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Chapter 850: The Madness After the Prologue (Part 1)

The blood moon is in the sky, indicating that a bloody massacre is about to come.

And under the blood moon, the sharp blades that were being swung wildly were already flashing with a dazzling cold light.

Lei Xiao looked at the bottom of the city wall. Countless enemy siege soldiers rolling in like an avalanche had already entered the range of the magic cannon, and decisively gave the order to fire.

For a time, even though the giant energy-driving magic array was constantly rotating above the head, it was still rapidly extracting magic energy particles from the entire area.

But the scene of 1,000 magic cannons firing alternately is still extremely shocking.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time as the roar sounded, fireballs immediately rose up from the camp of the enemy's siege soldiers.

The ferocious soldiers located in the center of the exploding fireball were either directly melted into the flames or blown to pieces.

And the scorching hot air waves that surged out even flew the soldiers on the edge one after another, and then fell to the ground wailing.

For a moment, the sound of explosions mixed with screams could be heard, but they were soon covered by earth-shattering shouts of killing.

"Has the power been reduced by more than half? With such a dense charge formation from the opponent, the killing range of a second-order magic cannon is no more than the size of a squad."

Lei Xiao looked at the billowing smoke rising directly in front of him and frowned tightly.

From the beginning, the opponent blocked the way to break the energy-dispelling magic circle.

With one's own strength, it is undoubtedly impossible to successfully dismantle the energy-driving magic circle guarded by two fifth-level senior experts and five legions at the same time in the sight of 15 legions.

In addition to the current aggressive siege army, he had just received urgent reports from Hongshi from Luolong City, Shi Feng from the Territory, Gale from Fanyin City, as well as from Shadow Squadron subordinates such as Songluo City and Tiegebao.

In almost all the traditional aristocratic and new aristocratic cities that have just been pacified, strong men from the Brotherhood of Level 3 or above or elite strong men from the other side have appeared, wreaking havoc and stirring up rebellion.

With just the new recruits of the garrison in the city, as well as the extremely limited number of shadow squadron and communication magician subordinates, it is obvious that they cannot compete with the opponent for too long.

It is conceivable that once the defensive forces in these cities are completely destroyed or choose to surrender until they are occupied by the opponent, it will greatly affect the morale of the defenders of Wangxing City.

After all, if even your hometown is captured one by one, it means that you are about to be attacked from both sides.

Thinking of this, although from the outside it looked like Lei Xiao was still commanding calmly, inside he was already overturned and even felt a little weak on his feet.

The overwhelming murderous aura and burning bloody smell that continued to fill the front almost made it impossible for him to think normally.

Even so, Lei Xiao still understood clearly.

The battle to defend the city has just begun. If I leave in a panic with my subordinates, it will also cause panic to the soldiers defending the city. After all, the opponent has two powerful fifth-level men sitting on the guard.

Once the opponent sees the opportunity and directly captures this place, the result will undoubtedly be destruction.

Therefore, at least before withstanding the first wave of the opponent's offensive, he and his main subordinates could not return to support the cities in the rear, nor could he show any panic.

"But that's not the most deadly thing."

Lei Xiao listened to the fierce gunfire and the loud shouts of killing, and began to continue to sort out the current situation.

According to reports from Goblin King Hongshi, at least 10 orc soldiers from 10 legions took advantage of the darkness to reach the foot of Luolong City and directly launched a massive all-out attack.

Although the walls of Luolong City are strong, after all, there are only 2 Goblin legions as the main defensive force. The remaining 1 reserve Goblin legion and 5 brigades of recruits are simply vulnerable to tall and strong opponents.

They had to rely on magic cannon fire to suppress them.

Furthermore, Hongshi added in panic that the aura of a fifth-level powerhouse appeared outside the city.

"If this situation continues, Luolong City won't be able to hold on for long. Once the orc army marches in and forms a flanking situation with these siege soldiers facing Wangxing City, the consequences will be self-evident."

"You know, this was the thing I was most worried about before the war. I didn't expect the orcs from the outer realm to actually take the initiative to attack Luolong City. This must be the fault of the other party."

"In order to completely defeat me, the opponent really used all kinds of methods, including the orcs who have always had a very bad relationship with the human race. If the orcs attack me, there will be corpses everywhere."

Lei Xiao tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart, his palms were already soaked with sweat.

