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Chapter 26 The Love of the Holy Light

Chapter 26 Love of Holy Light

Under the illumination of the holy light, Jennifer's face began to recover rapidly, the skin that was thin and almost close to the bones began to fill up, and the hands that looked like bone claws also began to be filled with flesh and blood.

Jennifer herself felt as if she was immersed in the most sacred thing. A loving gaze was looking at her, making her constantly feel the beauty of life.

Then, this feeling stopped abruptly.

She opened her eyes and saw Li Ke lying on the ground panting. She hurriedly ran over and helped him up who had closed his eyes.

"Mr. Li Ke! Mr. Li Ke, are you okay?!"

She didn't want anything to happen to Li Ke because of her, even if it was related to her appearance and future.

"I'm fine, I'm just...too tired."

Li Ke reluctantly opened his eyes. He acted as if he was exhausted. He raised his hand tremblingly and touched Jennifer's cheek.

"I'm sorry, Jennifer, although I have been blessed by the Holy Light, I still haven't been able to fully heal you."

His eyes were full of pity, and his hand touched Jennifer's cheek.

"Oh! I'm sorry! This is all my fault!"

Jennifer, whose body was still filled with a lot of holy light, was very moved. She looked at Li Ke who fell on the ground and couldn't help but put him in her arms.

She didn't want to care about her appearance at all now, all she saw was the knight she longed for.

Although full of conspiracies and calculations, a knight of light came to save himself.

She had completely forgotten Li Ke's philistine appearance during the day. She didn't believe it, and no one would believe that someone who could summon such a powerful holy light would even let himself be so weak for the sake of others.

Will be a bad person!

Ah, he must have acted like that because he didn’t want to worry himself!

But why would the other party do such a thing?

She didn't understand, but the stories she saw told her that this was love at first sight.

In the joy and happiness brought by the Holy Light, Jennifer's mind suddenly became blank. The sudden love made her very blind, and she directly hugged Li Ke's and kissed him.

The red lips repaired by the Holy Light have their original look and taste. After all, they are still split from Jennifer's own body cells.

Li Ke didn't even have time to resist before he was attacked by this enthusiastic girl. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the scars he deliberately left, and couldn't help but sigh.

He originally didn't intend to really get involved with Jennifer. After all, in this world, he could just take care of himself. He didn't want to have a relationship or become bonded with a girl he had only seen for a few days.

This will only cause trouble.

However, Jennifer attacked her directly.

Although most of Jennifer's appearance has recovered now, scars still remain on half of her cheeks, and there is a lightning-like scar on her eyes and forehead.

"Even if I wanted to kiss you originally, I wanted to wait until you fully recovered before sharing my first kiss with you... But maybe this is the price I have to pay for deliberately not curing you."

A not-so-perfect first kiss.

Li Ke has also invested in it. Regardless of whether it is perfect or not, it is already like this. So besides investing, he has no choice.

The most important thing is to make the first experience as good as possible.

The two of them didn't know how long it lasted before it ended. Only when noisy sounds and footsteps came from outside, and Li Ke was panting and really about to faint, Jennifer finally stopped.

And from her flushed cheeks and excited expression, it can be seen that her condition is much better than that of Li Ke, who was almost defeated.

However, she realized that her hand had not returned to its original state. Although the flesh and blood had grown out, it still had a lot of scars, and her left hand was still difficult to move. It was obvious that it had not been completely repaired.

"Sorry, Jennifer, my ability is not enough to fully heal you..."

Li Ke's apologetic voice sounded again, he lit the candle, took out the mirror he had prepared long ago, and handed it to Jennifer's eyes.

He did it on purpose, because it was not in his current interests to consume all the Holy Light to treat Jennifer.

Jennifer took over her mirror with some anxiety, and with the help of the lit candlelight, she saw a beautiful face... But unfortunately, half of her face was still flawed, and the vertical lines that penetrated her eyes were

The scar also looks very much like a knife scar.

Moreover, only her right hand has regained its natural mobility of both hands, but the skin is full of scars and burn marks.

It was certainly not perfect and her beauty did not return.

If she was beautiful before, then she is just visible to people now and has a shadow of the past.

"It's okay, Li Ke, I know how hard you have worked..."

But she was very happy.

Although she was indeed a little disappointed, she was still full of joy. This was not only the power of the Holy Light, but also her own true thoughts.

"You have brought me new life, my dear."

She directly used the term of endearment, and Li Ke smiled and nodded, but at the same time, he saw a figure standing in the shadows.

That was the figure of Greet. She stood in the darkness and her expression could not be seen clearly, but Li Ke knew that she must be quite complicated now.

Jennifer hugged Li Ke, and Li Ke also noticed another effect of the Holy Light.

Through the holy light he released into Jennifer, he felt the most sincere joy in Jennifer's heart, as well as the strong emotion that could be called love.

Li Ke didn't know how much role the Holy Light played in this, but at this moment, Jennifer did love him.

It's really wonderful and ridiculous.

And naturally, Jennifer also felt his current emotions.

"You don't have to feel guilty, honey."

Jennifer stroked Li Ke's hair, showing her affection to her heart's content, and couldn't help but rub Li Ke's cheek with her restored smooth skin.

And she knew what this meant.

But she was very happy and willing, because she found the knight she wanted, a knight who saved her and had a mysterious feeling.

For a girl like her who lives in the countryside, this is undoubtedly an irresistible temptation.

Not to mention, Li Ke also became her father's knight and her fiancé.

What made her feel embarrassed and cruel about fate these mornings now made her feel happy.

But Li Ke just stroked her red hair and waist, and looked at Greet who stood silently behind her.


Although he did have desire for the girl, he did not have love.

He also doesn't want to pursue love at this time.

"I'm sorry, little girl, what you like is not what you thought, just some arrogant knights."

(End of chapter)

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