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Chapter 992 The smoke of Fort Kelley dissipates

As the dawn illuminates the entire city filled with smoke, the next thing becomes very simple.

After Lei Xiao's careful command, together with Huzhang, Hongye, Jiangli and Nolan who came later, there were a total of four fifth-level strong men in the city, with the fourth prince, Stone, Kent and Renner respectively.

The appearance of Germany's weapons on the battlefield announced everything, and our side quickly took complete control of the entire city's battle situation.

After learning that the fourth prince and others had been killed by Lei Xiao and our strong men, whether it was the Lancaster family, the Yorkman family, or the soldiers of the fallen nobles, they were extremely shocked.

He collapsed on the ground and threw away the weapon in his hand.

The rising morning light reflected the charred faces of those who were decadent and panicked. The weapons that fell to the ground were instantly covered by the blood that stirred up, losing all their edge.

After a series of previous setbacks, they were already exhausted both physically and mentally. They were already extremely wary of Lei Xiao, who often came up with strange schemes. The unimaginable strength and tenacity of the Shanglu soldiers also made them anxious.

And now, this news has undoubtedly become the last straw for them, making them completely lose their will to fight.

Facing Lei Xiao, who was able to kill even the fourth prince who had so many fifth-level alchemy puppets, how could they dare to resist at all?

Especially the soldiers of the Lancaster family and the Yorkman family, they never thought that before the war began, the foreign guests they had ignored at all could actually be able to defeat these wealthy and powerful legions who had experienced hundreds of battles all the way.

He was almost unable to fight back!

You must know that in the six hundred years since the establishment of the Lengyan Kingdom, except for several large-scale national wars involving all the troops, they, the arrogant people, have never been defeated so completely!

However, not all enemy soldiers have lost their will to fight. There are still a few people with evil intentions who are trying to "turn the tide."

"Don't panic, everyone! Behind us, there are still 200,000 reinforcements rushing to our aid. We want to avenge the head of the family, and we want to avenge our previous shame!"

Surrounded by his guards, Aubrey took a step forward, raised his staff high and said, "The Lancaster family must avenge itself. Have you forgotten the family motto?"

"That's right, we will never let that despicable alien scum ride over our heads!"

Barrow, who was not far away, also raised his arms and shouted, echoing: "The Yorkman family will never retreat. In order to defend the honor of the family, we will fight against the despicable aliens until the last moment!"

After speaking, Aubrey and Barrow looked at each other, and both saw a hint of cunning and arrogance in each other's pupils.

After Stone and Kent died one after another, the two of them have become the top family commanders in the city.

After successfully provoking hatred, if they can defeat Lei Xiao, or drag reinforcements to trigger changes in the war, they will undoubtedly replace Stone and Kent and become the new giants.

Head of the house!

By then, the entire Cold Flame Kingdom will naturally be in the hands of the two of them.

After the instigation of the two men, coupled with the instigation of the cronies around them, many wealthy soldiers who had laid down their weapons couldn't help but start to move again, trying to pick up the weapons on the ground again, and fight with Lei Xiao and our side again.

Confrontation between soldiers.

Upon seeing this, the smiles on the faces of Aubrey and Barrow began to grow stronger.

Two figures exuding vast aura descended from the sky and came directly in front of Aubrey and Barrow, accompanied by flashes of cold light.

Before everyone present could react, the two wealthy commanders with evil intentions and the surrounding personal guards all fell into a pool of blood, causing a bloody storm.

As for the cronies who were fanning the flames, their bodies suddenly became dislocated, and they also twisted and fell down.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the evil-minded villains who had tried to restart the war just now died one after another, causing the huge battlefield to become quiet again.

In the shocked and frightened eyes of others, that one was suspended in mid-air, and the two figures walking out of the pile of corpses gradually became clear. They were none other than Jiang Li, Hu Zhan and Hong Ye.

When making the deployment just now, Lei Xiao immediately thought of these wealthy commanders commanding on the front lines. Among them there must be people with ulterior motives who are trying to gain their own interests in the chaos and hinder the end of the war.

Therefore, in addition to announcing the defeat of the fourth prince and others, another task that Lei Xiao gave to Jiang Li and other fifth-level powerhouses was to eradicate these guys and completely extinguish the flames of this war.

