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Chapter 875 The deadly threat over the city


Hearing the surprise and fear in Bai Wei's words, Lei Xiao looked stern, immediately raised his head, and followed the former's gaze.

To the west of the city where the flames were rising, in the direction of the main battlefield of the city wall, dense red dots were slowly emerging in the night sky.

The faint red light that filled the sky flickered, like a pair of devil's eyes, looking down at the burning earth and city.

"What are those?!"

Ariel's starry eyes widened, staring at the many deep reds slowly coming in the dark night, and she couldn't help blurting out.

Although it was not clear yet, an extremely uneasy feeling still arose from the heart of the Leng Yan Princess.

As soon as Ariel's panicked words fell, Lei Xiao's voice prompt sounded quickly.

After the call was connected, Coolio's nervous voice came out immediately.

"Lord, a large number of heavy airships appeared in the sky, no less than fifty in number! The opponent must have used some kind of wide-area stealth illusion, which caused the airship group to suddenly appear!"

After a pause, Coolio added: "My subordinates can even clearly see that there are large bomb delivery bays hanging below these airships, and they are all military-type combat airships!"

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"Is it actually a combat airship with a bomb delivery bay? There are as many as fifty more..."

Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath and felt a chill begin to spread within his body.

Regarding the application of airships on the battlefield, Lei Xiao has already studied it, but it is still difficult to realize it in the territory.

First, the moving speed and flying height of ordinary airships are relatively limited, and they do not have corresponding supporting equipment such as defensive barriers. The materials used are also very ordinary, so they can be shot down easily, and they do not have good maneuverability.

Second, the Cold Flame Kingdom, including the Holy Night Kingdom next door, does not have a mature combat airship system, or even a complete blank.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to build a complete combat airship airport and find the corresponding technical soldiers for daily maintenance and docking. There is also a lack of off-site supply bases during war, making it difficult to fight at long distances.

After all, airships are one of the few sophisticated emerging magical technology products in the world. Without supporting maintenance facilities, they simply cannot take off normally.

Moreover, building a complete military airport is a long-term and slow project.

Third, there is the issue of the magic mineral crystals used for fuel and the energy supply provided by elite magicians.

The airship magic mineral crystals mined by the Cold Flame Kingdom can only meet the daily needs of the royal family, nobles, and some civilian airships, and cannot support the fuel consumption required by a combat airship fleet.

"To sum up, although I know that airships like bombers will definitely play a great role, due to the lack of necessary conditions, it is impossible to form a large-scale military fleet in the short term."

"As for why the Lengyan royal family and the Shengye royal family don't pay attention to airships, a weapon of war, I have also conducted an investigation."

"The first is the rise of airships. It has only been a few decades, and the technology in most countries is still immature."

"Secondly, some conservative dignitaries and the royal family who are stuck in the rules are not optimistic about this new type of product at all."

"After all, compared with the Sky Knight, which is respected by everyone and represents the authority of the nobility, this kind of thing that everyone can learn and drive has obviously caused these nobles to lose the majesty and privileges brought by the Sky Knight."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's brows were already knitted together.

Unexpectedly, the war weapon that he had longed for would actually appear in the opponent's camp, and would pose a fatal danger to himself.

"It's actually a combat airship that is difficult to deal with?"

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, Ariel also looked shocked.

Unlike most conservative royal families and nobles, Ariel, as the fifth princess, is a rare progressive and naturally has enough understanding of emerging products such as airships.

"Among the human nations, the country with the most mature airship technology is the Grim Kingdom to the west of the Cold Flame Kingdom, and the Iron Hand Islands across the shore. I didn't expect that they would appear here..."

In surprise, Ariel stared at the dense red dots in the sky and couldn't help blurting out.

"Don't forget that the Black Duke, who is a powerful vampire, is most likely from the Iron Hand Islands. If you think so, it is not surprising that the airship will appear here."

