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Chapter 447 The Five Ugly People of Social Fire

 He ​​stopped thinking about it here. He was watching our reaction.

Brother Yu asked: "Shehuo Wu Chou? What is it? Why does it sound like an opera singer?"

"It's not Wu Chou, it's Wuchou."

He said, "The five ugly people may be talking about five people. It's been so long that I can't remember some of the details."

"At that time, the power of the Changchun Society had spread to the south. As long as they were capable, whether they were prostitutes or burglars, the Changchun Society was frantically absorbing these people and constantly strengthening itself."

"The Five Ugly People of Shehuo should be the first to publicly challenge the Changchun Society."

I asked again: "Botou, according to what you said, if there are five ugly people, then there are four other people who haven't shown up?"

He nodded and said it should be.

"However, the Five Ugly were just a flash in the pan at the time and were defeated by the masters in the Changchun Association. I remember that they called themselves the third generation at the time. If they still exist now, they may be the fifth or even the sixth generation."

"Then why do these Five Ugly People of Shehuo want to cause trouble for us?"

"This is what I can't figure out," he frowned and said, "Anyway, now we are taking one step at a time while ensuring our own safety. Fortunately, I had a premonition before."

"Wen Bin, right next to the post office where you sent the letter last time, there is a small hotel with room 112."

"There is an old lady living in the room. Just tell her to take her for a physical examination and give her ginseng when she comes."

"You drive to the city now and pick her up before dawn. There are some things I must confirm with her in person."

"When I came back, I took Douya and Xiaoxuan back as well. The situation is more serious than I thought. It's not safe to leave them there."

"Also, don't come here when you come back. We'll find another place to stay."

"Boss, are you leaving the village?" Brother Yu asked.

He shook his head and said: "There must be big goods after the seventh gate. I am not willing to give up. We will move to the mountains."

"Remember, there is a cave called Waffle Cave six hundred meters north of Yin Yang Cave, and we live there."

"Go quickly and watch out for eyes behind you on the way."

Brother Yu took the key and left.

After Brother Yu left, he immediately stood up and poured the hot water in the thermos.
They were all thrown into the briquette fire.

A large amount of white gas evaporated in an instant, and the briquette fire was extinguished by water.

I stood up immediately: "Then I'll get food and drink, and a few quilts to keep out the cold."

"No, just take our bags, don't bring anything else, and leave now."

"Wang Boss, are you scared?" Tian Sanjiu said with a smile.

"It's not about fear or not, Boss Tian. I'm thinking about our safety. If we live under the eyes of others every day and are monitored, what can we do to fight with each other?"


Tian Sanjiu snapped his fingers with one hand and said with a smile: "Then let's go, let's sleep in a cave."

We left overnight.

I left in a hurry because I didn't want to take my head with me. I was a little worried about what to eat and drink if I stayed for more than two days.

To the northwest of Yin Yang Cave, there is another cave, which is very hidden and hidden behind a big tree. It is now called Waffle Cave, but it used to be called Biscuit Cave.

The reason why it is called Biscuit Cave is because in the past, villagers could always pick up biscuits packed in plastic bags in the cave. The production dates of these biscuits were all from the 1930s and 1940s, and they have been expired for decades.

Later, a child disappeared in the cave, and there were rumors that there was a savage over a hundred years old living in the cave, and the biscuits were used as bait to eat the children.

Those cookies that had been expired for decades were actually left behind by the Japanese soldiers. After the defeat, a group of Japanese soldiers who came from Chujiangwei hid in a cave and left a lot of uneaten cookies.

It was dark in the second half of the night, so we left the village in the dark without turning on the flashlight and trotted up the mountain.

I was out of breath from running, and I looked back from time to time to see if anyone was following me.

"Hi. Hi."

I gasped and pointed forward and asked, "Is that the hole?"

He followed up with his head panting, "Yes, that's right, let's go quickly."

