1029, Man Guis fallacy

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At this time, the sound of crying in the military camp was loud.

Over the years, these soldiers have suffered too many grievances. In the military camp, the officials did not solve the problems, but adopted high-pressure policies against the soldiers' resistance.

That is to say, they covered their mouths to prevent them from speaking. Because the officials had done too many bad things, they couldn't talk about them. They were all whispering and talking, and they were all beaten with military sticks, until their skin and flesh were torn.

When Yang Fan saw the report brought by Zhang Geda, his expression was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

"Master, there are too many problems in Shanxi Town. They are worse than Liaodong Town back then. The more than 7,000 people brought here this time are really stained with blood and tears from being bullied. It is really unbearable. The more these soldiers talk, the worse they get.

I was so excited that I cried loudly. Many people cried until they fainted." Zhang Geda said angrily.

Yang Fan looked at the investigation report and refreshed his understanding of the Ming Dynasty's army.

The military rations were stolen and sold, and then the moldy millet and sorghum (horse feed) were given to the soldiers. The law enforcement agencies were very picky, and the legal network was tight. Soldiers broke the law when they acted, and they were beaten severely if they did not pay. Soldiers have long been in arrears with military pay.

Without sending a message, the soldiers were unwilling to starve to death and fled one after another.

Shangguan did not want to solve the problem of military pay, but instead focused on the problem of deserted soldiers.

Various tricks were invented to prevent soldiers from escaping. In their words, even if the soldiers would rather starve to death, they could not allow them to escape. They turned the relationship between officers and soldiers in the camp into a master-slave relationship. Each level of officer must watch over his subordinates.

Soldiers and soldiers who have escaped will be killed if they are captured.

If the officer doesn't play dirty tricks and the soldiers run away too much, the superior officer will beat the officer to death. One level at a time. If you don't make the officer feel better, you won't be able to feel better either.

As soon as the newly recruited soldiers came in, they were first beaten by Xiaoqi, and then by the old soldiers. It was called the Ten Days of Killing Power Stick after entering the camp. Let you know where this place is first, and then conquer it first. The process was horrific, even Yang Fan saw it.

Can't go down.

In addition to physical torture, there was also personal insult. The viciousness of the officers' minds was appalling.

They were beaten with a cane dipped in cold water. They were forced to kneel on the stone ground, their knees dripping with blood. They were forced to lick the phlegm on the ground by pressing their heads...

The fleeing soldiers were captured and all the soldiers who did not escape were forced to stab the fleeing soldiers with a spear. If you don't stab the fleeing soldiers, that's fine. You can also pass by stabbing yourself with a spear. There are many soldiers in the small flag and the general banner.

They were from the same village, and even had relatives. I couldn't do anything, so I had to stab him in non-vital places.

However, there were too many people, and they had to be stabbed to death in the end, which only increased the pain.

If one person makes a mistake, punish the entire Xiaoqi. Let them hate each other, monitor each other, and report each other.

This place is still the army of the Ming Dynasty, it has become a hell on earth.

Yang Fan looked at Man Gui who was kneeling on the ground. He was no longer angry at this time. He asked calmly: "Do you think you can lead a good army by beating and mistreating him?"

Although Man Gui was scared to death, he still held his neck and said: "Young ones are illiterate and uneducated. But even if you are young, you can understand the truth by listening to storytelling."

Yang Fan laughed angrily and asked, "Then tell me your reasoning."

"The young man listens to Water Margin. Shandong Wu Erlang is a hero who fights tigers. He is considered a tough guy. The young man estimates that among a hundred people, there may not be even one Wu Erlang. However, Jiang Menshen framed him and imprisoned him, and he was killed by a dog.

Officials tortured him. He saw that if he didn’t plead guilty, he would be beaten to death. In the end, he had no choice but to plead guilty.”

"Commander, think about it, a tiger-fighting hero like Wu Erlang can be defeated by fighting. Let him bear all his grievances to me. Is there anyone in the world who can't be defeated? The young ones have no ability and cannot solve the Ming army.

There are these problems. But if you are small, you can suppress these problems. If no one asks questions, it means there are no problems."

"Without money and food, the soldiers ran away, and the superiors were angry. The small ones had to suffer, and the small ones had to live. But can the small ones solve the problem with this money and food? In the Ming Dynasty's border army, all kinds of stereotypes and bad habits can be solved by the small ones.

Okay? You can only plan for yourself."

Yang Fan laughed angrily, but he had to admit that what the black guy said made sense. After all, it is always easier to cover up a problem than to solve it. Who is the softer when it comes to picking the weak? Of course, these are the helpless, powerless and powerless people.

The powerful soldiers died.

It is easier to solve the collective corruption of civil servant groups. It is easier to solve the problem of the Ministry of Household Affairs losing 30% of its capacity.

It is easy to solve the extortion and bribery of Shangguan. Of course, it is easy to subdue these soldiers who are asking for money. Mangui has no ability to solve problems, and he knows it very well, but he is fully capable of suppressing Qiu Ba.

"Commander, these evils are not caused by the little ones. The evil done by the civil servants, nobles, and eunuchs makes it difficult for the soldiers to live. They don't wipe their butts after shit, so it's useless for the little ones to do this to give birth to children*

It’s all about the child. It’s a small injustice.” Man Gui hugged Yang Fan’s thigh and cried loudly.

Yang Fan sat on the high chair holding a bowl of tea and took a sip without looking at Man Gui who was shouting "Chong Tian Qu". Zhang Shize also sneered while watching this guy's performance.

Yang Fan put down the bowl of tea and said: "Okay, don't cry out. Thirty thousand taels of silver, you bastard dare to take twenty thousand taels. You are so brave. Tell me, who gave the money to you. You

Only 5,000 taels of personal property were found. Where did the remaining 15,000 taels go?"

Mangui stopped crying immediately as if a rooster had been pinched by the neck. She stared with a pair of frightened eyes and closed her mouth tightly.

Zhang Shize sneered and said: "Act, then continue to act for me. If you don't recruit the real master behind the scenes, it won't be over. Master, there are many ways to deal with you."

Yang Fan lowered his head, looked at Man Gui who was trembling with fear, and said: "If you knew how His Majesty saved this money, you wouldn't be quarrelsome with me here. The crime of deceiving the emperor is to have your home confiscated and beheaded.

.If you recruit the people behind you, you may die. But if you don't confess and carry it yourself, His Majesty may kill your whole family."

"Commander, if I recruit you, you have to protect me. What a small injustice."

Zhang Shize said: "You write out the confession and sign it. The British government will protect you and allow you to perform meritorious service."

Yang Fan said nothing and acquiesced.

He knew that the Ming Dynasty was rotten and was not worth saving at all. It would be better for everyone if he died as soon as possible. He did not know how to manage this thing and had no interest in taking care of it. He would not do such a thankless fool.

Things. It is the right way to destroy the old and establish the new.

Zhang Shize knows that Yang Fan's guarantee is far less effective than that of the British government. This is the leader of the northern nobles, a three-hundred-year-old golden sign. He knows that Yang Fan has no interest in subduing these people. He is not Yang Fan, and his power is already big enough.

I look down upon these shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Feeding them is a waste of food.

Although he is the eldest grandson of a British duke, he still has to have some younger brothers.

Man Gui is now desperate, and Yang Fan can ask Shang Fang's sword to kill him at any time. If he helps him at this time, he will definitely gain his loyalty. After all, the backer he relies on cannot be compared to the British government.

He knew that Yang Fan was not interested in these soldiers and horses. What he wanted was this ambush. He and Yang Fan just wanted to get hold of the person behind them.

This chapter has been completed!
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