1028, Army General Conference II Complaint Movement

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"Continue to investigate and find out the various criminal facts of Mangui's violation of imperial laws and military laws." Yang Fan said a few words and walked off the stage.

Zhang Shize glanced sideways at the three general soldiers and followed suit.

The three of them felt weak in their legs for a while, but fortunately Uncle Dingyuan did not order the soldiers and horses from Ningxia Town, Yulin Town, and Guyuan Town to investigate together. This time, it seemed that they were only targeting Man Gui.

The three of them made up their minds and immediately distributed all the money they had for the expedition to the officers and soldiers when they got back. One cent was a lot. Each of them received three taels of silver. Man Gui had already made money, and he could not follow in his footsteps.

After Yang Fan left, the Jia Ding Regiment immediately took over Shanxi Town. All officers were gathered together and suspended pending investigation.

After the servants temporarily served as officers at all levels, they immediately began to conduct a thorough investigation of the troops. They accepted reports from officers and soldiers about the illegal deeds of Gui and officers at all levels. If officers and soldiers at all levels had any grievances, they could also appeal.

After returning to the main account, Zhang Shize picked up the account that was registered when the money was distributed, looked at it and said: "This black guy is said to have ten thousand people, but in fact there are only 70123 people. Among them are the weak and sick.

There are only 2,023 disabled and old soldiers. There are only 5,000 real combat soldiers. Armor, weapons, mules and horses are only 30% of the number they should be. I didn't expect Shanxi Town to be in such a bad state.

At this level, they were specially selected for the expedition, and that’s it. I don’t know what the others are like.”

Yang Fan said: "It has only been half a year since he came to Shanxi Town. These shortcomings were all thrown to him when he took office. Although we all know that the responsibility is not his. However, if Man Gui, a fool, stabbed him in the middle of the battle and did not deal with him, the troops would be gone."

The law is gone."

"What are you going to do with him? He is the deputy commander-in-chief after all. Logically speaking, you can't handle him. You have to get the emperor's nod."

Yang Fan said: "I have Shang Fang's sword in my hand, and I deserve to behead him. But I don't plan to really behead him. It's enough to scare him into honesty. However, since I do it, I'll be more thorough and kill Shanxi."

The soldiers in the town should be sorted out. From now on, they can also be used for emergency situations on the battlefield."

Zhang Shize nodded and said, "This is an opportunity, but it is not easy to rectify the border troops. Do you have any ideas?"

"I have an idea. Let the soldiers vent out all the suffering, offences, and beatings they have suffered over the years. Then they can be reorganized and retrained, and they can be transformed into a usable army.


Zhang Shize smiled and said: "This is a new trick, what are you going to do with it?"

"It's easy to say, I support them, hold a grievance meeting, let them say everything they are holding in their hearts. Once they say it, it will be fine, and the military morale will be reunited."

The next day, Bu Shitu climbed to the south gate and carefully observed the movements of the Ming army on the tower.

After the army encircled him for the past two days, he felt a little panicked all day long.

While he prayed that the Mongolian and Mongolian coalition forces would attack Guihua City as soon as possible and cut off Yang Fan's escape route, he asked this ruthless man to retreat quickly. At the same time, he was worried that Yang Fan would knock down the city first.

But the strange thing is that for several days, there was no movement from the Ming army.

There was neither siege nor manufacturing of siege weapons. You must know that in this era, siege requires materials from the local area and cutting down trees to make siege weapons on site. This all takes time.

Dongsheng is the only city in Henan. The existing city wall was built on rammed earth in the Tang Dynasty in the early Ming Dynasty.

The city here was built very early. It was called Nansha City in the Han Dynasty and Shengzhou in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was a military important town set up along the Yellow River in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the early Ming Dynasty, Dongsheng Guard was set up at the site of Dongshengzhou City, and soon it was expanded to Zuosheng Guard.

, right, middle, front and back five defenders.

So on the west side of the river, the Dongsheng Youwei city wall was built at the site of Shengzhou City. Dongsheng Youwei and Dongsheng Zuowei played a great role in controlling the traffic on the Yellow River, and became the Ming Dynasty's main force in the northern border area.

Military outpost.

