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Chapter 473 The edge of the cliff

Noticing the strangeness at the foot of the mountain, Lei Xiao couldn't help but have a look of curiosity and curiosity on his face, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down in the direction of the thick smoke.

Wherever he looked, Lei Xiao noticed.

The black smoke that was constantly rolling upwards came from behind a mountain not far ahead. It was impossible to see exactly what happened.

After all, the location where everyone is located is a mixed area of ​​mountains and hills, which is on the edge of the border area.

"Could it be that the Holy Night Army has begun to attack the city?"

Seeing this, Chaoyan blinked his iconic big eyes, and a look of curiosity and slight nervousness appeared on his small face.

"The hillfort fortress and the two attached small fortresses are not in that direction, but farther ahead."

Shaking her head at Chao Yan, Lin Dai frowned and said thoughtfully: "According to the latest information, under the constant pressure of the Holy Night Army, the Leng Yan Army, which was at an absolute disadvantage, evacuated in a very hasty manner.

, a lot of land and local residents were lost.”

Speaking of this, Lin shook her head helplessly, and then said: "For example, the area we are in originally belonged to Leng Yan, but now it is under the control of Sheng Ye."

"So, the only people still on this land are the unarmed Leng Yan residents and the fully armed Holy Night Army?"

Hearing this, Lei Xiao pondered and nodded.

Recalling carefully, when we first came to the border battlefield, we first went to a border town called Yaxiang Town.

"At that time, that Holy Night town was ravaged by the flames of war sweeping in from the cold flames. Especially the scene of thick smoke rising everywhere and people crying and screaming is still fresh in my memory."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao curled his lips slightly and continued to say in his heart: "Now, even though the battle situation has completely reversed, the situation of the residents on Leng Yan's side who had no time to retreat is probably not much different from that then."

"Is it the abominable Holy Night Army that is doing evil in my land of Leng Yan?"

On the other side, Ariel's fair face had eyebrows that stood upright, full of anger, and then she hurriedly said to Lei Xiao: "You're from another world, come with me and have a look!"

"Dear Your Highness the Fifth Princess, did you forget our three-part agreement so quickly?"

Hearing this, Lei Xiao turned his head and said calmly: "When do I need to obey your orders?"


Ariel's eager expression suddenly dimmed a bit, and then she whispered in a low voice: "As the fifth princess of Leng Yan, I naturally stick to my word and will not bring shame to the royal family."

"It's good to know."

Smiling slightly, Lei Xiao then said solemnly: "Okay, everyone put on their invisibility cloaks, let's go over and take a look."

"As you command! Lord!"

Immediately afterwards, all the subordinates bowed and spoke in unison.

On the other side, Ariel's fair face suddenly showed a hint of joy, and she nodded accordingly.

Just like that, Lei Xiao mounted the giant white wolf again and moved forward along the winding mountain road. Not long after, he came to the back of the mountain with thick smoke.

When the field of vision in front of him widened again, Lei Xiao noticed.

At this moment, what caught his eyes was a small town built on the mountain.

At first glance, we can see that there are low wooden houses standing everywhere in the town, connected to each other by country roads.

The town is surrounded by orchards and wheat fields, giving it a very pastoral feel.

Moreover, there is a trickling mountain stream that passes through the middle of the town, adding a clear and natural atmosphere to this land.

However, since our group was still some distance away from the town, and the black mist shrouded ahead, the view was not very clear.

After a while, when Lei Xiao and others got closer, they saw another completely different scene.

In the small town, there were soldiers in blue-striped armor scattered around. Many houses had been seriously damaged, and the orchards and wheat fields were even more damaged.

The thick smoke that we just saw was coming from the burning barns and barns at the entrance of the town.

"It is indeed the Holy Night Army!"

Seeing this, a trace of anger surged into Ariel's delicate cheeks. She clenched her pink fists tightly again and said with a frown on her face: "These abominable guys are so rampant in my Leng Yan."

On the land!”

However, Ariel's fists dropped unconsciously after clenching them for a moment.

At this moment, she understood clearly in her heart.

