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Chapter 780 An unexpected encounter

On the bustling commercial streets of Kelly City, a team of foreign merchants and mercenaries were marching slowly along with the flow of people.

Since this caravan group was dressed very ordinary, it did not attract any attention from the locals.

After all, in this prosperous Holy Night commercial city, merchants and mercenaries are just normal scenes.

Needless to say, this is Lei Xiao and his group who have just entered the city.

Currently, Lei Xiao and his party are not wearing any disguise items, but are all covered by Erza's illusion field.

Under Erza's control, this magical illusion field allows multiple designated targets in the area to perform illusion disguises, which is very convenient.

Moreover, Erza, who is wearing the upgraded sixth-level [Dark Gold Phantom Pupil] from Lei Xiao, has greatly enhanced her illusion camouflage ability based on the original one.

As a result, not only herself, but also the illusion disguises performed by Lei Xiao and others would be difficult to detect by ordinary fifth-level powerhouses.

In the bustling street, after there was no danger of his identity being revealed, Lei Xiao, surrounded by his subordinates, calmly looked at the crowds of people around him and nodded thoughtfully.

Lei Xiao had already noticed it while going deep into the Holy Night Kingdom.

Although it was the first time for me to enter the hinterland city of Holy Night Kingdom, I did not feel any obvious difference.

This undoubtedly shows that the customs and habits here are not much different from those in the Lengyan Kingdom, which is also an inland area.

In addition, although serfdom has been completely abolished here like Lengyan, the actual implementation is similar, and the nobles from various places still make the decision.

However, judging from the living environment and treatment, it is obvious that Leng Yan's fallen nobles are better at exploiting them.

"But no matter how you think about it, this is not something worth boasting about, right?"

Lei Xiao curled his lips and looked at Ariel who was following closely beside him.

All I could see was that Ariel's fair face was full of solemn expression, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

Ariel naturally saw all the scenes along the way.

The prosperity of the Holy Night Kingdom was obviously far beyond the expectations of the fifth princess of Leng Yan.

What I have to admit is that everything here is indeed much better than Leng Yan now.

Ariel clearly understood that if this situation of ebb and flow continued, even if there was no war, the result would be self-evident.

Ariel's slender body couldn't help but tremble slightly when she thought of leaving the royal capital, with the mottled scene of gunpowder smoke everywhere and the wailing of the earth.

Just when Ariel was secretly feeling sad, a warm hand gently rested on her shoulder.

For a moment, the warmth from the palm spread quickly through Ariel's body through her shoulders, making her cold heart immediately feel warmer.

"Lord Lord..."

Feeling the warmth brought by the owner of the palm, Ariel's complicated mood quickly calmed down, and her delicate face became firm again.

Lei Xiao didn't speak, he just patted the other party's shoulder lightly and nodded to Princess Leng Yan who was completely his own.

After that, Lei Xiao refocused his attention on the bustling scene around him.

I saw that on the spacious and neatly repaired street, the double-row bridleway in the middle had been completely cleared.

From time to time, you can see groups of cavalry on tall horses, escorting carriages filled with food, passing quickly and gathering in the same direction.

"Lord, it seems that these are the food trucks that supply the Holy Night Army."

Erza's crisp voice, still with a hint of nervousness, reached Lei Xiao's ears: "Judging from the location, the arriving army should be supplying supplies in the suburbs south of Kaili City. There are sparse fields and villages there. Indeed,

It’s the best location.”


After listening to Erza's report, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

Now that everything is in place, the only question is how to contact the Saint of the Moon Palace.

"According to Erza, Saint Teresa of the Moon Temple's profession is the Shadow Mage. Although the Saint's profession is shadow, which sounds a bit inconsistent, the profession itself cannot be underestimated."

"The shadow magician is a rare profession that can hide in the shadows. He comes and goes without a trace. He is very good at stealth assassination and is far more flexible than ordinary magicians. Overall, he is equivalent to a mage version of an assassin."

"Although the name also contains the word "dark", just like Ye Cang's profession, it is fundamentally different from a real dark magician. It is not a forbidden profession. On the contrary, it is other than the light system.

