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Chapter 687 The White Knights Trump Card (Part 2)

Looking at the absolute defensive barrier that stretched from mid-air to underground, perfectly wrapping Lei Xiao's territory, the shocked expressions of the soldiers under the White Knight lasted for a long time before they all came back to their senses.


You know, the absolute defense barrier is just like its concise and easy-to-understand name. It is a powerful protective barrier that can withstand any attack from the outside.

To be precise, it can not only withstand any attack, but also block everything from the outside world, including soldiers trying to attack the city.

What's even more amazing is that this kind of barrier is one-way, but there is no restriction for the soldiers defending internally.

This powerful advantage that can change the entire battle situation makes the absolute defense barrier highly sought after, and it is deeply loved by royal families and noble families in various countries, but it can only go so far.

Because the most basic condition for building an absolute defense barrier is to invite a fifth-level magic expert who is proficient in some kind of absolute defense barrier, and another fifth-level magic expert, or ten fourth-level magicians.

The support of the strong.

Depending on the size of the barrier, the specific geographical location of the construction and other factors, it can take anywhere from ten months to several months to build it perfectly.

Therefore, except for the royal families at the pinnacle of power in various countries and the aristocratic families with powerful eyes and hands, ordinary nobles are obviously unable to meet even the most basic conditions.

After all, the fifth-level magic powerhouse is not someone you can easily get to know or even meet.

Furthermore, even if you know such a top powerhouse, it is still unknown whether the other party is willing to devote a lot of time and energy to help, and whether you can find a second group of powerful magicians who can compete with the fifth level.

Because of this, most of the nobles who have a strong sense of prevention and are relatively powerful have built another kind of defensive barrier, which is the buffer barrier that Lei Xiao had seen before in the Mountain Fort Fortress.

It is worth mentioning that there is even a weakened and improved version of the absolute defense barrier.

This kind of defensive barrier, which sounds unreliable, can theoretically block all attacks.

But it's just a theory. The defensive strength is far inferior to the real absolute defense barrier. It can only defend against some less powerful low-level magic and ordinary arrows that are not dense.

"This magic barrier covering the territory of Princess Keqing easily withstood the salvoes of my 300 magic cannons. Obviously only a true absolute defensive barrier can do this."

I saw the dark face of the white knight hidden in the helmet, and a hint of surprise emerged: "Building a perfect absolute defensive barrier is definitely not a day's work. How did this princess guest do it?"

"Is it a barrier crystal that seals some kind of absolute defensive barrier? But the barrier crystal is as rare as the Demon Breaker in my hand. Only the most elite royal legions will ration it. It is a top secret of the royal family.

, how can it be something that can be obtained casually?”

While the white knight was secretly surprised, the eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses were also filled with surprise.

Just now when the White Knight showed off the Demon Breaker, Jin Wen's heart was almost in his throat.

Without the suppression of territorial magic cannons and attack spells, the White Knight's salvo of 300 magic cannons was enough to instantly severely damage an unsuspecting ordinary legion, which is evident from this.

But even so, the final result was that Princess Keqing's territory was unscathed, which is simply unbelievable!

"He actually has an absolute defensive barrier... Is this really a lord from another world who just arrived?"

"In such a short period of time, it has reached such a high level. If time passes, I am afraid that only the nobles and wealthy families... No, I am afraid that only the royal family can rival it, right?"

It was only then that Jin Wen, who was shocked, finally understood.

Last night, what Princess Keqing said about ending the power dispute was not due to ignorance or arrogance, but because she truly had the corresponding strength!

"But having said that, although the absolute defense barrier is perfect, it requires a lot of magic power to support it. Once the magic power is exhausted, the barrier will be completely shattered."

Thinking of this in his mind, Jin Wen froze his eyebrows and thought to himself: "The 100 second-order magic cannons brought by the White Knight this time were all obtained from the eldest prince and specially equipped with a large number of magic light crystals.


"Coupled with the other 200 first-level magic cannons brought by traditional nobles, the combined power of each salvo is comparable to the powerful spell released by a fifth-level strongman."

