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Fel doesn't lie to you

Fel doesn't lie to you

author:cat with white glasses

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Last Update:07-26 13:12

Latest chapter:Chapter 647: Transmission of Information

People who deal with demons generally do not have any conscience. They are insane and willing to sacrifice everything in the world for power and benefit. But Li Ke thinks that he should have some conscience. Whether it is building tall buildings for people in the Middle Ages In the building, let the knights who breed sheep buy textile machines, let the elves play entertainment and live broadcast to bring goods, summon succubi to be hotel waiters, use the Burning Legion and evil energy to destroy garbage, or let the orcs feel at ease. Fried chicken and watermelon both reflect his conscience. Although he sacrificed, made deals with demons, summoned the undead, had different conspiracies with royal family members and nobles, and even had bad feelings for the dragon that guards the world. Thoughts. But he still thinks he has a conscience. At least I wasn’t hung on the street lamp, wasn’t I? ——Sir Li Ke probably has a conscience.

If you think《Fel doesn't lie to you》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《Fel doesn't lie to you》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 647: Transmission of Information
Chapter 645 Chaos
Chapter 644: For the Emperor
Chapter 643 Different Wills
Chapter 642 The Heir to the Empire
Chapter 641: The Six Forces’ Tricks
Chapter 640: The Gradually Mature Emperor's Son Free Chapter.
Chapter 639 The appearance of Deathwing
Chapter 638: What Horus Sees
《Fel doesn't lie to you》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 The Price of the Holy Light
Chapter 2 The Price of Life
Chapter 3 The Price of Strength
Chapter 4 Succubus
Chapter 5 Choices
Chapter 6 Reality
Chapter 7 The Price
Chapter 8 Dream Bubbles
Chapter 9 The Price of Beauty
Chapter 10 The Power of Fel Energy
Chapter 11 Another Price
Chapter 12 Attractive Benefits
Chapter 13 Deal with the Devil
Chapter 14 Transactions with Humans
Chapter 15 Deal with Fairytale Devil
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Option
Chapter 18 Turn off the lights
Chapter 19: Qunhua is in the introduction of the old book.
Chapter 20 The Selective Man
Chapter 21 Holy Light
Chapter 22 The Power of the Holy Light
Chapter 23 The Spirit of Light
Chapter 24 Negotiations with the Holy Light
Chapter 25 Deal with Holy Light
Chapter 26 The Love of the Holy Light
Chapter 27 The Coming of the Son
Chapter 28 Satisfied Lord
Chapter 29 Conditions
Chapter 30 Dangerous Person
Chapter 31 The Evil Plan
Chapter 32 Noble Sean
Chapter 33 Circle
Chapter 34 Communication under the Holy Light
Chapter 35 The Artist and the Demon
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 Sincerity
Chapter 38 Harmonized and looking for the reason.
Chapter 39 Greeter's Despair
Chapter 40 Rich Woman
Chapter 41 is fixed. Chapter 34 is also out.
Chapter 42 Backward Agriculture
Chapter 43 Don't Disturb Sleeping Chickens
Chapter 44 Ready to do things
Chapter 45 Fel energy users are starting a business
Chapter 46 The Lord's Enjoyment
Chapter 47 Huge benefits
Chapter 48 Revealing
Chapter 49 Family
Chapter 50 Tomorrow Compensation Starts Another Day
Chapter 51 Family Inheritance
Chapter 52 Honor and Loyalty
Chapter 53 Brothers
Chapter 54 The Lord's Decision
Chapter 55 Accident
Chapter 56 The so-called martial arts
Chapter 57 Business
Chapter 58 Favor
Chapter 59: Upheaval
Chapter 60 Jaina
Chapter 61 Mages
Chapter 62 Please follow up! I can go to Sanjiang every day!
Chapter 63 Suspect Discharged
Chapter 64 The Elegance of a Mage
Chapter 65 Silly Baitian and Shadow
Chapter 66 The Free Lunch
Chapter 67 Spells
Chapter 68 Traps
Chapter 69: Annoyed Li Ke
Chapter 70 The Knight's Work
Chapter 71 Take the time to read the comments The protagonist has no cuckold.
Chapter 72 Abnormal Person
Chapter 73 The Elf
Chapter 74 Changes in Business
Chapter 75 Ghost
Chapter 76 Alright.
