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Chapter 795 Break the formation and destroy the city!

 (I haven’t asked for tickets for more than half a year. I’m taking advantage of the double monthly tickets. In the new month, I’d like to ask for some monthly tickets and recommend votes~~)

Kyoto City is in an urban area covered by a purple light curtain.

In a very ordinary residential building, a young man wearing camouflage uniforms sat on a chair, his face as sinking as water.

If Xiao Zhi were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that the young man sitting on the chair is Mo Yi!

This time, Xiao Zhi guessed wrong. Mo Yi did not leave Kyoto City, he has not left yet!

In the mid-air in front of Mo Yi, an instrument projected a picture. In the picture, a terrifying figure like a god and demon was wielding a large sword hundreds of meters long, chopping a purple field at high frequency.

The light curtain chopped up the purple light curtain and fluctuated violently.

The figure shown in the picture is none other than Xiao Zhi!

As he watched, Mo Yi's hands unconsciously clenched into fists, veins popped out in his arms, and his fists creaked!

Just like that, after more than ten seconds passed, Mo Yi lay down on the back of the chair as if his strength had been drained away, with a dull expression on his face.

"Asen, there is only the last layer of the Zixiao Six Square Formation left." A voice said softly.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing a colonel's military uniform.

There are only two people in this simply furnished house, one is Mo Yi and the other is this middle-aged officer.

"Uncle, when this layer of Zixiao Formation is broken, you will die." Mo Yi opened his mouth and his voice sounded a little low and hoarse.

"I know." The middle-aged officer seemed very calm at this time. He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if I die, as long as you are still alive, that's fine. As long as you are still alive, Asen, there is still hope for our world.


Mo Yi was silent for a moment and said: "I still have a total of 280,000 sentient being points in my name, and I can actually redeem them for another Zixiao Six Square Array."

"I know." The middle-aged officer said: "But a mere Zixiao Six Square Formation has no meaning other than letting the people of this city die a few minutes later. That kid Lu Yi is right, this

The city is hopeless. The sentient life points you have should be used where they should be used, rather than used to exchange for a useless Zixiao Formation. This is what the Speaker means as well."

"I understand the truth, I just..." The devil showed a painful expression and covered his head with his hands.

Xiao Zhi had no idea what was happening in this house.

The city area covered by the Zixiao Six Square Array is not big, but it is not small either. There are millions of people crowded in it!

This is not the kind of empty wilderness, with so many houses and so many people. Even if Xiao Zhi’s [King Kong Dazzling] has strong clairvoyance ability, he wants to be among millions of people in a short period of time.

Finding Mo Yi's figure is also a very difficult thing to do.

What's more, Xiao Zhi will not do this. He only has one thought in his mind right now, which is to break the formation and destroy the city!

As time passed by, under the crazy output of Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo, the purple light curtain in front of them became lighter and lighter, becoming more and more transparent.

"Break it!" Xiao Zhi roared loudly, and the several-hundred-meter-long sword he held in his hand brought up a shadow as thick as ink, and slashed hard at the almost transparent light screen in front of him!

The light curtain fluctuated violently, but did not break.

Li Kuo's Lingbao-level jet-black spear also stabbed the light screen hard at this time. The light screen fluctuated significantly again, but it still did not break.

Less than a second passed.

"Break it!" Xiao Zhi roared again. The hundreds of meters long sword he held in his hand once again brought up a thick shadow like ink, and slashed hard at the almost completely transparent area in front of him.

Above the light curtain!

When he slashed out with his sword, the light curtain shattered with the sound!

The ninth layer of the purple sky six-square array above the city was also shattered, shattered into light spots all over the sky.

Without the obstruction of this layer of light curtain, the hundreds of meters long sword in Xiao Zhuo's hand carried the shadow sword energy several times longer, and slashed it down like a bamboo!

When this knife went down, the streets, roads, houses, and high-rise buildings were shattered like paper. The people affected by the knife's light became meat in the blink of an eye, and blood spattered. At this moment, at least tens of thousands of people died.


This cut left a huge ravine more than 2,000 meters long in this urban area!

Xiao Zhi's sword, even though most of its energy was consumed when breaking the formation, it was still terrifying!

"After the ninth floor, it's gone?" Xiao Zhi, who had personally caused this human tragedy, looked down and felt a little surprised.

