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Chapter 1410 Cultivation in Tianhu

 'Is this Tianhu... According to legend, it is the holy land for practitioners of the law of water...' Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart.

Soon after, Xiao Zhi held a black umbrella and entered the Tianhu.

As soon as he entered Tianhu Lake, he felt that all the pores in his body were stretched. This feeling was more refreshing than drinking a bottle of iced drink on a hot day.

In the sky lake, Xiao Zhi tried to sense the laws of water.

After just a moment of sensing, Xiao Zhi clearly felt that this Tianhu Lake was unusual.

The water of Tianhu Lake is not strange water, it does not contain any supernatural powers, it is just a very ordinary kind of water.

The water of the sea is also very ordinary water.

Both are ordinary water, but there are very obvious differences between the water of Tianhu Lake and the water of Canghai.

How do you describe this difference...

Practicing and understanding the laws of water in the vast sea is like a student with 800 degrees of myopia who goes to class without wearing glasses. Even if his eyes are widened, he cannot see clearly the words on the blackboard. Except for the words in super large fonts,

All other words can only be guessed.

When practicing and comprehending the laws of water in the water of Tianhu Lake, it gives the impression that a student with a myopia of 200 degrees is attending class. Although the vision is still somewhat unclear, it is much better than the situation with a myopia of 800 degrees.

You may be able to see some words that are unclear if you squint your eyes.

What can be expected is that practicing and comprehending the laws of water here will definitely be much more efficient than practicing in the open sea.

This is only in the outermost area of ​​Tianhu. If we can go to the core area of ​​Tianhu, the laws of water that can be sensed may be clearer.

Xiao Zhi only stayed at the edge of Tianhu for less than half a quarter of an hour, then gritted his teeth and decided to go deep into Tianhu to have a look.

He is a man of action and does whatever he thinks.

Immediately, he held a black umbrella and swam towards the depths of Tianhu Lake.

A shark-like water monster that was more than ten feet long appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision, and was quickly left far behind by Xiao Zhi.

Not long after, a school of fish numbering more than 10,000 passed by Xiao Zhi. Among the fish, the smallest one was the size of a calf, and the leader was even bigger than

Blue whales are even bigger.

The ecology in Tianhu is relatively prosperous, and monsters can be seen everywhere.

Soon, another eel-like water demon appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

This eel demon looked very panicked and was running away like crazy. Behind it, a water demon that looked like a sturgeon was chasing after it.

‘It seems that no matter where you are, the law of the jungle cannot be separated from the law of the jungle. This is true in the world of living beings, and it is also true in the heaven.’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

He did not save the eel demon, but held an umbrella and continued swimming toward the depths of the Tianhu Lake.

As he went deeper and deeper into the Tianhu Lake, the water monsters that appeared around him also became stronger little by little.

At the beginning, when he was at the edge of Tianhu Lake, the water monsters he could see were all average in strength, and the monster masters were very rare.

But as he continued to go deeper into Tianhu, the number of powerful monsters became more and more.

Later, there was a phenomenon where demon kings were everywhere, demon kings were inferior to dogs, and even god-level water demons began to appear.

The reason why this happens is that the deeper you go into the Tianhu Lake, the clearer the laws of water you can sense.

Under such circumstances, all powerful water monsters will naturally gather towards the depths of Tianhu Lake.

Xiao Zhi held the black umbrella and swam thousands of miles toward the depths of the Tianhu Lake.

He suddenly stopped and looked somewhere with his eyes. Where he looked, there was a school of fish drifting with the current.

There are only dozens of fish in this fish school. It can only be regarded as a small school of fish. It is inconspicuous in the huge sky lake.

The reason why Xiao Zhi noticed this small school of fish was that, without exception, these fish all emitted a faint red light.

This kind of phenomenon only appears in hostile players.

This means that the fish school in front of you is transformed by the player!

Xiao Zhi only stayed on the spot for a second, then held a black umbrella and swam toward the school of fish that seemed to be players.