Chapter 69 The perfect crime
Chapter 70 Taking office
Chapter 71 The first thing
Chapter 72 The Way to Get Rich
Chapter 73: Suppressing Bandits
Chapter 82
Chapter 74 Li Kes Thoughts
Chapter 75 Bored and embarrassed Gianna
Chapter 76: Country bumpkins self-awareness
Chapter 77 The Burning Legion in action
Chapter 87 The Burning Legion in Action
Chapter 78: Pulling Each Other
Chapter 79 Jennifers Limit
Chapter 80 Insufficient Evidence
Chapter 81 Situation Lesson
Chapter 83 Summoning the Demon
Chapter 93 Suspicion in the Basement
Chapter 84 Antia
thoughts from the past
Chapter 96 Antia
Chapter 85 The Ecology of Demons
Chapter 86 Griet's Contract
Chapter 87 The way the succubus behaves
Chapter 88 Li Kes counterattack
Chapter 89 A smooth plan
Chapter 90: Normal Holy Light Monk
Chapter 91 The plan begins
Chapter 92: Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger
Chapter 105: The Plan Begins
Chapter 93 The Curse Sect
Chapter 94 Li Ke is popularized
Chapter 95 The spread of the cursed sect
Chapter 96 Big Plans and Big Plans
Chapter 97 Shocked Jaina
Chapter 98 Li Ke doesnt want to play anymore
Chapter 99 Departure from Alsace
Chapter 113: Li Ke Who Has Stopped Playing
Chapter 100 Different troubles
Chapter 101 Trouble brought by the devil
Chapter 102 The Coming of War
Chapter 103 The first battle with the orcs
Chapter 104 The Battle of the Spellcasters
Chapter 105 The Benefits of Evil Energy
Chapter 120 The Battle of the Casters
Chapter 106 Battle Analysis
Chapter 107 The Undead Crisis that Begins in Advance
Chapter 108 Malganis
Chapter 109 The Wrath of the Holy Light
Chapter 110 Six missing one
Chapter 111 Jainas decision
Chapter 112 Undead and Orcs
Chapter 113 Bad Influence
Chapter 114 Talent
Chapter 115 Sensitive Alsace
Chapter 116 The undead who are not crazy
Chapter 117 Kel'Thuzad
Chapter 118 The Noble Kel'Thuzad
Chapter 119 Depressed Gianna
Chapter 134 The Exalted Kel'Thuzad
Chapter 120 Medivh
Chapter 121 Prophecy
Chapter 136 Medivh
Chapter 122 The Unstable Medivh
Chapter 123: Holy Light Archbishop
Chapter 124: Evil Lord
Chapter 125 Medivhs Purpose
Chapter 126 The prophecy seen by Jaina
Chapter 127 The Sacrifice of the Pure White Princess
Chapter 128 Questioning
Chapter 129 Kel'Thuzad's Plan
Chapter 130 Gavin Rudds Anger
Chapter 131 Alsaces Paranoia
Chapter 132 Conflict
Chapter 133 Punishment
Chapter 134 Sir Presto
Chapter 135 The Unlucky Mage
Chapter 136 Jainas Determination
Chapter 137 Good impression
Chapter 151 The Unlucky Mage
Chapter 138 Notice
Chapter 139 Li Kes Notice
Chapter 140 The Wind of Holy Light
Chapter 141 Falling out
Chapter 142 Krasus and Ronin
Chapter 143 Conflict
Chapter 144: Getting deeper and deeper
Chapter 145 Leaving
Chapter 146 The beginning of the journey
Chapter 159 Conflict
Chapter 160 Getting Deeper and Deeper
Chapter 147 Prophecy
Chapter 148 Attack
Let's watch it tomorrow morning, sitting in front of the computer and not being able to type.
Chapter 149 Arrival in Andorhal
Chapter 150 A strange situation
Chapter 151 Meeting
Chapter 152 The inevitable collapse of the talks
Chapter 153: Slavery Element
Chapter 154 Elemental Enemies
Chapter 167 Meeting
Chapter 155: Keeping the General Ledger
Chapter 156 Female Adventurer
Chapter 157 The Power of Lordaeron
Chapter 158 The Power of Gold Coins
Chapter 159 A chance encounter in Dalaran
Chapter 160 His Highness Kael'thas
Chapter 161 The troublemaking elf
Chapter 162: Enthusiastic Female Elves
Chapter 163: Surprised Jaina
Chapter 1 A day in Stormwind City
Chapter 2 Impeccable
Chapter 3 Sincerity is not trusted
Chapter 4 Deserted Stormwind City
Chapter 5 Onyxias Counterattack
Chapter 6 Onyxia gives in
Chapter 7 Magic Teaching
Chapter 8 Deathwings Gift
Chapter 9 The Power of the Black Dragon
Chapter 10 The Influence of Power
Chapter 11 Research on Energy
