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No. 491 North Fourth Ring Feng Shui Formation

 "What is this?"

There is a double layer of waterproof oil paper inside the box. When I opened the inside of the box, I broke the oil paper umbrella, and "black water" immediately flowed out.

I got closer and smelled it, and it was a bit smelly and sour.

I dipped my finger into some black water and quickly licked it with my tongue.

Immediately, I was stunned on the spot.

This smell is so familiar!

This is the embalming fluid! It is a mixture of mercury and many herbs!

Is this a coffin?

No! It doesn’t look like it! Besides, where can there be such a big coffin? Is there a dead child soaked in the water?

I suddenly felt a little frightened.

In any case, the person who buried this box must know Feng Shui, and I know it too, so it is a complete coincidence that he buried it in that position and I chose that position too!

Now the box was full of embalming fluid, and I couldn't see what was there. I took a chopstick and poked it in, and my face suddenly changed.

There is something soft and elastic in the water!

"It's really unlucky. I thought I found some treasure."

This is unlucky. In the past, rich families would build "children's tombs" for their children who died in infancy. We don't touch those tombs that are dedicated to burying young children.

I clasped my hands together and said, "I don't know if you are my brother or my sister. Please forgive me for disturbing you. I will send you away tonight. I didn't mean to do it. Don't bear any grudge against me."


Suddenly, a child's cry came from outside the door!

This scared me so much that I kicked it on the table! The wooden box fell to the ground instantly, and the black antiseptic liquid inside flowed all over the floor.

When I opened the door and took a look, I found that it was the little daughter of the hotel proprietress who was crying. I was very angry, but I couldn't let it out on a child.

"Stop crying! Why are you crying in broad daylight!"

The little girl wiped away her tears and stretched out her hand for me to see. I saw in her hand that she was holding a little swallow with no hair on it.

She cried sadly, "Uncle, the little swallow fell out of the bird's nest. I fed it millet and it refused to eat. It is about to starve to death. I can't reach the swallow's nest. Can you help me put it back?"

"That's all?" I asked.

She nodded, sobbing hard.

I knelt down and said, "If you catch the little swallow and put it back in the nest, the big swallow won't care about it, because the little swallow is full of popularity."

"What should I do, uncle? My mother said that the swallows that fell out of their nests cannot be fed."

I smiled and said, "Listen, I'll teach you a trick. You find a deeper shoe box, and then use hay to make a nest in the box.
When the little swallow poops, its butt can flush out, so that it will not feel unfamiliar with the environment."

"I remember uncle, what next?"

"Then, you go to the feed place and buy some live mealworms, then come back and feed them with tweezers."

"What are mealworms, uncle?"

"Mealworms are mealworms, they look very similar to maggots."

"After you buy the mealworms, feed them five times a day. Remember not to feed them with water. If you feed them water, the swallows will have diarrhea and die. This will keep them alive."

"Thank you, uncle! Then I'll ask my mother to buy mealworms!"

The little girl ran away happily.

"I didn't expect you to be quite caring."

I turned around and saw Diode lying on the railing. Guan Muzhu's name was too noble, so I still like to call her Diode.

Diode was not ugly at all, so she smoothed her hair and generously exposed her forehead with a birthmark, making her look quite dashing.

Not all birthmarks represent ugliness. Some birthmarks can give people extra points. The birthmark on her forehead is like a cloud. The Kaiyuan Tongbao ancient coins of the Tang Dynasty have a rare pattern of auspicious clouds on the back. Her birthmark is very similar to that.

Auspicious cloud patterns.

I have never mentioned it before, but I actually had a birthmark.

The elders in my hometown all know that when I was first born, I had a red birthmark that looked like a necklace around my neck. At that time, the neighbors said that I was born with a gemstone necklace, which represented wealth. However, probably from then on,

Starting from the age of 8, I grew darker and darker, which resulted in the necklace birthmark on my neck becoming invisible.

"I just came to see you, why are you still locking the door? What are you doing in the house so mysteriously?"

"Oh, I didn't do anything. I was taking a shower just now. Where is Uncle Liu?"

"Uncle went to the hospital for an eye injury."

We both held the railing in silence at the same time. There was no topic and it was a little awkward.

"Well, Miss Third, the waterway ahead is unclear. You can't just look forward. You should also look at the water under your feet when you have time."

She looked puzzled and asked, "Look at the water below your feet. Are there any big crocodiles in the water?"

I nodded, "Your ship hasn't reached there yet, so it may or may not be there. No one can say for sure now."

She laughed immediately.

She smiled and said, "Have you heard the story of the little crocodile? The little crocodile is very fragile when it is born. It is often caught by birds in the sky and passing eagles.