"Even if there are fifth-level powerhouses in Princess Keqing's territory to supply magic power, they will never be able to hold on forever."

Thinking of this, Jin Wen couldn't help but feel a hint of hidden tension: "From this, if Princess Keqing doesn't find a way to deal with those demon breakers as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will only be a matter of time before the city is broken."

Not far away from Jinwen, the white knight's surprised look had dissipated, and a gloomy look returned to his face.

"Princess, guest, so what if you have an absolute defensive barrier?"

"As long as my Demon Breaker is still there, under the continuous bombardment of the magic cannon, it won't take long for your absolute defensive barrier to collapse."

"By then, your territory will still be razed to the ground, it's just a matter of sooner or later."

With a disdainful snort, the white knight turned his head and said to the several traditional noble commanders who had just gathered beside him: "In addition to the attack of the magic cannon, the archers, harpooneers and magicians are all coming.

, break the barrier for me as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Lord White Knight!"

A group of traditional noble commanders immediately touched their chests and saluted, and began to act separately.

I saw the arrogant faces of these noble commanders, and the surprise had long been replaced by new disdain.

The princess Keqing is just struggling to her death. Under the fierce bombardment of the magic cannon, how long can the princess Keqing keep jumping?

A lowly alien lord who dares to compete with nobles like them is simply seeking death!

Just when several traditional noble commanders thought of this with contempt on their faces.

A new change has already arrived.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Accompanied by howls falling from the sky.

A series of deafening explosions suddenly occurred around the Demon Breaker and the siege magic cannon.

I saw balls of dazzling firelight, one after another bursting into the sky, immediately making the entire area look like daylight.

What followed was a large number of stunned and horrified screams.

These traditional aristocratic soldiers who thought they had nothing to worry about obviously did not expect that the attack would come so suddenly.

Under the waves of intensive explosions, many soldiers who were caught off guard were directly lifted into the air by the powerful shock wave.

Then it fell heavily to the ground, and even quite a few of the Demon Breakers were not spared, twisting and falling down one after another.

Between the lightning and flint, under such amazing momentum and impressive destructive power.

Whether it was the nobles who were commanders or the soldiers under their command, their faces were still full of murderous aura and disdain. They were like headless flies, and the formation was suddenly in chaos.

I saw that the various traditional noble war flags that had been flapping in the wind just now were scattered all over the place. Many soldiers even lost their weapons and began to retreat like a tide.

Amid the smoke, the smell of burnt lake and blood quietly filled the air.

Since the siege soldiers were surrounded by magic light balls, these lights that were originally guiding the way seemed to have become a passport to death.

"Fa...what happened?! How come there is fire magic?!"

"Could it be that those magical demon-breakers have failed?"

"A bunch of idiots, that's not fire magic, you're going to the sky..."

Just when a low-level noble commander stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky, his voice was already swallowed up by a new round of explosions.

At this point, some soldiers only noticed belatedly.

At some point, above their heads, a group of sky knights riding pterosaurs were already hovering, pouring out a large number of crystal clear spherical objects.

This is the pterosaur knight team under Lei Xiao.

The source of the explosion, those spherical objects, were naturally the alchemy bombs that Lei Xiao had obtained and upgraded from the Griffin Knights of the Holy Night Army.

After the fortress attack and defense, Lei Xiao still had more than 27,000 second-level alchemy bombs left in his hands, and the reserve was still very sufficient.

"The alchemy bomb is not a spell in nature, it is just a special alchemical product. Naturally, the Demon Breaker cannot absorb it."

On the city wall of the territory, Lei Xiao looked at the burning sea of ​​​​fire in front of him, his face as pale as water.

"How's it going? White Knight, this is my trump card. Isn't it powerful enough?"

Looking through the thick smoke, Lei Xiao noticed that a considerable number of Demon Breakers were already in disarray, and decisively gave the order to counterattack with the magic cannon.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dense and loud sound of magical cannons sounded again from the walls on all sides of the territory, covering the fan-shaped areas in front of them.