Chapter 12 Onyxias Conspiracy
Chapter 13 Killing two birds with one stone
Chapter 14 Shadows under the Storm
Chapter 15 The Warlocks Welcome Ceremony
Chapter 16: A Warlock with a Short Development Time
Chapter 17 The Bold Fanatics
Chapter 18 Night Elf
Chapter 19 Druids Trouble
Chapter 20 The Gathering of High Elves
Chapter 21 The Spell of Communication
Chapter 22 The deceptive Miss Druid
Chapter 23 The corrupt and fallen elves
Chapter 24: The Summoning Ceremony of the Orthodox Warlock
Chapter 25 The talkative devil
Chapter 26 The Mighty Mtis
Chapter 27 The Warlocks Communication
Chapter 28: Very common sense
Chapter 29 The uniqueness of knowledge
Chapter 30 Hisaris dress change
Chapter 31 The Night Elfs Sense of Responsibility
Chapter 32 The Puzzle of Power
Chapter 33 Druid Spells
Chapter 34 The Mystery of the Six Forces
Chapter 35: Sending the God of Plague
Chapter 36 The source of all problems
Chapter 37 The Convenience of Holy Light
Chapter 38 People who are short of money
Chapter 39 What Defias brought
Chapter 40 Marcus
Chapter 41 Marcus Fans
Chapter 42 Making Money
Chapter 43 The Sorceress
Chapter 44: The Skills of the Pua Warlock
Chapter 45 Product Development Conference
Chapter 46 Distributors and Shareholders
Chapter 47 Piecework
Chapter 48: Careful Warlocks
Chapter 222 The Sorceress
Chapter 49 Warlocks who are never reckless
Chapter 50 Keep fishing
Chapter 51 Pure Hisali
Chapter 52 Elune
Chapter 53 Elune wants to have sex for free
Chapter 54: Compromising Elune
Chapter 55 Departure
Chapter 56 Accident
Chapter 57: Boring Nefarian
Chapter 58 Nefarians Attention
Chapter 59 The scapegoat
Chapter 60 Trap
Chapter 61: One ring within another
Chapter 62 Bait
Chapter 63 Fishing
Chapter 64: The Warlocks Tracking Method
Chapter 65 Li Kes way of making money
Chapter 66 The Possibility of Flight
Chapter 65 Jonathans Discovery
Chapter 66 Jennifers Choice
Chapter 67: First Arrival in the Wild West
Chapter 66 Jonathans acquaintance
Chapter 67: The Defias thieves who resisted tenaciously
Chapter 68 Land
Chapter 69: Taxes in the Wild West
Chapter 70 Its hard to tell the truth from the false
Chapter 71 Industrial Planning
Chapter 72 The Injury of the Brotherhood
Chapter 73 A town out of order
Chapter 74 Angry Li Ke
Chapter 75 Ridiculous reason
Chapter 76 Suspicion
Chapter 77 On a rope
Chapter 78 The Gorgeous Castle
Chapter 79: Layers of Outsourcing
Chapter 80 Barbarians
Chapter 81 Jonathans departure
Chapter 82 Lack of Talent
Chapter 83 Buying Horse Bones
Chapter 84 Huge wealth
Chapter 85 Li Kes real plan
Chapter 86: Raising Bandits to Respect Oneself
Chapter 87 Negotiation Skills
Chapter 88 Persuasion methods
Chapter 89 Denathrius
Chapter 90 Division of Powers
Chapter 91 New changes
Chapter 92: Sentimental Varian
Chapter 93: Boring Politics
Chapter 94 Things ignored
Chapter 95: The bad thing Hisali
Chapter 96: Not talking about physics
Chapter 97 Missing Places
Chapter 98: Timely Rain to Denathius
Chapter 99 Good Partner
Chapter 100 The Power of Anima
Chapter 101 Anima Production Line
Chapter 102 The Difference
Chapter 103: Witch
Chapter 103: Banning
Chapter 279 Don't Talk About Physics
Chapter 280 The Missing Place
Chapter 105 The Difference between Dragons
Chapter 106 Onyxias Certification
Chapter 107 Onyxias Thoughts
Chapter 108 The Tradition of the Dragon Clan
Chapter 2 is out
Chapter 109: Different Views on Bloodline
Chapter 110 Strategic Alliance
Chapter 111 The Guards of Stormwind City
Chapter 112: Trap for Flesh Eaters
Chapter 288 The Difference Between Giant Dragons
Chapter 113 The obstacle that cannot be overcome
Chapter 114 Making a deal
Chapter 115 Showdown
Chapter 116 Li Ke is finally able to farm
Chapter 117 Treatment Issues
Chapter 118: A Vibrant Work Team
Chapter 119 The Mystery of the Technology Tree
Chapter 120: What did the undercover bring?