There is a big tree there, and behind the tree there is a small cave. The entrance of the cave is less than two meters high. There are a lot of dead branches and trees scattered on the ground.


I turned on the flashlight and was walking in circles when I suddenly heard a low roar coming from inside the cave.

It sounds like a wild wolf or some wild beast.

Tian Sanjiu immediately took out the gun and held it in his hand, looking around nervously.

"It's us." He pointed his head towards the darkness ahead and said.

After two or three minutes, a woman slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Sister Chun?"

"Why are you here? Aren't you in the hospital?"

Only then did I see that after Achun walked over, there was a girl following behind her. Half of her face was wrapped in gauze and her eyes were cold.

It's the little sister.

"Hey," Baotou sighed, "Miss Achun, I'm really troubling you. My sister's condition has not been stabilized yet, so I let you live in such a horrible place. I'm sorry."

"Wang Baotou is too polite," Ah Chun said calmly: "We sisters still say the same thing, use money to help others eliminate disasters. Wang Baotou, you don't have to do that."

"Why are there so few of you?"

"Where did the big man go?" Ah Chun asked us without seeing Brother Yu.

"Sister Chun, Brother Yu has gone to the city to pick someone up. If you hurry, he can be here in three or four hours. He knows this place. We told him the location."


Achun said nothing more and led us into the cave.

When I arrived at a relatively wide place, I was surprised to find that there were several piles of mineral water, several new beddings, several boxes of instant noodles piled in the corner of the cave, and I even saw a basket of eggs on the ground.

"Boss, when were these prepared?" I asked.

"On the day Achun left the hospital, I started preparing them."

"Stop talking about that." He asked us to sit down.

It was very cold, so we lit a fire in the cave and wrapped ourselves in quilts.

"Ah sneeze!"

I was sweating all the way running just now, maybe I caught a cold, so I couldn't help but sneeze.

I broke off a branch and threw it into the fire. I carefully apologized to my little sister and said, "I'm sorry for last time, little sister. I hope you don't take it to heart. It's all bean sprouts."
I don’t want to look at you at all.”

"No, I don't mean to say you are ugly, I mean I don't want to see your face."

Why the hell is this getting more and more wrong the more you talk about it.

The little girl's face was wrapped in gauze. She turned to look at me, then looked down at the fire, not wanting to talk to me anymore.

The firewood was crackling and his red eyes were lying on the ground, soundly asleep. Tian Sanjiu seemed relaxed and whistled from time to time.

About five o'clock in the morning, I was taking a nap when I suddenly heard footsteps.

It was Brother Yu who drove back from the city, and he was carrying an old lady in her seventies on his back.

The old lady gasped for air after she got off the ground and said, "What are you doing here? Why did you come up the mountain? Aren't you getting free medical examination and giving away ginseng?"

He raised his head and said with a smile: "Sister, I will give you the ginseng in the future. Do you still remember me?"

The old lady, with all white hair, looked at her head in confusion and asked who you are.

"I am Brother Xiao Wang, Xue Ding's friend. We picked persimmons together that year."

"Brother Xiao Wang? Who."


Squeezing the wrinkles at the corners of his head and eyes together, he nodded with a smile.

The old lady is from Yucheng, Shandong, and is one of the few relatives of Uncle Xue.

Master Xue was not a womanizer and lived a lonely life. From what the boss said, we can infer that the real Master Xue, whom I have never met, is a very capable person.

Before Uncle Xue died, this old lady was the only one taking care of him. Later, he moved to Linyi, and it was only recently that he found her.

He asked: "Sister, please think carefully. After my junior brother passed away, who came to you and asked you about some things about my junior brother, such as his life preferences, some details of his life, etc."

The old lady thought for a while and said that two people had indeed approached her and asked her many questions about Uncle Xue.

He frowned: "Who is that person? What is his name? What does he look like?"

"It's been almost two years, I can't remember this."


The old lady recalled: "I remember one person called another person to bark, bark."

"It's called Tin Nose."

This chapter has been completed!
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