Lei Xiao frowned and nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that this is the fatal trump card that the Black Duke mentioned just now."

"But Lord, on the western border of the Cold Flame Kingdom, there stands the huge Sunset Fortress, which is even the same size as the Buluo Fortress. It has complete high-altitude mine nets and anti-aircraft magic legions. It will never let the opponent cross the border.

Even being invisible is useless."

Ariel still had a look of surprise on her face and asked puzzledly: "How did the other party cross the border and then appear on this side thousands of miles away?"

"Your Highness, I think the other party may have used assembly methods."

Sarah frowned and pondered for a moment, then responded: "More than a year ago, when I was still an ordinary mercenary, I spent some time in a town near Sunset Fortress."

"In the mercenary guild there, I accidentally heard a drunken old mercenary from the Kingdom of Grim mention that he once participated in an escort mission for airship parts."

"After arriving at the destination, it only took a short time for the other party to assemble a large airship. After using special wind spells to fill the huge hull, it could immediately take off."

Sarah's tone became more solemn and she added: "This kind of assembly operation is obviously not a difficult task for professional combat airship soldiers."

"In this way, things are very clear."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and tried to calm down his tone: "The other party must have used the caravan or the cover of the storage space to secretly transport the airship parts and corresponding technical soldiers to the nearest new city.

Aristocratic city.”

"Then we just need to wait for the war to begin, then assemble it and take off, and use illusions to cover it?"

Ariel took over Lei Xiao's words, gritted her teeth tightly and said, "It's really a terrible plan that is unpredictable."

"Lord, Your Royal Highness, how powerful can these combat airships be?"

Bai Wei listened to the increasingly solemn words of Lei Xiao and others, and said with uneasiness: "You can't defeat all of our nearly 20 legion soldiers, right?"

"Without any defensive measures on the ground, the alchemy bomb carried by one combat airship is enough to destroy an entire legion, let alone fifty."

Ariel clenched her fists, and her voice even began to tremble: "In other words, as long as the other party reaches the sky above Wangxing City, the other party can easily raze all of us to the ground along with Wangxing City!"

Ariel, who knows about combat airships, understands clearly.

A hundred years ago, even the Griffin Knight Squadron of the Holy Night Kingdom once completely wiped out a legion of elite cold flame soldiers.

But the destructive power of a single combat airship is even slightly higher than that of an entire Griffin squadron.

In addition, every combat airship is equipped with solid defensive barriers and spell attack methods for air combat.

This means that in addition to being able to throw alchemical bombs, combat airships also have far more powerful defense and self-protection capabilities than Sky Knights.

Hearing Ariel's solemn voice, all the subordinates had awe-inspiring expressions on their faces, and they all took a deep breath of the air filled with blood and anxiety.

In terms of destructive power alone, this is already comparable to 50 fifth-level powerhouses.

And now, such a powerful destructive force is rolling towards the city, preparing to turn the city into a scorching death purgatory.

Just when the subordinates thought of this in unison.

The little bits of deep crimson in the night sky began to reflect huge black outlines, which were the light emitted by the beacon lights on the combat airships.

This undoubtedly means that danger, or complete destruction, is already close at hand.

Looking up at the densely packed opponent's airships in the night sky, they are overwhelmingly sweeping towards us.

Lei Xiao's brain had already begun to spin crazily, desperately thinking of corresponding countermeasures.

The flying height of the combat airship has far exceeded the flying height of a third-level magic powerhouse, and even a fifth-level powerhouse cannot reach it.

The only forces that can compete with it are the sky knights flying in the sky and some anti-aircraft spells.

“It goes without saying that Wangxing City’s air defense measures are completely zero.”

"The air combat power that I can currently use is divided into three parts."

"The first is Sean and other third-order pterosaur knight teams, 8 third-order sky guardians, and 5 teams of second-order ordinary pterosaurs."