Chapter 121 A small problem with the harvester
Chapter 122 A big problem at the power station
Chapter 123 Lack of people
Chapter 124 Alsaces Confusion
Chapter 125 Alsaces Heart Knot
Chapter 126 Friends
Chapter 127 Guests
Chapter 128 The so-called goblin
Chapter 129 Positive Goblin
Chapter 130: Liadrins Purpose
Chapter 131 Theresa Tower
Chapter 132 True Purpose
Chapter 133: Obscure communication
Chapter 134 The most beautiful flower
Chapter 135 The Real Deal
Chapter 136: Dedicated Employees
Chapter 137 The reason for the destruction of the black dragon
Chapter 138: Humble and Noble Things
Chapter 139 Van Cleefs Choice
Chapter 140 Helpless little guy
Chapter 141 Van Cleef arrives in person
Chapter 142 Li Ke is suspected of being crazy
Chapter 143 Varians Doubts
Chapter 144 Van Cleefs Wild Fury
Chapter 145 Li Kes ultimate goal
Chapter 146 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
Chapter 147 The big lord is in action
Chapter 148 The Powerful Jackals
Chapter 149 Dog Training
Chapter 150 Twilight Believers
Chapter 151 Classic Tactics
Chapter 326 Varian's doubts
Chapter 327 Van Cleef's Wild Rage
Chapter 152 Twilight...Twilight
Chapter 153 Twilight can be tolerated
Chapter 154 Extraordinary Twilight Believers
Chapter 155 Kil'jaeden
Chapter 155 Kil'jaeden's Conditions
Chapter 157 The Temptation of the Devil
Chapter 118 Closed Loop
Chapter 159 The Fearful Demon King
Chapter 160: Untrusted Loyalty
Chapter 161 Demon Summoning
Chapter 162 Eredar
Chapter 163 Communication with the Eredar people
Chapter 164 Professional
Chapter 165: Sheep cannibalism is about to begin
Chapter 166 The huge difference in productivity
Chapter 167 The devil squeezes the devil
Chapter 168: Your mineral reserves are insufficient
Chapter 169 Giannas Letter
Chapter 170 Mr. Hesenways Difficult Mission
Chapter 171 The beginning of business
Chapter 172 Slaves of the Alliance
Chapter 173: Intelligence Agents
Chapter 174 Teresita was frightened
Chapter 175: Pulling in the transaction
Chapter 176 Reasons for Suspicion
Chapter 177: Helpless... subordinates
Chapter 178: Twilight Failure
Chapter 179 The Action Logic of Twilight Believers
Chapter 180: Red Pill Ingredients
Chapter 181 The Ooze Monster and Twilight
Chapter 182 Rons Competition Two-in-One
Chapter 183 Talking about Cao Cao
Chapter 184: Nefarian cares about his sister
Chapter 185 The Black Dragon Brothers and Sisters Think Too Much
Chapter 186: Looking for a Beater
Chapter 187: Dislike each other
Chapter 188 The fight begins
Chapter 189 Nefarians Defeat
Chapter 190 Positioning
Chapter 191 Compensation
Chapter 192 Black Dragons Trading Concept
Chapter 193 Van Cleefs speculation
Chapter 194 The Power of Technology
Chapter 195 Generation difference
Chapter 196: Neglected little things
Chapter 370 Dislike each other
Chapter 197 Housing Treatment
Chapter 198 Canteen and Factory Building
Chapter 199 Li Ke whose blood pressure rises
Chapter 200 The riot is about to begin
Chapter 201: Punishment by Light
Chapter 202 Overflowing Labor
Chapter 203 The wolf is coming
Chapter 204 Its scary to think about it carefully
Chapter 205 Li Ke is finally remembered
Chapter 206: Technical Barriers of Gnomes
Chapter 207 The best way to negotiate conditions
Chapter 208 Talent Recruitment Plan
Chapter 209 The Cheating Moon God
Chapter 210 The Powerful Night Elf
Chapter 211 The sheep started eating people
Chapter 385: Overflowing Workers
Chapter 212 The person who noticed the breeze
Chapter 213 Varian is running the country
Chapter 214 If you want to be rich, first...
Chapter 215 Small Power Station
Chapter 390 The Best Way to Negotiate Conditions
Chapter 216 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick
Chapter 217 Disappointing Discovery
Chapter 218 Li Kes Delusion
Chapter 219 Li Ke started to have nothing to do
Chapter 220 The Beginning of the Food Disaster
Chapter 221 Jackals
Chapter 396 Varian is Governing the Country
Chapter 222 Varians Dream
Chapter 223 The burned grain ship
Chapter 224 Helpless Varian
Chapter 225 The desperate situation of the benevolent monarch
Chapter 226 A sudden visit...
Chapter 227 The reason for nonsense
Chapter 228 Identity
Chapter 229 Complete Change
Chapter 230 The Power of the Dragon
Chapter 231 The sudden appearance of the blue dragon
Chapter 232 The Blue Dragon Looking for the Black Dragon
Chapter 233 The subtle situation of the blue dragon
Chapter 234 New Identity
Chapter 235 The Power of the Blue Dragon
Chapter 236 Beginning to gather
Chapter 237 The Gradually Expanding Team of the Undead
Chapter 238 Barovs Madness
Chapter 239: Claim Certificate of the Barov Family
Chapter 240: The person who teases the tigers beard
Chapter 241 Colleague feelings
Chapter 242 The Long Staircase
I temporarily changed the plot of the last chapter, so dont read it yet until I finish rewriting it in an hour.
