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Chapter 223 December Light Needle

"You two are family members, right? Let the patient rest first and come out with me to talk for a few words."

Arriving at the hotel corridor, Dr. Fan opened his mouth and said, "If you have any children, please take one."

I was stunned and quickly gave him a cigarette.

He lit the cigarette, passed it through his lungs, puffed out, and flicked the ashes, very skillfully.

"Why do you think so of me? Can't doctors stop smoking? My great-grandfather is 90 years old and still smokes half a pack of cigarettes every day."

Brother Tian asked anxiously: "Miracle doctor, when will the moonlight injection you just mentioned be available for treatment?"

He held a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Don't panic yet, there are a few points I want to make clear in advance."

"First, the mortality rate of urinary adenocarcinoma is very high. I cannot guarantee the success rate of using moonlight acupuncture to treat this disease. If it fails, the patient will also die. However, as a person, I suggest that you take a gamble."

"Second, you are his husband, right? Remember, even if her life extension is successful, she will not be able to move her lower body in the few years she lives, and it will become more ulcerated and thickened day by day as time goes by.

You can only rely on medicine to relieve the pain, and the most important thing is, you must not touch her, do you understand what I mean?"

Brother Tian looked sad and nodded to explain.

He nodded and said: "Last point, the so-called Moonlight Acupuncture is the secret of traditional Chinese medicine, the Moon Pond Acupuncture, the twelfth of the Thirteen Acupuncture Needles of the Ghost Gate. There were only two people in the world who knew how to administer this acupuncture. One was Lu Ang from Tongzhou, Beijing.

The other one is our Fan family."

As he spoke, he opened the old leather medicine box and took out a long wooden box.

I immediately smelled a strong scent of sandalwood. This box was not made of agarwood, but Laoshan sandalwood. This box alone was very expensive.

He opened the box and revealed a row of three-inch-long "gold needles."

It is very different from the needles used in ordinary Chinese medicine acupuncture. This row of needles is larger, thicker, made of pure gold, and looks like a toothpick.

The last key is blue, of unknown material, just like a moonstone, emitting a faint light under the light.

He flicked the cigarette butt away with one hand, pointed at the box and said, "The cost of this row of needles is not less than 600,000 yuan."

I immediately said: "No problem! Six hundred thousand is six hundred thousand! We will give it!"

He smiled and shook his head: "I'm just telling you that you don't need to pay, it will be reimbursed at the meeting."

He walked to the end of the corridor, opened the window, looked up, and sighed, "Okay! What a perfect time and place."

Today is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and the moon is bright in the sky. The moon in the sky is big and round.

The moonlight came in, and Dr. Fan was wearing a long white down jacket. His shadow was reflected on the corridor floor. He looked tall and slender.

I looked at the tall shadow trailing on the ground, my forehead and palms began to sweat, and my heart was pounding! It felt like it would jump into my throat soon.

The window was closed and the long shadow on the ground disappeared, and I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead.

He ordered: "Without further delay, let's start now."

"Carry the patient and the bed to the roof of the building. Be careful not to touch them during the lifting process, and cover them with extra quilts."

Brother Tian looked distressed and asked: "Can't we do it in the room?"

Divine Doctor Fan nodded and said: "Of course you can, but the success rate will be reduced by 10%. You decide for yourself."

"I'm sorry, Doctor Fan, let's discuss it."

I dragged Brother Tian to the corner and whispered: "Brother Tian, ​​what do you think? Why do I feel a little unreliable?"

"Not the person you're looking for?"

"It's true that I'm looking for the person, but I don't know this person at all. It's the first time I've met him today."

I have my own worries in my heart.

Thirteen needles in the ghost gate?

I went for a walk under the major overpasses in Beijing. Under the overpasses, there was a stall for pedicures. People with corns said they knew how to do this.

I found this person through the Changchun Society. If Aunt Luo was to be executed, then Brother Tian would not have to shoot me on the spot!

This is what I'm afraid of, that my good intentions may turn out to be bad things!

Brother Tian seemed to see my worries. He took a deep breath and said: "No matter what, if Xiao Luo can live a few more years, I am willing to take a gamble. Even if I fail, I will not blame you."

"That's okay, let's get started quickly! I'll help lift the bed!"

After I finished speaking, I looked back and said, "Where are the people?"

"Doctor Fan!"

"Doctor Fan!"

