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Chapter 530 My Graveyard

 I don’t know who I added on QQ, I don’t know them at all, and I don’t know how they were added.

But there is one I know.

This QQ avatar is a cartoon girl's avatar with short hair parted in the middle. Her online name was originally called the fierce girl, but now she has changed her name to the ignorant girl.

My QQ avatar is a dog head, and its name is Shenyanfeng.

"Cough cough." The prompt sounds cough.

My head flashed, and the ignorant girl left a message: "Have you settled down yet?"

I looked down at the letters on the keyboard, pressed one finger on it, and typed a reply: "I've settled down, what's going on now."

If there is no reply, the other party should be offline now.

I don’t know how to play games, so I sat there bored for more than an hour, my avatar flashed, and I finally replied. .??.

Ignorant girl: "I just arrived at the Internet cafe. There is nothing going on at the moment. We are no longer in Nanping. Brother Douyayu doesn't believe that you were bitten by a poisonous snake. He keeps asking you where you have been. Neither I nor the boss said anything."

I looked at the screen, typed slowly, and replied: "Don't tell Dou Sprout, and don't call me. I pulled out the card and couldn't get through, so I left a message on QQ. I'll come and see you when I have time. Wait.

I’ll be looking for you in a while.”

Ignorant girl: "Do you have any money? Do you have a place to live? Is it cold?" At the end of this sentence, there is also a tearful emoticon,

I sent him a smiley face and typed that I was fine, no need to worry, I had something to eat and a place to sleep.

The ignorant girl sent another tearful emoticon, typing: "Change your name, don't call it Shenyanfeng."

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and it was exactly six o'clock, so I casually changed my QQ name to six o'clock.

I finally sent a message and contacted you again, and then I quit.

How many years has it been?

I changed QQ twice, but I still use the online name "Liu Jian" to this day.

"Shall we go back?" I asked the prodigal son

"Don't panic, let me play a little longer. We'll go back at eight o'clock and we'll be home at nine o'clock."

I was bored sitting there, so I went out to smoke. The owner of the black Internet cafe, named Xiaoqiang, who was about ten years older than me, also sat at the door and smoked.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, have there been any rich and powerful people in your area before?"

"High official? Where did the high official come from? Here we have been beggars for ten generations, even poor rats don't come here."

"Oh, like this."

"Brother Xiaoqiang, I may come online often at night these days. Can you recharge the card here?"

He held a cigarette in his mouth and said, "You can't recharge the card. I'll tell you the password. You can log in directly with the password. There is no time limit. I don't lock the door here at night. It opens with just a push. Just remember to pay after you get off the plane."

I recited it silently twice and memorized the Internet password.

The next few days were calm, I pulled out the card, and I couldn't receive any calls. Except for Xiaoxuan and Baotou, no one knew that Shenyan Peak was hidden in this ravine.

Afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, I couldn't live in the prodigal's house for a long time, so I found an empty house to live in not far from the black Internet cafe. I came online to chat with Xiaoxuan at night, and slept in the house during the day.

, look at the notes.

I lay in bed alone at night, often looking at the roof in a daze, feeling lonely and a little sad. Later I gradually got used to this feeling. If I hadn't had many experiences and strong ability to withstand stress, I would most likely suffer from depression.


I always think about that dirt bag. Sometimes my hands are really itchy and I always want to dig the soil with a shovel. This is an occupational disease.

What's the saying? What can't be changed by eating shit?

On this day, I woke up at around 5 o'clock in the morning, it was still dark, and I heard it was raining lightly outside. I put on my rain boots and hit the ground.

Get an umbrella, go out, lock the door, and go to Tubao.

I have considered why I chose to go see it on a rainy day.

After the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, the shape of tombs gradually changed, with shaft-type tomb passages replacing the original slope-type tomb passages. This change directly affected the later tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The tombs at this time were basically brick chamber tombs, including red brick tombs and blue brick tombs. These two types of brick chamber tombs were divided into three types: solid bricks, hollow bricks and corded bricks.

In the past, when people were making tomb roofs, they would lay bricks three vertically and one horizontally, two vertically and one horizontally. The advantage of laying bricks this way is that it has strong stability and is not afraid of thermal expansion and contraction. There will be a small gap between the bricks.

There is a gap space, so when it rains, water will drip into the tomb.

Relying on my memory of the road conditions, I held an umbrella and found the small dirt bag on the hillside of the reservoir.

Climbing up, my feet were filled with mud.

After walking around the earth bag, I dug six small holes with my bare hands in the open space around the earth bag.

Then I hid aside and watched the rain.

The rain is getting heavier.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I went over to take a look and found that the small pits on the east and south sides were already filled with water.

But the two small pits I dug in the west corner were only half full of water, and they were still full of water.

Moreover, the speed at which rainwater penetrates downward, visible to the naked eye, is much faster than that of the two pits.

What does this mean?

The amount of rain falling from the sky is the same. If the pit is not full of water, it means that most of it has seeped into the ground. There is a high probability that there is a roof of hollow bricks or corded bricks in the underground soil.

I held the umbrella, licked my lips, and looked down.

It felt like there was a beautiful woman lying at my feet, posing in a seductive pose, smiling and saying to me: "Brother, come quickly."


"Who are you? Come here
It’s raining so hard, why are you standing there?”

Who is speaking?

I turned around and looked around, and it turned out that at some point, there was an old woman standing at the bottom of the slope, holding a flower umbrella in her hand, and she was shouting at me.

"It's okay, ma'am! I'll come to the reservoir for a walk!"

The aunt waved to me: "Come down quickly! Look, you have left footprints all over the floor. It's not good for others to see you!"

I went down and asked, "What's wrong, ma'am? Isn't this a crop field?"

The aunt said: "I planted crops before, but they never grew well, so I stopped planting them. The land on this slope has been sold to others. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I will have to dig the soil and dig graves. If you leave people's footprints all over the ground, will it be okay?"

Can you tell me?"

Damn it, I thought it was because of someone’s guidance that I could choose the new grave here.

Don't look down upon it, but according to the ancients' eyes, this place is a geomantic treasure. I could tell it as early as the first day I came here.

Tianjing Village is located among the mountains, with a tall mountain in the middle. There is a reservoir in front of the mountain, and the gate of the reservoir is facing the peak of Naitao Mountain.

If you build a tomb at the foot of a mountain, and point the entrance of the tomb towards a reservoir or lake, this is called "Worship the Commander-in-Chief Mountain" in Feng Shui, and it often produces generals.

It is often said in Feng Shui that if someone is buried under the Wengui Mountain, his descendants will be number one scholars; if someone is buried under the Commander-in-Chief Mountain, his descendants will be generals; if someone is buried under the Plum Blossom Mountain, his descendants will be actors.

Standing by the reservoir, I held an umbrella and asked: "Auntie, who in the village wants to bury it here?"

The aunt said: "Lady Li in the village passed away yesterday. She lived for eighty-three years. She was happy to mourn. My grandson asked a famous Feng Shui master from other places to help choose the location. The Feng Shui master came yesterday and fell in love with this place at a glance.

Said it would be best to be buried here."


I frowned and thought to myself, if it was buried on the east side of the earthen bag, there was a high probability that it would not be touched, but if it was buried on the west side.

That is very unlucky, and there is a high probability of "hitting the grave".

This chapter has been completed!
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