He thought that after the ninth level, there should be a tenth, eleventh, and twelfth level of Zixiao Six Square Formation, and he was already mentally prepared for a protracted war.

The result...that's it? Gone?

If it's gone, it's gone. It's better if it's gone.

All the Zixiao Six Square Formations in Kyoto City were destroyed by him at this moment. Next, it was time for him to reap the fruits of victory.

Xiao Zhi dodged and instantly crossed a distance of more than a kilometer, standing on the top floor of a building hundreds of meters high.

This building is the headquarters building of the United World Government and a landmark building in Kyoto City in the Xuanming World.

Xiao Zhi stood proudly on the top floor of this building with a victor's attitude. Standing here, he could overlook the whole scene!

As the last layer of the Zixiao Six Square Formation was breached, countless people in this city area were screaming! Many people screamed in horror!

In the streets crowded with people, turmoil inevitably occurred. Many people fell into madness, and various stampedes also occurred.

Many flying cars are running around like headless flies, and some flying cars are carrying their families and want to escape the city.

Xiao Zhi looked down at these indifferently. He stood still and did not kill himself because there was no need at all.

As the last layer of the Zixiao Six Square Formation over Kyoto City was breached, without the formation's obstruction, the extreme cold outside the city immediately eroded in.

The extremely cold air that eroded in caused the originally suitable temperature in this urban area to drop crazily, and soon dropped to below zero, then minus 10 degrees, minus 20 degrees, and minus 50 degrees!

The moisture in the air condenses into ice crystals in the blink of an eye and floats down.

Starting from the top floors of various high-rise buildings, a layer of frost has condensed visibly to the naked eye, and this layer of frost is still spreading downwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, the remaining urban area of ​​Kyoto was completely eroded by the extreme cold outside, turning it into a world of ice and snow.

The crowds that crowded the streets all maintained their last movements under the extreme cold, and were frozen into ice sculptures, losing their vitality.

Those flying cars and other flying instruments that were flying around like headless flies were also exposed to the terrifying low temperature, their instruments failed, and they crashed and crashed one after another.

The speeding cars trying to escape the city with their families and their families crashed one after another not long after they rushed out of the city.

There is no need for Xiao Zhi to take action at all. Just after breaking the formation, the extremely cold air that comes in is enough to kill most of the people here!

In the midst of the ice and snow, there were only a few cyan light shields left, which still existed tenaciously, isolating the extreme cold and protecting the people and buildings inside from being eroded by the cold air.

These cyan masks represent the Qingyun Quadruple Formation.

The coverage area of ​​the Zixiao Six Square Array is 10 kilometers in radius. According to the introduction of the All Living Beings System, it can withstand the attack of an early Yuanying monk for 10 minutes.

The coverage area of ​​the Qingyun Four Formation is only 3 kilometers in radius, and it can only withstand the attack of an early Jindan monk for 10 minutes.

Judging from the data, the Qingyun Four Formation is far inferior to the Zixiao Six Formation in terms of coverage and defensive power.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was standing in front of a green cloud formation, slashing at the green cloud formation in front of him with his sword.

When he breaks the formation, he doesn't have any skills at all, he just breaks the formation with pure brute force!

This kind of Qingyun Quadruple Formation can be broken by a golden elixir monk. It can withstand an early golden elixir monk for 10 minutes, but in front of Xiao Zhi, it cannot resist it for even one second.


Xiao Zhi didn't even need to use a killing move like [The Body-Destroying Sword]. He could easily break through a Qingyun Quadruple Formation with just a few dozen blows using normal attacks!

Executing a killing move like [Body-Destroying Sword] consumes a lot of true energy.

Not using a killing move like the [Body-Destroying Sword] means that when Xiao Zhi breaks the formation, the amount of real energy he needs to consume is drastically reduced, and his battery life is greatly increased!

Next to Xiao Zhi, there is also the demon Li Kuo. Li Kuo's normal attacks are also at the level of Nascent Soul.

With Li Kuo at his side to help break the formation, Xiao Zhi was able to break through the two-layer Qingyun Quadruple Formation in just one second! Compared to the previous time when he broke through the Zixiao Six Square Formation, Xiao Zhi was able to break through the formation faster.

too much!

The layers of Qingyun Quadruple Formation were shattered by Xiao Zhi's attack, turning into light spots that scattered all over the sky.

After breaking through more than twenty layers of Qingyun Quadruple Formation in one go, there was finally no cyan light curtain blocking Xiao Zhi's path.

