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Chapter 148 Wave after wave

 The bald man picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a glass of water. He looked at me and said, "I have five minutes. If you have anything to ask, you can ask me. If you can, I will answer you."

Dou Sprout wanted to speak but I stopped him.

I didn't know his details at all, so I asked tentatively: "Who are you? Why do you want to help us? How do you know about us?"

He said: "You should know who is helping you. Why should I help you? Because someone introduced me and paid the money. How do I know about you? That's because we have been paying attention to you."

"Any question?"

I asked again: "Doctor Huang is your person?"

He shook his head and said no.

"Then...that lady from the city village, Miss Xiaofang, is one of yours?"

"Sister Xiaofang?" The bald man thought for a while and suddenly smiled: "That's right."

I asked if I could meet Ms. Zhao. The three of us wanted to thank her in person for her life-saving grace.

"That won't work. The boss won't see you. You just need to know two things. First, you didn't pay the two hundred thousand for nothing. Second, the boss's main opponent is the Changchun Society. The money he collects from you is just to help.

That’s all.”

"My time is up," the bald man said, standing up and saying, "By the way, please don't go in and see the chef. Goodbye."

After saying that, he opened the door of the store and went out and got on a motorcycle.

".this car"

I saw him put on his motorcycle helmet and the car at the door.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like the one in Yinchuan.

I remember asking the taxi driver to pull over for a moment.

I initially guessed that it might be Aza, but nothing happened to me since then, and I almost forgot about it.

Could it be that this was the person who followed us on a motorcycle in Yinchuan? It wasn’t Aza, it was this bald man?

Or maybe it just looks like it, but it's actually a coincidence?

I couldn't figure it out for a while.

Jin Huang Lei and his gang seemed to have disappeared from the world. When I came out, I took a special look and saw that the Jin Cup parked in front of the real kung fu shop was gone. It was as if the gang had never been here and left no trace.

"Fengzi," Douyazai swallowed hard: "Do you think that group of people are..."

I looked at Dou Yazai and said seriously: "Okay, don't mention this matter again. Yazai, Xiaoxuan and the three of us are the same. We should just pretend that this incident never happened. There are some people we can't mess with, you know."

He nodded twice and said he understood.

Our people have been saved, but there are still a lot of troubles to deal with, such as Boss Bai's side and Zou Xiaotong's side. The "Fire Mountain" is clearly still in his hands. It belongs to us and we must find him.

Ask him face to face and then ask for the blood agate back.

Also, I still can't get through the boss's phone. I don't know what he is doing now. This is not his normal style.

Things have to be handled one by one and prioritized. The most important thing right now is to find Zou Xiaotong and get the blood agate back.

When I returned to Shuangyong Hotel, I took a careful shower, washed away all the blood on my body, put a band-aid on the wound at the corner of my eye, and changed into new clothes. Although my eye was still swollen, at least it didn't look so miserable.


Dou Yazai only washed his face. He had more than a dozen stitches on his body to keep him from getting wet. Xiaoxuan washed the longest, nearly three hours. If I hadn't knocked on the door to urge her, she would have been able to wash for half a day.

After packing up, I said Yazai, why don't you go. If you are injured, just rest in the hotel.

Dou Sprout was not happy. He said with a grimace that if the agate could not be found, all the hard work would be over. He would not even want to eat or drink water, let alone rest.
So, in the afternoon, the three of us ran to Shunyi Tianzhu together to find Zou Xiaotong and ask him to get our blood agate back.

On the way to Douyazai, they always said that Zou Xiaotong was so greedy for profit that he might have swallowed the blood agate regardless of his identity. He also said that he knew people but not their hearts, and that people should not be judged by their appearance, etc.

Dou Sprouts kept talking, just like Tang Monk reciting sutras. I heard this so often that I began to feel unsure.

We paid Zou Xiaotong 3,000 yuan. If the agate is gone, isn’t it equivalent to me selling blood agate for 3,000 yuan?

When he left Yinchuan, he had high hopes for me. I didn't even dare to think about how to talk to him when we met.

When the time comes, will your head be able to speak agate?

I said sold it.

He may ask me whether I sold 400 units? Or 300 units?

How do I answer?

It was sold for three thousand yuan, not even one. Could it be said that half of it was sold?

I feel like hitting my head will kill me.

I was frightened along the way and my heart was pounding.

As a result, when we arrived in Tianzhu, Shunyi, and arrived at Zou Xiaotong's studio, I didn't even realize that Zou Xiaotong was sitting at the door waiting for us, with a black shoulder bag at his feet.

"Here we come, today is the third day, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Zou. Master Zou, what's wrong with your face?"

