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Chapter 695 Kongqing Town shrouded in darkness

Hearing Lin's trembling and urgent voice, Lei Xiao was surprised and quickly asked: "Lin, take a deep breath, what happened?"

You know, not long ago, Lei Xiao had been in contact with Lin, Huzhang, Guanzhong and others, and was always aware of the situation in Kongqing Town.

It was not until he led the elite soldiers to rush out of the territory that communication was temporarily interrupted.

At that time, although the magic light crystals began to be depleted one after another, part of the magic cannons on the city wall of Kongqing Town lost their firepower, causing the three infantry regiments under the Nightmare Knight to attack more and more fiercely.

But because of the addition of Sean and other pterodactyl knights, the situation was not in danger.

The only thing worth noting is that as the head coach and the most powerful Nightmare Knight, he has not shown up since the beginning of the war. This fact makes Lei Xiao a little worried.

"The total number of defenders in Kongqing Town is close to 10,000, and with the main strongmen such as Huzhang, Lian, and Jubai sitting in the garrison, how could it possibly fall suddenly?"

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this in shock.

On the other side of the conversation, Lin first followed Lei Xiao's instructions, took a deep breath, and then immediately said: "Lord, without warning, a large number of skeleton soldiers suddenly appeared in the city, and war was ignited everywhere.

, it’s already a mess.”

"What's even more terrifying is that as long as one of our soldiers is killed in battle, they will immediately be converted into undead warriors and join the attacker's camp!"


At this time, Lei Xiao has brought Hong Ye and Ye Cang, Ariel, Chaoyan, Xue Ya, Faxia, Lina, and Randall, three elderly magicians, a total of ten fourth-level powerhouses.

He was speeding towards Kongqing Town.

In the blink of an eye, after hearing Lin's words, Lei Xiao's originally stern expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

During the battle, if the fallen Paoze next to him immediately turns into a dead spirit and attacks him... this will undoubtedly cause a huge blow to the morale of other soldiers.

Moreover, undead warriors who are not afraid of pain or fatigue have a combat power that is already higher than that of ordinary soldiers of the same strength.

This means that as time goes by, the enemy will fight more and more, and while our numbers continue to decrease, our morale will also become lower and lower.

Under such extremely unfavorable circumstances, Kongqing Town will indeed fall soon.

"All this is obviously the nightmare knight's secret work. No wonder he hasn't shown up yet. Sure enough, he is brewing this shocking conspiracy."

"But how on earth did he make the war dead turn directly into undead as soon as they fell? As far as I know, neither the Necromancer nor the mutant Nightmare Knight can do this.

a little."

"After all, when you use necromancy to summon the undead, no matter how large the number is, it is done in one go. How could you continue to use necromancy to summon the undead?"

"Furthermore, even a fifth-level expert cannot summon the undead in such a vast area of ​​the city regardless of distance."

Just as Lei Xiao frowned and thought about this, the group of people had already crossed the Demonic Shadow River, where the water level had risen, and arrived at the other end of the messy river bank.

Because when the white knight marched into the territory, he had already opened a path in the forest.

Therefore, with the blessing of [Star Pupil], the outline of Kongqing Town in front is already clearly visible.

Under the moonlit night, the city in the distance was shrouded in a dense and mysterious black mist.

Faintly, bone-piercing screams could be heard, constantly coming from the city.

The appearance of the black clouds pressing down on the city was like a giant hand pressing hard on the city, which made people feel shocked.

Especially the looming firelight in the black fog showed that the city was already crumbling.

On the outskirts of Kongqing Town, it can be clearly seen that the new noble soldiers, who have already waved their war flags, are surrounded by water.

The dark and neat military formation was like a steel wall, completely blocking the road to the city.

Moreover, a considerable number of the new noble soldiers were facing the direction of the territory, obviously to guard against reinforcements coming from the territory.

"Has the siege stopped? No wonder I didn't hear the roar of the magic cannon."

Sniffing the smell of blood that filled the air, Lei Xiao's expression turned gloomy to the bottom.

