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Chapter 436 Misplaced Things


Hearing this, Lei Xiao, who had just galloped out of the valley checkpoint, tightened the reins, slowed down the horse's pace, turned his head, and signaled Hong Ye, who was also riding a horse, to continue talking.

At this time, it was already past afternoon, and feeling the two blazing suns above his head, Lei Xiao noticed unexpectedly.

The white horse under Hong Ye's crotch looked extremely honest. Not only was its movements extremely stiff, it even didn't dare to take a breath.

It seems that even though she has transformed into a human form and no longer has the aura of the dragon on her body, as a dragon, Hong Ye still feels a very obvious sense of oppression towards ordinary animals.

"Lord, do you know about the "misplaced object"?" On the other side, Hong Ye urged the horse forward with some unfamiliarity and followed up.

It can be clearly seen that although she learned quickly, this was her first time riding a horse and she still had some difficulty mastering her balance.

"'Displaced object'?" After hearing this unfamiliar word, the curious look on Lei Xiao's face became more obvious, and he immediately said: "Hongye, please tell me in detail."

"As you command, Lord."

Nodding slightly to Lei Xiao, Hongye opened her red lips slightly and began to explain: "The so-called 'displaced thing' is just like the literal meaning.

It means that buildings, debris, or other things appear in places where they should not appear.

But this situation cannot be explained by common sense, it is like the space is out of order."

"I see... Are you saying that the Titan Temple just now was a "dislocation"?" Lei Xiao asked again, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, Lord Lord, although this situation is rare, it is by no means an exception."

On the other side, Hong Ye moved his somewhat stiff body on the horse, and then said: "When I traveled across the mainland, I saw many inexplicable "dislocations."

For example, there are giant broken lighthouses in the desert, underwater city ruins on the top of snowy mountains, giant whale skeletons in primeval forests, etc.

Each of them is something that is difficult to explain clearly, and it has been investigated by subordinates.

Without exception, these "misplaced things" come from the blank era.

This can also be supported by the internal documents of the Red Dragon clan."

"My dear, there are so many amazing things."

Nodding thoughtfully, Lei Xiao murmured to himself: "It seems that these "dislocated things" must also be related to the blank era, or something that happened in the blank era."

"Your Lordship is right."

Bowing slightly to Lei Xiao again, Hong Ye adjusted his sitting position on the horse and said again: "According to the records of the Red Dragon clan under my command.

The "dislocated objects" that appear accidentally across the continent are one of the mysterious effects caused by the blank era."

"It seems that we have taken another step forward in that unknown blank era."

Having said this, Lei Xiao pulled the reins and adjusted the horse to walk on a sparsely populated country road outside the city.

While turning his head, facing the dragon woman walking slightly behind, he described everything he knew about the blank era.

This includes the conclusion drawn from the disappearance of the chosen son of God that the gods no longer favor him, and even the conjecture of war between gods and all races on the mainland.

And in addition to the Titan Temple just now, there is another ancient ship that can almost be considered a "dislocated object".

At the same time, Lei Xiao also told Shen Banxia about the elven ruins next to his territory, the Winged Human Clan barrier area in Shuiyue City, and his meeting with Wang Xi at the place where the ancestors of Luolong City slept.

"I didn't expect that Lord Lord has experienced so many adventures."

Surprised, Hong Ye followed Lei Xiao's movements and pulled up the reins, while continuing with some embarrassment: "I'll be honest with you, Lord Lord.

In fact, the Red Dragon Clan that my subordinates belong to has extremely limited understanding of the blank era.

Except for the "misplaced thing" that the lord just mentioned, everything else is almost the same as what the lord knows.

To sum up, there are three mysterious effects caused by the blank era:

First, there is no written record of the blank era itself. No race knows what exactly happened, as if everything was deliberately erased.

Second, the disappearance of the chosen son of God caused the suspicion that the gods would no longer care about him.

Third, there is the situation of the “dislocated object” already mentioned.”