At this moment, Zou Xiaotong was disfigured. His face was bruised and swollen, his left hand was covered with plasterboard, the corners of his mouth were cracked, and his eyes were swollen bigger than mine. Due to the serious swelling on his face, he could only open one eye when he looked at us.

Small slit.

Zou Xiaotong smiled and said I'm fine. The things are in the bag. You can take them and go. As he spoke, he handed the bag to me.

I opened the zipper and took a look. There was a wooden brocade box in the bag. When I opened the box, it contained a flaming mountain carved with blood agate.

Seeing me in a daze, Zou Xiaotong said: "The house is too messy, so I won't invite you in. Don't blame me for lying. To be honest, this work is the one I am most satisfied with. Just like my own children, I cannot throw it away. I am ashamed."

, thank you for lending me money to participate in the exhibition. I don’t have much money and I know I can’t buy it.”

The blood agate was lost and found, and I was a little distracted on the way back.

Everything fell into place.

Zou Xiaotong didn't want to swallow the blood agate for himself. The injuries on his body were all caused by the golden thunder yellow and long hair. Zou Xiaotong hid the blood agate and now gave it back to me. I didn't know that this work was so important in his heart.

status, for this stone, he even risked his life

The Jin brothers' notoriety in Yinchuan was so frightening that they beat us and Zou Xiaotong. But when they came to Beijing, they met someone even more awesome than him.

Zou Xiaotong said that he couldn't afford our blood agate now, so I hesitated to sell it to him at a low price.

I told Douyazai my idea and asked him what he would do.

Dou Sprout thought for a while and shook his head and said: "No, we can't sell it at a low price. He doesn't have enough money now, so he can only say that he has no connection with the blood agate."

I sighed and said nothing,

Boss Bai was a nice person and took good care of us. We said we would go to Rainbow Wine House in the evening.

Unexpectedly, Boss Bai was also looking for us. Not only was he looking for us, there were two other people looking for the three of us.

It was two uniformed police officers who wanted to take notes from us.

About the fight that night.

That night, Boss Bai saw us being taken to the Jinbei by Jin Leihuang, and he then called the police. At this time, surveillance was not very popular, and two police officers found out that they had lost clues near the village in the city.

Boss Bai is a good person. He called the police because he was worried about us, but he didn’t know the true background of our three children. We were tomb robbers.

I swear, if I had known in advance that Boss Bai had called the police, I would never have gone back to Rainbow Wine House to watch.

The two police officers are young. One wears glasses and the other does not.

When he went to the police station, Dou Yazai was in a panic and kept looking to the side. Xiaoxuan had a cold expression on her face the whole time.

Sanlitun is under the jurisdiction of the Chaoyang Branch. The two police comrades are from the Chaoyang Branch. Their names are unknown, but one is named Li and the other is Liu.

Inside the police station.

Boss Bai said: "We're all here, little brother, don't be afraid of anything. You can explain where the group lives now and where they came from."

Police Officer Li signaled Boss Bai to stop talking and he would ask.

"Name, tell me one by one."

"Xiang Yunfeng, Lu Ziming, Zhao Xuanxuan." We answered honestly.

Police Officer Liu recorded it in a small notebook. He asked us our place of origin ID numbers, and we answered truthfully.

Then Officer Liu went out for twenty minutes with his notebook. When he came back, he told Officer Li that we had no criminal record.

I was calm on the outside but panicked inside. When I heard this, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are the origins of those people who hit you? Do you know where they live?"

Only a fool would say he knew, but I said I didn't know or didn't know him. As for the fight, it was because of a quarrel between the two parties. I also said that I was willing to pay full compensation for the loss of Boss Bai's wine house. The fault was ours, and I would pay whatever amount Boss Bai said.

Officer Li smiled and said, "I see you are not a local. Are you so young and rich?"

I thought it was right, I just sold Ashoka Pagoda and divided it into dozens.

"The officer was joking. I just wanted to try my best to make up for the mistakes I made."

Officer Li nodded with satisfaction and asked Boss Bai how he was doing.

Boss Bai said that he didn’t want to pursue us either, mainly because that group of people was really hateful.

Officer Li said, I understand. Since you have a good attitude and expressed your willingness to actively compensate and obtain the forgiveness of the parties involved, we will organize a public security mediation. We will continue to look for that group of people. If there is any need for cooperation, we will contact you.

Boss Bai’s Rainbow Wine House couldn’t make much money, so I asked him to pay 20,000 yuan in compensation, but he said not that much, 5,000 yuan would be enough, so in the end I unilaterally gave Boss Bai 5,000 yuan as compensation for the Rainbow Wine House.

I was quite lucky at the time, thinking that this matter would just go away.

What I didn't know was that this ordinary fight laid the foundation for disaster a few years later.

