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Chapter 259 Second underground floor

The moment I pulled the drawer, I was so frightened that I took three steps back.

It’s Zhao Mouse!

Zhao Xiaoxiao, why did he die?

When did this happen?

It's terribly cold here, visible to the naked eye, and there is a trace of white air surrounding the iron cabinet.

"Don't panic, don't panic"

I kept telling myself not to be afraid and calm down.

Bravely, I took two steps forward and looked inside again.

Zhao Xiaoshu's face was pale and pale, his mouth was wide open, and there were dried blood stains on the corners of his mouth. ??

There is no tongue in his mouth.

It looked like it had been cut off with a knife.

The scene before me scared me so much that I ran out and leaned against the wall, gasping for air.

It was already late at night, and the voltage of the lights hanging on the roof of the corridor was unstable, flickering on and off.

I have been digging graves all year round, and I have seen many dead people in coffins, so I must be braver than normal people. After gasping for breath for two minutes outside the door, I went in again.

Pull out Daowazi's cabinet again.

I pinched his mouth open with my hands, and then I was horrified to find that Daowazi's tongue had also been cut off!

Then I looked at Mr. Xu, and opened several other vintage cabinets one after another.

I don't know any of these people, but without exception, they all have one thing in common.

No tongue!

I felt fear in my heart and felt a chill on my back.

Who did this?

Where did the tongues of these corpses go?

There was a corner at the end of the freezer, and it was very dark. I lit a lighter for lighting and walked over step by step.

There is no one here in the corner, but there is a strange wardrobe.

I could tell at a glance that this thing was old and from the Qing Dynasty.

This cabinet stands against the wall. It is a head taller than me. It has a mortise-and-tenon structure, and the surface is painted with black raw lacquer. The raw lacquer is dull and is not used by furniture makers. In the past, this kind of black raw lacquer was often used to paint coffins.

The cabinet doors, including the beams, are engraved with patterns.

I took a quick glance and saw that in addition to the conch cover and the fish intestines in the flower pot, there were also carvings of the Eight Immortals.

I pulled it open with my hand and found that it couldn't be opened. It turned out that the old cabinet had been modified and a lock had been installed.

After finding the keyhole, I tried to open it with the master key, but the master key didn't work.
The cabinet door is useless and cannot be opened at all.

At this time, I walked to the right side of the black cabinet, held up a lighter to illuminate it, and looked up.

There is a red rope hanging down here, and at the end of the red rope hangs a rectangular wooden sign with three characters painted in red paint.

"Shou Geng Cabinet."

Shougeng cabinet? What kind of furniture is this?

What is it used for? I've never heard of such a thing.

How did Zhao Mouse die?

Why are the tongues missing from those corpses?

My heart was racing. There must be some unknown secret hidden here on the fourth floor.

At half past two, I secretly opened the door of Mr. Qin and Laosi's room and met them.

"Why is it so late today? It's almost three o'clock!" Mr. Qin complained when they met.

I explained that something happened just now and I was delayed.

Mr. Qin put on his shoes and whispered, "Hurry up, Fourth Brother, go upstairs first and send this guy down."

After last time, we hid all the tools on the roof.

After a while, we started to work.

I was digging in the dirt on the playground, always thinking about the freezer.

Since the surface layer of frozen soil had been removed, and the three of us cooperated tacitly, I dug quickly. It only took about an hour and a half to complete the task of ten buckets of soil.

This time the escape tunnel grew another five meters.

After finishing cleaning up, Mr. Li waved to me at the window and motioned for me to come up quickly.

I immediately gestured back to him, meaning it wasn't safe for everyone to stay here. You should go back to the house first and don't wait for me.

At four o'clock in the morning, people are most likely to feel sleepy at this time. I plan to take a risk and explore the basement for a second time.

The man named Qin lives on the second floor below. I want to meet him.

At least let him know that I am saving him, so that he can be mentally prepared in advance so that he can cooperate with me.

I quietly walked around from the back of the room to the first floor. I was walking in the corridor when suddenly there was a voice coming from the corridor behind me.

