suffered devastating blows from unknown enemies during the blank era, which led to their eventual disappearance in the torrent of history.

And if this Titan clan was also destroyed in the blank era three thousand years ago, a contradiction will arise."

Looking at the mottled giant ax blade in front of him, Lei Xiao frowned.

He continued to think: "After all, another unknown ruins not far from this Titan ruins has been confirmed to have been destroyed in the blank era.

The Titans are very similar to the Dragons, and they are an extremely unsociable and violent race.

It is impossible to build one's own buildings next to other races, and it is even less possible to allow other races' buildings to be so close to one's own.

From this, it is assumed that these two ruins were both destroyed in the blank era.

The reasonable explanation I thought of before, the possibility that the two are not in the same era, was completely denied.

Then, the previous question reappears, why are these two ancient ruins so close to each other?"

Realizing this, Lei Xiao, who had no clue at all, turned back and motioned to Al and others to explore separately.

On the other hand, surrounded by Hong Ye, Knotweed and Ye Cang hidden under the cloak, he began to walk slowly in the steel forest composed of giant ax blades.

During this process, through questioning Hong Ye, Lei Xiao had completely confirmed.

Based on the energy fluctuations of those cyan magic arrays just now, Hong Ye was able to accurately judge.

This ancient ruins of the Titan clan were indeed destroyed in the blank era three thousand years ago.

"Is that true?"

Knowing this, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and then said to Hong Ye: "As for other things, let's talk about it when we go back."

There is no doubt that as a dragon with a long life span, it is still unknown whether Hong Ye will have any new clues about that unknown blank era.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao cheered up and focused his attention on the damaged battle axes in front of him again.

Next, by looking at the attribute columns one by one, Lei Xiao further discovered.

After a long time of baptism, although these giant axes are mottled, there is no significant difference on the surface.

However, there is actually a difference.

Among them, there are no weapons below level three.

The lowest class is also at the fourth level and accounts for the majority. Only about one-fifth of the weapons have reached the fifth level.

It can be seen from the notes on the weapons.

The users of fourth-level weapons are all above the fourth level, while the users of fifth-level weapons are necessarily at the fifth level.

"In other words, do these nearly a hundred damaged weapons represent about 10 fifth-level strong men from the Titan clan, and about 90 fourth-level strong men from the Titan clan?

But even with such combat power, it cannot escape the fate of destruction."

Realizing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Just like that, stop and go all the way.

Surrounded by Hongye and others, Lei Xiao noticed after walking around half a circle in this steel forest.

As expected, there isn't even an intact weapon here.

In addition to being strange, Lei Xiao learned about it by asking Hong Ye.

Because the Titans have a tradition of using ancestral weapons in times of crisis, hoping that their ancestors will give them strength.

Therefore, this is not an abnormality, but it can be seen from the side that back then, this place was indeed forced into a desperate situation.

"Okay, let's continue the investigation." After learning this, Lei Xiao calmed down and took his steps again.

A moment later, when he came to the end of the Iron Forest and opened the attribute bar of the last giant ax.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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