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Chapter 213 Part of the truth

"Botou, do you mean Mr. Jiao Jiu?"

"How is that possible! He is a legend of the Southern School!"

I heard the leader sigh and say, "Hey, Yunfeng, it's true that he is a legend, but we are not familiar with him. In the final analysis, we are in the middle of the situation and don't know the situation, so we are being taken advantage of."

"Now it seems that Mr. Jiao only knew about the entrance to the tomb passage, and did not know that Li Xian's jade coffin was hidden under the red coffin. I guess he must have gone down and searched carefully during that time, but he couldn't find it."

"So how should we deal with it now?"

He thought for a moment, frowned and immediately ordered, "Go and boil two pots of water to make tea. No one should sleep tonight. We have important work."

"Yunfeng, go to the copy shop now and type out all the inscriptions, photos, and inscriptions that were taken in the tomb on your mobile phone. Don't pull any of them. Since we can't find anyone to help, then we will Translate it yourself.”

"Come by yourself? We don't understand!"

He frowned and said, "I bought the 97 edition of the Han-Xia dictionary a long time ago just to be prepared for this day. Xixia is complicated and difficult to understand, but it has certain rules to follow. I will teach you how to find the corresponding words in the dictionary later." Chinese character."

Tangut translation is a specialized subject in China and is extremely niche. Except for a few universities in the northwest, I believe that many students have no idea that there is such a thing as Tangut studies when they apply for admission.

What was the use of studying Xixia studies for young students at that time? What were the employment benefits like after graduating from a few years of study?

My answer is that it is of no use at all, and the benefits are such that I can't find a job at all.

I visited three copy shops in the county at night, but only one shop would copy photos from mobile phones directly onto white paper. The owner of the shop was a young man in his early twenties. He looked at the white paper copied one by one and asked, "What are you doing?" Is this calligraphy or painting? It looks like a ghost drawing a symbol."

I returned to the guest house at 10 pm. There were two large tables paired with two Chinese and Chinese dictionaries on the table. The main points were explained and we took turns reading them.

Talk about the head. If you don't know the pronunciation, you have to memorize the radicals and count the signs. This is not easy to describe.

A Xixia character is composed of two or three parts. Count how many strokes there are, and then add them up with a computer. Then go to the dictionary to look up the corresponding Xixia character in the stroke interval. After you find it, carefully compare the radicals. If it is completely If they are the same, they are right. At this time, you only need to look at the Chinese characters marked on the side to understand what this Xixia character means.

It sounds simple, but when you actually do it, you will find it very difficult. I have a good foundation in Chinese and can count strokes, but Dou Sprout can't even count strokes. He doesn't even know what to pronounce some Chinese characters, "鱼" Brother has never even gone to school. As for Xiaoxuan, haha.

The four of us put together and looked through the dictionary for half an hour, and we just found one word!


Sacrifice of sacrifice!

It was late at night, and a room in the guest house was brightly lit.

Dou Sprout looked up sleepily, then lay down again.

"Twenty-four strokes, thirty-four strokes"

I was smoking with my left hand, pressing the calculator with my right hand, flipping through books, and looking at the calculator. Eventually, the calculator ran out of power, and a row of zeros appeared on the display. It made a continuous sound, which sounded like the sound of knocking wooden fish.

Accompanied by this sound, I couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep lying on the table.

"Layman? Layman?."

"Who are you?"

There was darkness all around me, and a fat old monk wearing yellow clothes walked out of the darkness.

The old monk had kind eyes and a smile on his face and said, "Don't you know me, layman? We have met before. You even dropped blood on my head, monk."

"You are the monk in the vat!"

"Don't be afraid, lay people. Monk's Dharma name is Si Neng. I am the former Grand Master of the Xia Kingdom. You and I can meet each other in a dream today.

It’s fate.”

The old monk sat cross-legged in front of me, "Bulk, I told you something, and you thought it was all a dream."

"Yunfeng, Yunfeng, wake up quickly, don't doze off!"

I woke up with a start, and Brother Yu patted me, "Didn't you notice that your head is still busy? We don't dare to be lazy and sleep."

"What's wrong? You look so ugly."

"Brother Yu! I just dreamed of the great monk Sineng!"

"Who is the great monk Si Neng?"

"It's the monk tower we saw in the underground palace! Do you still remember it?"

"No way, really??" Brother Yu looked strange.

"Really! I won't lie to you!"

"Then what did he say?"

I scratched my head hard and said some words that I still remembered.

Two days later, the inscriptions and inscriptions we had translated were slightly different from what I said, but the difference was not big.

That's what happened.

After Li Xian fled to Kangding with a large number of troops, he deliberately chose to establish the small kingdom of Xiwu'er in the mountains because Mongolia's most powerful cavalry would be blocked by the mountains and old forests. After settling here, Li Xian regained the mountains.

The Thorn tribe increased its strength, and he wanted to restore the country.

But soon, his dream of restoring the country was defeated by reality. He found that the defeated soldiers he had raised in the mountains could not fight against the Yuan Dynasty! The party members believed in ghosts and gods, so Li Xian gradually began to believe that the powerful

Witchcraft can help you restore your country.

He began to believe in the climbing gods spread by the Dangxiang people and began to hold large-scale sacrifices. The turtle-carrying stele in the tomb recorded several large-scale sacrifices at that time. Later, for his dream of restoring the country, he even sacrificed with blood.

Human sacrifice!

In the Forest of Lost Souls, the corpse-burning table buried underground!

There are so many armors in the creek! Swords! Bones!<

Those people did not die normally!

I previously speculated that he was killed by the Mongols. No! Wrong! He was executed on the order of Li Xian! He may have listened to the slander of some wizards about witchcraft and held a living sacrifice

This also happens to explain the question that has been bothering me, why those people don’t even have tombstones! There are almost no decent burial objects!

Also, the ancient corpse in the tomb, lying in the coffin with only half a body, was also sacrificed! Because the prototype of the climbing god is half a body, the lower body of the man was chopped off. The cause of death should be due to some objection he raised in the first place. .

Li Xian definitely did not die a normal death. He was killed by opponents in the end! His body was cremated and placed in a true-life puppet! He was also deliberately hidden in a tomb! For fear of being discovered by future generations one day.

After Li Xian's death, the small kingdom of Xiwu'er existed for more than a hundred years. By the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, this small country died. The original group of party members stayed in Kangding and gradually assimilated into what they are today in Shimian and Ya'an. The settled Muya people have left only the towering and mysterious towers in the mountains to this day.

Don’t think that it’s a fantasy. My words are more credible than those of experts. If anyone has any doubts, just go there and do your own research. After research, you will find that holding the grass is true!

Also, what is the big earring hidden in Li Xian’s puppet? This question has troubled me for quite some time, until one day, I accidentally saw an ancient portrait of Li Xian on the Internet.

This kind of ancient portraits have existed in all dynasties. Some of them were painted at that time, and some were painted by later dynasties for the previous dynasties. This is not important, because they are not painted now anyway.

Zoom in on the portrait and look carefully at Li Xian's face and his eyes. Does he look like the gay we are talking about now?

If you look at the big earrings he wears in the portrait, you can see how weird it is. Under normal circumstances, a grown man and the king of a country would wear such a thing.

I've already told you the answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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