Speaking of this, Hong Ye seemed to feel something strange about the white horse under her crotch, and gently patted the other horse's head to express comfort, but the result was that the white horse shivered in fright.

Noticing this, Hong Ye smiled awkwardly and continued: "By the way, Lord Lord.

Just like what the archeology kid said just now, large-scale natural disasters and wars did occur during the blank era.

What the lord guessed was that the truth of the blank era was a war between the gods and all the races on the mainland, which is indeed the most reasonable explanation at present.

Of course, if this is really the case, why the gods deliberately concealed this period of history is another story.

However, my subordinates believe that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

After all, the information we have now is very limited, and it is not enough to deduce the whole story, and we lack key evidence to support it."

"Yes, it is indeed the case." Lei Xiao nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Hongye, what do you think about the existence of God itself?"

"To be honest with you Lord, for the Red Dragon Clan where my subordinates belong, God is also an illusory word.

But as far as I know, God did exist before the blank era."

Speaking of this, Hong Ye's fair and delicate face could not help but reveal a slightly divine look, and then she smiled awkwardly and said, "But.

Compared with illusory gods, we, the red dragon clan, prefer precious and exquisite crystal stones and other shiny objects.

Therefore, there are almost no dragons in the clan who would specialize in studying this kind of matter."

"That's true." Thinking of the red night dragon mirage he experienced yesterday, Lei Xiao also smiled.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao seemed to remember something, and a trace of confusion appeared on his face, and he asked a question that he had been wondering about for a long time: "As far as I know.

The lifespan of the dragon clan is very long. It stands to reason that even if there are no written records, you, the red dragon clan, should have people who have experienced the blank era.

How come you still don’t understand everything that happened in the blank era?”

"Back to the lord, here's what happened." He bowed slightly to Lei Xiao, blinked Hongye's long eyelashes slightly, and began to explain: "As far as my subordinates know.

There is indeed no one in this red dragon clan who has experienced the blank era three thousand years ago.

Because my grandfather, the first batch of red dragons, were hatched from dragon eggs in various hidden caves after the end of the blank era.

As for where the last generation of red dragons went, the answer is naturally self-evident."

"Have they been destroyed in the blank era just like other races in ancient ruins?" Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Lei Xiao noticed.

He, Hong Ye, and Hidden Weed and Ye Cang, who were hidden under their cloaks, had already arrived at a green wheat field from the country road covered with foxtail grass.

As for the Nanxing and Nanyue sisters, in order to prevent the mysterious organization from attacking, they temporarily stayed near the ruins.

Sniffing the fresh fragrance brought by the plants and soil, Lei Xiao slowly turned his gaze away from the scarecrow standing in the wheat field in the distance, and then said to the dragon woman beside him: "Red Night.

Regarding the ruins of another unknown race that you just saw, can you determine its specific race?"

There is no doubt that what can be confirmed at present is.

The Magic Box of Eternal Night found in that ancient ruins and the guardian defense mechanism of the territory were both from the same race.

If there are any clues about this, we might be able to find a way to open the Magic Box of Eternal Night.

"Back to the lord, due to my huge size before, my subordinates have never entered ancient ruins of normal size."

Smiling sheepishly at Lei Xiao, Hong Ye said: "To be honest with you Lord, back then, in order to avoid being hunted by my fellow clansmen.

My subordinate once used another ancient ruins of the Titan clan as a nest and lived there for nearly a hundred years. When he was bored, he studied magic mechanisms to relieve his boredom. Only then did he understand the magic mechanisms so well."

"I see."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao curled his lips slightly and couldn't help but think to himself: "I'm afraid that old Calvin, who has been exploring the ruins for most of his life, would never think of it.

Just to relieve boredom, Hong Ye made her magic mechanism deciphering skills reach such a level of proficiency, right?"

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

On the other side, Hongye smiled and touched the horse's head casually, causing the horse under his crotch to be startled again, and said to Lei Xiao: "By the way, Lord Lord.

