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Chapter 477 Entering the Mountain Fortress

"But what? Do you want to despise this royal flag and Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Hearing this, Bert looked stern and said in a deep voice again: "You are a little too brave, aren't you?"

"Excuse me, General. I never meant this!"

On the other side, the scout captain quickly knelt down on one knee again and reported: "It's just that Mr. Bai Laojiang gave a death order three days ago not to allow anyone to approach the area near the mountain fortress!"

After finishing speaking, the scout captain looked at Bert's stern eyes and added in a low voice: "Moreover, regardless of whether we are enemies or ourselves, if anyone is discovered, we will shoot him directly. If we disobey, we will be severely punished."

"What? How could General Bai give such an order?"

Hearing this, Ju Bai couldn't help but frown slightly, and then said: "Even if the current situation is critical, we can't treat them all indiscriminately, right?"

"This can indeed ensure the safety of the fortress to the greatest extent. After all, this is an extraordinary moment."

Ariel waved her hand slightly and said to the scout captain: "Take us there. I swear in the name of the fifth princess of Leng Yan that you will not be punished in any way."

"...As you command! Your Highness, Princess."

After pondering for a while, the scout captain gritted his teeth and nodded, then ordered the other soldiers around him to start notifying other nearby sentry troops and the inside of the fortress respectively.

Just like that, in just a moment, our team started moving forward again.

After seeing this series of pictures, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

It has to be said that this old man Bai is still an extremely cautious person.

Next, under the guidance of the scout captain.

The long team walked for more than an hour, and finally the sight suddenly opened up in front of our group.

At this time, Lei Xiao noticed that they had passed through the forest among the mountains.

And between the two peaks a few hundred meters ahead, a towering giant fortress caught everyone's eyes.

Viewed from the front, this giant fortress standing at the pass has a roughly square structure.

There is a cylindrical fortress on the left and right sides, and the middle part is made up of what looks like an extremely thick wall, connecting the left and right cylindrical fortresses together.

At first glance, it looks like there are three peaks towering in front of you, which is extremely shocking.

Seeing this, Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to observe.

On the city wall, red flags symbolizing the cold flames were fluttering in patches, and arrow towers and watchtowers were evenly distributed. The shortest point was at least 15 meters high, and the highest point was more than 20 meters high.


Moreover, a giant metal suspension bridge has already been hoisted high.

And around the city gate, there are even sharp deer fences, which look extremely sharp.

All in all, the entire giant fortress feels like an indestructible giant peak, filled with an awe-inspiring aura of inviolability.

"It is indeed the mountain fortress that has always been feared by the Holy Night Army."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Lei Xiao moved his gaze and began to observe the peaks on the left and right sides.

Halfway up the mountainside on both sides, there is indeed a Cold Flame Fortress standing on each side, which looks obviously much smaller.

However, these two small fortresses are located on higher ground and have a condescending posture. They are at the horns of each other with the mountain fortress in the middle. They are indeed very easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Especially those two small fortresses located halfway up the mountain. No matter how large the Holy Night Army was, they would not be able to launch a large-scale siege, which was almost equivalent to losing their numerical advantage.

As for the mountain fortress in the middle, only the front can launch a full-scale attack, which to a great extent restricted the movements of the Holy Night Army.

"By the way, according to Lin's information, the garrison in the mountain fortress is mainly the Lengyan Royal Legion with the strongest combat effectiveness under Bai Lao, with a total of more than 12,000 people, while the other two small fortresses have nearly 10,000 people each.

Human scale.”

Nodding in thought, Lei Xiao continued to think while following the team: "Such a configuration of soldiers can indeed support each other.

It is conceivable that no matter which fortress the Holy Night Army attacks, when the men and horses are exhausted, the other two fortresses will send troops at the same time. When they are waiting for work, the answer is naturally self-evident."

"In addition, even if the 80,000 Holy Night Army makes a desperate move and forcibly eats the 30,000 Cold Flame Army, they will undoubtedly lose the power to march forward in the future."

