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"No." A staff member replied: "This Lu Yi should be one of the serial players of Xuanming Kingdom. Several serial players of Xuanming Kingdom use code names instead of names. We don't know this Lu Yi either."

Yi, which sequence player is it?"

A staff officer from the All-Sentient Army Staff Group next to him said: "This Lu Yi must be a serial player from the Xuanming Kingdom. There are two main people who are suspected by our staff group, namely Mo Yi and Long San. This Lu Yi,

It’s the two of them that are most likely.”

Sitting next to Xiao Zhi was Li Pingfeng, who was currently worried about his father's life and seemed distracted. On the other side sat Yang Bin.

At this time, Yang Bin turned his head slightly and whispered: "Xiao Zhi, do you think this Lu Yi is Mo Yi or Long San?"

Xiao Zhi responded in a low voice: "I think it's Long San who is most likely."

Yang Bin nodded and said, "I think so too."

At this time, Xiao Zhi was in the world, at the border between Xia and India.

Here, there is a large mountain range, including Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, which is difficult for birds to cross.

A two-foot-long white dragon was flying along the undulating mountains. At this time, it had flown away from the territory of the Indian Kingdom, entered the territory of the Xia Kingdom, and was flying towards the hinterland of the Xia Kingdom.

The scales on the white dragon's body are as crystal clear as white jade carvings. On the white dragon's back, there is a person standing with his hands behind his back.

This is a young man, wearing a spotless white Taoist uniform, it is Long San!

Long San rode the white dragon, but his eyes seemed silent.

The white dragon meandered in the air, but its speed was incredibly fast. Soon it flew over the mountainous area, and endless mountain forests appeared in front of it.

Long San, who was standing on Bai Long's back, raised his head slightly and looked at the sky above his head.

His eyes were burning with golden flames, which was a vision displayed by the high-level magical power [Dharma Elephant Sky Eye].

He is a peak golden elixir cultivator, and has the blessing of a high-level magical power [Dharma Elephant Sky Eye], which makes his eyesight even better than a professional astronomical telescope!

Long San's eyes looked through the clouds in the sky and easily saw a reconnaissance satellite flying around the earth.

Looking at the reconnaissance satellite, Long San twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

He can see this reconnaissance satellite, this reconnaissance satellite, but it cannot detect him.

Because, compared to the huge earth, he is as small as a dust particle, and he also uses the magical power of invisibility.

What he used was only a basic invisibility magical power. The level of this invisibility technique was only mentioned to the minor level by him. With this level of invisibility, any Golden Core monk who uses exploratory magical powers would be able to use it.

You can easily detect his traces.

But even such a superficial magical power of invisibility is enough to deal with the reconnaissance satellites and other reconnaissance equipment in this world.

As for the sonic boom produced when flying at supersonic speed, the noise caused by it is a bit loud. This may bother those middle and low-level martial arts cultivators. As a spiritual cultivator, he can easily erase it with just a few tricks.

This sound made Bailong Yukong become silent.

Flying over the mountains and forests, a stretch of modern urban area appeared in front of us.

This is a prefecture-level city in Xia Guokun Province.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, this city surrounded by mountains looks quiet and peaceful.

The white dragon carried Long San and flew quickly over the city.

During this process, Long San's body began to be filled with black air, and small black insects as tiny as mosquitoes flew out of Long San's spotless white Taoist uniform, like dandelions blown by the wind, towards the building.

Floating to every corner of the city.

Long San, standing on the back of the white dragon, had his hands behind his back and looked down. His young face showed a rather complicated expression, and he murmured: "I'm sorry, the same kind of people in this world."

, I don’t want to do this, but I have to do this. It’s better for you to die than for us to die, so... I’m sorry, everyone.”

In just a few breaths, the white dragon carried Long San and passed through the city.

A total of hundreds of black bugs, as tiny as mosquitoes, drifted into the city.

These little black bugs don't have any stealth capabilities, but they are just too small. The satellites of this world simply cannot lock onto such a tiny target.

Even if humans are more than 10 meters apart, it is difficult to spot them.