Just now, when my subordinate first entered the hidden space behind the God of War Statue, in addition to destroying those golem puppets, he also picked up something casually!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lei Xiao's dark eyes couldn't help but light up, and then he said: "Let's go, it's not safe here. Let's hurry back to the Phytoluca Trade Fair!"

After that, Lei Xiao raised his whip and started galloping towards the city.

At the same time, Hu Zhi and Ye Cang, who were hidden under their cloaks, also followed closely.

As for Hongye, she hadn't even raised her riding crop yet.

The white horse beneath him seemed to have sensed something. He snorted quickly and started to take the initiative.

Started running.

Just like that, the whole journey was smooth and smooth.

It didn't take long for Lei Xiao, who was riding a tall horse, to be in front of the Shanglu Trade Fair in the southern commercial district of Fanyin City.

At this time, because they had already said hello in advance, the two maids Kelly, Chaoyan, Bai Wei and Aling Abing who stayed behind to eliminate the remaining forces of Gary and his son were already waiting here.

Seeing this scene, Lei Xiao turned over and dismounted and said, "Okay, let's go in and talk."

Next, he entered the grand entrance of the Phytolacca Trade Fair. Under Kelly's guidance, Lei Xiao moved forward and soon returned to the luxurious reception room from before.

"For your information, Lord Lord, the remaining forces of Gary and his son in the city have been secretly cleared away. The merchant trade fair in Fanyin City is now completely under the control of our affiliated clan!"

When Lei Xiao just sat down, Kelly stepped forward to report with a face of joy: "This is it.

Even if the family elders council sends direct descendants here again, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake our position in Fanyin City."

"Very good. After all, your father is a fourth-level powerhouse. Even the Shanglu family, one of the kingdom's wealthy families, will not neglect you easily. At most, it will only allow new direct descendants to come to check and balance."

After taking the tea that Ah Bing had just made, Lei Xiao motioned for the subordinates to sit down and rest, while nodding slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he briefly introduced the situation of the ruins exploration to Kelly, Chaoyan and other subordinates who were not present.

Lei Xiao's eyes couldn't help but start to look forward to it, and he said to the dragon woman dressed in red: "Okay, Hongye, it's time for me to see the unexpected harvest."

"As you command, Lord."

Hearing this, Hong Ye stood up from her seat and first saluted Lei Xiao.

Immediately, her mind moved, and a dark golden circle-shaped object the size of a small agricultural machinery tire suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the mottled metallic light flashing on the hollow round object in front of him, Lei Xiao immediately realized that this was obviously a ring from the Titans.

"Good guy, this thing looks heavy. I'm afraid it weighs more than a hundred pounds."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao casually opened the attribute bar of this giant ring while being surprised.

[Name: Eyes of Titan]

[Race: Titan clan]


[Note: The ancient ring disappeared along with a certain Titan clan. Its background and function are unknown, but it can be confirmed that this thing is not dangerous in any way. 】

"From the attribute point of view, it is exactly the same as the previous [Eternal Night Magic Box] and [Fenglan Wings]. I can't see the specific use. It should be a sacred object of the Titan clan."

Looking at the text in the attribute column, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully, while looking at the strange texture engraved on the surface of the mottled ring.

While muttering to himself: "It can't be a Supreme Ring that can only be destroyed if it is thrown into lava, right?"

"The Supreme Ring? Does the lord know the origin of this ring?" Hearing this, a curious look appeared on Hong Ye's delicate face.

"No, the Supreme Ring is a product of the world I was in before. I just remembered it suddenly." Lei Xiao smiled at everyone, waving his hands and explaining.

"Lord, you have never told anything about the world you were in before. Is there a big difference between there and here?"

Hearing this, Chao Yan on the side couldn't help but come up to him, blinking his trademark big eyes and asking curiously.

This chapter has been completed!
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