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Chapter 904: Arrangements between the downtrodden prince and the lord

"You guys, you guys actually defected in the middle of battle?!"

After hearing the fourth prince's murderous words, the eldest prince's hand clenched the sword and began to tremble uncontrollably, with a look of panic on his face.

I saw his gray eyes moving in a panic, constantly projecting indignation and even a hint of pleading on the traditional nobles who had been loyal to him, trying to make them "return from their lost ways."

The eldest prince never thought that these traditional nobles who had knelt before him and fawned over him would one day turn their weapons on himself!

However, the reply the eldest prince received was only indifference and contempt.

The traditional nobles standing behind the fourth prince, instead of looking at their former master, looked like strangers to the enemy, their eyes filled with awe and killing intent.

"Sir Shaple, why did you betray me?"

While panicking, the eldest prince asked hysterically to the elderly traditional nobleman who took action first: "I treat you sincerely, why do you want to retaliate with kindness?!"

"Your Highness, do you really not understand?"

After getting the fourth prince's approval, Old Shaple took a step forward and responded coldly to the eldest prince's words.

"Civilians are the foundation of the kingdom, but as the heir to the throne, you actually chose to turn a blind eye to the disaster in the north in order to prevent Her Highness the Third Princess, leaving the hungry people to fend for themselves."

"You know, for hundreds of years, the reason why our nobles have been able to ignore His Majesty the Hero King's abolition of slavery and continue to enslave those common people is precisely because the Leng Yan monarchs of all generations had to mediate and let the humble common people see a glimmer of hope.

, so as not to make the following mistakes and let the kingdom collapse from within."

"If you, who don't even think about these things, are allowed to ascend the throne, then sooner or later the Cold Flame Kingdom will be destroyed in your hands!"

Shaple glanced at the eldest prince and continued: "His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is completely different. He has established the image of a virtuous king very early. He has a high reputation among free farmers and new citizens, and is different from the cruel and mediocre one.

You are completely different, this is the difference between you!"

"That's right. Unlike you guys who are pampered and privileged, I grew up at the bottom of the family and know best what these untouchables need."

The fourth prince was obviously very impressed by Shaple's words. While playing with the sword in his hand, he said leisurely: "As long as you give them an illusory hope, it will be enough to make them willing to be slaves for generations and squeeze them to death.


"Sir Shaple, just like the ever-flowing rapids of water, nothing remains the same. I can change it! What this bastard can do, I can do even more!"

The eldest prince obviously had not given up the last glimmer of hope. He widened his gray eyes and said eagerly: "As long as you choose to be loyal to me again, I can also become a virtuous king!"

After hearing the eldest prince's plea, the traditional nobles, including Shaple, couldn't help but snorted coldly, with disdain on their faces.

Shaple once again glanced at the eldest prince and said contemptuously: "Your Highness, haven't you understood the current situation? You are destined to fail in this battle for the throne, and there is no way to recover, and the Fourth Highness will

I will step on your head and ascend to the Throne of Cold Flame!"

"No, as long as you are still by my side, I have not failed!"

Facing the cold looks of all the traditional nobles, the eldest prince still refused to give up and pleaded in a hysterical tone: "Come back, only I can give you the supreme glory and wealth!"

"My dear Brother Wang, you are really in an extremely embarrassed and ugly state."

Looking at the ardent look of the eldest prince, the fourth prince joked leisurely: "Your stupidity really catches people off guard. Shapleqing and others didn't just defect in front of the battle. Otherwise, how could I have come here quietly?


"Fourth Brother, you despicable bastard! Shaple, you are a bunch of bastards who are just selling themselves for glory!"

Hearing the sound, even if the eldest prince reacted slowly, he had already fully understood the current situation.

This is obviously a long-planned conspiracy, just like the undercurrent under the calm sea surface, it will always break out when the ship is caught off guard, and it will be swept into the whirlpool and buried in the sea.

While he was burning with anger, the eldest prince, who knew that the situation was over, looked furious and said to the fourth prince sternly: "Bastard, don't think it's over like this. Even if I die, I will peel off your skin!"