In the urban area, a middle-aged taxi driver parked his car in a temporary parking space on the side of the road, opened the window, and smoked a cigarette with a sad look on his face.

Since the "World of Living Beings" was born, most young people have invested in it. The taxi business has been difficult to do. During this time, a plague called BSS broke out and was nowhere to be seen on the streets.

There were only a few people there, but he still had a large family to support, and he felt that he could no longer support it.

This is, a black insect that looks like a mosquito got in through the open car window.

The middle-aged driver saw it and frowned slightly, not paying much attention.

The weather in Queensland is hot and humid all year round, and there are many mosquitoes. If a bug flies into the car, there is nothing to make a fuss about.

This little black bug finally landed on the back of the middle-aged driver's neck, then turned into a trace of black mist and penetrated into the flesh. The middle-aged driver seemed unaware of it.

A few hundred meters away from the middle-aged driver's taxi is a residential area.

There is a family living here on the 18th floor of a residential building. The young male owner is lying on the bed with his eyes closed, seeming to be sleeping soundly. The young female owner is busy doing laundry and cooking.

A five-year-old boy was playing with a bunch of LED toys in front of the balcony.

At this time, a black insect that looked like a mosquito flew in from the window. After flying around the living room, it flew towards the little boy and finally landed on the little boy's fleshy wrist.


The little boy discovered this little bug, instinctively stretched out his other hand, and hit the little black bug on his wrist with a snap.

When he raised his hand, he was stunned for a moment.

What about that little black bug? He clearly hit it just now, so why didn’t he see the body of that little black bug?

The little boy scratched his head and felt a little confused about this, but he was young after all. He thought about it for a while and didn't understand it, so he just didn't think about it. He continued to play with his LED toys and quickly forgot about this matter.


A small black insect fell from the sky, found its target, and penetrated into the target's body.

Soon, Kun City, the capital of Queensland Province.

A white dragon was swimming across the sky. Long San was wearing a white Taoist uniform, standing on the back of the white dragon with his hands behind his back. The wind in the sky blew on his Taoist uniform, making his Taoist uniform rustle and blow at the same time.

Little black bugs flew in all directions like dandelion seeds.

Kunming also looks quiet and peaceful.

Long San's eyes burned with golden flames, overlooking the entire Kun City.

Two seconds later, Long San stood on the roof of a taxi, with a pair of eyes burning with golden flames, looking through the roof at the driver in the cab of the taxi.

The driver looked confused as some of his memories were being read.

A few seconds later, the white dragon floating in the sky began to move. As soon as it swung its tail, its speed instantly broke through the sound barrier and reached several times the speed of sound. In a few breaths, it arrived in a wealthy area of ​​Kunming City.


A few more seconds passed, and the white dragon floated over the Kunming City Administration Hall.

After floating like this for 2 minutes, Long San's figure reappeared on Bai Long's back.

The next second, Long San's figure began to become blurry. Soon, Long San and the white dragon at his feet all turned into nothing and disappeared in the world.

Everything seemed silent and no noise was made.

From the time Long San came to this world until he left, the whole process took no more than 20 minutes.

Long San left, but he left those tiny black bugs as tiny as mosquitoes in this world.

Not only these little black bugs, but also hundreds of ordinary people who were controlled by his illusions were left behind. Most of these ordinary people controlled by him were either rich or noble. Looking at the entire Xia Kingdom, they might not be a big deal.

, but in Kunming, they all have considerable energy.

Time is still passing by minute by minute.

The time came to 6pm on July 26th.

It is almost dusk, the sun is setting in the west, and the sunset glows red on the clouds on the horizon. At this point, most of the office workers have already got off work. Some families who have eaten early are already preparing for dinner. On the outskirts of Kyoto, Qingyun Si

Within the area covered by the combined formation, the unfinished headquarters building of the All Creatures Army was packed with people in the conference room, and no one wanted to leave.

Hundreds of people gathered here. Although there were many people, no loud noises could be heard. The atmosphere in the venue was extremely depressing.