When Xiao Zhi was only dozens of miles away from the fish school that was suspected of being a player, Xiao Zhi glared, and the blue-green light blooming in his eyes suddenly became much brighter.

All of a sudden, the fish in this school of fish showed their ‘original shapes’ one after another.

Sure enough, these are all players.

There are a total of thirty-nine players, two of whom are first gods, and the other players are all at the peak level of Nascent Soul. It cannot be ruled out that there are demigods among them.

‘Which world are these players from? They actually formed a group to practice the law of water in this sky lake. It’s really a big deal...’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

When going to perform a guard mission, god-level players in the Overlord World cannot bring other players from their own world to the heaven through the God Realm, because during the guard mission, the God Realm cannot be opened at all.

, Xiao Zhi and the others have already verified this.

As a result, even if the guardian mission is over, the player's divine realm still cannot be opened.

The heavenly teleportation service provided by the Sentient System to the Overlord World will only be effective for god-level players in the Overlord World. Non-god-level players cannot enjoy this service.

In this way, if these non-god-level players want to come to the heaven and enter the sky lake to practice and understand the laws of water, there is only one possibility, and that is - to be defeated by the god-level players in their world.

With it, from the eternal field of the Heaven Cave Absolute Territory, forcefully fly to the heaven!

Not all gods can fly to heaven in this way.

It would be even more difficult to take so many "weak" players into the sky together.

Xiao Zhi felt that even the top gods would find it difficult to do this.

Only God Gao can do this!

It can be inferred from this that there are definitely high-level players in the player world where these players are located!

This is very likely to be a regional hegemon world!

Xiao Zhi thought quickly in his heart.

However, at this moment, a voice shouted: "Who is it?!"

The person who shouted these words was a god-level 'big fish' among the 'school of fish'.

It was discovered!

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being surprised.

Although at this moment, in order to save his divine power and maintain the voyage, he only used the ability of 'speak as he says' to give Black Umbrella twice the power, but with his current strength, not to mention twice the power, even if

He doesn't use the power of "words and words", and his invisibility is not that easy to detect.

Let alone the first god, even the middle god at the same level as him would have a hard time spying on his whereabouts.

As a result, the opponent's whereabouts were revealed by just a beginner god. This can only show one thing, that is - the opponent has super strong detection ability!

'A mere first god actually has such a powerful detection ability. Could this first god player come from the world of the Emperor of Heaven?'

Xiao Zhi held the black umbrella and retreated to one side almost subconsciously. He retreated more than a hundred miles in the water in one breath. When retreating, he used the ability of 'following the words' to give the black umbrella a stronger blessing.

of power.

Then he saw the first-god player who had turned into a big fish changed back to his human form, looked around, and said, "Since your friend is here, why don't you show up and meet him?"

A few seconds later, a short, fat young man with a common face slowly emerged from the water. He stared at the Beginner God player and said, "Which world are you from?"

Another Beginner God player among the fish also changed from fish form back to human appearance, and said with a proud face: "We are from Yunmiao World, what about you?"

The expression of the young man with a public face changed slightly and he said: "It turns out that I am a friend of Yunmiao's world. My world is not worth mentioning, so I won't talk about it and show my shame. Farewell!"

After saying that, the young man with a common face stepped back and soon faded and disappeared into the water of Tianhu.

This popular-faced young man was exactly what Xiao Zhi transformed into.

After Xiao Zhi left, the First God player who discovered Xiao Zhi's whereabouts sent a message to another First God player beside him: "He is Xiao Zhi."

Another First God player's expression moved slightly, and he replied through a voice transmission: "He is the Xiao Zhi that the Emperor of Heaven mentioned. Xiao Zhi is not this short and fat. Why doesn't he show up with his true face?"

As he spoke, he snorted again: "The Emperor of Heaven gave him an opportunity. When he saw us reporting our family status, he left without even reporting our identities. He is really a white-eyed wolf!"

"Maybe we are too cautious. After all, although we have reported our family status, we cannot prove that we are from Yunmiao's world. This world is full of intrigues, so it is normal to be cautious."