Many of the territories recovered in the early Ming Dynasty were largely lost during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong and Zhu Zhanji.

The Hetao is gone, the Monan is gone, the Hami Guard is gone. Burma is lost, Vietnam is lost. The Xuanwei Department of the old port of Sumatra is also lost. Jeju Island was shamefully taken away by North Korea.

The most regrettable thing is that the entire Heilong River Basin is slightly larger than the Yangtze River Basin.

Lost it.

The Yangtze River has a length of 6,300 kilometers, an annual flow of 960 billion square meters, and a drainage area of ​​1.8 million square kilometers.

The Yellow River has a length of 5,500 kilometers, an annual flow of 50 billion cubic meters, and a drainage area of ​​approximately 750,000 square kilometers.

The area of ​​the Heilongjiang River Basin exceeds that of the Yangtze River, with a drainage area of ​​1.85 million square kilometers and a length of 5,500 kilometers (calculated with the Klulen River as the source). The average flow rate is cubic meters per second, and the water volume is equivalent to seven times that of the Yellow River.

At this time, Dongsheng also gave up. This became the core city of the Ordos Mongols.

Shengzhou City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was a horizontally rectangular city with a north-south city wall built in the eastern part of the city. The city was divided into two parts, the east and west parts, forming a state city with Yucheng.

Xicheng is Shisifang District, with a slightly square plane, 1039 meters long from north to south and 857 meters wide from east to west. There is a city gate in the middle of the south wall and a square urn city. There is an east gate on the northern half of the east wall.

It is connected to Zicheng in the east.

The east city is the area where government offices and temples are distributed. The city wall is 1019 meters long from north to south and 225 meters wide from east to west. It is in the shape of a long strip, that is, its north wall shrinks about 20 meters to the south. The south wall is in a straight line with the south wall of West Street.

There are two city gates and an urn city.

The Dongsheng Youwei City Wall in the Ming Dynasty was built on the northwest corner of the Sui and Tang Dynasty city sites, breaking the original city wall and protruding to the north. The city walls are two small cities juxtaposed to the east and west.

The city wall was originally made of earth and covered with bricks on the outside. The city is horizontally rectangular in plan, with a north and south wall built in the middle, dividing the city into two small cities on the east and west. There are doors on the partition walls that can be connected. The north and south lengths are about 237 meters.

, about 458 meters wide from east to west, with a horse face built on the outer city wall. The distance between the two horse faces is 80 to 90 meters. Because of the drought, there is no moat. There is only a trench two meters deep and fifteen meters wide.

At this time, Bu Shitu's royal city was in Dongsheng Youwei City. The area was not large. It was smaller than Guihua City. However, because the rammed earth city walls of the Tang Dynasty were still there, they carried out repairs and expansions to form

The layout of the inner and outer cities is known. The outer city is also called Tangcheng, which is one thousand meters long and one thousand three hundred meters wide. The outer city is not covered with bricks, but is built with rammed earth.

At this time, more than 10,000 Mongolian soldiers, 130,000 herdsmen, and their livestock gathered in the city. The city was overcrowded. The original dozen or so wells were unable to supply drinking water. They could only fetch water day and night.

Bu Shitu looked at the dilapidated rammed earth wall that was like a dog chewing, and was worried. However, he had no other better way, so he could only guard here. After all, there was still a city wall.

With his triangular eyes, he looked at the city with uncertainty. There seemed to be a meeting in the military camp in the distance. The soldiers were sitting cross-legged in a circle around the city. It seemed that they had no intention of attacking the city.

Hardanbaatar came over and said cautiously: "Jinong, the Ming army is so lax, why don't we send cavalry to rush out and catch them by surprise."

Bu Shitu looked outside in surprise and said, "Uncle Dingyuan is not an ordinary person. He must have a back-up plan if he dares to do this. He cannot go out to fight in the city, as long as he defends the city."

He looked at the dark muzzles of the sidecars blocking the city gate and said.

Suddenly, loud cries erupted from the military camp ahead. From a distance, I could see the Ming soldiers wailing. Some were so emotional that they even banged their heads on the ground.

Bu Shitu pointed downwards with trembling fingers and said tremblingly: "What are they doing? Are they all crazy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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