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Chapter 93 The Curse Sect

It’s really a small temple demon with strong winds...

If he hadn't brought Jennifer and a large amount of property to Stormwind City, Li Ke wouldn't have gone to such trouble.

In fact, there is another link to his plan.

That is to see if I can change my territory.

Stormwind City and Lordaeron have a bloody relationship. So far, there are still many Stormwind City nobles staying in Lordaeron and have not returned to the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is now regarded as a ruin.

If Li Ke and Jennifer exchange territories with them, they would be very happy.

Jennifer’s opinion?

Her opinion doesn't matter.

If it wasn't for this, why would Li Ke bother to get money and plan to show off in front of Alsace? It wasn't to leave a good impression so that they could help.

After all, Alsace has not fallen yet, and the prince's favor is still useful.

Otherwise, he would have stunned Jennifer and taken the treasure directly to Run! Wouldn't it be a good idea to run to Stormwind City to develop his own power and future?

That's right.

Li Ke admitted that his appetite was getting bigger and bigger.

However, this is definitely not the kind of intrigue you would engage in with these insects in this territory.

Li Ke shook his head.

"What kind of peaceful solution do you want? Lane, Mr. Parva, and Ms. Teka."

Li Ke looked at these three people.

"Of course you are the leader. After all, we have all seen Jennifer since childhood. She will not like these things. I think you have no intention of letting Ms. Jennifer get involved in these things."

Ms. Teka smiled slightly. Li Ke looked at her beautiful face and couldn't imagine that this beautiful woman was such a person.

"But have you ever heard of the Curse Cult?"


Li Ke's spirit suddenly shook, and he was shaken.

He didn't even suppress his surprise and asked directly.

"You joined that cult?!"

Li Ke remembers clearly that Arthas went to Stratholme because of his investigation of the Curse Sect! Then came the Scourge of the Undead!


Calculating the time, it has indeed arrived. It is so close to Stratholme.

"It seems that you have heard of it, but we are not a cult, we are just not recognized by... for the time being."

Mr. Lane smiled.

Li Ke suppressed the excitement in his heart and answered in a low voice.

"I've heard of some, but the reviews aren't very good."

"You have misunderstood us."

Mr. Parva spread his hands.

"In fact, believing in the Cursed Sect can bring countless benefits. For the people below, as long as they believe in the Cursed Sect, they no longer need to starve and suffer from diseases, and can save a lot of money.

As for us, we can rule them more firmly and let them earn more money for us. We no longer have to worry about injuries, accidents, and meal expenses... You see, what a gift this is.


Damn...it means that there are already undead in this territory??

Li Ke almost wanted to call Naru for help, but he still resisted his impulse - because he had used evil energy to strengthen his body, the stimulating power had somewhat stimulated his spirit.

He took a deep breath and remembered that he actually didn't have much contact with the lowest level.

He himself is somewhat self-aware. Although he has lived a miserable life before, he is a real town citizen. Although he does not live as well as those citizens and citizens, he is not as good as those farmers and hard laborers.

Have a good life.

And he usually hangs out in towns and rarely goes to the countryside. The only farmer he comes into contact with is the farmer of Jennifer's family, a really good guy who relies on Jennifer to get by.


"So you can also join. Think about it, how great would it be if your factory was filled with workers who don't know fatigue, are not afraid of cold and injuries, don't need to eat, and can work all the time? And you only need every

Just give them a few silver coins every month to make them feel that they can send their children to school."

Ms. Teka spoke.

"After all, you should also know that people who have a family business generally don't care about themselves and just hope that their children can surpass themselves, right? As long as you control this, you can get a large number of people who will never know how tired they are.

Workers who don’t have to think about the mess.”


I am your mother.

Li Ke cursed in his heart. He felt that he was evil enough and had changed enough, but in the end, each mountain was still higher than the other. Even for a moment, Li Ke really felt that the souls of these people could be destroyed by evil power.

Burning everything clean might be a good thing.

"But what's the price?"

Li Ke looked at this woman. This woman was not much worse than Jennifer, but in comparison, Jennifer's kindness was really not easy.

"It's just that they can't taste the food anymore, and for them, that's actually a good thing, isn't it?"

Ms. Teka has no stage fright at all.

"Bread mixed with sand, stones, chaff and sawdust, soup made from bushes and weeds, dirty sewage full of filth, sausages full of parasites and rot, such food

When you eat it, it’s really not as good as not being able to taste it at all.”

The carpenter snorted coldly, and then looked at Li Ke with burning eyes.

"And you should also know that the number of orcs in the orc sanctuary over there has increased again, and us good citizens have to add another tax, not to mention those civilians. This is indeed a good thing for them, at least join the cursed sect.

After the system is established, they will have money to pay taxes and no longer have to worry about having their heads chopped off.”

He paused and looked at Li Ke.

"Or are you planning to persuade Jennifer to lower the tax on the orc shelter in the territory? Everyone knows that is impossible, right?"


Li Ke didn't know what to say. Of course, these people in front of him were not good people. They were a family that drank the blood of masons, lumberjacks, and countless innocent women. But now he knew that in order to support those orcs,

What kind of pressure do the people of Lordaeron bear?

Perhaps the tax requested by His Majesty Tenaris is not much, but the lords and nobles below do not think so.

There is no reason for them to raise taxes, so there is even more reason to say.

What a rotten world.

However, Li Ke really wanted to reduce taxes. These people had only a few days of good days left. Li Ke did not object to letting them have a few days of good lives at the end.

But the premise is that there is income to make up for this shortfall.

"So, what do you think? Are you interested in learning about the Curse Sect?"

Ms. Teka stretched out her hand to Li Ke.

This chapter has been completed!
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