In order to avoid being caught, some small crocodiles will crawl into the mouth of the big crocodile. This is risky, because sometimes the big crocodile will eat the small crocodile if it is too hungry." She paused, "And the small crocodile

There is no other choice for survival."

After saying that, Diode smiled and opened his hands to me.

I was stunned, walked over and hugged her.

She whispered in my ear, "Brother, it's really nice to know you. No matter now or in the future, we must live bravely."

After I hugged her and separated, looking at her back, I realized that I might be wrong, she was not a simple-minded girl.

Then I went to find a snakeskin bag and went back to the house to pretend to be a dead child.

But when I came back and saw the "things" on the ground, I immediately rubbed my eyes, thinking I was dazzled!

It looks like it has hands, feet and a head

But people are not so hairy!

I took a closer look, and I saw it clearly this time! That was not a dead child! It was actually a dead monkey!

It was a baby monkey that had died a long time ago! Probably only a few months old!

I don't understand the situation at all!

If a couple accidentally gave birth to a child and they drowned it because they didn’t want to raise it, then burying the child would be understandable, but what the hell does it mean to bury a dead monkey on a construction site in such a grand way? Not to mention

He even took great pains to embalm it with potions!

Not only was this strange, I also found a copper "smooth metal rod" in the box. The dead monkey was holding the copper rod in his hand, just like he was holding a golden hoop. It was so strange!

It didn't smell very bad when it was soaked in antiseptic liquid just now, but now after the dead monkey fell out, a smell filled the air.

There was a construction site, and I immediately thought of something.

Is this "driving raw piles"?

If accidents happen all the time at a construction site, many bosses may choose to drive piles. This is not an alarmist statement, it is a common phenomenon in reality.

Living piles are generally driven by live people.

Build communities, buildings, and mansions using adult men and women.

To build bridges and dams, use boys and girls under the age of 18 to build bridges and dams.

But I heard that some piles are replaced by animals. In short, they use live animals.

"When the time is bad, the place is bad, and the project is bad, three animals and three animals are sacrificed to ghosts and gods. If there is still injustice, the animals will not be able to use the living people."

I suddenly thought to myself, "This is a bad thing. This is going to be troublesome. If this is the case, then I have done a bad thing with good intentions. I dug out the monkey and used the beggar's head as a stake!"
But then again, I'm not sure if this is a pile driving, after all, this kind of thing is too weird and I have never experienced it before!

I have to figure out what's going on.

After much thought, I decided to call someone and ask a professional.

I took two photos of the dead monkey at close range, and took photos of the front and back of the yellow box. I edited the MMS directly and sent it to Nanping to check my household registration. He had to help me because he had received 400,000 yuan from me before.

Soon, within a few minutes, I got a call to check my household registration.

I described how I dug up the yellow box. Of course, I hid the matter about Yu Beigou’s body.

Cha Hukou was silent on the phone for half a minute. He said, "This is not like ordinary animal stake building. Please take clearer photos of the construction site from the east, west, north, south, and send it to me."

I immediately went to the scene to take pictures and then sent them to him.

After checking the household registration, he sighed and said, "Awesome, who did this? It seems that there is no shortage of experts in that part of the capital."

I asked what was going on.

He explained on the phone, "This is not just a simple staking, this is a Feng Shui formation made by a master. You kid accidentally destroyed the formation."

"Judging from the photo you just sent me, there are not only reflective evil spirits at his construction site, but also gap evil spirits and dark water evil spirits, a total of three kinds of evil spirits. If I guessed correctly, not only this dead monkey, but also the dead monkeys in the east and south

, there are three other such monkeys buried in the three directions to the north, making a total of four."

Cha Hukou kept talking about "To deal with the evil spirits in nature, most gentlemen will use four methods: avoidance, change, division, and flushing, but this master used the most advanced "fighting"! This is to gather evil spirits for one's own use, and fight in four directions.

Sansha's generosity! If you win the fight, you will be prosperous! If you lose the fight, go home!

"Boy, listen to me. Wherever you dug up the dead monkey, hurry up and bury it back. Now the time is short, maybe it's still too late. If time goes by, people will be able to tell something is wrong at a glance! Something as powerful as this

Feng Shui Master, it only takes a matter of minutes to kill you."

I hesitated and said, "Uncle Cha, it might not be easy to bury it back."

"What do you mean?"

I said with a depressed face, "Where I dug out the monkey, I buried a man in it."

"What? Say it again?"

"I buried a person in it." I said again.

After checking the household registration, he immediately exclaimed, “Oh, it’s so embarrassing!”

"Boy, you are a genius. The Four-Way Fighting Evil Formation that others worked so hard to set up, you fucking changed it into a Three Monkeys and One Person Fighting Evil Formation!"

This chapter has been completed!
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