In addition, Shi Feng, who has been monitoring the narrow passage in the north of the territory, has also confirmed the identity of the unknown army, which is also a menacing orc army.

Because there are several fourth-level peak powerhouses in the opponent's camp, including shamans who are good at using corrosion techniques.

Therefore, the sealed road was quickly corroded, leaving no time for the strong men in the territory to react. As for the size of this group of orcs, it was probably around 5 legions.

"A fifth-level half-orc strongman, several fourth-level peak strongmen, plus the strength of 15 legions, this undoubtedly means that the opponent in front of me has reached 45 legions."

Lei Xiao's heart began to beat rapidly, and beads of sweat continued to flow from his forehead.

Although from the beginning, he had expected that the opponent would find another way to disperse his defensive strength, he did not expect that the opponent would be so crazy as soon as the game kicked off.

"The territory is protected by an absolute defensive barrier, plus Zhusha's third-level magician squadron, two third-level magic archer squadrons, three second-level elite squadrons, and main subordinates such as Garth are stationed there. It will be restored in a short time.

You won’t fall into a disadvantage.”

"As for Luolong City, as well as the more than 20 newly pacified cities, it is imminent. Any link among them may become a sharp blade that pierces our vital points until we are completely disintegrated."

Just as Lei Xiao thought of this in his mind, the first batch of enemy soldiers coming from the city had already entered the range of the bow and arrow.

"Since the magic has been greatly reduced, let me let you taste the power of my ten thousand long archers."

Lei Xiao did not hesitate and decisively gave the order to release the arrow.

Accompanied by the rapid sound of our archery horn, the longbowmen who were already ready to attack opened their bows and set arrows, one after another, shining magic arrows, pointing directly at the two blood moons in mid-air.

Then, under the coordinated orders of their respective commanders, they all released their fingers on the strings.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The continuous sound of arrows piercing the air vibrated in the anxious air.

More than 5,000 magically shining arrows fell from the sky like a dense meteor shower, shooting straight into the roaring and charging opponent's camp.

Although under the action of the energy-dispelling array, the effect of magic arrows is also greatly reduced.

However, these sharp arrows with armor-piercing effects can still easily penetrate ordinary shields and armor with the blessing of the third-level longbow. Only the heavy armor of the heavy infantry and the giant shield in their hands can barely resist.

The dense and sharp arrows flew past like the shrill chant of the god of death, easily pinning the enemy soldiers to the city wall with their claws and teeth, until the bloodshot holes completely lost their luster.

Then, the second wave of arrows roared in again, like reaping wheat again, harvesting enemy soldiers holding sharp blades one after another.

However, even though thousands of soldiers were blood-stained on the battlefield, this did not stop the opponent at all.

Under the attack of the shield-bearing infantry who rushed at the front, the heavy infantry that followed quickly formed a dense shield formation.

Magic cannons and tens of thousands of long archers who were ready to fire soon stood in the gaps in the defensive formation and began to fight back with a grin.

This time, under the constant sound of explosions and dense rain of arrows, it was our soldiers' turn to fall down in batches, screaming.

I saw the warm and bright red color constantly flowing out and flowing freely along the gaps in the stone slabs of the city wall, making the bloody smell that was already filling my nostrils thicker and thicker.

As the rubble splashed everywhere, Lei Xiao even saw a young soldier being blown to pieces with blood and flesh, and his belly split open. He was quickly carried away by the recruits responsible for transporting the wounded, leaving only a shocking red puddle in place.

"Faith, Mr. Al, Mr. Lanke, we must try our best to save them."

Lei Xiao's sweat-covered forehead began to have blue veins faintly exposed, and he was obviously on the verge of anger.

In addition to the third-level elite priest squadron commanded by Faith and the two fourth-level half-elf priests, there are five squadrons of low-level priests on standby in Star Star City.

Coupled with the support of a large number of healing potions and healing magic scrolls, our casualties will undoubtedly be reduced to a minimum.

After Faith and the other three bowed and accepted the order and left, the opponent's formation was still advancing steadily under our continuous artillery fire and rain of arrows.

The sound of attack horns and the deafening sound of artillery fire echoed wildly on the battlefield, which can be clearly seen from the offensive and defensive scenes.

Since the power of the magic cannons on both sides has been greatly weakened, archers have become the masters of the battlefield.