With her current strength, she can even wipe out all the small Holy Night Army here.

However, nothing can really be changed.

After realizing this, a strong feeling of powerlessness immediately came to her mind.

"There were no screams in the town, and the Holy Night soldiers among them were relatively lazy. It seems that the residents here have already evacuated in advance."

On the other side, Lin was seen standing on a slope. She stared and observed for a moment, and then said, "The Holy Night Army here seems to be just trying to attract the attention of the Leng Yan Army."

"Very good."

Hearing this, Ariel couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "Who said that the residents of Leng Yan did not evacuate in time..."

However, her words had not yet fallen.

From the other end of the distant mountain forest, a series of helpless screams suddenly came faintly one after another.

"Lord, there are a lot of auras moving in that area, the number is about two squadrons."

At this time, the rough voice of the knotweed immediately rang in Lei Xiao's ears: "Moreover, just in this area near us, the small force moving in total exceeds a thousand people, and the number of third-level powerhouses is

The number is also in the dozens."

"Yes, these auras are distributed everywhere, almost covering the entire area, and they seem to be searching for something."

Immediately afterwards, Hong Ye's crisp sound also reached Lei Xiao's ears.

"Helpless screams, coupled with a large-scale search operation..."

Nodding thoughtfully, Lei Xiao suddenly said: "It seems that the residents here probably did not evacuate to the back of the fortress, but fled to the nearby mountains and forests."

"What the lord said is absolutely true."

Pushing the golden eyes on the bridge of his nose, Ye Cang agreed: "Thinking about it this way, the reason why the Holy Night Army set this place on fire is probably not to attract the Cold Flame Army, but to attract the residents hiding nearby."

"So that's it."


On the other side, Lin Sa's arrogant face suddenly showed a look of realization: "The Holy Night Army wants to use the local residents as bargaining chips to induce the Leng Yan Army who cannot hold on in the fortress to dispatch! "

"What a vicious plan!"

Hearing this, Ariel, who had just calmed down, became excited again, and then said: "We must teach these guys a lesson!"

Having said this, Ariel curled her lips helplessly, looked at Lei Xiao again, and asked tentatively: "He's from another world, what do you think?"

"You, the fifth princess of Lengyan, have finished speaking. What else can I say?"

Pouting his lips slightly, Lei Xiao nodded to the other subordinates and said, "Okay, let's go and take a look at the place where the scream came from."

Currently, the Holy Night Army already occupies an absolute advantage in the border battlefield area.

Therefore, although Lei Xiao did not think that the Leng Yan Army would be lured out of the cave because of this calculation of the Holy Night Army.

However, if some powerful members of the Holy Night Army can be eliminated by the way, it will undoubtedly damage the morale of the Holy Night Army to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that if one's own side takes a strong strike, the strong combat power it shows will also make the other side fearful of its next actions to a considerable extent.

After all, what our side needs now is not to completely eliminate one side, but to allow the strength of both sides to wax and wane and regain balance.

Only in this way can the effect of mutual restraint be achieved, making it easier for one's side to carry out the next action.

While Lei Xiao was thinking, there were bursts of "rustling" sounds of light movement.

Our group of people had already passed through a forest at the foot of the mountain at high speed and arrived at the place where the scream had just come from.

On the edge of a cliff, a pair of boys and girls, about eleven or twelve years old, were standing there helplessly, trembling all over.

Judging from their thin bodies, sallow faces, and dirty clothes, it was obvious that they had been struggling to survive outside for some time.

Not far in front of the two men, there were several groups of Holy Night Army soldiers wearing light armor. The sharp blades in their hands reflected a biting cold light in the sun.

For a moment, there was undoubtedly a sharp contrast between the forty or fifty well-armed burly soldiers and the two thin, bare-handed children.

"How are you two Leng Yan's little brats? Have you thought about it?"

At this time, the leader of the Holy Night Soldiers, the captain, first shook the sharp battle ax in his hand jokingly, and then said with a gloomy face: "Either tell me where the others are hiding, or you will die here with me." !”

