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Chapter 84: Prelude to the Counterattack

Thinking of this, Aofeng wiped his forehead, which was mixed with blood and sweat and blackened by gunpowder smoke, and put the broad-bladed sword into its scabbard.

When he looked at Lei Xiao, there was a hint of uncontrollable envy.

He has been at the peak of the first level for more than a few years. If he can successfully enter the second level, not only will his survival rate on the battlefield be greatly improved, but his career in the future will also be much smoother.

After licking his chapped lips, Ao Feng's eyes fell on Hu Zhan and Ye Cang again, with expressions of awe on their faces.

There is no doubt that the arrogant and domineering Lengyan Army squadron leader just now should be around the second level of five stars.

And this burly man, who could kill him with one blow, must have reached the terrifying peak level of the second level, right?

As for the sturdy man with glasses next to him, he seems to be very strong, at least above that of Leng Yan's squadron leader.

The most important thing is that these two strong men are obviously subordinates of the young colleague in front of them... It seems that this young man with the same military rank as himself must be a descendant of some noble family who came to experience in the army, right?

Otherwise, how could such a luxurious lineup appear in a combat team with only ten people?

Just when Ao Feng thought of this, a Holy Night messenger with feathers on his helmet came to the crowd on a fast horse.

I saw him holding the reins and saying to Lei Xiao and Ao Feng: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. The mixed magic war brigade led by His Excellency Baron Yes is preparing to counterattack this town.

Please wait where you are and leave the battle to us. The team of priests responsible for treatment will arrive soon. After collecting all the remaining soldiers around us, we will follow the main force to regain the lost ground. Victory will definitely belong to the Holy Spirit.


"Victory will belong to Holy Night!" On the other side, Ao Feng and the other two soldiers also said excitedly.

After the messenger left, Ao Feng couldn't help but reveal a touch of excitement on his face, and he said excitedly to Lei Xiao: "Captain Chensha, great, we can finally launch a counterattack!"

"Yes, I believe everything will go very smoothly."

Lei Xiao smiled slightly and responded.

Of course, all this has been expected for a long time.

Before arriving here, the knotweed had already sensed it.

There is a Holy Night Army with a size of about a thousand people, gathering the remnants of the army while marching towards this small town.

At the same time, many other groups of the Holy Night Army that were dispersed have also reunited, following the main force of the Holy Night Army, approaching the lost territory again.

There is no doubt that a large-scale all-out counterattack is about to begin.

What our side has to do is to join this mixed group that is gathering the remnant troops nearby, and then follow the trend to help the Holy Night Army achieve the final victory.

As for the issue of cheating, Lei Xiao is not worried.

The Great Swordsman unit he reported just now was one of the Holy Night troops that was first surrounded and annihilated by Leng Yan's army last night. The entire army has been wiped out.

Moreover, his current identity is just a remnant squad leader in charge of ten soldiers.

Therefore, at least in a short period of time, it will not be easily noticed by others.

"Speaking of which, the multiple Cold Flame Army squadrons that invaded the town from different directions at the same time have been suppressed by Huzhang and others.

Use the ordinary standard weapons of the Holy Night Army to kill most of them. I believe it won’t be long before the control of this town will return to Holy Night’s hands.”

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao, who was wearing silver armor, simply leaned against the fountain that was almost stained red with blood and began to take a short rest.

After experiencing so many large and small battlefields, although the thick smell of blood surrounding him still made him feel a little nauseous, he could basically control this feeling as long as he focused his attention elsewhere.

Having said that, this set of first-level great swordsman armor is a medium-sized plate armor weighing less than 40 kilograms.

After advancing to the second level, Lei Xiao's physical fitness is already different from that of ordinary people. He wears it naturally without any pressure. He can even sing the song "You Learn to Program and God Will Destroy You" with ease.

However, although this plate armor is flexible, it is quite uncomfortable to sit on. Moreover, after wearing the matching fully enclosed helmet, the field of vision will be greatly restricted.

"Lord, the thousand-strong Holy Night Army has entered the town and is fighting the remaining Cold Flame Army. The leaders are two third-level powerhouses."

After a while, Huzhang raised the visor on his helmet and whispered next to Lei Xiao.

"Understood, let's just wait here for a while. It seems that it won't be long before the full-scale counterattack on Holy Night will officially begin."

On the other side, Lei Xiao, who had been holding a first-order two-handed sword, moved his sore and stiff fingers and nodded slightly.

Compared with a one-handed sword, this thing is bulky and inconvenient to carry, and he is obviously still not used to it.

Sure enough, not long after, several priests wearing white robes with gold trim, escorted by a group of heavy infantrymen holding large shields, trotted up to the crowd.

"Injured warriors, please come here for treatment!" A clear voice sounded, and the pretty young female priest at the head moved slightly and took a step forward.

Looking at the opponent's slender waist through the gap in the helmet, Lei Xiao couldn't help but smile and muttered in his heart: "Good guy, there are still normal priests in this world."

At the same time, An Mu Ye Cang, who had just used the muscles in his arms to kill the girl several times, couldn't help but let out a disdainful snort from his nose.

It seems that as a dark healer, he obviously still has a lot of hostility towards ordinary Holy Light priests.

On the other side, Ao Feng and three other soldiers who were covered in wounds all looked happy and walked over quickly and began to receive treatment.

During this process, many wounded soldiers of the Holy Night Army rushed over from all directions of the town with staggering steps, supporting each other, and the shouts of killing around them gradually stopped.

From this, it can be seen that this town has obviously returned to the control of the Holy Night Army.

The screen zoomed in, and as gentle rays of light flashed one after another, the wounds of the soldiers who were not seriously injured began to heal gradually, and there was a lot more blood on their faces.

Those with more serious injuries are being bandaged. Naturally, that's all these low-level priests can do.

At this moment, the messenger who just now rode a fast horse to the crowd and shouted respectfully: "His Excellency, Captain Baron Yes, and His Excellency Knight Mora Guards are here!"

Hearing this, Lei Xiao slowly withdrew his gaze.

"It seems that the main theme of the counterattack is finally about to begin."

This chapter has been completed!
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