Chapter 243 Healthy Competition
Chapter 244 Division of Labor
Chapter 245 Terenas Confidence
Chapter 246 Terenas is not majestic
Chapter 247: Terenas Full of Humanity
Chapter 248: The smartest among smart people
Chapter 249 Terenas Long Speech
Chapter 250 Humanists
Chapter 251 Classic Re-enactment
Chapter 252 Win!
Chapter 253: Winning Ma
Chapter 254 Deathwings Conditions
Chapter 255 Li Kes needs and prevention
Chapter 256 Young People
Chapter 257 Elders
Chapter 258 Negative words
Chapter 259 The Heart of Evil Energy
Chapter 260 Pure Kind Heart
Chapter 261 Confession
Chapter 262 The engagement party begins
Chapter 263 The Simple Elf Prince
Chapter 437 Deathwing's Condition
Chapter 264 The unimportant princess
Chapter 265 Official Announcement
Chapter 265 Alsaces doubts
Chapter 267 The Princesss Elegy
Chapter 442 The Heart of Evil Energy
Chapter 268 Painful Love
Chapter 269 The inevitable ending
Chapter 270: Shocking changes in Stormwind City
Chapter 271 The expansion of the vortex
Chapter 272 The only way
I'll check it out tomorrow morning, I'll try to adjust the update time, and mention the water issue by the way.
Chapter 273 New Ideas
Chapter 274: Resolving the Fight
Chapter 275 Varians Surprise
The condition is too bad, let's see it tomorrow morning
Chapter 276 Importance
Chapter 277 Two things
Chapter 278: Decent
Chapter 279 Food turns into spears and shields
Chapter 280: Running dog, drown in dirt
Chapter 281: Regrettable Business Ability
Chapter 282 The Unexperienced Hero
Chapter 283 Coincidence
Chapter 284: Peer Competition
Chapter 285 Excellent matching mechanism
Chapter 286 Nobility and Royal Power
Chapter 287 Scapegoat
Chapter 288: The Magical Use of Heart Energy
Chapter 289 The Obligation of Being the Boss
Chapter 290: The Struggle of Shuo Shu
Chapter 291 Chaos in Stormwind City
Chapter 292 Varian’s doubts
Chapter 293 The upper route
Chapter 294 Sale
Chapter 295 Motive
Chapter 296 Poor Mother
Chapter 297 The Hated Person
Chapter 298 Reasons for Hatred
Chapter 299 Error
Chapter 300 Despair
Chapter 301 Non-Existence of Justice
Chapter 302 The Justice Given
Chapter 303 The fearful sheep
Chapter 304 The lamb that ate the jackals
Chapter 305 The Execution Demon
Chapter 306 Aftermath
Chapter 307 The decision of the nobles
Chapter 308 Arthas’s Fury
Chapter 309 Alsace becomes more determined
Chapter 310 Alsace’s doubts
Chapter 311 Father and Son
Chapter 312 The King’s Will
Chapter 313: Conflict with the Holy Light Messenger
Chapter 314 The Death of the Innocent
Chapter 315: Not the fruit of expectation
Chapter 316 The King of Heaven on Earth
Chapter 317 Terrifying Determination
Chapter 318 Gray methods that are neither black nor white
Chapter 319 Heaven on Earth
Chapter 320 The Development of the Territory 3k
Chapter 321 Financial Issues
Chapter 322 Salary Time 4k
Chapter 322 Salary Time 4k
Chapter 323 Li Ke is eager to invest 4k
Chapter 324 ppt conference
Chapter 325 Kil'jaeden's Approval
Chapter 326: The War Strategy of the Burning Legion
Chapter 327: Determined to be one of our own
Chapter 328 Cooperation to achieve 4k
Chapter 512 Wonderful Gift 4k
Chapter 330: Nefarians Suspicion Free Chapter
Chapter 331: Complicated Things
Chapter 332: Helplessness with Skill Trees
Chapter 323: Progress of the Three Parties
Chapter 324 The Unlucky Mage 4k
Chapter 325 Luo Ning and Vereesa
Chapter 326 Luo Nings knot
Chapter 327 Durnholdes Drama
Chapter 328 Blackmoores Transaction
Chapter 329 Talesas Sorrow
Chapter 330: Determined Luo Ning
Chapter 331: A wonderful historical corner
Chapter 332: The Orc Savior
Chapter 333: A mage full of courage and love
Chapter 334 Sad Awareness
Chapter 335: Declaration of War on Ragnaros Free Chapter
Chapter 336 The Powerful Ragnaros
Chapter 337 The Situation of Ragnaros
Chapter 338 The Defeat of Flame
Chapter 339 The Brilliant Flame Sword
Chapter 340 Conspiracy
Chapter 342 The Opener
Chapter 341: The Gap of Gold Coins
Chapter 342 The Opener
Chapter 343: Those who abandon their faith
Chapter 344: Those who go astray
Chapter 345 Those who practice the path
Chapter 346 Crazy Astray
Chapter 347 Destruction Promoter
Chapter 348 An unexpected fate
Chapter 349: The Destiny of Deviation
Chapter 350: Gift from the Barov Family
Chapter 351: Futile Rescue
Chapter 352 The Heart of the Confused
Chapter 353: The Enlightened One 5k
Chapter 354: Enlightenment Practitioners
Chapter 355: Those with clear consciousness
Chapter 356 Candidate for the Lich King
Chapter 359: The Country of the Dead
Chapter 360: The Battle of the Mage
Chapter 357 Luo Nings choice
Chapter 358 Intertwined Destinies
Chapter 362 The Trial of Frostmourne
Chapter 359: The Country of the Dead
Chapter 360: The Battle of the Mage
Chapter 361 The Heart of the Lich King
It's all fixed, let's just complain...