Although our archers are more well-equipped, the opponent's number is more than three times that of ours, and this is without the opponent's follow-up legions being able to overwhelm us.

Not long after, after paying the price of tens of thousands of casualties, the shield-bearing soldiers rushing at the front were already within feet of the city wall!

Then, something unexpected by Lei Xiao happened.

I saw magic scrolls that had been prepared one after another being activated one after another in the enemy camp.

Magic bridges, either wooden or made of earth, immediately stretched out from the ground and were soon set up on the towering city wall.

The shouts of killing began to get louder and louder, and a large number of siege soldiers waved their sharp swords and rushed to board the magic bridges leading to the city wall.

This scene immediately made our soldiers on the city wall become extremely nervous, and an atmosphere of uneasiness began to spread unconsciously.

The energy-dispelling array was released from the opponent, greatly reducing the power of the magic cannon. Our originally high morale has begun to decline.

"Lord, these soldiers are really crazy."

Ariel, who had been standing closely beside Lei Xiao, had a solemn look on her face.

Although under the protection of the absolute defensive barrier, the opponent's ordinary soldiers could not cause any harm here, but the bloody scenes in other areas around it still made the Cold Flame Princess bite her lips tightly.

After a pause, Ariel frowned and added: "It seems that the first brother and the second brother have obviously promised many benefits that are enough to make these soldiers bloodthirsty."

"No matter what they promise, nothing can shake our determination to hold on to this place."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and then said to the main subordinates around him: "Okay, the opponent is already close to Chi Chi, let them taste our anger."

"As you command, Lord Lord!"

The subordinates surrounding Lei Xiao took orders one after another, and except for Jiang Lei and Ariel, they quickly dispersed in front of every magic bridge.

I saw that the first two people to bear the brunt were Hongye and Huzhang.

Under Lei Xiao's instructions, Hongye and Tiger Stick each showed their power, with scorching flames and sharp sword light flying on the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of soldiers who tried to rush up were easily covered in blood.

In particular, the vast aura erupted by the two fifth-level powerhouses caused other enemy soldiers who wanted to rush forward to stop in their tracks with frightened expressions on their faces.

Rei, Sarah, Erza, Nanxing, Nanyue, Chaoyan, Bai Wei, as well as Orr, Hod, Benson, and Jubai who were commanding in front of the formation also arrived later and were easily repelled.

The opponent's first wave of attack.

Seeing the mighty main force under Lei Xiao's command, the low morale on the city wall immediately rose again.

Uncontrollable war cries broke out immediately, making all our soldiers full of fighting spirit.

As for the man in black robe No. 3 and the black duke on the other side of the battlefield, they were not anxious or annoyed. They just calmly ordered the herald to continue attacking in an orderly manner.

As they are both fifth-level experts, they understand clearly.

No matter how powerful you are, you will always be exhausted.

Therefore, it is obviously a very cost-effective deal to let these insignificant cannon fodder consume the energy of the opponent's high-level experts, and then let them harvest them in full force.

In addition, the flames of war in various cities in the eastern region have also been ignited, plus the orc army that has been arranged for a long time, as well as several trump cards that have not yet been released.

When the Lord of Nakong Qing City becomes overwhelmed with the situation and becomes disorganized, things will be easy to handle.

By then, not only will the opponent have dispersed their combat power, but the chaos and thick smoke in the rear will definitely cause the morale here to plummet.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, as long as he finds the right moment to flatten Wangxing City in one breath, even if the Lord of Kongqing City has three heads and six arms, he will definitely be crushed one by one.

"Jie Jie Jie, Lord Kong Qing, let's see how you can turn around this time."

I saw the gloomy face of the man in black robe No. 3 hidden under the blood-striped mask, full of contempt and coldness. He said coldly: "I will definitely twist your head off with my own hands and let the innocent princess have a good taste of this."

The seat is awesome."

On the city gate tower filled with smoke, although the first wave of attacks had been easily repelled, Lei Xiao's face became more solemn.

The panicked calls for help from all over the country continued to ring in his ears.

Things have become very clear. Now, I obviously have no choice but to disperse my combat power to deal with it.

"Then let's calm down the wars everywhere first, and then fight here."

Having made up his mind, Lei Xiao's eyes were bright and clear.

This chapter has been completed!
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