"The second is Sarah and Xiao Huan. I have asked Sarah just now. With Sarah and Xiao Huan's current magic power and state, they can probably barely summon 8 squadrons of second-level sky knights."

"Third is Lina's flying undead beast, which has the size of five first-order squadrons. Although its combat power is weak, it is better than nothing."

"As for the third-level summoner squadron, they are unable to summon Sky Knights, and the battle dolls in Crystal Blue City are also focused on land warfare and cannot be converted into Sky Knights."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao felt that his palms were soaked with sweat.

You know, the opponent has launched fifty or sixty third-order pterosaur puppets from the very beginning, which is enough to wipe out most of our current air combat strength!

Under this situation, our air combat force does not have much spare power to attack the approaching combat airship fleet.

Moreover, there must be other escorting air combat forces surrounding the opponent's airship fleet.

"And among the fifth-level experts under my command who can reach high in the sky, Hongye is the only one."

"As for Gracilaria, although it is more powerful, what is different from the projectile spell used by Hong Ye is that the space spell that can be formed instantly around the target cannot carry out ultra-long-distance attacks, so it is difficult to attack those high in the air.

The target was effectively hit."

After sorting through all the forces in his hand that could deal with the enemy's airship fleet, Lei Xiao started to sweat profusely.

Hong Ye is currently in a fierce battle with the Black Duke and cannot escape.

As helpers, Mr. Wu and Teresa should also be able to use powerful anti-aircraft spells.

However, both of them are restrained by the men in black robe No. 3 and man in black robe No. 10, who are equally powerful, and it may be difficult for them to escape.

In addition, there are several fourth-level magic powerhouses such as Chaoyan, Sarah, and Orr, as well as a few backbone third-level powerhouses, who can also use anti-aircraft magic.

But in the face of fifty airships with complete protective measures, it is still unknown how effective they can be.

After all, anti-aircraft magic requires a long time to chant, and it cannot be like a real anti-aircraft gun, which can fire at high speeds without restraint as long as there is sufficient ammunition.

"In other words, has the scale of victory, which was originally balancing or even moving towards me, started to tilt towards my opponent again?"

"But there is no retreat behind me. I have to fight no matter what."

Lei Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and began to deploy.

First, all our air combat forces take off immediately.

Sean and other pterodactyl knights, who had given the Sky Pterodactyls a Swift Walking Pill, as well as the Masterless Sky Pterodactyls, tried their best to contain the opponent's pterodactyl puppets.

With the blessing of the Quick Walking Pill, the faster Sky Winged Dragons, although not as strong as their opponents, can still contain them for a period of time.

The other puppet air combat forces have only one target, and that is the opponent's combat airship!

Secondly, our ground forces capable of air defense, except for those who cannot escape, all put on invisibility cloaks and gathered on the highest mountain nearby.

Try to slow down the opponent's pace, and cooperate with our air combat power to shoot down as many of the opponent's effective forces as possible.

Finally, on the frontal battlefield on the ground, more reserve troops were invested, and all the main melee subordinates came forward to reinforce.

It is conceivable that the opponent will definitely launch a more fierce offensive before the airship fleet officially arrives at Wangxing City, so that we will be exhausted to deal with it and lose the room for air defense.

Then, countless alchemical bombs will fall from the sky.

By then, everything will be irreversible.

"In short, we must shoot down all the opponents before they reach the city!"

Lei Xiao's words were full of awe, and he ordered: "Otherwise, the only way we will face is destruction."

"As you command! Lord!"

After receiving Lei Xiao's order, Sean, Sarah, Lina and other main subordinates, as well as Al and other commanders, immediately began to take action.

Lei Xiao and Ariel also set off immediately and galloped towards the highest mountain peak that was the gathering place.

However, Lei Xiao and his subordinates, who regarded death as home, would never have thought of it.

The threats they face are far more terrifying and desperate than what they see in front of them.

A real life and death test has just begun.

This chapter has been completed!
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