"My stupid brother Wang, you are just a lonely person now, like a little dewdrop about to be dried by the sun, what else can you do?"

Hearing the threat from the eldest prince, the fourth prince began to laugh and said disdainfully: "It is really an unfulfilling thing to compete against a hopeless waste like you."

After the fourth prince finished speaking, the other nobles present also burst into laughter and looked at the eldest prince with disdain.

"I am a descendant of His Majesty the King of Heroes, with the noble blood of the King of Heroes flowing through me. How can I allow you and other ants to ridicule me like this?"

Facing the ridicule and indifference, the eldest prince blushed and clenched the brilliantly shining broad-edged sword in his hand, obviously preparing to fight to the death.

"Brother Wang, who is more stupid than anyone else, stop being so pretentious."

The fourth prince smiled even more and pointed his sword at the eldest prince unscrupulously: "What you inherit is only the appearance of His Majesty the Hero King. What is the difference between it and the embroidered pillow?"

Looking away at the eldest prince, the fourth prince said contemptuously: "Now you are just a lonely person. What else can you do besides being incompetent and furious?"

"You are simply being too deceptive!"

The eldest prince roared and was about to attack the fourth prince, but was stopped by the second prince on the side.

"Brother Wang, now is not the time to get angry. You and I have no chance of winning."

The second prince first nodded to the eldest prince, and then suggested to the fourth prince: "Fourth prince, why don't the three of us unite and deal with the despicable alien and the fifth prince together? That is our greatest strength.


"Dear Brother Er Wang, are you kidding here? Why should I join forces with guys like you two who have repeatedly failed?"

The fourth prince had a look of disdain on his face and said calmly: "Don't think that I don't know what you have in mind. You just want to delay time and wait for an opportunity to make a comeback."

"Fourth Brother, what do you want?"

Seeing that the other party saw through his plan at a glance, the second prince's eyes began to grow darker, and he held the staff in his hand squeaking.

"What else? Isn't that obvious?"

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and spread his hands, and then said with a ferocious face: "Then naturally I will get rid of you two stumbling blocks to the throne, and then wholeheartedly deal with that despicable outsider and the fifth child who don't know how to live or die."

Just when the fourth prince, with murderous intent in his eyes, was about to give the order to attack, a figure stood in front of him. It was the Grand Duke Hanshui who had been silent all this time.

"Your Highness, these two arrogant losers are not without merit. They may become an excellent tool for us to deal with the despicable alien and the fifth princess in the future."

Grand Duke Hanshui approached the fourth prince's ear and suggested to the latter: "It won't be too late to kill these two losers after the despicable alien and the fifth princess are eradicated."

"Well, that makes sense."

The fourth prince's brown eyes rolled, and he immediately put down his sword, nodded to Duke Hanshui and said, "Then take good care of these two guys first, and give them a taste of their power."

"As you command, Your Highness."

Grand Duke Hanshui stroked his chest and saluted, and immediately moved forward with the other two Grand Dukes and the powerful nobles. Soon they completely subdued the outnumbered First Prince and Second Prince, and put heavy shackles on both of the latter's feet.

Looking at the futile struggles of the eldest prince and the second prince, a look of grimness appeared on the fourth prince's face filled with anger.

"Okay, now that these two stumbling blocks have been removed, then I should devote myself to dealing with the despicable alien and the fifth child."

"Despicable aliens, don't think that I will be defeated at your hands one after another like these two idiots. I will let you taste the taste of purgatory and use your blood to make my red path to the throne.


After finishing speaking, the fourth prince, surrounded by powerful men from the three major aristocratic families, traditional aristocrats, and new aristocrats, grinned ferociously and began to laugh unbridled.

For a moment, emotionless and wild laughter echoed wantonly in the blood-stained gorgeous hall, like a death knell at a funeral, cold and biting.

Lei Xiao spent a peaceful night with Ariel amid the frequent news of good news.

The next morning after the battle in the Stargazing Corridor, when Lei Xiao opened his eyes again, he found that Princess Leng Yan beside him was still sleeping soundly.