"Everyone, your guest asked me to tell you that this war was caused by the greed of Stone and Kent. You were just bewitched and coerced. You are just the victims of the war, not the instigators."

Gracilaria was suspended in mid-air out of thin air, as if a goddess had descended, looking down at the enemy soldiers on the scorching battlefield, and a clear and awe-inspiring voice resounded throughout the world.

"And now, those instigators who attempted to turn this land into purgatory and battlefield are dead, and many soldiers have died on the battlefield. The kind-hearted Lord Guest and Her Royal Highness the Princess can no longer bear to see any more separations of life and death."

"Your Majesty Keqing has given an order. As long as you put down your weapons and sincerely return from your lost ways, Your Majesty Keqing and Her Royal Highness the Princess will pardon your sins and allow you to return to your hometown to reunite with your relatives."

"And if someone tries to reignite the war and plunge this anxious land into ruin again, the end will be the same as these guys with evil intentions. Your Majesty, Guest, will never tolerate it!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Li's starry eyes moved and glanced at the bodies of Aubrey and Barrow, and the meaning was naturally self-evident.

"We, the Sixth Lancaster Support Corps, are willing to lay down our weapons, and everything will be done as long as the guest minister and Her Royal Highness the Princess obey!"

I saw a young Lancaster general throwing his helmet to the ground, and immediately knelt down in the tunnel and said: "Thank you, Lord Guest, for your kindness, and thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your kindness!"

"The 2nd Lancaster Guards are willing to lay down their weapons, and everything will be done as long as the Lord Guest and Her Royal Highness the Princess follow suit!"

"The Lancaster Sorcerer Corps is willing to lay down its weapons, and everything will be done as long as the guest minister and Her Royal Highness the Princess follow suit!"

"Yorkman's Third Infantry Regiment is willing to lay down its arms, and everything will be done as long as the guest minister and Her Royal Highness the Princess follow suit!"

"The Yorkman Independent Mixed Army is willing to lay down its arms, and everything will be done as long as Sir Keqing and Her Royal Highness the Princess follow suit!"

"Yorkman's First Heavy Regiment is willing to lay down its weapons, and everything will be done as long as the guest minister and Her Royal Highness the Princess follow suit!"

"We, the traditional aristocratic army, are willing to lay down our weapons and thank you, Lord Keqing, for your kindness, and thank Your Highness the Princess for your kindness!"

"And so are we, the new noble corps. Thank you, Lord Guest, for your kindness, and thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your kindness!"

For a time, there was an endless stream of voices expressing gratitude and praise to Lei Xiao and Ariel throughout the battlefield, and they did not stop for a long time.

During this process, Lei Xiao was not idle. He first sent troops to take over all the magic towers in the outer city, and welcomed our 100,000 reinforcements and Erza, Lina and other subordinates who had already arrived at the city into the city.

Then, with the cooperation of our reinforcements, we began to clean the battlefield with the merchants, disarmed all enemy surrendered troops, and escorted them to the designated area for strict guarding.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that there were still 25 wealthy legions and 10 legions of fallen nobles allied forces that were quickly gathering here. Naturally, he could not relax even one bit before everything was settled.

In addition, since Leonard, who was guarding the inner city, was also dead, Lei Xiao didn't waste much time and successfully persuaded the last defenders of the inner city to surrender and knocked on the door to the last area of ​​Kel's Fort.

It wasn't until night fell again and the smoke gradually dispersed in the city that everything became orderly again.

Whether it was the inner city, the central city, or the outer city walls, Lei Xiao's Shadow Lord flag and Ariel's Princess flag were flying.

Every wall and every sentry post in the city is also filled with reinforcements from our side, as well as merchant soldiers who have already obeyed Lei Xiao's orders.

At this point, Kyle Castle, as the gateway to the royal capital, has all fallen under Lei Xiao's control, which has brought a perfect end to this massive battle for Kyle Castle and has also perfectly achieved the expected strategic goals.

"Lord, the casualty figures have been calculated."

In the hall of the city lord's palace in the inner city, Lian Lian, who had just entered, was seen stroking his chest and saluting, bowing to Lei Xiao and reporting: "After collecting all the scattered remnants of the army in the city and temporarily reorganizing them, our total remaining

15 merchant army regiments, including 7 main army regiments."