In addition to the more than 10,000 soldiers under his command, Kongqing Town also has a large number of civilians.

They included not only the residents of Kongqing Town, but also free farmers in the surrounding villages. And those undead warriors in the city obviously couldn't attack only the soldiers.

This means that this city that has been built and grown by itself, whether it is soldiers, population, or infrastructure, is suffering from all aspects of destruction by the Nightmare Knight.

As for why these new aristocratic forces stopped attacking, the reason is also very simple.

That is, they only need to wait for the undead warriors among them to completely slaughter all the Kongqing garrison, and they will naturally be able to easily occupy the city.

Looking at the joking and contempt on the faces of the new noble soldiers who were guarding the territory, Lei Xiao clenched his fists.

The top priority now is to resolve the crisis in the city first. When the crisis in the city comes to an end, none of these new aristocratic forces who are working as evil forces can escape.

"Speaking of which, the thick black fog that envelopes the city is obviously the key to the Nightmare Knight's conspiracy and the source of the undead in Kongqing Town. But what is it? And how should it be solved?"

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao frowned again.

"Residence...is actually the realm of the dead!"

I saw Lina who arrived shortly afterwards, her wheat-colored face full of surprise, and she blurted out immediately.

"The realm of the dead?"

Lei Xiao, who had already rushed to the edge of the forest, stopped moving for the time being and nodded to Lina beside him to continue speaking.

Although the situation is extremely urgent, rushing directly into the city when the situation is still unclear is no different from risking death.

With Lei Xiao's mind, he would naturally not be able to do anything reckless.

"Lord, the so-called realm of the dead is a very special magic barrier."

Lina also realized the seriousness of the matter and sped up her words: "The biggest feature of this magical barrier is that it can transform all the dead in it into undead warriors. It can be said to be extremely vicious."

"Furthermore, if the caster does not take the initiative to control these undead, these undead warriors will attack all living people indiscriminately within the effective range of the barrier, bringing utter fear and death to the area where the barrier is located.


A trace of disgust appeared on Lina's face, and she continued: "According to the teacher under her, the realm of the dead is one of the most powerful secret techniques of the "controllers". Every time it is used, almost a whole building will be destroyed."

A prosperous city becomes a dead city.”

"That's actually the case. No wonder the soldiers of the new nobles didn't take the opportunity to rush into the city, otherwise they would also suffer misfortune."

Ariel frowned, and a flash of awe flashed in her starry eyes as she said, "It's really a terrifying and vicious secret method."

"That's right, what the "Man Controller" does is simply more abominable than those ferocious monsters."

In addition to being indignant, Lina's delicate face also showed a trace of confusion: "But the undead realm often requires a very long preparation time before it can be finally built and then launched smoothly. This must not be ignored.

Don’t leave anyone wondering.”

"It's very simple. This shows that the Nightmare Knight has been eyeing Kongqing Town for a long time. In other words, he has obviously been secretly preparing for this day."

Lei Xiao's eyes flashed with fierce killing intent, and he asked the Mandela woman in front of him: "Lina, how should we break this undead realm?"

"Back to Lord, the way to crack it is very simple, just find the position of the formation eye."

Lina, who looked stern, immediately bowed and responded: "When the realm of the dead is activated, the caster will definitely coordinate everything at the center of the formation. As long as the caster is defeated, everything will be solved!"

"I understand. So, all we need to do is kill the Nightmare Knight?"

Lei Xiao frowned and nodded, signaling to the people around him to continue flying in the direction of Kongqing Town.

Since everyone in the group was wearing invisibility cloaks, there was no need to worry about being discovered by the new noble soldiers surrounding Kongqing Town.

During this process, Lei Xiao, who had a preliminary understanding of the current situation, continued to ask Lin about the specific situation over there.

After Lin's further introduction, Lei Xiao learned.

After the garrison soldiers who died in battle were suddenly transformed into skeleton warriors.

The four walls of Kongqing Town soon became a complete mess.

The soldiers of the Kongqing Town garrison who were concentrating on resisting the new noble forces in the city did not expect that the sharp sword blade would pierce their chests from behind.