Chapter 362 The Trial of Frostmourne
Chapter 363 Deathwings Plan Free Chapter
Chapter 364 The end of the noble 7k
Chapter 365 Sad things...
Chapter 366 Vereesas Despair 5k
Chapter 367 Dirty Things
Chapter 368 Coincidence
Chapter 369: Lack of Intelligence Free Chapter
Chapter 370 The ravings of the fallen
Chapter 371 Epic and Ordinary
Chapter 372 Is it Eternal?
Chapter 373 Glorious Stratholme
Chapter 374: Civilian life that I dont want to be seen
Chapter 375 Peace of Mind
Chapter 376: Determination to Sacrifice Others
Chapter 377 The Beginning of Stratholme
Chapter 378 Silhouette of the victim
Chapter 379 The Call of the Victim
Chapter 380 A drama that does not require a director
Chapter 381 Showing Loyalty
Chapter 382 Stratholme Rebellion
Chapter 383 The increasingly changing world
Chapter 384 Jainas Plea
Chapter 385 Winter is coming
Chapter 386 The power of hope
Chapter 387
Chapter 388 Northrend is about to arrive
Chapter 389 The irresistible footsteps
Chapter 390 Death Knight
Chapter 391: Preparing for War
Chapter 392: Give up fantasy
Chapter 393: Recruitment (1)
Chapter 394: Recruitment (2)
Chapter 395: Recruitment (3)
Chapter 396 Weapons
Chapter 397 Dreams and Reality
Chapter 398: The Sorrow of Lordaeron 10k
Chapter 399 The Unchangeable Prophecy
Chapter 400: Transformation is not easy
Chapter 401 The Night Elves are coming
Chapter 402: Simple, but powerful and rich
Chapter 408 Illidan
Chapter 403
Chapter 404 The Elfs Difficulties 2.5k free chapters
Chapter 405 The Prophecy of the Moon God
Chapter 406 Communication with Moon God
Chapter 407 Tyrandes Choice
Chapter 408 Illidan
Chapter 409 Arrogance and Arrogance
Chapter 410: Backstabbing ally
I'll read it tomorrow morning... I came back late, I guess it was one or two o'clock when I finished writing.