The bright sunshine shines through the gaps in the curtains on Ariel's fair and translucent face, and even the fine fuzz on her nose is clearly visible.

"After fighting hard all day and night, I just came back last night. Let her sleep a little longer."

Looking at Ariel's sleeping face peacefully, Lei Xiao quietly got up and began to wash up.

It wasn't until Lei Xiao returned to the bedroom fully dressed that Ariel sat up from the bed with slightly red cheeks.

Seeing Ariel hurriedly rubbing her sleepy eyes, Lei Xiao smiled faintly, then handed her a cup of steaming milk, then turned and left.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that although he had won another hard-won victory, it was far from time to relax.

Putting aside the unpredictable catastrophe and the speculated continental war between the lords, the current Cold Flame Kingdom and the surrounding human nations are still full of dangers.

This is exactly the case.

After Lei Xiao won this fierce victory, not only Leng Yan's country, but also the surrounding human countries that had been paying attention to the power struggle of Leng Yan's royal family were all surprised and turned their scrutiny.

Focusing on this guest from another world.

In other words, starting from this moment.

As the princess's guest, or rather as the lord of another world, Lei Xiao has completely entered the vision of the highest power centers in various countries, and has attracted the attention of the powerful people of the human race.

Before this, no one would have thought that an insignificant lord from another world could really support a weak little princess to the point where she could compete with several other powerful princes.

No one would have thought that that insignificant alien lord would actually turn the tide in this war that had no suspense and win the final victory!

"As the saying goes, the greater the fame, the more right and wrong, but this is also inevitable for development. It is time for me, who has been keeping a low profile, to gradually step onto the real stage."

Lei Xiao walked out of the lord's suite and started walking towards the lord's office.

After quickly receiving 10 second-level recruitment orders, city return crystals, and performing reverse pushback.

Lei Xiao sat down behind his desk, first slowly took a deep breath, then frowned and opened the territory overview interface.

After summarizing the battle situation during this period, while good news came one after another, the specific number of casualties on our side in this battle has also been calculated.

The casualties of ordinary soldiers were almost consistent with what was expected on the battlefield at that time.

In addition, there were 50 second-level direct subordinates who also died in this massive war.

"Since the territory is protected by an absolute defensive barrier, the subordinates stationed in the territory did not suffer any casualties."

"And these second-level elite subordinates all died in the initial melee in various places, including the members of the Shadow Squadron and the communication magicians stationed in various places. It was because of their desperate resistance that they bought me precious reaction time.


"At the same time, I have also avenged these subordinates. The small enemy forces in various places were finally annihilated, and no enemy was let go."

In Lei Xiao's gentle eyes, a strong murderous intention could not help but emerge.

Of course, this is far from over.

One day, he will completely eliminate the mysterious Black Abyss Brotherhood and those infamous fallen nobles, and use the blood of his enemies to write the epitaphs of his fallen subordinates.

Lei Xiao closed the territory's overview interface and immediately walked out of the lord's office.

As for the third-level summoner squadron, the third-level priest squadron, the third-level blinking eye squadron, and the third-level half-elf wolf cavalry squadron participating in the battle.

Although many soldiers were injured to varying degrees, fortunately, no one was killed and they all received proper treatment and rest.

Next, Lei Xiao first used 50 second-level recruitment orders to replenish the lost subordinates, and handed them over to the corresponding commanders for training and placement to fill the vacant positions in various places.

Then, a simple meeting was held to inform the subordinates of the territory of the current war situation.

After everything was arranged in the territory, Lei Xiao took Ariel and other main subordinates to wander between the counterattack battlefields in both directions, assisting and boosting the morale of the frontline soldiers.

It was not until sunset that Lei Xiao and his party dragged their exhausted bodies back to the territory.

Since Jiang Li continued to deploy space beacons in the newly occupied cities during this process, it was very convenient to return.

Having just returned to the territory, the tired Lei Xiao and his party had not had time to eat a hot meal when an unexpected piece of latest information came to Lei Xiao's ears through words.

This chapter has been completed!
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