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180 Thug

"Get away! Get away, everyone!" Duan Yi and Xie Ke were still shouting.

"Brother, there is no need. We are all players. We just want to get closer and take a look. Take a look and you won't lose a piece of meat." Some players turned a deaf ear to this and still walked towards this side with weapons in hand.


Duan Yi and Xie Ke were still shouting loudly, but they didn't take action.

If it were those ordinary games, they would have already started to use red to kill people in the wild. They had done this kind of thing many times before when playing other games.

In other games, this is just a common thing.

Players who are killed will not lose a piece of meat, or even suffer any losses.

But the 'World of Living Beings' is different. Once the player dies, all the hard work of these days will be in vain. Even if he can be resurrected, the character's cultivation qualifications will be reduced after resurrection.

Such a loss is not insignificant.

Although Duan Yi was shouting happily, he had previously said that he was going to seize treasures and kill people, but he was just talking about it. In the world of living beings, he had never done anything like killing people and seizing treasures.

It's not like they haven't killed players before.

After the Changping Society was established, the two of them went on missions and killed some players. However, it was a gang war and the nature was different.

Now, according to these players who are approaching [Haitang Bookstore www.lvshuw.com], they just want to get closer and take a look at the Baiguo Tree.

Facing these players, they were really reluctant to take action for a while.

"Young Master Li..." Their eyes fell on Li Pingfeng involuntarily.

Li Pingfeng also hesitated.

What he hesitated about was not this, but the two government guerrillas who were riding towards this side.

What these two people represent is the government of this world.

It's not appropriate to kill someone in front of the government officials.

However, these people are almost within 5 meters of the Baiguo tree, and this distance is already a bit dangerous.

Li Pingfeng no longer hesitated and shouted: "Repel them, don't kill people first."

When Xie Ke heard this, they both nodded.

The next moment, Xie Ke took action. With a burst of true energy, he flew up with a kick and directly kicked the warrior player who was closest and shouted the loudest ten meters away.

While taking action, he shouted: "Retreat, all of you, if you don't want to die, retreat!"

Duan Yi also took action at the same time, kicking several players who were closest to him away.

"Killing! Killing! Everyone, come together! Kill these trash!" Someone among the players approaching suddenly shouted.

"Kill these rubbish, and the 100-Quenched Fruit will be ours! Wealth and wealth can be found in danger, come on!" Another person shouted.

"Kill, kill, kill! There are so many of us, but we are afraid that we can't defeat these few people! Come on! Kill them!"

"These people are so arrogant. I don't want any spiritual fruit anymore. We just destroyed the spiritual fruit so that these rubbish can't get anything!"

Many people were booing in the crowd, and the rhythm was so high that the world would not be in chaos.

These people shouted happily, but they did not rush to the front. Instead, they huddled among the crowd, waiting for the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

As for the warrior players who rushed to the front, they were some impulsive people. When they were incited by these words, their eyes turned red.

Driven by both incitement and profit, these players were used as gunmen without even knowing it.

"Kill! Kill them!" These incited warrior players rushed towards Xiao Zhi and the others with weapons in hand!

Xiao Zhi, who had been holding back and not speaking or taking action, was waiting for this moment.

When these players shouted, approached him, and waved their weapons at him, Xiao Zhi roared: "Kill the enemy! Kill all these invading thugs!"

Amidst the roar, Xiao Zhi swung the horizontal sword in his hand, and the horizontal sword brought out a white blade several feet long and slashed at the players who were rushing over.

In an instant, more than ten players were cut in half by Xiao Zhi's sword!

"Kill! Kill the thugs!" Li Pingfeng also shouted.

At this point, he didn't care to hold on any longer. If he hesitated any longer, the Hundred Tempering Fruit they had just obtained might really be gone.

This is something Li Pingfeng absolutely cannot tolerate.

Duan Yi and Xie Ke also took action one after another.

The three of them, Li Pingfeng, all have innate mid-level strength. Although their strength is not as good as that of Xiao Zhi, once they go all out and kill these players who have not even reached their acquired limits, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen players died in their hands.

After being killed by them, all the players at the front were dead, and the players at the back also woke up and started to scream and retreat.

"Kill! Kill these rubbish, don't be afraid! There are many of us, and the Qi in their bodies is not unlimited. We can even consume them to death!" A player with sharp ears and monkey cheeks hid in the group of players.

inside, still jumping up and down and shouting.

"Xie Ke, kill him!" Xiao Zhi pointed at the player and said viciously.

Without saying a word, Xie Ke performed the battle skill "Cloud Step", leaping into the air, and in the blink of an eye he was on top of the player with pointy ears and monkey cheeks. He thrust out his sword like lightning and penetrated the player directly.

's head.

At this time, two Qishan County guerrillas, riding big maroon horses, were approaching less than ten feet away from Xiao Zhi and the others.

"Who are these people? They dare to run wild and kill people for no reason in our Qishan County. Do you really think that our Dachang government does not exist?" A county guerrilla got off his horse, holding the hilt of his knife, and stared at Xiao with his eyes like blades.

He held a few people in charge and said in a solemn tone.

"My lord, you misunderstood. We didn't kill people for no reason. These thugs rushed up and wanted to attack us. We were just forced to fight back." Xiao Zhi said calmly.

He also did not expect that this operation would develop to this stage.

He originally thought that in this operation, his biggest opponent would be the monsters guarding the Baiqiu Fruit Tree. Unexpectedly, the ones that really made him feel troublesome were his own kind.

"Whether it is intentional killing or forced counterattack, I don't leave it to you to decide!" Another county guerrilla snorted coldly, looked around and said: "The people under our rule in Qishan County are simple and honest, how did they come to be so simple?

What a mob!”

"Sir, these are thugs who kill innocent people indiscriminately. As you all saw just now, many innocent villagers have lost their lives in the hands of these thugs! Please make the decision for us, sir!" There was another player in the group of players.

the voice shouted.

"Don't worry! Chen guerrilla and I will definitely make the decision for you! There is royal law in our country of Dachang!" the county guerrilla who spoke first snorted.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he did not feel angry this time, but sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, the butt determines the head...

This is true whether it is his group, those players, or the two Qishan County guerrillas who just arrived.

These two county guerrillas from Qishan County are both innately high-level warriors. They obviously have plans for these Hundred-Quenched Fruits, so how can they achieve the most basic fairness?

Talking to them about this is a waste of time, no matter how much you talk about it, it will be useless!

That being the case, there's nothing more to say.

Then let’s solve this problem in a ‘world of living beings’ way!

Xiao Zhi reached into his arms and began to fumble around.

This chapter has been completed!
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