I ran after him and reached the stairs, but I got out of the way.

Stop him and say loudly: "You can't leave!"

He snorted coldly: "I heard every word of what you just said, and you said it clearly! If it hadn't been for Wu Le begging my grandfather, I wouldn't have come at all! You questioned my medical skills again and again! I'm afraid you don't know! Miracle doctor

He also has a temper!"

"I apologize!"

"Listen to my explanation! I mainly doubt what you just said about the thirteen needles of the ghost gate!"

"Hmph! You're a frog in a well looking at the sky! What our Fan family has passed down is the real Thirteen Acupuncture of the Ghost Gate! It's not the deceptive tricks of charlatans! It's not those quacks in white coats in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals! The Thirteen Acupuncture of our Fan family is from

Those who snatch human lives from the hands of ghosts!"

"Then why do you only have twelve needles in the box?" I asked.

"Okay, listen, I'll tell you why!"

"Evil is the king of all diseases! Strengthening the body and removing evil is the root of traditional Chinese medicine! I used needles to seal the cancer evil under the lower limbs! This can protect her heart and internal organs for several years!"

"One needle in the ghost palace is the middle of the human body! Enter three points!"

"Two shots of Guixin, that's Shaoshang! Three points!"

"Three needles to the ghost base, it will be white! Enter two points!"

"Four needles in the ghost heart are Daling! Enter five points!"

"Five needles on the ghost path are Shenmai! Enter three points!"

"The six-needle ghost pillow is the Feng Mansion! Enter two points!"

"Seven-pin ghost bed, that's a car! Five points!"

"Eight needles ghost market, that's Chengjie! Enter three points!"

"The Nine Needles Ghost Cave is the Laogong Palace! Enter Erfen!"

"Ten needles in the ghost hall will reach the star! Enter two points!"

"The eleven needles of Guizang are the perineum! Enter three points!"

"The twelve-needle ghost minister is the moon pool! Enter five points!"

"Thirteen needles to seal the ghost, that is, in the tongue! What was pricked was not a human at all! It was a ghost! There is no living person in this world who can be pricked by the thirteenth needle!"

My mouth opened wide when I heard it.

"Forget it, I'm just playing the piano to a cow." After he said that, he hurried downstairs carrying the leather medicine box.

"Miracle Doctor, don't leave!"

I ran too fast, didn't stop the car, stepped on his heel, and we both rolled down the stairs in an instant.

"Fuck, it hurts so much.

I accidentally pushed it on a spot and it felt soft.

"You. You. You are a woman??"

"Get off!"

The man struggled to get up and kicked me hard.

At this time, Brother Tian also ran after me with a worried look on his face, leaving me alone in a daze.

More than ten minutes later, Brother Tian somehow called the person back and asked me to apologize.

I said sorry immediately.

She said nothing with a dark face, and I felt like there was an ice cube standing next to me.

At about one o'clock in the middle of the night, a group of people carried a big bed and adjusted their posture in the corridor to carefully climb the stairs. Aunt Luo lay on the bed covered with a thick quilt and fell asleep.

I said loudly: "Slow down! Look at the wall! Don't touch it!"

It took six people, including me, to carry the bed to the roof.

A group of big men put it down gently.

Under the moonlight, gathered together on the big bed, Aunt Luo looked like Sleeping Beauty.

Dr. Fan woke up Aunt Luo and said softly: "You must take off all your clothes, otherwise I won't be able to give the injection. It will be very cold, so hold on."

Aunt Luo nodded, and Doctor Fan warned again: "You will take a deep breath later and try to hold your breath, otherwise the needle will be pushed out and the golden needle will not be able to penetrate."

Aunt Luo nodded again.

At this time, Brother Tian said: "How about I find a girl to come over and help me take off my clothes."

I quickly said: "No need, Brother Tian! Don't avoid doctors! In the eyes of Dr. Fan, there are no such concepts. Aunt Luo is just a patient."

Brother Tian still felt something was wrong, so he had some sheets delivered, and then ordered four boys to pull a corner each to surround the entire bed.

In this way, even residents living around the hotel will not be able to see anything.

A younger brother couldn't help his curiosity and took a look inside.

Brother Tian immediately went over and slapped him hard! The slap was very hard.

Brother Tian said coldly: "Stand still, if anyone dares to look inside, I will gouge out your eyes immediately."

The four boys had serious expressions, and they all pulled the sheets and closed their eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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