After the god player replied, he suddenly shouted in the direction where Xiao Zhi left: "Friend, there are high god-level water monsters in the core area of ​​Tianhu Lake. Don't get too close to the core area.

, to avoid being attacked by it!”

Not long after, a distant voice came over: "Thank you."

Xiao Zhi held the umbrella and continued to swim forward.

After swimming forward for nearly ten thousand miles, he stopped and stopped swimming forward.

"It's right here. The law of water is sensed here, and it's already very clear."

"We can't go any further. If we continue forward, we will reach the core area of ​​Tianhu. There are high god-level water monsters in this core area. I first came to Tianhu and I am still relatively unfamiliar with this place. There is no need to go there.

Take this risk." Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

So, Xiao Zhi stayed here and began to understand the law of water.

This is not a vast sea.

Xiao Zhi's training place in the world of living beings - Canghai, for him now, there is no danger at all, just like a back garden.

It's different here. Water monsters can be seen everywhere here, including many demon gods. There is even a high-god-level water monster entrenched in the core area of ​​Tianhu Lake.

Here to practice and understand the laws of water, he should be more cautious and conduct himself with his tail between his legs.

"Brother Li, while I am practicing, you should take care of my surroundings." Xiao Zhi gave instructions to the demon Li Kuo through his spiritual thoughts.

"Okay." Li Kuo responded in a somewhat dull voice.

His consciousness was still suppressed by the sentient system, and he looked like a puppet on strings.

Although he lacks a sense of autonomy, Li Kuo's current role as a bodyguard is more than adequate.

Next, Xiao Zhi calmed down and practiced and comprehended the law of water near the core area of ​​Tianhu.

It is quite good to have a personal bodyguard like the demon Li Kuo.

In order to prevent Xiao Zhi from being disturbed during his practice, whenever monsters came within ten thousand feet of Xiao Zhi, Li Kuo would appear in time and either kill or disperse them to get rid of all the monsters.

After all, Li Kuo also has the strength of a mid-level god, and he is still very intimidating. Once he appears, not to mention those elementary level demon gods and non-god level demon gods, even the occasional mid-level demon gods must be taken care of.

After weighing and weighing, they usually choose to retreat.

After all, from the perspective of Qi Ji alone, Li Kuo's god-level Qi Ji is still very bluffing and bluffing. Without a fight, no one can tell how deep he is.

Time passed like this day by day.

Xiao Zhi has devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation. He is addicted to cultivation and cannot extricate himself.

I don’t know how many years have passed since I was practicing, and I don’t know how long it has passed. In Xiao Zhi’s ears, a vague voice sounded: “Reminder: Three days later, in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, a treasure will appear. The specific location is...,

You can go and compete for this treasure."

‘Another seven-colored treasure has appeared...’ Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart as his practice was temporarily interrupted.

"So should I go or not this time?" Under the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

After a moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and made a decision in his mind.

He decided not to go this time. After all, with his current strength, although it was possible to win the colorful treasure, the chance was not high.

Xiao Zhi felt that it was not worth it to temporarily give up his cultivation and fight for an unknown treasure because of the small probability of winning the treasure.

Now that the decision had been made, Xiao Zhi no longer hesitated.

He calmed down and continued his practice.

On the third day, while he was practicing, he vaguely heard a voice: "Zhi Shen, are you okay?"

"Zhi Shen, have you arrived at Tianhu now?"

"Zhuishen, you have lost contact with us for two months and three days..."

"Zhi Shen, can you hear me..."

This sound comes from the real world.

This is the real world, and there are staff members calling his name across the nutrition bin.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel in a trance.

He is now in the heaven, and has lost contact with his divine clone and Yuanlong clone that he left in the world of living beings.

He wants to return to the real world to explain his current situation, but this is heaven, and here, players cannot consciously return to the real world.

Qingyuan World has verified this many times.

"Forget it, keep practicing. When the next guard mission is about to start, I will go back and explain it to them properly," Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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