Although when the skeleton warriors began to wreak havoc, the new noble forces outside the city had already retreated to a safe distance and stopped attacking the city.

However, these new threats from the forest that suddenly stood upright beside them were obviously more ferocious and difficult to deal with than the living enemies below the city.

"I saw that the soldiers wearing the same armor turned into undead warriors with empty eyes. Many soldiers were pierced by sharp blades when they were stunned. As a result, more skeleton soldiers appeared."

Lin's tone still revealed panic and helplessness, and she continued tremblingly: "Not long after, the east wall of the city wall that I was responsible for could no longer hold on. I had to lead the last few squadron soldiers to fight hard.

We fought our way out and retreated to the granary in the east of the city, temporarily gaining safety."

"So that's it..."

Lei Xiao pondered and nodded, then asked anxiously: "What about Huzhang, Fang Hai, Guanzhong, Jubai and others?"

Just now, Lei Xiao had tried it many times.

Just like several previous emergencies, this undead realm obviously also has some kind of interference measures.

Except for Lin, Lei Xiao could not contact any other subordinates in the city.

"Back to the lord, my subordinates don't know what other people are doing. After the undead realm you mentioned was activated, the city quickly became chaotic. Not only the soldiers who died in battle, but also the cemeteries in the city.

There are a lot of wandering skeleton soldiers."

Lin took a deep breath again, trying to calm down her frightened emotions, and responded: "Magic communication and speech have failed, the messengers have been killed and injured, and the contact has been interrupted long ago."

"But according to my subordinates' guess, the defenders on the other city walls should have gradually retreated into the city. After all, if the enemy comes from behind, the city wall is no longer the strongest front."

After a pause, Lin immediately added: "The important facilities in the city, including the City Lord's Mansion, are guarded by elite forces such as the Magician Squadron, the Trade Fair Guard Squadron, and the Princess Guards under your command, and

Most of them rely on strong fortresses as defense. If the defenders retreat into the city, they will inevitably join the nearest elite force as soon as possible, just like their subordinates."

"I understand, Lin, you must hold on and never give up."

Lei Xiao, who had a better understanding of the situation in the city, nodded slightly.

He turned around and said sternly to the subordinates beside him: "You must have understood the current crisis situation. The new noble forces have surrounded Kongqing Town, and it is impossible to send a large number of soldiers into the city in a short time.

Even if you can enter, it may not be a wise choice."

"Thus, the main burden falls on the shoulders of everyone present. Only if we enter the realm of the undead alone, on the one hand, can we reorganize the forces scattered in the city, and on the other hand, defeat the Nightmare Knight, can we resolve this deadly situation.


Having said this, Lei Xiao's eyes wandered and finally fell on the three elderly magicians Walter, Phil and Swail beside Randall, and then said: "Three old gentlemen, are you willing to join me?"

Are we going to fight side by side and fight to the death to resolve this crisis?”

"Your Majesty, your words are strong."

I saw Walter gently stroking his gray beard, and first looked at each other with the other two old great magicians. From the old eyes of the two men, they both saw the same determination.

Then he took a step forward and said with the same stern face: "Your lord, you have saved Captain Randall for your kindness. We haven't had time to express our gratitude, and we are already feeling uneasy. Now that your lord's city is in trouble, we are naturally duty-bound."

"Old Walter is right. From the moment the lord brought this boy Randall out of the endless passage, we were already standing by the lord's side."

The wrinkled Swale nodded and echoed without hesitation: "I am willing to wield the staff for the lord!"

"You two old boys, please stop talking here."

I saw the impatient Phil coming up to me, blowing his beard and glaring, and said eagerly: "Lord, as long as you respect me, just give me your orders."

As for the other direct subordinates, they all looked determined and looked ready to go.

"Very good. With these words from you, I feel like I can do anything."

Lei Xiao looked back at the city ahead, which was surrounded by black fog and struggling in the sky full of fire, and said solemnly: "Then let us go in and find out."

This chapter has been completed!
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