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Chapter 55 Calculation

 A four-legged snake twisted and crawled onto my chest.

From a distance of less than twenty centimeters, my nose could clearly smell the fishy smell of this beast.

I shook my body vigorously, trying to throw the four-legged snakes off. But it was useless. Instead of being thrown off, the four-legged snakes on my body were not thrown off. On the contrary, I threw the Gawu box amulet around my neck into my face.

The little Gawu box was made of metal, so it hurt a lot when it hit my face.

The Gawu box slammed open.

There is a ball of yellow paper in the box. I have been carrying it with me since Yao Yumen gave it to me. There are faint writings on it.

I bit a corner of the paper ball with my teeth and shook it vigorously.

Soon, I bit the yellow paper ball open, and some light yellow powder came out.

Strange to say, the yellow powder wrapped in the paper ball was colorless and odorless, but as soon as the four-legged snakes crawling on me smelled the yellow powder, they immediately retreated like worms seeing the realgar.

In less than two minutes, I was completely clean, and there was not even a four-legged snake left on my body.

I lowered my head and saw two lines of small words written on the yellow paper. I couldn't see clearly at first. I gritted my teeth and shook it back and forth. After adjusting the angle, I could see clearly.

Written with a red brush on the yellow paper: "Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven, beware of villains secretly, beware of bugs openly, and beware of underground palaces and underworlds. Be careful."

After reading this, I felt a surge of emotion in my heart!

The amulet Yao Yumen gave me contained twenty-four words of criticism! This woman seems to have known the secret plan of me and my eldest and third brother for a long time!

Could it be that this woman can tell fortunes?

Not only that.

I also found that there is a very thin blade embedded in the bottom of the Gawu box, which is a bit like the kind of blade used for shaving, but the real thing is thinner and sharper than that kind of blade.

At the risk of getting my mouth cut, I tried more than a dozen times in a row and finally succeeded in turning the Gawu box upside down. I directly bit the thin blade with my teeth.

cut with a razor blade
I sat up directly with the rope closest to me on my upper body, then I bit the blade with my teeth and cut the rope on my feet.

There were many four-legged snakes crawling on the ground, and my clothes were stained with the powder from the Gawu box. Those four-legged snakes didn't dare to get too close to me. When I moved, they all crawled into the darkness, and some crawled back into the depths.


I've seen other people on TV how to treat arm dislocation, but it's like a mountain. I'm not a doctor. People on TV can just click and reconnect the bones.

I just leaned against the wall and hit it, and it hurt every time I hit it.

Maybe it was the amulet that protected me, or maybe I was just a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse. After trying a few times, I only heard a click of the bone, and I actually connected it myself!

This was pure confusion. I tried to connect my left arm again, but no, I couldn't.

I looked into the pit. It was very deep and dark. There was a cool breeze blowing from the bottom of the pit, which made people feel chilly on their backs.

Holding my injured left arm, I hid the small blade in the palm of my hand. I stood on tiptoes, trying not to make any noise while walking, and carefully touched it out.

Judging from the geographical structure of the surrounding environment, the place I am currently located is still under Moth Mountain, and should be in an underground cave.

I clung to the wall, hiding myself in the darkness, and walked along the road for a few minutes. Suddenly I saw firelight coming from in front of me, and I seemed to be able to hear people talking.

I approached quietly.

"Brother Chen, you said that we have done such a good job this time. If the mummy can really be resurrected by sucking human blood, then we will make a fortune! Brother Chen, you know, I heard that the vice president of the Changchun Society is about to die.

Now, he relies on hundreds of thousands of nutritional injections to survive. Let’s give him the mummy. In this way, maybe Brother Chen, you can be promoted from the eight small gates to the fourth gate! I can also join the Changchun Society! I think.

I’m so excited just thinking about it, I’ll be able to walk sideways in the future! What kind of horse can’t be picked up?


"You brat! Did you join the Changchun Society just to flirt with horses? Man! Can you have bigger ambitions?"


A lewd laugh came: "My ambition is not as good as yours, Brother Chen. You are very capable. The brothers and sisters in your gang will always try to trick you without blinking an eye. I am different. I am the biggest person in my life."

My wish is to marry a beautiful college student!"

"Boy, you said you have a primary school diploma, why do you keep thinking about beautiful college students? You said that after you join the Changchun Society, why will you marry someone else?"

"I asked her to read to me every night!"

"Just...just let her read Jin Ping Mei to me every night!"

"Hurry up and roll the ball, two hundred and five."

Listening to the conversation between these two people made my blood boil. I wish I could rush over and bleed them with a razor blade right now! Chen Jiansheng, who was so stupid, pretended so well before that he could even win a Golden Rooster Award for his acting skills.

I heard these two people talking about Sister Hong and me again.

"Brother Chen, Old Sea Dog's mixed Ecstasy scent really works. Brother Chen, you saw it just now, right? Good guy, that Ecstasy smoke is very effective!"

Chen Jiansheng smiled and said: "Old Sea Dog's stuff is really good. I deliberately let Chen Hong and that kid eat the fruit before, and combined with the ecstasy incense to stun them, the effect was so good!"

"Awesome, Brother Chen, we all took the antidote three days in advance to be effective. Brother Chen, you just arrived yesterday, so what is your antidote?"

Chen Jiansheng snapped his fingers with one hand and said proudly: "Boy, learn from it. This is where you, Brother Chen, and I are so clever. I prepared the plan in advance and mixed the antidote into the wine. The wine was put in the sacrificial vessel."

In the soul tank of the pit, I stated in advance that I love drinking, so wouldn’t everything fall into place seamlessly? Ah, haha.”

"Son of a bitch!"

In my heart, I greeted all the eighteen generations of this old boy's ancestors. If I hadn't overheard,
, I’m afraid I will never know how I and Sister Hong were tricked.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, and you know people and faces, but you don’t know the heart.

Sure enough, as Sister Hong said, there is nothing good from the Southern School!

Although I haven't figured out some things yet, what I know is that we were tricked. The group of people who went to the grave with Chen Jiansheng, including the dead Zhiguo Chen, were tricked by Chen Jiansheng.

And the partner behind this person is the Changchun Society. I have no idea or understanding of these people.

Sister Hong knew it well, so I planned to save people. I would save Sister Hong first, and then try to find the eldest brother and the third brother and rescue them too.

I knew I was weak, so after they left after talking, I followed them from a distance.

If there is no fire or flashlight here, the visibility is very low, which makes it easier for me to hide. I followed them secretly, and neither of them noticed me.

I guess they thought I was dead or had been eaten by a four-legged snake, so they lowered their guard.

Thinking of this, I thought of Yao Yumen again.

Yao Yumen's appearance came to mind, and my intuition told me that this matter might not be as simple as I thought.

I followed him all the way for about half an hour.

Chen Jiansheng and the man stopped.

I saw a very hidden stone cave entrance ahead, which was covered with some hay.

After digging through the hay, the two men got in one after another.

After waiting there for three minutes, I ducked in and followed suit.

The other party has a large number of people, so I am very careful. I will hide if there is any disturbance in front of me.

Because I know that I am now the last hope of our gang and I cannot be caught again.

The only thing that works in my favor now.

The enemy is in the light and we are in the dark.

This chapter has been completed!
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