What is shown in front of you is a residential area. Deep inside this residential area is a majestic building with a height of a hundred stories. There are several eye-catching characters on the building: Ministry of Strategy for the World of All Living Beings.

This is the notorious "World of All Beings Strategy Department" in the world where Xiao Zhi lives. Its nature is somewhat similar to the All Beings Army of the Xia Kingdom. According to the information provided by the ghosts in the Xuanming World, in the Xuanming World, about all sentient beings

All the decisions in the world come from this strategic department of the world of sentient beings.

Among them, Mo Yi, Long San, Sha Wu and others came to the real world where he was, killing people and causing destruction.

"The 'Strategy Department of the World of All Living Beings'... There is no need for a place like this to appear again in the future." Xiao Zhi murmured to himself.

As he spoke, he stretched out his left arm forward and made a fist!

A light blue light like flowing water flashed, and the majestic, hundred-story building in front of him seemed to be pinched by a huge invisible hand. With a clicking sound, it was crushed to pieces!

With the help of his water domain, Xiao Zhi destroyed this notorious strategic department of the world of living beings with a single thought.

After destroying the building, Xiao Zhi turned to look at the area covered by another cyan light curtain several kilometers away.

His figure suddenly became blurred, and the next moment, his figure appeared in front of this cyan light curtain.

Xiao Zhi raised the Bei Chun Dao, which was hundreds of meters long in his hand, and Li Kuo also raised the black spear in his hand.

A new round of operations to break the formation has begun again.

In this cyan light curtain, there is a very ordinary residential building.

On the top floor of this residential building, stood a young man wearing camouflage uniforms, it was Mo Yi!

Mo Yi is crying, tears streaming down his face!

At this time, Xiao Zhi also saw Mo Yi standing on the top floor of the residential building through the layers of cyan light curtains.

At this moment, the eyes of the two people, separated by more than twenty layers of Qingyun Quadruple Formation, and thousands of meters apart, looked at each other!

Mo Yi didn't escape, he didn't leave!

Xiao Zhi's eyes couldn't help but narrow, and the attack paused.

This pause lasted only a moment.

Xiao Zhi continued to slash at the cyan light curtain in front of him with his knife, breaking the layers of cyan light curtain into scattered light spots all over the sky!

Mo Yi did not escape as he expected, which was definitely a good thing for him!

As long as he can kill this demon, then his action this time can be considered perfect.

In the blink of an eye, two more layers of Qingyun Quadruple Formation were shattered into dots of light all over the sky under Xiao Zhi's attack!

At this moment, Mo Yi suddenly sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Mo Yi's sudden actions made Xiao Zhi feel familiar.

This is Mo Yi's consciousness leaving the body and entering the world of living beings!

‘Does Mo Yi want the golden body to come to the Xuanming world?’ Xiao Zhi squinted his eyes and thought to himself, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

'So what if the golden body comes? I am a dignified Yuanying monk. No matter how powerful he is, he is just a golden elixir monk and cannot be my opponent!' When he thought of this, the trace of uneasiness in Xiao Zhi's heart disappeared in the blink of an eye.


In the world of living beings, there has never been a precedent for Jin Dan to defeat Nascent Soul, not even once!

This time, it will be the same!

He sneered in his heart: "Since you are not willing to die without a trace and want to fight me without overestimating your capabilities! Then I will let you recognize the reality and let you die clearly!"

Xiao Zhi waved the hundreds of meters long sword in his hand and continued to break the formation.

While breaking the formation, Xiao Zhi began to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and Li Kuo flew several hundred meters higher. While breaking the formation, he observed the surroundings for Xiao Zhi.

A few seconds later, Li Kuo sent a message to Xiao Zhi through his mind.

Mo Yi has really arrived in golden form, hundreds of kilometers away, at the edge of this man-made ice field.

With the birth of this artificial ice field, players who want to land near Kyoto City can only land at the edge of the artificial ice field hundreds of kilometers away.

The same is true for Li Hang, Yu Jiu, Xiao Zhi, and the same is true for Mo Yi who just arrived.

This is because, according to the judgment of the sentient being system, the area covered by this artificial ice sheet is too cold and is considered a dangerous area and should not be visited.

The demons descended on the Xuanming world one by one, rose into the sky, turned into a black stream of light, and flew towards this side!

This chapter has been completed!
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