Chapter 411 The first confrontation with N'Zoth
Chapter 412: The Choice of the Shadow Watchers
Chapter 413 Dwarf Surrender
Chapter 414: Promoted by Hatred
Chapter 415 The Sword Li Ke Wants
Chapter 416 Self-Knowledge
Chapter 417 Moral Crisis
Chapter 418 Reaching Consensus
Chapter 419: Powerful Undead Natural Disaster
Chapter 420: Progress of both sides
Chapter 421 Li Ke is getting more hasty
Chapter 422 The upcoming showdown
Chapter 423 Prophecy
Chapter 424 The Arrogance of Elf
Chapter 425: Kael'thas is desperate
Chapter 426: Grudges
Chapter 427 The Battle of Silver Moon City 5.5k
Chapter 428 Sweep
Chapter 429: City of Eternal Dawn
Chapter 430: Unchangeable Arrogance
Chapter 431 The Sin of the Arrogant
Chapter 432 The end of arrogance
Chapter 433: Fragile Arrogance
Chapter 434: Group interests within the group
Chapter 435: The Extinction of the Fire of Hope
Chapter 436: The end of the elves
Chapter 437: Arm wrestling
Chapter 438 The Importance of Intelligence
Chapter 439 Sargeras Thoughts
Chapter 440: The process of regression and progress
Chapter 441 Mortal and Mythical
Chapter 442: The Mages Backup
Chapter 443 Medivhs training methods
Chapter 444 Vision of Order
Chapter 445 Medivhs true purpose
Chapter 446: Evil Way Cultivation Method
Chapter 447 The Destruction of Dalaran
Chapter 448 Sargeras Will Oppression 6k
Chapter 449: Dalaran wakes up in the world
Chapter 456 Illidan
Chapter 450: The pace of the legion
Chapter 451: Hell Roars Choice
Chapter 459: Officially joining the war
Chapter 452 Death of Cenarius
Chapter 453 Xavius
Chapter 462 Harvest
Chapter 454 Jainas Reward
Chapter 455: Falling off the altar
Chapter 456 Illidan
Chapter 457 Demon Hunter 7k
Chapter 458 Investment Transactions
Chapter 459: Officially joining the war
Chapter 460 Malfurions World
Chapter 461 The Power of the Moon God
Chapter 462 Harvest
Chapter 463: Departure
Chapter 464 The Heart of the Philosopher King
Chapter 465 Well of Eternity
Chapter 466: Interrupted Treatment
Chapter 467 The group is destroyed
Chapter 468 Heavy mental pressure
Chapter 469 Awakening
Chapter 470 The End of the Rampage 9k
Chapter 471 Surrender and Resurrection
Chapter 472 War Mobilization
Chapter 473 Kael'thas' Surrender
Chapter 474 The Injury of the Soul
Chapter 475 Fandrals Surrender
Chapter 485 The first thing after waking up...
Chapter 476 The Surrender of the Eternal Dragon 6.5k
Chapter 477: Allied Forces 6k Free Chapters
Chapter 478 Attack Free Chapter
Chapter 479 Duel Invitation
Chapter 490 Li Ke’s realization
Chapter 480 The Death of Kael'thas
Chapter 481: The Burning Legions Response
Chapter 482 Entering a desperate situation 6.8k
Chapter 483 Azeroths Awakening
Chapter 484 The catastrophe is over
Chapter 485 The first thing after waking up...
Chapter 486 Complex Things
Chapter 487: Jainas surrender
Chapter 488 Territory Tour after Awakening 1
Chapter 489 Territory Tour after Awakening 2
Chapter 490 Li Kes realization
Chapter 502: The Vibrant People of Azeroth
Chapter 491 The possibility of orcs
Chapter 492: Changes in the Industrial Zone
Chapter 493: Differences in Design Concepts
Chapter 494: Dwarfs and Scarlet Crusaders
Chapter 508 Different Sorrows
Chapter 495: Everyones concerns
Chapter 496 The First Gus Meeting
Chapter 497 The meeting to decide the fate of the world 10k
Chapter 512 The terrible truth
Chapter 498 Everyone has their own thoughts and needs
Chapter 499: The Dragon Clan with Only One Way
Chapter 500 Li Kes choice
Chapter 501 Mountains and gravel
Chapter 502: The Vibrant People of Azeroth
Chapter 503: The person who takes the blame
Chapter 504 Collapse in Confusion
Chapter 520: The Demise of Ner'zhul
Chapter 505 Compromise and Choice
Chapter 506: The Changed Archbishop
Chapter 508 Different Sorrows
Chapter 509 Captain and Naga
Chapter 510 Meeting again
Chapter 511: An unceremonious meeting
Chapter 512 The terrible truth
Chapter 513: Aircraft Carrier and Mages
Chapter 514: Dalaran Mage for Power
Chapter 507 ‘Six-person’ Parliament
Chapter 515 Say hello
Chapter 516 Darkans Ambition
Chapter 517 For the Emperor 4.0k
Chapter 518: The Sacredness of Little People
Chapter 519 Deflection of the World Line
Chapter 520: The Demise of Ner'zhul
Chapter 521 Mograines Conflict
Chapter 522 The Tragedy of Mograine
Chapter 523 Betrayal
Chapter 524: The Crusaders Fall Apart
Chapter 542: Watch calmly
Chapter 525 Sharp Knife
Chapter 526: The Complete Collapse of Lordaeron
Chapter 545: Promise and Giving Up
Chapter 527 New Split
Chapter 528: Changes in Lordaeron
Chapter 529: The Arrogance of the Mage