This time, although there were still two-thirds of the magic cannonballs, they were all transferred to the void space.

But the other third burst out in the traditional aristocratic camp one after another.

In the face of the overwhelming explosive power of the magic cannon, the armor of ordinary soldiers and even the anti-magic heavy shields were undoubtedly as vulnerable as pieces of paper, and were soon torn to pieces together with their owners.

As clouds of blood mist filled the air, only some of the elite magicians who opened small defensive barriers in time and the nobles who decisively used defensive magic scrolls were unscathed.

Especially those long-range soldiers who had just advanced a few steps and were about to show off their skills suffered heavy losses and fled back howling.

Although their commander promised that the heads of every soldier under Princess Keqing's command could be exchanged for a large number of golden dragons, all of this was nothing compared to their lives.

During this period, the thunder and lightning sanctions from the Tower of Vision were also constantly bombarding those traditional noble soldiers who were still standing.

According to Lei Xiao's instructions, the targets of thunder and lightning sanctions are the enemy's low-level commanders who are trying to maintain the battle formation.

These grassroots squadron leaders or squad leaders are often veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. They are the most threatening and the backbone of many soldiers. Killing them first will undoubtedly further damage the opponent's morale.

Sure enough, under Lei Xiao's series of orders, the traditional soldier battle formation, which had only partially collapsed, soon spread to the four walls of the territory with the force of a prairie fire.

A large number of surviving traditional noble soldiers began to ignore the surviving commander's orders and retreat crazily.

However, the group running at the front had just escaped the range of the magic cannon, and what was waiting for them was the ruthless sharp blade of the supervising team.

At this point, under the sudden attack by Lei Xiao's pterodactyl knights, the situation of the territorial offensive and defensive battle was reversed again.

"It's actually an alchemical bomb coming from the sky?"

Looking at the increasingly chaotic battle situation, the white knight couldn't help but feel a hint of surprise in his eyes.

According to intelligence, during the attack and defense of the mountain fortress.

Under the command of Princess Keqing, an elite team of pterosaur knights did appear, and they also obtained a lot of alchemy bombs from those useless griffin knights.

However, when they later attacked the Holy Night Army's camp, they should have all been consumed. How could there still be such a huge reserve?

You must know that the alchemy bomb is one of the secret alchemy recipes of the Holy Night Kingdom that has not been passed down to the outside world. After hundreds of years of improvement and encryption, it cannot be copied at all.

Since the situation was already extremely urgent, the White Knight had no time to think about anything else and immediately signaled the supervising team and the retreating soldiers to return to a safe area and begin to regroup.

"The number of Demon Breakers can still give me an artillery advantage. If you want to turn the tide of the battle with a team of insignificant pterodactyl knights, I'm afraid you are overthinking it and are just struggling to your death."

"Since the Holy Night Army failed to destroy this group of pterosaur knights, let them be destroyed in my hands."

Thinking of this, the gloomy-looking white knight waved his hand, and a group of huge black agile figures appeared out of thin air.

Then he spread out his dark wings, carrying a biting wind, and rushed straight towards the pterodactyl knights in the air.

Judging from the number, this group of huge black figures is also the size of a small team.

But the one at the head was exuding extremely impressive energy fluctuations, and had obviously reached the fourth level.

In the pitch-black sky, Sean, the captain of the Winged Dragon Knight, was given the [Child of Light] night vision effect by Ju Bai before the battle started.

So at the first moment, he discovered the black winged figures filled with murderous intent, flying towards him and the pterodactyl knights respectively!

With his trained eagle eyes, Sean, who was riding on the back of the Sky Pterosaur, narrowed his eyes and quickly saw clearly the true face of his sudden opponent.

What he saw coming toward him with the force of thunder was a fourth-level manticore!

To be precise, judging from its thick stone body, it is a manticore-type golem puppet.

"He is actually such a scary guy?"

Feeling the Sky Winged Dragon under his crotch, which was trembling slightly, Sean, whose strength was at level three and five stars, swallowed involuntarily and tightened his grip on the lance in his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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