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Chapter 89: Offensive and Defensive Battle of the Nameless Pass (2)

The distance of 500 meters is just a blink of an eye for the cavalry who are charging in a group.

When Mora, the third-order guard knight, and the second-order heavy knight phalanx, who were rushing at the front, approached the heavy infantry phalanx of the Cold Flame Army guarding the pass with an overwhelming force.

Not far away, the mustachioed commander of the Lengyan Army, who felt the tremendous pressure, and the heavy infantry squadron leader next to him showed expressions of disbelief and horror.

There is no doubt that without the cover and slowdown of the longbowmen, most of these classes, only the first-order heavy infantry phalanx, are obviously unable to withstand the menacing Holy Night Cavalry.

"How is it possible? All the ambush soldiers in the woods...were all killed?

The deputy captain's profession is that he is a rogue who is very good at forest warfare. Coupled with the blessing of the fourth-level stealth technique, even if these two third-level strong men from Shengye come together, they will not be able to kill him quietly.


At this time, the panicked face of the mustached commander was full of confusion.

He couldn't figure out why the trap he carefully designed was so easily resolved by the other party?

"Could it be that there are level 4 experts in the opponent's camp? No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

There are only a handful of fourth-level experts in the entire battlefield, and they are all important figures. How could they appear in a place like this?!"

Just when the mustached commander of the Leng Yan Army was already confused.

Boom boom boom!

The heavy knight squadron led by Mora had already collided with the two frontmost Cold Flame heavy infantry phalanxes deployed at the pass.

In an instant, the armor shattered, blood splattered everywhere, and screams kept coming.

The tight defensive phalanx composed of the heavy infantry of the Cold Flame Army was as fragile as tissue paper and could not stop the charging Holy Night Army's iron cavalry even for an inch.

Bang bang bang!

Under the huge impact, many Lengyan Army infantrymen wearing dozens of kilograms of heavy armor were knocked away together with the giant shields they held tightly in their hands.

Like broken iron cans, they hit the narrow cliff heavily and turned into clouds of blood mist.

In just a moment, the two heavy infantry squadrons at the front were scattered by the cavalry and were completely defeated, lying crookedly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a large crack was quickly torn out of the third heavy infantry phalanx of the Cold Flame Army in the middle, and for a while, wailing sounds echoed throughout the pass.

Then came the fourth phalanx, the fifth phalanx, the sixth phalanx... None of the phalanxes could survive the impact of this steel torrent.

It took a few breaths until Mora, a third-level guard knight, appeared in front of the mustachioed commander of the Cold Flame Army, carrying a lance stained with bright red mottled colors.

Only then did the other party react. While pushing away the guard beside him, he pulled out the long knife from his waist and roared: "Listen up, general, I am..."

However, the next second, his voice stopped abruptly.

The spear of the female guard knight in front of him had already penetrated the shining armor on his chest with a harsh buzzing sound, and stirred up a red lotus symbolizing death.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the name of the defeated general." Looking at the body that collapsed in front of him, Mora, who was wearing heavy armor, snorted coldly and walked away.

Immediately, after completely breaking through the Lengyan Army in the pass, she did not hesitate. She pulled the reins and turned the horse's head, raised the lance again, commanded the cavalry to go in the direction they came from, and started a new round of group charge.


At the same time, one kilometer away from the nameless pass, the left wing of the center of the Holy Night Mixed Demonic War Brigade was present.

Just when Lei Xiao was a little excited and looked at the charging cavalry in the distance, Huzhang and Nanxing Nanyue had returned to him quietly.

"For your information, Lord Lord, all the ambushes in the woods have been cleared."

I saw the knotweed wiping off a few drops of blood stained on the armor, while whispering to Lei Xiao: "These enemies are all equipped with enchanted magic arrows.

With these rare special arrows, their output capability can at least be increased several times.

Fortunately, the lord handled it in time, otherwise the cavalry of Shengye would have been in trouble."

"Magic arrows?"

Upon hearing this, Lei Xiao's eyes lit up and he lowered his voice and said, "Where are those arrows now?"

"Please rest assured, Lord, the three of us have properly hidden all the arrows in a corner of the woods. When we leave, we can just stop by and pick them up."

The rough sound of the knotweed sounded in Lei Xiao's ears again.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work." Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and his eyes refocused on the battlefield at the pass.

At this time, after several rounds of charges by the cavalry, the Leng Yan heavy infantry regiment defending here had basically been wiped out.

500 cavalry versus 800 infantry, there is no doubt about the outcome.

Even heavy infantry that could compete with ordinary cavalry was completely vulnerable to these second-level heavy knights.

Of course, you can also see from a distance that there are also many fallen horses scattered on the battlefield.

It can be seen that the cavalry of Shengye also suffered considerable losses.

"High mobility and high impact... On the battlefield, the role of cavalry is indeed irreplaceable."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao's face couldn't help but be filled with excitement again: "Only 500 cavalry can create such a momentum.

It seems that if conditions permit, the formation of the Territorial Knights will be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

Just like that, not long after, Lei Xiao's mixed demon war brigade successfully passed the pass and began to move forward.

At the same time, Lei Xiao noticed.

After the battle just now, the Holy Night Army probably lost about a squadron of light cavalry.

As for the second-order heavy cavalry, except for a few horses that were killed or injured, all of them survived, and it was obvious that they had not lost much combat effectiveness.

Speaking of which, during the march, a squadron was reduced in number.

The temporary squadron commanded by Lei Xiao was moved from the rear of the central army to the left wing of the central army, next to a magic squadron directly under Baron Yes.

"Vice Captain Mora, don't you think something is fishy?"

Just after passing the pass, Baron Yes showed no joy after victory on his face. Instead, he turned to the female knight Maura beside him with a puzzled expression.

At this time, because Lei Xiao's position was only a few meters away from the two of them, he could clearly hear the content of their conversation.

"Strange? What's strange?"

On the other side, Mora, who had just won a great victory, had already hugged the helmet in her arms again. There was still a blush on her pretty face that had not faded away. It was obvious that she had not fully recovered from the battle just now.

"Whether it was the battle for the small town before or the attack and defense of the pass just now, the two battles we fought seemed to go too smoothly.

It’s like there is a mysterious and powerful force out there that is helping us.”

Baron Yes had a puzzled look on his face and spoke again.

Hearing this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but reveal a look of dumbfounding on his face hidden under his helmet, and muttered something in his heart.

"You didn't expect it, did you? That powerful mysterious force is actually beside you."

This chapter has been completed!
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