, one of the few professions that can also restrain the darkness."

Lei Xiao recalled Erza's previous introduction and continued to frown in thought.

"The most important thing is that the shadow mage's perception is by no means comparable to that of a strong person. This means that it is extremely difficult to approach the opponent quietly. After all, the opponent is also a fifth-level strong person. Once the enemy is alerted,

, aroused the other party’s vigilance, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to sit down and negotiate with the other party.”

"And even if we gather the power of three fifth-level experts to kill the opponent forcefully, it will not change any status quo. On the contrary, it will attract the attention of the Dark Elf Kingdom. By then, things will undoubtedly become more complicated."

"In the current territory, there is no chance of winning even against a Holy Night Kingdom, let alone the dark elves in the outside world. Besides, Teresa is Erza's biological sister. By strengthening this relationship, we can undoubtedly accomplish a lot.

This is a hundred times better than destroying this relationship."

After Lei Xiao weighed it in his mind, his eyebrows almost knitted together.

"Then, how should I look for opportunities to successfully approach this extremely mysterious Moon Palace Saint, and then find an opportunity for negotiation?"

Just when Lei Xiao was thinking to himself, the rustling voices of Nan Xing who were scattered around Kaili City for reconnaissance came through the words: "Your Lordship, the Holy Night Army led by the Saint of the Moon Palace will soon arrive at the outskirts of the city.


"As expected of the Shadow Mage, his legs and feet are indeed very nimble."

Lei Xiao smiled helplessly, and then responded: "Just monitor from a distance, don't expose your whereabouts."

"Lord, why don't you let your subordinates go directly to Teresa?"

Just as Lei Xiao stopped talking, Erza's clear voice came over: "If this subordinate, who is my sister, comes forward, Theresa must give her a chance to meet her."

"This time is different from the past. As the Saint of the Moon Palace, Teresa is leading the army to attack Leng Yan, and you are Leng Yan's chief court illusionist. Now you appear suddenly. Your purpose is too obvious. The other party may not see you.


Lei Xiao's eyes were still wandering around the busy street scene, and he responded: "Unless I really have no other choice, it is best to find a place where I can see the other party directly, and then you can come forward."

As soon as Lei Xiao finished speaking, a somewhat familiar female voice came over: "Cheer up, everyone!"

"The main force of the Holy Lady will arrive in the southern suburbs soon. We must complete the supply work there as soon as possible."

Then, accompanied by the sound of horses neighing, a heroic female knight appeared at the end of the street.

"So it's her?"

After seeing the familiar figure clearly, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Lei Xiao's face.

The visitor was none other than the female knight Carla, whom he had spent a brief time with when he was on the border battlefield for the first time.

It was seen that she was not wearing a battle helmet, and her short ear-length hair looked very capable and neat. She was still wearing the black knight's heavy armor, and she looked quite imposing.

"Yes! Captain Kara!"

Several junior commanders who were transporting food saluted respectfully and quickly started working on their own.

"Captain? This guy has really been promoted."

Lei Xiao looked at the energetic female commander on the war horse and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

At that time, it was with the help of Kara that Tiger Stick easily killed the violent deputy general who was attacking him. This also directly attributed the great contribution of killing the fourth-level deputy general to the head of this female knight.

"Lord, this female knight's armor is engraved with the double-moon emblem of the Moon Palace Legion. It seems that she should be the army's supply officer who arrived first and is responsible for cooperating with the local city to provide supplies."

Erza's crisp voice then reached Lei Xiao's ears: "The importance of supplies to the army is self-evident. Although this female knight is only in the third level, she is also one of the core positions in the army.


"So, she has a chance to meet coach Theresa?"

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows again and asked immediately.

"Back to Lord, that's exactly what it is."

Erza obviously hadn't understood the meaning of Lei Xiao's words yet, so she just answered blankly and truthfully: "Presumably when the army arrives, the other party will go back and report it."

"I think I have the best way to get to Theresa perfectly."

Lei Xiao smiled faintly, and then waved his hand to signal his subordinates to follow him.