"Have you found no trace of the target yet?" Yang Lao, the commander of the All-Sentient Army, looked a little haggard.

The controller of the Xia Kingdom's sentient army seemed to have aged more than ten years in just a few dozen minutes.

The other senior officials sitting next to him all had dull expressions, as did the two players, Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan.

"Commander, our satellites are always observing and searching the surface of the earth, and no suspicious targets have been found so far." The middle-aged officer standing next to Yang Lao, the commander of the All Creatures Army, replied respectfully, and he began to wipe his sweat again.

He didn't even know that this was the first time he had wiped sweat.

Yang Lao, the commander of the All-Sentient Army, rubbed his brow with his hand and nodded tiredly.

Li Pingfeng, who had just called his father again, turned sideways and whispered to Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, it's been so long. That Lu Yi should have left."

"Hmm..." Xiao Zhi hummed softly.

After arriving in this world, Lu Yi had to consume 100 sentient being points every second he stayed here.

Xiao Zhi combined some situations in the Sumeru Realm of All Beings and made some calculations in his mind. Even if he calculated at a higher level, this Lu Yi would have reached his limit if he stayed in this world for 2 or 30 minutes. And now

, almost 40 minutes have passed, and as expected, the guy named Lu Yi must have left.

"I feel very uncomfortable and powerless. I can only sit here like this. There is no way I can do it. I really want to fight and kill those bastards from Xuanming Kingdom..." Beside Xiao Zhi, Yang Bin was depressed.

He said in a loud voice, clenching his fists with both hands until they made a crunching sound.

Yang Bin, a young man born in the military, has always behaved very calmly. This is the first time Xiao Zhi has seen him like this.

Xiao Zhi reached out and patted his shoulder.

Yang Bin shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

At this moment, Lu Zhong, who was sitting next to Yang Lao, the commander of the All Living Beings Army, suddenly stood up.

His gentle face now had a hint of ferocity. After he stood up, he looked at Yang Laodao, the commander of the All Living Beings Army: "Commander, let me come to the enemy's world! There is a saying in our Xia Kingdom: Come and don't go.

It’s indecent! Since people are knocking on our door, we can’t just sit there, we must fight back!”

"Sit down!" Mr. Yang said in a stern tone.

Lu Zhong was a little reluctant, but he sat down again.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, another hour passed.

The sky had begun to turn dark, and staff members brought lunch boxes and mineral water to the venue one after another, and delivered them to everyone in the venue.

Only a few people opened their lunch boxes and started eating, but most of them had no appetite and didn't even move their chopsticks.

Xiao Zhi had no appetite, so he placed the lunch box on the table in front of him. He leaned back on the chair and stared at the ceiling above his head in a daze.

A staff member wearing a black uniform came to Xiao Zhi, bowed down, put his head close to Xiao Zhi's ear, and whispered: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, Director Liu Yi asked me to tell you, he asked you to go back.

He said that practice is the most important thing, and for you, every minute and every second is precious."

After saying these words, the staff member stood aside, just looked at Xiao Zhi and stopped talking.

Xiao Zhi heard this and looked somewhere in the venue. Liu Yi was sitting in a seat not far from him.

Liu Yi was also looking at Xiao Zhi at this time, and nodded slightly towards Xiao Zhi.

A wry smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face.

At this moment, his mind cannot calm down at all. This state is not suitable for cultivation at all.

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi said to the staff member: "Practice does not take place overnight. Just wait. After the results come out, I will go to practice. If the results don't come out, I feel uneasy."

"Okay." The staff member nodded and walked away.

In this way, time passed and another two hours passed.

The time came to 8 pm on July 26, and it was completely dark.

At this time, the lights within the area covered by the Qingyun Four Formation were brightly lit, and the conference room in the yet-to-be-completed headquarters building of the All Creatures Army was still full of people.

Even the real big shots from the Xia Kingdom were present.

In the conference room, everyone was waiting for the results.

At this time, India.

Delhi, India, as a first-tier city in India, is still very prosperous.

This chapter has been completed!
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