Realizing this, Lei Xiao nodded slightly: "I think this is the reason why the Holy Night Army, which has an obvious numerical advantage, has not launched a general attack.

After all, at this stage, the new king of Holy Night is still in a state of uncertainty, leaving almost no guarantee for reinforcements."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, his long team had already arrived not far from the mountain fortress.

At this time, Lei Xiao noticed further.

The area directly in front of the mountain fortress is a natural depression, which undoubtedly makes it more difficult to attack the city.

"I have to say, this is simply a natural defensive holy place."

Just like that, Lei Xiao thought as he continued to move forward in the team.

Not long after, when our long team finally stood not far from the gate of the giant fortress, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially those residents of Leng Yan who had just escaped from the whirlpool of war, their faces could not restrain their expressions of joy.

After experiencing this series of twists and turns, they have been struggling on the line of life and death in the dark for so many days, and finally saw the dawn of hope!

Realizing this, pairs of heartfelt grateful glances began to be projected on the backs of Ariel and Lei Xiao.

On the other side, looking up at the giant fortress in front of him, Lei Xiao discovered.

On top of the fortress, I could see faint and colorful magical lights flashing from time to time.

It seems that there must be some kind of defensive magic barrier arranged around the entire fortress.

"Lord, according to the information obtained by my subordinates, a defensive magic barrier of a buffering type is arranged around the mountain fortress."

At this time, according to the previous arrangement, Lin was not in the team, but was hiding in the surroundings, and a rustling voice came over.

"That's it." After hearing this, Lei Xiao responded softly.

As he became more familiar with the world, Lei Xiao had already learned about it before.

In this world, there are many types of magic enchantments with different functions.

Just like the detection type of magic wards, the defense type of magic wards are also divided into many types.

The buffer-type defensive barrier that Lin mentioned just now is one of them.

The "Fortress Wall" stored in the barrier crystal obtained by oneself in the Eternal Ship is another type of absolutely defensive defensive barrier.

Gu slander

"Needless to say, an absolutely defensive defensive barrier can completely block all physical attacks and magical attacks. Of course, the premise is that the magic power supplied must be sufficient.

Once the pressure caused by enemy attacks is far greater than the magic power supplied, it will naturally collapse."

Nodding in thought, Lei Xiao continued to think: "The buffer type defensive barrier is like an invisible magic buffer zone, which can greatly reduce the strength of the enemy's physical attacks and magic attacks.

Compared with the former, although it cannot achieve complete defense, it can still cause the defenders to suffer a certain degree of casualties, but the consumption of magic power is much smaller, and each has its own merits."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this.

With a crisp sound of "clatter" between metal chains, the giant metal bridge suspended high not far away began to slowly descend.

In the end, there was only a "boom" sound, and dust spread everywhere, completely covering the deep trench outside the city.

Immediately afterwards, the giant city gate of the fortress slowly opened.

A commander of the Cold Flame Army wearing black armor, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, hurriedly came forward.

After careful observation, we saw that Commander Lengyan, who was not wearing a battle helmet, was about forty years old, with a faint smile on his face.

And, judging from its extremely impressive aura.

This person's strength is almost comparable to that of the two kingdom generals, Burt and Ju Bai. He is obviously a senior powerhouse around the fourth and fifth levels.

"My subordinate, General Bai Lao and his deputy, Ogu, pay homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

When he got closer, with the crisp sound of armor clashing, the deputy general named Ogu immediately knelt down on one knee and lowered his head towards Ariel.

"There is no need to be polite, Vice Admiral Augu." Ariel nodded slightly and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness Princess!"

After standing up again, Lieutenant General Augu bowed slightly to Bert and Ju Bai who were standing next to Ariel and said: "Two generals of the kingdom, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Augu smiled warmly, as if he had met a close friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

On the other side, Bert and Jubai nodded slightly.

Judging from the indifferent expressions of the two, it was obvious that they were not as familiar with Bai Lao's deputy general as the other party showed.

"Ogu? I have heard this name before."

