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Chapter 411 Chicken Pole

 After we had almost eaten, we put the empty cans and bottles aside and studied the stone.

These carvings have a certain age. I don’t know exactly when they were. I asked the leader: “Who carved these?”

I frowned and thought for a long time and came up with an idea. I think it is very possible.

The past is history. Since the people of the past have left traces, the current NPC can boldly imagine within a reasonable range.

Just like those unsolved mysteries told on TV in classic legends and Discovery.

Didn't Classic Legend also film Gui Zai Ling later? The bespectacled host talked about it with weird music, but he didn't explain Gui Zai Ling clearly until the end.

Think so.

Hundreds of years ago, maybe a thousand years ago, every year at a certain season, someone would build new stone sculptures here in Guizailing. To make stone sculptures, high-quality limestone was needed. Some people in power arrested some civilians or criminals and asked someone to watch them.


These people obtained high-quality limestone from the ground, transported it up to make sculptures, and placed them in the Guizailing woods.

Let me explain something in advance. There are tens of thousands of half-length stone sculptures on the ground at the Guizailing Sacrifice Cultural Site. In fact, there are countless large and small stone sculptures buried deep in the deep strata. I estimate that if they were all dug out,

The total number may exceed that of the Xi'an Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit. These things are buried very deep, and the burial depth exceeds the tombs of previous dynasties.

Perhaps due to lack of manpower at that time, in addition to criminals and civilians, those who took the stones probably also arrested some old, weak, women and children.

Therefore, two simple men's and women's toilets were left, because people at that time were still taboo on the concept of "men and women giving and receiving without being intimate".

There is a man among this group of people, named Zhang San.

Under guard, Zhang San came here every day to squat in the toilet, because the cave was dark and life was miserable, and he didn’t know what year or month passed. Zhang San missed his family, and because he couldn’t write, he squatted in the pit to use the toilet.

, I picked up a stone casually and left these scratches to remind myself that another day has passed and I don’t know when I will be able to return.

Many, many years later, Brother Yu accidentally knocked down the low wall and discovered the stone he carved.

I made up a certain scenario in my mind, and I guessed that this person should not have gone back, and that the worst was likely to happen. Looking at the previous Great Tomb Emperor Tombs, for the builders who knew the location, the people in power would not let these people live, so in ancient times

Once you are exiled to build a tomb, you are basically sentenced to death, which is very miserable.

"Leave this stone here, let's go," he stood up and picked up his backpack.

Using flashlights, the group continued to explore deeper into the cave.

The further you go in, the harder it gets. Some of the caves are so narrow and dark that you don't know where they lead.

The floor was slippery and several flashlights were dangling.


Dou Sprout suddenly shouted, startling us.

"Ah. Ah. Ah." The echoes kept coming.

"I'm so annoyed. Why are you yelling at me when you have nothing to do?" Xiaoxuan frowned and complained to him.

Dou Sprout scratched his head and said with a smile, "Look, I'll give it a try, just in case someone replies to me."

"You are quite interesting," Achun said with a smile: "In ancient times, people like you were suitable to be sent to the palace to be groomed as eunuchs. Have you ever seen a pig groomed? I have groomed a pig before."

Douyazai immediately closed his mouth and subconsciously covered his crotch with his hands.

There is absolutely no direction here. I don’t know if I am going the wrong way. There is no place to go ahead and I am blocked by a big rock.

On the left hand side of Brother Yu, we found a slope cave that went vertically downward, very steep, like a cliff.

If you stand here and listen carefully, you can hear the sound of rushing water.

It's dark at the bottom of the slope, like an abyss, and a strong flashlight can only illuminate a small area.

Small area.

"The front is blocked, so it seems we can only get off from here."

"Hold your head, this is too steep."

He looked down and said, "You should be careful and use double ropes."

If this was a robbery hole, we would use a rope ladder, but in this case the rope ladder is not as useful as the rope, because we have to recover the rope after we go down.

No equipment is needed, just put the rope on a fixed point, pull down the other end, and you can recover it. If you use a single rope to go down and want to recover, you can only tie a very complicated knot called the kamikaze knot, and

There is no double rope safety.

After it was fixed, Brother Yu threw the rope down and asked who would get off first.

"I come."

After Ah Chun said this, she grabbed the rope and kicked off the rock wall with both feet, falling two to three meters in an instant.

Dou Sprout whispered to me that Sister Chun is just like a monkey.

"It's over!"

"Get off!" Not long after, Achun's voice came from down the slope.

After spending a lot of time, Brother Yu took up the rope after the group slid down.

"Did you hear it? There was a loud sound of water flowing in that direction." Ah Chun pointed forward.

When you step on the ground, you will see a layer of gray-white cuticle on the stone surface. You call it a cloud basin, and some people call it a cloud pan.


When I looked up with a flashlight, I saw stalactites dripping water above the cave.

There is an underground river here, and the current is obviously much stronger than before. If people want to cross it, they can only cross it by swimming.

The water is not deep, but the water temperature is very low, and you can probably submerge yourself up to your chest after entering the water.

We put on our headlamps and walked forward along the underground river.


"There's something! There's something!"

Brother Yu, who was walking behind, suddenly shouted: "There is something under the water! There is something under the water."
Bite me!"

"What! There's something!" The headlight shone instantly.

Brother Yu looked panicked. He took off his waterproof pants directly under the water, and threw the pants on the wall with a snap!

"Look for it! It must be in the trouser leg! I can feel it!"

Dou Sprout lived in the sea all year round and saw all kinds of fish. He was very courageous.

After groping for a while, Dou Sprout pulled out a fish that was more than ten centimeters long and "looked like a fish" from Brother Yu's waterproof pants.


"This is not a fish, this is a leech? It's not a leech."

"Botou, this is a tadpole." Dou Sprout's eyes were full of surprise.

Bean Sprout said it was a tadpole.

We saw that this thing has a big head and a small tail. It is black and slippery, and its mouth can move, trying to bite people.

Still a tadpole.

But this is too big. Who has ever seen a tadpole as big as a small fish?

"I see!"

Dou Sprout suddenly said: "I remembered, this is the tadpole of a stone frog. There is such a thing in Guizhou. I heard it from a buddy in the mountains of Guizhou on the boat. He said that there are such big tadpoles in their caves. I

The friend said that this thing is called chicken pole in their place, which means it can eat pheasants."

I said it can't grow that big, it's fucking bigger than a frog.

Dou Sprout splashed in the water twice and said: "It should be related to the water temperature. The water temperature here is low and cannot meet the conditions for the tadpoles to develop into frogs. They can only remain in the larval form and continue to grow."


Brother Yu grinned and said, "The bite of this thing is quite painful. It can't be poisonous."

There is a very small wound on the inner side of Brother Yu's thigh, which cannot be seen without looking closely.

Dou Sprouts grabbed the tadpole's head and tail with both hands and pulled hard.

Kill this thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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