"You scared me to death, Fengzi. You told me not to speak before, but I didn't dare to speak either." After coming out, Dou Sprout was sweating all over his back.

I said I was scared too and ran away quickly.

We didn't dare to stay at the Shuanglong Hotel, so we found a new place in an urban village near the North Fourth Ring Road. I thought carefully about it all night. This stone has involved too many people. For this reason, we even went to the police station and called our head.

I couldn't get through, and Dangduan kept getting confused. I contacted Zou Xiaotong and finally quoted him a price.

No 300, no 200, I just want 188.

188. If you take the stone home, I will give it to you.

Zou Xiaotong immediately asked me to wait for two days anxiously. He knew that if I missed this opportunity, it would not be the price.
188, according to the old rules, take the big head, and we will divide the rest. The three of us can divide about 40, which is a lot of money. If we want to divide the money, I have nearly 90 momi in my bankbook. This trip of pouring stones

Live no less than the next big pit and get less points.

I didn't have many friends before, except for contacting my hometown sometimes, but I didn't use them. Now I think it's not possible and I have to buy a mobile phone. How can I survive without a mobile phone when my business grows.

Where can I buy a mobile phone?

Go to Zhongguancun.

At that time, there was Feiyu Internet Cafe Street and Electronic Products Street in Zhongguancun. They were very close. I bought a mobile phone on Electronic Street. I didn’t understand it at the time. The owner of the store was a big liar. He asked me to buy a mobile phone called TCL Beauty of the Times.

The flip phone costs 3,200 oceans.

I remember the advertisement description of the mobile phone I bought very clearly.

The pure natural sapphire is inlaid on the edge of the mobile phone, shining with deep, clear and distant light. On the flip panel of the mobile phone, it is uniquely designed to look like a car head, and is inlaid with twelve natural diamonds. It has an e-color super large screen with 8 lines of Chinese display.

It can display 8 Chinese characters, has a built-in Kung Fu Kid game, and a built-in forget-me-not smart reminder function to remind you of success to remember every important day in your life. TCL is a beauty of the times, an epoch-making ingenuity.

Until now, it is the 8848 titanium alloy mobile phone that automatically explodes when the human machine is separated by ten meters.

Xiaoxuan also bought one from the same store. She bought a Panasonic gd80 in pearl white color. Colorful marquees light up around the screen on the back cover. The sound quality is said to be good.

I bought a mobile phone and a card, and I was thinking about saving my number, but after thinking about it, I realized that I didn't have many friends, so in the end it was just the three of us who saved each other's numbers.

On the morning of the third day, Zou Xiaotong asked us to meet at his home. He said he should remember to bring the blood agate.

After we met, I saw that the injuries on his face had healed a lot, and his spirits had recovered a bit.

"These are some of them," he said nervously, clenching his fists: "I collected 153, and there are still 35 left. The time is too tight and I can't turn around. I want to use something to offset the bill. Do you think it's okay? I

I guarantee you won’t suffer any loss.”

Dou Sprout was a little unhappy sitting on the sofa.

He said: "Master Zou, I thought you asked us to come here to collect enough money, but why are we still short of so much? We don't want your stuff, we want money!"

Zou Xiaotong said nervously, "I know, but I guarantee that you have something you like. If one item doesn't work, just two. If two don't work, just three. You can go to my warehouse and have a look."

I said you’ve come here, so let’s take a look.

His warehouse is in Feijia Village next to Cuigezhuang. It is a bungalow. In addition to some stones, there is also antique porcelain that he usually collects. I forwarded it and found many genuine ones. For example, what I saw was Kangxi Five Colors.

Dao Ma Ren stick vase, Guangxu official kiln blue and white underglaze red Wufu bowl, washed with cowpea red, Ming and Qing Dynasty figure plum vase, Yuanshufu white glaze bowl with hidden dragon pattern, Ming Yongle blue and white lotus plate (remnant vessel,

Only half.)

I said: "Master Zou, if you have a good family background, all of this can be cashed in."

He shook his head and said: "Firstly, I am short of time and don't have cash. Secondly, I don't really want to sell these things. Take a look and add up how many items you can exchange for them."

As soon as I thought about it, I knew it would be profitable, so I immediately called Douyazai and Xiaoxuan outside the house to discuss it.

Douyazai said he didn't understand porcelain, so he asked me if I did.

I said it was okay, I had a rough idea.

Dou Sprouts greedily said that he would take 10 pieces, and Xiaoxuan said that he would take 12 pieces. I think this is not a good way to do things, and we can’t cheat Zou Xiaotong too much.

Finally, I ran to tell him that I could use the 8 pieces of porcelain in the house to pay off 350,000 yuan.

Master Zou's face turned dark immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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