"In addition to food, vegetables and fruits cannot be neglected. They must be all in place!"

Not far from the bustling neighborhood, Kara, who was riding on a war horse, flicked her short hair and said neatly: "The military situation is urgent, there must be no delay!"

Just when Kara had just finished arranging everything, a tall and upright figure had already appeared in front of her.

Needless to say, the person who came was naturally Lei Xiao.

After Lei Xiao's signal, within the realm of Erza's illusion, only Kara herself could clearly see Lei Xiao's true form.

"It's actually you?!"

Seeing Lei Xiao coming out of the blue, Kara was stunned for a moment, and then her fair face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

Ever since we said goodbye on the border battlefield, she has never forgotten this secretive young man.

It was this young adult who not only easily saved his life in the hands of the fourth-level lieutenant, but also gave the great credit of killing the opponent to his own hands.

Because of this, he was able to transform from an ordinary low-level knight to a glorious Viscount of the Kingdom, with a title even higher than that of Yes!

At the same time, he also had a small fiefdom of his own.

This undoubtedly means that the entire fate of the family has been changed because of him. If he had put it before, this would have been something that he would not even dare to think about!

More importantly, after being recommended by the Red Devil General, he was also unexpectedly appreciated by the Holy Lady, and then he became the supply officer of the Holy Night Army.

Kara was surprised, happy and grateful. She quickly got off her horse and quickly came to Lei Xiao. The latter nodded slightly and motioned for him to come to the alley aside to talk.

Just as he stood in the empty alley, Carla could not help but caress her chest and salute: "I didn't expect to see you here, sir. I'm really happy!"

"Viscount Carla doesn't need to be polite."

Lei Xiao looked at the heraldic symbol representing the title on the other person's breastplate, and said with a faint smile: "Being able to see you here is like meeting an old friend in a foreign land. It's really gratifying."

"I'm honored to have you as my friend!"

Kara's fair cheeks were still full of excitement, and while blinking her long eyelashes, she involuntarily took another step forward, almost touching Lei Xiao's face.

Then, she realized that she was a little rude, and she quickly backed away in embarrassment.

Although I don’t know the identity of this young adult, the fact that this adult can take care of me is enough to make me laugh even in my dreams.

While she was extremely excited in her heart, Kara regained her composure and bowed again and said: "Thank you, sir, for not only saving my life on the battlefield, but also for giving me such a rich military merit!


"It's not a big deal. It was just convenient at the time. I'm very pleased to see you grow."

Lei Xiao still maintained a faint smile and said with a smile: "By the way, I have one more thing to trouble you with."

"I would be very happy to be able to help you, sir!"

Kara almost didn't hesitate at all, and immediately nodded and said: "What do you need to do, sir?"

"It's very simple. I'll lend you a few minutes..."

As soon as Lei Xiao finished speaking, before Kara could figure out the situation, his vision went dark and he passed out.

Behind her, Hongye's slender body slowly emerged, with an expressionless white face still holding the knife in hand.

"Ye Cang, learn everything she knows as soon as possible."

Lei Xiao nodded to the muscular priest on the side and said, "Be careful, this girl will be useful in the future, or she may even become a colleague. Be sure not to hurt her."

Lei Xiao clearly understood that judging from Kara's performance just now, it shouldn't be very difficult to conquer the opponent.

However, time was running out, and he had no time to subdue him, let alone explain to the other party.

This approach is undoubtedly the safest way.

After all, this matter is related to the life and death of the territory, so nothing should be done carelessly.

As for the matter of subjugation, we can wait until afterwards.

"As you command, Lord."

Ye Cang stroked his chest and saluted, and began his specialty mental detection.

Not long after, "Kara", dressed as a heavily armored knight, walked out of the alley in high spirits again, then climbed onto the war horse from before, and galloped away with her whip raised.

The other unconscious Kara, under the orders of Lei Xiao, was taken to a nearby hotel and fell asleep under the care of Lian and Chaoyan.

At this point, with the "help" of this sassy female knight who unexpectedly appeared, Lei Xiao and his party were only one step away from the Saint Theresa of the Moon Temple.

This chapter has been completed!
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