"Stop dreaming! We won't say anything!"

On the other side, the older-looking boy, despite his fearful expression, still stood in front of the girl and mustered up the courage to say: "Lengyan people are fearless, don't waste your words anymore!"

At this point, the girl who was protected by the boy behind her also trembled and added in a low voice: "Victory will definitely belong to Leng Yan. Our soldiers of Leng Yan are all the most powerful warriors!"

Hearing this, the captain of the Holy Night Soldiers was stunned, and then he started laughing along with the other Holy Night Soldiers around him, as if the people standing in front of him were just two ridiculous clowns.

After a while, the captain of the Holy Night Soldiers finally stopped laughing, then looked at the two of them with interest, and said jokingly: "Don't you still hope that someone will come to save you?

The most powerful warriors in your mouth have already turned into cowards, hiding in the fortress and not daring to come out!"

"Hehe, the captain is right, they are two innocent little bastards!"

On the other side, a skinny Holy Night soldier played with the long sword in his hand and echoed sternly: "Not to mention their soldiers, even the few idiot princes of the Lengyan royal family are still fighting dogs.

, they were having a great time beating each other!"

"Yes, yes, not to mention that old confused king who doesn't know whether he is dead or not!"

After saying this, the Holy Night soldiers laughed wildly again.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Hearing this, the young man calmed down and tried to make himself look less irritable, then retorted: "My mother once said that our King, our Prince, and our Princess are all

Our protectors! They will definitely come to save us!"

"That's right, they are just busy now, they will definitely come to rescue us!" The girl on the side also shouted with all her strength.

Hearing this, Lei Xiao, who was hiding on the edge of the woods, could clearly feel it.

Next to him, Ariel's slender body began to tremble slightly unconsciously.

However, because she deliberately turned her head away, Lei Xiao couldn't see the expression on the other person's cheek.

"You Leng Yan royal family members are planning on how to seize the throne and save their own lives. How could they come to such a place where no one has shit to care about the life and death of humble commoners like you?"

With a mocking smile, the captain of the Holy Night Soldiers casually held an ax in his hand, and then slammed the long-handled standing ax in his hand towards the ground. While stirring up a burst of gravel, he sneered: "Stop dreaming, you will all die for me.

Come to this point."

"The captain is right. Those high-ranking royal family members can condescend to save two humble civilians?"

At this time, the skinny Holy Night soldier echoed: "If that's really the case, why did you Leng Yan's bunch of bastards end up like this today?"

Having said this, the skinny Holy Night soldier smiled sternly and said sinisterly: "Those who know the truth, please tell us where the others are hiding. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"You are talking nonsense, liar! Our Prince and Princess of Lengyan are our protectors and will definitely come to save us!"

Hearing this, the young girl seemed to have mustered up the courage and retorted loudly.

"They are really two disgusting innocent brats."

Looking at the increasingly determined eyes of the two men not far away, the captain of the Holy Night Soldier spat, and the killing intent in his body suddenly increased. It was obvious that all his patience had been worn away.

Immediately afterwards, the captain of the Holy Night Soldier was seen picking up the standing ax and slowly approaching the two people who were already on the edge of the cliff. He said ferociously: "In that case, then you will die here for me!"

On the other side, when they saw the opponent approaching, the boys and girls involuntarily took a step back.

The next second, the rocks under his feet rolled and fell straight down the cliff.

Further back, there is a vast abyss, and the two of them have no way to retreat.

But the soldier captain's pace still did not stop, and the murderous intent on his face increased to the extreme.

Just when the opponent raised his standing ax and was about to drop it.

In the forest, a very fast arrow of light passed by at great speed.

The battle ax raised in the hands of the soldier captain fell heavily to the ground together with its astonished owner.


Seeing this scene, the other Holy Night Army soldiers reacted immediately after being shocked, raising their weapons and looking in the direction of the forest.

"The fifth princess of Lengyan, Ariel? King!"

A firm crisp sound sounded, and Ariel's slender body appeared in front of all the Holy Night soldiers.

This chapter has been completed!
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