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Chapter 10 The Influence of Power

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, and then quickly withdrew the power.

The next moment, he felt his heart beating crazily, and then his palms that turned into dragon claws began to change.

The dragon scales were the first to break away, then the long dragon claws, and finally the abnormal looking keel bones. Then, Li Ke's palm appeared among the dragon tendons and keel bones.

The fallen dragon tendons and keel bones turned into energy and began to float before they fell to the ground, and Li Ke could feel that the part of his fallen body had turned into a combination of several types of energy.

He tried to gather this energy, and was surprised to find that it took several forms.

There is holy light, evil energy, arcane energy, the power of shadow, and the power of death, which Li Ke has felt in the red dragon named Krasus, but he has never come into contact with it.

The power of life.

Not only that, there are also the powers of the four elements.

But more energy is the power of the black dragon, but part of the power of the black dragon is obviously consumed, which is less than before.

But his hands are still the same as before, without any changes, and they look like human beings.

Li Ke gathered these powers, and his heart stopped beating wildly. But immediately, the heartbeat that was about to return to its original state began to beat crazily again.

"In other words, if there is enough power in my body, I can create things?"

Li Ke sensed the power of the black dragon and released it into his palm again. This time, he felt exactly what happened.

His heart began to beat crazily, his body temperature began to increase, and then a light enveloped his palms. An extra layer of horn appeared on his palms, and then the horn gradually grew larger and changed into the shape of the previous dragon claws.


Li Ke's hand didn't feel like it was wrapped in any way, but he actually felt that the dragon claw was his hand.

Li Ke tried to move, and his dragon claws moved like his normal hands, and he used his dragon claws to grab the table. The table was immediately scratched with several marks by the sharp dragon claws, and Li Ke felt

But it was like grabbing water, with almost no feeling.

"This is really, really interesting."

I don’t know if Deathwing wanted to transform him into a dragon and added ingredients to the power of the black dragon, or if it was his own magic, but Li Ke felt that if he could have more power of the black dragon, he would probably be

Able to completely transform himself into a black dragon.

Li Ke put the dragon claw on the wild sword aside and scratched it gently. His dragon scales were scratched by the sharp sword, leaving bright red blood.

After releasing the power of the black dragon again, the dragon scales and bones on Li Ke's palms were separated again, and turned into his energy again.

However, a scar also appeared on Li Ke's hand, and blood continued to flow out.

"In other words, I am truly transformed? But my body still exists stably? What is the principle of this?"

Li Ke didn't quite understand, because he was sure that the extra limbs were made of energy, but when the limbs made of energy were hurt, he was still hurt.

This is very strange and difficult for Li Ke to understand.

"It seems that if I want to study and understand, I really need to study enough."

Infusing the newly acquired life force into his wound, Li Ke wanted to use this new power to heal his wound. But his expression immediately changed, because his wound began to heal quickly, but it did not

It didn't look like it was originally, but instead grew a weird sarcoma!

Li Ke was shocked. He quickly stopped the supply of life force, but the tumors on his fingers still existed!

This sarcoma was quite bloated and had no rules at all. Not only were there a large number of blood vessels entangled on it, Li Ke also saw many deformed nodules and connective tissues, greedily absorbing blood and nutrients from his body.

But this part is still considered his body.

Li Ke tried to take back this part of the power, but the life force in the sarcoma was quickly withdrawn, losing all activity and becoming withered.

But it still exists.

Li Ke had to use evil energy to burn this part of the flesh and blood, turning it completely into ashes, and then he could remove the deformed tumor from his finger.

But his finger still didn't heal. He had to use a knife to cut off a large piece of flesh on it, and then used holy light to forcefully heal his wound.

Stroking the delicate new skin, Li Ke looked at the connective tissue that had been cut off by himself. Without any thought of leaving it behind as a hazard, he also used evil energy to burn it cleanly.

"The vitality cannot be directly used in treatment... Is this because life itself is disordered? And the way it looked just now was more like a tumor, that is to say, the cancer cells will also be supported by the vitality. But why is the Holy Light

Can it be treated directly? Is it because we are on the side of order, or is it because of the 'good wishes'?"

Li Ke began to think, but when he thought of Azeroth's information about the vitality, he thought of those wildly growing plants and animals, as well as the violently changing animals.

And not only that, when mentioning the power of nature, the Druids would call it wild power, and the actions of the wilderness demigods were also quite wild and unruly.

"Is the nature of life, wild and chaotic?"

Li Ke frowned as he looked at his flesh and blood turned into ashes.

No wonder healing spells in this world are quite difficult, so everyone prefers the more convenient Holy Light spells. It turns out to be this reason.

Because holy light can still heal even if you don't know how to use it correctly, but other powers rarely have such benefits.

But Li Ke suddenly realized that he had used the method taught by Metis to treat himself with evil energy! And the method was quite wild. Basically, he poured evil energy into his body and then ignored it.

Li Ke quickly used the power of holy light to pass through his body several times. He did not control his power as usual, like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, so that they could not act on his body.

, but allowed the Holy Light to exist in his body.

Then the next moment, he felt pain all over his body. Not only that, but the area where he had previously used evil energy to treat was in severe pain.

The same applies to parts of the body that have been strengthened with evil energy, and can feel a considerable degree of pain.

Then, there was a moment of relaxation.

"I actually forgot such a thing..."

Because the evil energy in his body has always been very abundant, Li Ke has forgotten that the evil energy will affect the body he uses. Fortunately, he has always completely controlled these energies and does not let them

They had further effects on his body, which prevented permanent 'changes' in his body.

"Damn... Metis didn't say these things at the beginning, it seems..."

Li Ke took out the booklet that he never left behind.

"...It's time to settle the accounts."

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