Chapter 507 Six-person Parliament
Chapter 530 The Wind of Magic
Chapter 531: Dalaran that no one cares about
Chapter 532: The Darkness of the Mage
Chapter 533: The Changed History of Gilneas
Chapter 534 Li Ke plans to go home
Chapter 535 Li Ke returns to the territory 1 2k
Chapter 537 The only way for the orcs
Chapter 538 The Difficult Road Ahead
Chapter 539 Sausage Tactics
Chapter 540 Sausage Tactics 2.0
Chapter 541 Uninvited Guest
Chapter 542: Watch calmly
Chapter 543: Battle of light and shadow, passers-by are unlucky
Chapter 544 The speed of surrender
Chapter 545: Promise and Giving Up
Chapter 546 Super Green Tea
Chapter 565: Medivh’s Purpose
Chapter 547 Graysons surprise
Chapter 548 Azsharas Work
Chapter 568: Repaired Spaceship
Chapter 549 The full intervention of the night elves
Chapter 550: Differences in Race
Chapter 551 The first meeting of the empire is about to begin
Chapter 552: The harem participates in politics
Chapter 553: Desire for Power
Chapter 554 The Crow of the Empire
Chapter 555 Little Foreman
Chapter 556 Infiltration
Chapter 557: The Holy Light Is Not Trustworthy
Chapter 558: The Darkening of Benedictus
Chapter 559: Ignorant Guys
Chapter 560 Spy Work
Chapter 561: Current Situation of Stormwind City
Chapter 562 Alsaces secret hand
Chapter 563: Dick accidentally becomes a spy, and Li Ke is shocked to discover the loophole
Chapter 563 New Meeting
Chapter 564 The idea of leaving
Chapter 565: Medivhs Purpose
Chapter 566: A multiverse war that dare not be launched
Chapter 567: Desire for Cooperation
Chapter 568: Repaired Spaceship
Chapter 590: The Future of the Emperor's Children
Chapter 569 Li Kes ultimate kill
Chapter 570 Medivh surrenders
Chapter 571: The empire that devours its prey
Chapter 572 The End of Stormwind City 1
Chapter 573 Empire
Chapter 574: The devastating purge
Chapter 575: Peace Comes
Chapter 576 The first thing after peace
Chapter 577 Death of CThun
Chapter 578: Denathrius Persuasion
Chapter 579: I am not an emperor, but a guardian
Chapter 580: Ni Lin ran away
Chapter 601 Azeroth
Chapter 581 The Night Elves Enter 5k
Chapter 582 A piece of loose sand
Chapter 583 Kil'jaeden's Confusion
Chapter 584 Fishing
Chapter 585 Li Ke is causing trouble again
Chapter 586 Suramar
Chapter 587 Similar but different situations
Chapter 588: The Essence of the Children of the Night
Chapter 589: Tasteless
Chapter 590: The Future of the Emperor's Children
Chapter 591: Ideas and malice under a sense of crisis
Chapter 592: Blue Dragon Recognizes Each Other
Chapter 593 The Death of Odin
Chapter 594 Northrends Problem
Chapter 595: Alsaces scientific and technological achievements
Chapter 596 The death of the double player
Chapter 597: End of chores
Chapter 598 Mr. Ls secret mission
Chapter 599 Something terrible is happening
Chapter 623: Changes in Draenor
Chapter 600 Emperor
Since you asked, please tell me.
Chapter 601 Azeroth
Chapter 602: Dawn of Empire
Chapter 603 The anger of the betrayed
Chapter 604: The Emperors Children.
Chapter 605 Things that cannot be said
Chapter 606: The Work of the Watcher
Chapter 607 The Emperors Hatred
Chapter 608 Surrender
Chapter 609 The Demonstration of Kingly Way
Chapter 610 Li Kes new discovery
Chapter 612 The Empire Steady Forward 5.7k
Chapter 613 The Development of Imperial Literature and Art 5k
Chapter 614 Free Trade
Chapter 615: Gilneas’ Surrender
Chapter 617 Greymane’s Choice
Chapter 618 The development of the empire and the birth of the eldest son
Chapter 619: Those who feel deep pressure
Chapter 620 The Sons of the Emperor
Chapter 621 The Growth of the Emperor’s Children
Chapter 622: Unable to choose...
Chapter 623: Changes in Draenor
Chapter 624 The Burning Crusade
Chapter 625: The Wrath of Horus
Chapter 625: The Wrath of Horus
Chapter 627 Horus and Sanguinius
Chapter 629: The Empire’s Conventional Combat Power
Chapter 628 The Emperor is critically ill
Chapter 629: The Empires Conventional Combat Power
Chapter 630: Battlefields of Different Era
Chapter 631: Post-War Meeting
Chapter 632: Deflected Universe
Chapter 635: Demigods Playfulness
Chapter 633
Chapter 634: Brothers Differences
Chapter 635: Demigods Playfulness
Chapter 636 Horus Rejection
Chapter 637 Horus’ Purpose
Chapter 638: What Horus Sees
Chapter 639 The appearance of Deathwing
Chapter 640: The Gradually Mature Emperor's Son Free Chapter.
Chapter 641: The Six Forces’ Tricks
Chapter 642 The Heir to the Empire
Chapter 643 Different Wills
Chapter 644: For the Emperor
Chapter 645 Chaos
Chapter 647: Transmission of Information