"And the combined forces of Lancaster, Yorkman, and the Fallen Legion have 20 legions left, including 5 main legions."

"In other words, at an absolute disadvantage, we not only successfully eliminated 20 enemy legions at the cost of 10 legions, but also successfully captured another 20 legions!"

Through Lin's further report, Lei Xiao learned.

Although Keen, Ivan, Thomas and other elders, as well as Cole, Kerwin, Buzz, Lorna, Andy and other legion commanders, suffered varying degrees of injuries, they were not fatal and they all received appropriate medical treatment.


And with the more sophisticated equipment of Ariel and other direct subordinates, there was naturally no serious problem.

After listening to Lin's report, all the subordinates present were excited and looked at Lei Xiao.

Under the leadership of the lord, the territory won another amazing victory, leaving a mark in history!

"As expected of your lord, you can always bring us the dawn of victory."

I saw Ariel, who had been standing next to Lei Xiao, her fair face full of respect and tenderness, and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"This is not just my fault, every one of you has made great contributions."

Lei Xiao's eyes moved, looking at the subordinates who were excited but also a little tired one by one, and said with a smile: "When everything settles, I will use the highest honor, the best equipment, and the most delicious food."

food to reward everyone present.”

"In addition, the Phytococcus family has contributed even more this time. Their bravery not only paved the way to victory for us, but also won my favor and trust."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and then said to the female knight who had just become the head of Shanglu family: "Lin, go and call Keen and the other elders over."

"As you command, Lord."

Lin stroked her chest and saluted, then quickly turned around and left.

Not long after, Keen and other elders appeared in front of Lei Xiao with equally excited faces.

"Your Excellency, guest sir, our Shangluc family has never achieved such a great victory!"

Keen, who had a bandage on his arm, was the first to take a step forward, caressed his chest and saluted: "No one will regard the Shangluc family as the bottom of the three wealthy families anymore! Without Your Excellency, Keqing, there would be no Shangluc family today.


"That's right. Under the command of Your Majesty the Guest, our Merchant Army Corps, including the Clancaster Corps, the Yorkman Corps, and the Allied Forces of the Fallen Nobles, have achieved a brilliant record that has never been seen in six hundred years!"

Elder Ai Wen, who had half a bandage on his head, his old face full of excitement, echoed: "In this battle, the Shanglu family, Your Excellency Ke Qing, Her Royal Highness the Princess, and even insignificant elders like me will be remembered in history!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to Your Majesty Ke Qing for your resourcefulness and leading by example!"

After the two elders finished speaking, the other elders couldn't stop nodding along with them. Even the trembling old Thomas was obviously much more energetic, looking as strong as he could fight for 300 rounds.

"Everyone is so ridiculous. I just tried my best. The Phytolacca family is the real hero in this battle."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, smiled at the elders and said: "All the soldiers of the Shangluc family will receive the rewards and honors they deserve. Her Highness the Princess and I will never forget the dedication and efforts of the Shangluc family."

At this point, Lei Xiao changed the topic and continued: "Although we have killed the Fourth Prince and others and completely controlled this Castle, everything is not over yet, so we still cannot relax even a little bit.


"Your Excellency, Guest Minister, are you talking about the approaching army of 250,000 wealthy families and the coalition of 100,000 fallen nobles?"

Keen immediately understood what Lei Xiao was referring to, twisted his gray eyebrows and muttered: "If the uncertainty of these 35 legions is not eliminated, it is indeed a serious concern for us."

"Yes, apart from these 350,000 uncertainties, what Her Royal Highness the Princess and I are more concerned about is how to deal with the Lancaster family and the Yorkman family. This will be related to the future of the Cold Flame Kingdom."

Lei Xiao first looked at Ariel, and then said to Keen and other elders, as well as the White Knight, Orr, Hodder, Benson, Rose Marquis and other aristocratic subordinates who came to the rescue: "About this, everyone

What do you think?"

After hearing Lei Xiao's question, everyone froze their eyebrows and began to think.

But while Lei Xiao was discussing important matters with everyone, in the area around the already calm Kel'burg, there were strange forces that deliberately concealed themselves, silently watching the city that had just extinguished the smoke. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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