I had no place to hide, so I could only squat in the corner and hide in the darkness.

Soon, two people wearing big clothes

The middle-aged man in clothes walked downstairs laughing and talking. I guessed that these two people might be the night shift managers on the second or third floor.

Fortunately, they didn't see me, it really scared me to the point of sweating.

I opened the small door, walked down the stairs quietly, and looked out.

The old man and the young man were still on the night shift, and the old master was lying on his back with two chairs facing each other, covered with a coat, sleeping soundly.

The young man was watching a movie on his mobile phone, and I could clearly hear the sound from the mobile phone.

It seemed that he was watching a ghost movie. I saw this young man eating melon seeds and watching it with gusto without feeling sleepy at all.

I was worried and thought to myself, "You are so dedicated, why the hell are you sleeping! How can I get through if you don't sleep?"

Just when I was about to give up and come back another day, this young man suddenly stood up from the chair. He took a flashlight, put on his clothes and turned around and said, "Master, I'm going to the toilet. I'll go to the tub. You

Keep an eye on it for me."

The older man lay on the chair, without even opening his eyes, and mumbled, "I know, let's go."

After the young man left, the old man just turned around and continued to sleep.

Knowing I couldn't miss the opportunity, I picked up my toes and ran over quickly.

This is the next floor, and there is a staircase at the bottom. I followed the stairs to the end and was stopped by an iron door.

The master key that Wu Le got was so easy to use, it was almost a tailor-made artifact for me. After a few fiddles, I opened the last iron door and successfully reached the second floor.

There wasn't even a single person on the second floor below.

There is a strong stench in the air, and the mottled and peeling walls show that the place is in disrepair.

A low-power incandescent lamp was hung on the roof. There were a lot of garbage, broken brooms, waste paper, and even dried dead rats everywhere on the ground.

On the left hand side of the corridor is a solid brick wall with eight large characters written on it.

"Old people in the Jianghu, benevolence and righteousness are everlasting."

On the right hand side of the corridor, there are endless cells, one next to the other, all with heavy iron locks, and iron plates with numbers on the doors.

The feeling here is completely different from the fourth floor.

It's depressing, dilapidated, and lifeless here.
Shen is like a dark prison, without a ray of sunshine all year round.

God knows what kind of weirdos are locked up in these rooms.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

I could hear it clearly, it was clearly my own heartbeat.

Because something in my mind told me that the madman might be here too.

one, two

I was nervous and sweating profusely, and finally stopped in front of an iron door.

When I looked up, I saw the number 9 written on the sign above.

I even twisted my neck to look at it and confirmed that it was the number 9, not the number 6.

I looked back nervously, then stretched out my hand and knocked on the door twice.

"Qin Huiwen, Qin Huiwen? Are you in there?" I shouted softly.

After a full minute or two, a deep and old reply came from behind the iron gate.

"Who are you?"

I lowered my voice and whispered, "You don't need to worry about who I am. I was entrusted by others to rescue you. Remember, I will pick you up at this point in ten days. Then you can follow me."

I'll go together."

"Do you understand? If so, please knock on the door."

Soon, there was a sound of fingers knocking on the iron door.

I whispered, "Then I have to leave quickly. I'll see you in ten days."

Suddenly, just as I finished speaking, whistles and humming came from the room 8 next door.

"Yeah, yeah, girl, you are seventeen or eighteen, hold my hand. After drinking two bottles of wine, you must come with me. You are getting married next year, so hurry up and save the bride price. It will be a wedding night, women are so beautiful.

It’s called tiring, I haven’t slept at all every day, and I still feed the child. Men should understand this and reward me with a big baby. Yeah, yeah, reward me with a big baby.”

After hearing this song, my pupils dilated! My calves trembled! I stepped back in fear!

Without paying attention at this time, I stepped on an empty plastic bag with my heel.

Just hear a bang!

There was a huge banging on the door in Room 8! Along with the banging on the door there were angry shouts.

"Xiang Fengfeng!"

"Hahaha! Xiang Fengfeng speaks! You are Xiang Fengfeng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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