When Lei Xiao on the side saw this, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

According to the information Lin had provided before, there were two lieutenants beside Bai Lao. One was Ogu in front of him, and the other had been killed by Japanese knotweed on the initial border battlefield.

"According to Lin, the man who was killed by the knotweed had a bad reputation within the Cold Flame Army. He was known for being cold and bloodthirsty, and would even draw swords on his soldiers, and this Ogu

, which is exactly the opposite.”

Looking at Lieutenant General Leng Yan, who was still smiling in front of him, Lei Xiao continued to think: "It is said that this person is very popular in the army, he is a man of both sides, a well-rounded type, and he understands the rules among nobles very well.

However, they are not welcomed by Bert and Ju Bai. After all, these two are new aristocrats who have climbed up from the bottom. They have straightforward and upright personalities and hate the double-dealing and flattery among traditional aristocrats."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao frowned slightly and said in his heart: "It must be because of this that Bert and Jubai are ostracized by most of the traditional nobles."

"Where is Vice General Ogu and General Bai? Why can't he be seen?"

Immediately afterwards, Ariel couldn't help but frown slightly, and then asked.


Hearing this, Ogu suddenly showed a look of embarrassment. After pondering for a moment, he responded: "To be honest with you, Your Highness, General Bai has already started practicing in seclusion three days ago."

"Cultivation in seclusion? Does General Bai want to attack the fifth-level powerhouse?"

Hearing this, Bert's old face couldn't help but reveal a look of confusion, and he muttered: "More than ten years ago, General Bai's strength has indeed reached the peak of the fourth level..."

After thinking for a moment with his eyebrows raised, the confusion on Bert's face became more obvious, and he continued: "However, it is extremely difficult to attack a fifth-level powerhouse.

Even with complete preparations and plenty of time, he almost had a narrow escape from death. Why did General Bai choose to make a breakthrough at this critical moment?"

"That's right. Once the Holy Night Army gets the news and launches an attack at this time, the situation will undoubtedly be extremely bad."

On the other side, Ju Bai nodded and agreed: "After all, being promoted to a fifth-level powerhouse is completely different from other lower levels. It takes an extremely long time to achieve it.

And once this process is interrupted, the result will be the same as failing to advance, ranging from a sharp loss of strength and severe physical damage to, at worst, even falling directly on the spot, which is not an impossible thing."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao pondered and nodded slightly.

As the two said, it is indeed extremely difficult to advance to the fifth level of power.

It is indeed a bit difficult to understand that Bai Lao chose to advance at this time.

However, this can also explain the order that Mr. Bai gave before.

"Perhaps, General Bai is trying to destroy the situation and make the Holy Night Army die in one fell swoop."

Directly opposite, Ogu sighed softly, shook his head and said: "During this period, he has been working too hard."

After speaking, Ogu cheered up, bowed to Ariel and said, "Your Highness, you must have been very tired along the way, right? It's dangerous here. It's better to follow the general into the fortress first."

"That's fine." Hearing this, Ariel nodded slightly and said, "Just listen to you."

At this moment, Augu's somewhat wary gaze fell on Lei Xiao and Chaoyan and Yecang who were facing Mingming. He said in a deep voice: "These are..."

"These three are mercenaries hired by me. Don't worry, they are all my own."

On the other side, Ariel responded calmly according to Lei Xiao's previous instructions.

"So that's it..."

I saw Ogu's scrutinizing gaze, lingering on Lei Xiao and the other three for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Then please come with me."

"Then it's your turn, sir."

With the same faint smile, Lei Xiao responded lightly.

At this time, the three of them had taken off their illusion cloaks and put on dark green hoods, just like a ranger.

In this way, the wide hood can cover most of the face and is consistent with the identity of a mercenary. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

The reason why Lei Xiao gave up the cloak of illusion is naturally because the strong men of the fourth level have undoubtedly the ability to see through the cloak of illusion. There is no need to attract the other party's attention on this point.

In this way, under the guidance of Ogu, our long team all entered the gate of this sturdy giant fortress.

This chapter has been completed!
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